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Title of Article:Sierra Leone Economy Author:Candace Mckim

Direct Quotation:Significant structural weaknesses, however, continue to strain the fragile

economy. Poverty reduction and economic growth are hampered by a restrictive regulatory
environment, inadequate infrastructure, and weak enforcement of contracts. The financial system is
still recovering from civil war and lacks the capacity to provide sufficient credit for vibrant
business activity. Pervasive corruption and nearly nonexistent property rights are significant
drags on private-sector

Paraphrase: The economy of Sierra Leone is weak and lacks power. The country is restrictive
and holds little authority as far a contracts are concerned. It does not help that the
country is still healing from a civil war. The economy is harsh as well as generally

Summary:Sierra Leone's economy is weak, loose, and unstable.There is little to no economic

freedom.Likewise, there is equal efforts being put into holding contracts, or into promoting new
business. This being said, it would be a lie as to say no effort is being put into future change.
There has been attempts to improve taxes as well as public debt. The fact that Sierra Leone is also
just coming out of a decade long civil war, which has impacted the economy dramatically.Living
standards are low. Diamond is there biggest export and product, making up about half of their
total exports.

Citation in MLA format:"Sierra Leone." Sierra Leone Economy: Population, GDP, Inflation, Business, Trade, FDI, Corruption. N.p.,
n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2017.

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