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1. Read the text and answer the questions:
Hi! My names Eddie and Im 26 years old. Im from Canada. I love walking,
mountain biking and climbing. Five years ago I climbed Mount Everest with
my German friend, Stefan.

We started our journey in March. There were 20 people in our climbing team.
We arrived at Start camp in May but stayed there for five days because there
was lots of snow and it was very windy.

We started the climb to the top on the 15th May. On the morning of the 16th
May we reached the top. It was amazing! We were tired but very happy.

We stayed at the top of the mountain for just 10 minutes. We took lots of photos for our friends and

Two years ago I climbed Mount Aconcagua in Argentina. It was a fantastic climb but my trip to Mount
Everest is a trip I can never forget.

0 What does Eddie love doing?

He loves walking, mountain biking and climbing.

1 When did he climb Mount Everest?


2 How long did they stay at Start camp?


3 Why did they stay at Start camp?


4 When did they reach the top of Mount Everest?


5 What did they do at the top?


2. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of the verb to be.
Anna: Where 0 were you last night?

Bella: I 1 __________ at Jacks party.

Anna: 2 __________ his parents there?

Bella: Yes, they were.

Anna: 3 __________ his sister Sally there?

Bella: No, she 4 __________. She was at the cinema.

Anna: 5 __________ it fun or boring?

Bella: Boring!

3. Complete the text with the past form of the verbs below .
be / visit / stay / play / call / go / realize
Last Saturday morning it 0 was cold and raining so I didnt 1 __________ to the park and I didnt play

football. After lunch I 2 __________ my grandparents with my mum and dad. It was a bit boring! In the

afternoon I 3 __________ my best friend and we 4 __________ that it was our English exam on Monday. So

we 5 __________ at home to finish our homework. What a boring day!

4. Write the questions and the short answers.

0 You / play football last Saturday?

Did you play football last Saturday?___________

Yes, I did. No, I didnt.

1 Polly and Erin / watch a film last night?



2 Your brother / break your mobile phone yesterday?



3 Kate Nelson / climb up a crane in 2005?



4 They / go to the beach last summer?



5 he / finish his homework last week?



5. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. You will need to use
some word twice.

Up- down- in- out- on- of

1. Its hot here. Im going to take OFF my jumper.

2. Leo, look at all your books on the floor! Pick them , please.

3. Its cold today, put . your jacket, please.

4. Lets go . tonight!

5. Why are you in my room? Please get .. .

6. Yesterday, my cat climbed . A tree, and then it couldnt get .

6. Listen to short conversations and say if these sentences are T (true) or

F (false):

0 Jessica can go to the cinema on Friday. F.

1 Jessicas parents arent angry.

2 Simons teacher isnt very happy.

3 Simon went to the mountains at the weekend.

4 Simons got an English exam next Tuesday.

5 Johnny wants Simon to study at his house for the exam.

7. Write a letter to a friend talking about you. (45-55 words)

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