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Title of Article: French President Francois Hollande on Tuesday called for justice over the alleged rape of a black

youth with a police baton, an

incident that has sparked over 10 nights of rioting and more than 200 arrests Author: NEWS WIRES
Direct Quotation: "Justice must be served," Hollande said during a visit to Aubervilliers, located in the tough Seine-Saint-Denis region northeast of Paris where a
22-year-old youth worker, identified only as Theo, was assaulted on February 2.

Paraphrase: On February 2nd, after being stopped by police in the suburbs of Aulnay-sous-bois, a 22 year old worker who is simply known as theo was brutally
violated by four policemen. The police have since then been suspended from the force, however that doesnt stop the people from rioting and demanding for justice.
Its not only the people who are demanding justice though, President Hollande has also recently come out and joined the people, exclaiming that there needs to be
justice for the polices actions.

Summary: After President Hollande came out, he voiced his opinion on the matter very bluntly, stating that Justice must be served. Theo, who had been stopped
by police for an alleged stop-and-search, was brutally raped by four police officers who had remained nameless to the public. The injuries inflicted on Theo during
the supposed stop-and-search caused an uproar in France, causing 10 nights of rioting as well as 0ver 200 arrests. Currently, Theo is in the hospital and receiving
treatment for his injuries that have been inflicted by the four police officers.

Citation in MLA format: Wires, News. "President Hollande demands justice in alleged rape by French police case." France 24. France 24, 15 Feb. 2017. Web. 24
Feb. 2017.

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