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[South African Police clearance certificates]

[Dean Beifus] Email Us Email Us

Table of Contents

1. Introduction
2. The Basic
3. Importance before Visa Processing
4. Conclusion

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A li lrn certificate is a dumnt whih nfirm tht n riminl offences

have bn rrdd r r nding against th rn nmd on th certificate. It is
issued b th li or thr authorized organization in th originating country.

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The Basic

Although vlid nl n th day f issue mt countries ruiring clearance rtifit

nidr thm t b "unexpired" for a rid of but ix months frm th issue dt.
Th rtifit are concerned nl with riminl offences. Debt, minr
midmnr nd civil mttr r nt rrtd itm so far li lrn
rtifit r concerned.

Thi rtiulr rtifit i called b thr nm lik riminl lrn, rtifit of

gd ndut, behavior rtifit nd conviction record. Irrespective of th nm, th
ur i t prove that the candidate i fr frm any frm f guilt verdict.

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Importance before Visa Processing

When applying fr vi or immigrtin rvi n individul, wh h resided fr

mr than ix mnth in a nation nd who h ttind 18 r f age will have to
submit Police Clearance Crtifit (PCC) t the ntin t which h i immigrating.

Indin who are ging t immigrt t thr nations, will hv t submit thi
rtifit. For hling ut th l, thr are rfinl firms with xrti in
ffring th right kind f guidn in thi rt.

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Fr ling fr li lrn rtifit , people will hv to ubmit an litin

frm lld Miscellaneous Application Frm N.2, whih n be btind frm th
rt ffi. They r t librt t ubmit thi litin b themselves.

On th thr hnd, whn th n seek th hl f rfinl firm, th can get

th works done fftivl without any hl. Whn applying, th should have
dumnt like original rt, ridntil rf nd in case th individual has nt
stayed in the urrnt ddr for the t n year, h will have to ubmit nthr
application lld Prnl Prtiulr Form.

PAGE 5 Email Us

Th lrn certificate goes b mn diffrnt names; wht u'r lking for i n

ffiil dumnt that records n convictions n your riminl record. Rgrdl f
whthr you hv n convictions r nt, you will b ruird to produce official
vidn that ur rrd i lr.

If you record i nt lr u m till b bl t teach brd, but u will nd to find

ut whih untri will grant you a wrk rmit with the convictions u hv.

PAGE 6 Email Us

On u'v btind ur li lrn certificate, tk it with u whn u mv

vr. It' n of those imrtnt dumnt u huld always b bl to l ur
hands on. A lrn certificate i n f th t 10 things to tk whn moving
brd. Yu'll nd t hv th riginl with you; it's nt one of th documents you can
rr in digital frmt.

Whn you r nring th nd f you firt vr thing contract trt making

enquiries but what u nd to do t btin a clearance certificate from the police in
th country you've bn thing in. Thi i important! Whn u'r teaching brd
it' imrtnt u mintin an unbrkn hin of police lrn rtifit r th

PAGE 7 Email Us


Shuld u vntull dir t rturn home and pick up ur thing career there,
u'll need t supply th clearance certificates u'v lltd whilt wrking brd.
A nun f not being able t rdu a record f your nvitin hitr uld b
tht u'r unbl to continue working in th dutin industry a teacher when u
return home.

To learn more about South African Police Clearance Certificates please pay a visit to
our website. Thanks for reading and please share with your friends and family to let
them know also.

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