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Right Angle Vector Addition Lab

A) Subject: Vectors Level/Grade: Physics 30S

Lesson Topic: Right angle Vector addition Date: Jan 12th, 2017
B) Context
Students have been developing skills with using vector notation and developing strategies for resolving
vector addition in 2 dimensions. The vectors they have seen thus far are only comprised of x or y
components and have not seen vectors with a combination of these.

2. CURRICULUM: Description
Vector outcomes are included in the kinematics unit of the Mechanics cluster, with focus on
differentiation of scalar and vector quantities. However, students in Physics 30S and Physics 40s will
continue to see vector notation and vector applications so the strategies for adding and subtracting vector
components will be used throughout a majority of the clusters.

Lab Handout
Tape measures, long track measures, string line, meter sticks, roller, measuring wheels


Classroom will be arranged normally during the introduction, works, and conclusion portions. However,
for the main lab activity, students will be divided into groups of 2 or 3 students. During the lab, students
will take different routes through the school from the class to the office.

C) Learning Expectations
Students will be recalling information discussed in the previous few lessons in order to complete
their work, as well as answering questions regarding precision and error measurements in
laboratory experiments and how the choice of apparatus can impact these.
D) Instructional Strategies for Teaching & Learning
Class will reconnect to the previous lesson by a quick whiteboard quiz for formative
assessment purposes and to refresh students memories for the lab experiment. 5 minutes.
First, I will outline the experiment by explaining the process of measuring straight lines
down the hallway; making sure to stop and pivot 90 degrees should they have to change
direction. Secondly, I will outline the different routes students will take and which apparatus they
will use, and how to use them.
Students will then, with their partners, measure out the selected route as accurately as
they can in straight lines running east/west and north south, following the directions in both the
route map, and the lab outline, making sure to record their data and draw their route.
After students have returned to the class, they will continue to work on the lab report
until they have calculated their resultant displacement vector and their angle. They will come up
and write their number so students are able to get a class average and develop a box plot analysis
of the data on their lab handout (Likely this will take to the end of the period). The following
period, I will reconvene with students and discuss the process and importance of box plot
analysis for experiments. Students will have about 20-30 minutes class time to work on their lab
write up, after which it will be for homework. 110 minutes.

Follow up class I will again talk about different sources of error in their experiments, as
well as the choice of precision instruments and error analysis for conducting experiments. Since
the lab results the students get should be technically identical, regardless of route or apparatus,
any deviation is likely to come from the handling or type of apparatus.
15 minutes.

4.Future Application
Use of vector addition will continue throughout the dynamics course, as well as Physics
40S. Similarly, concepts explored in the lab will reinforce the effect apparatus can have on the
validity of experimental data.

E) Assessment
Students will be graded and given feedback based on a rubric for the lab handout and will focus
on how students articulate their thoughts regarding precision measurement, statistical analysis
and the algebraic process of vector addition

Feedback after lesson:

Right Triangle
Tip-to-tail vector addition
Cardinal notation

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