Format For Writing The Business Plan Assignment 2015

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Format for writing the Business Plan Assignment 2015

Dr A R M Harunur Rashid

Name of the business

Tagline: In one sentence describe your business and what uniqueness it has(how it could
be differentiated from the similar businesses or organizations)


Visual Presentation of your business: Logo, interior decoration, color theme(e.g. red color
by Robi), printing material format including font(e.g. font and color format used in AB
Banks business card, print ad, letters etc)

Vision: in future say after 15 years, the goal that your business wants to achieve.

Mission: The things your business do on day to basis and the specific things/service you
want to offer to your customers/clients/audience.

Customer Profiling: ho will be your customer, what age group, specific ethnic groups etc.

Competitors analysis: Who are your competitors and what they offer.

SWOT analysis: What would be the strength and weakness of your business

Unique Selling Point(USP) / Niche: what unique thing your business could offer or are
you serving in a specific group of customer or else.

Sourcing: how would you procure raw materials or things required for your business.

Pricing: what would be the price of your product or service.

Distribution: how would you distribute or supply your product or service to your
customers(i.e. dealers, own outlets, internet selling etc)

Advertising: print ad,tv ad, radio ad, internet ad, word of mouth etc.

Break even analysis: Find pay back period. Usually it should be within 5 years.

Rate of Return(ROR) analysis: ROR should be atleast equal to MARR, better higher than
MARR. To find ROR, you may take your business cash flow of 5 years.

Financing: how would you finance your business from your own savings, relatives,
bank loan, P2P loan, angel investors, crowd funding etc.
People: key people in your business and short biography of them. For example, CEO,
Chief Technical Officer, Production Engineer etc.

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