Name-Qualification - Designation

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Qualification -

1. Do you perform competency regularly in your company ?

a. Yes
b. No.

2. Does competency Mapping help you in forecasting manpower planning ?

a. Agree
b. Disagree
c. Strongly Agree
d. Strongly Disagree.
c. Neutral

3. Does the recruitment and selection processes carried out considering competency of
the individual ?

a. Yes
b. no
c. can't Say.

4. Do you feel that competency mapping improve the career development of the
employees in an organization.

a. Yes
b. no
c. can't Say.

5. Is the Knowledge is transferred to all the departments in your organization ?

a. Yes
b. no
c. can't Say.

6. Do you feel you need training to perform your work ?

a. Yes
b. no
c. can't Say.

7. What competency helps you the most ?

a. Knowledge
b. Facilitation Skills
c. Decision making skills

8. Are the promotion policy of an organization follows Competency mapping ?

a. Yes
b. No

9. My company encourage the Talent Pool ?

a. yes
b. No

10. Are the company provided the competency based coaching scheme?

a. yes
b. No

11. Are you continuously motivated and supported by your organization ?

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. disagree
d. strongly disagree.
e. Neutral.

12. Have you faced any sort of problem by implementing the Competency mapping in
your organization?

a. Yes
b. No

13. During when you will access your competency /

a. Recruitment .
b. promotion
c. Career Development .

14 Do you find any useful by using the Competency mapping in your organization ?

a. Yes
b. no
c. can't Say.

15. In what way do you feel better to access your competency ?

a. PI
b. WT
c. GD
d. Psychometric
16. Did you like to Implement the Competency mapping in your Organization ?

a. Yes
b. No

17. The organization support for interacting with higher Level ?

a. Strongly agree
b. Agree
c. Disagree
d. Neutral.
e. Strongly disagree

18. The organization provide you training for free of cost ?

a. Yes .
b. No

19. What are the typical issues that you face in the course of your work?

20.What are the different programs that you had organized/ participated in
your organization?

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