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Chinese Dynasties VIDEO Follow Along

Directions: While you listen to the video, fill in the blanks or answers the questions. Use CC to help
you fill in. Pause and rewind as needed to move at your own pace.
Video Link [Posted In Google Classroom]

From 1766 BCE to the Common Era China was ruled by

A dynasty is a family that passes control from one

__________________________________________ to the next.

Dynasties can rule for different periods of time. For example, one
dynasty ruled for more than ________ years, while another lasted for only
_____________ years.

The Mandate of Heaven

The Ancient Chinese believe their ancestors in heaven had chosen their
What is this concept called?
What would cause the Chinese people to rebel against their leader?

The Shang Dynasty

Although some people believe their may have been other dynasties
before the Shang Dynasty, they are the first to leave behind
What was an invention during the Shang Dynasty that is something we
use today? ______________
During the Shang Dynasty the rulers ____________ the empire from
Mongolia to the Pacific Ocean.
CHALLENGE: How do empires usually expand?
They also practiced ___________ ___________. If the King died some of his
subjects even joined him in the grave!

Zhou [CHOU] Dynasty

Who were the Zhou dynasty originally?
CHALLENGE: What does that mean?
How were they able to gain power?
Why would a dynasty with great weapons be able to beat a dynasty
without metal weapons? _______________________________
The Zhou developed a feudal system. What is a feudal system?
How is loyalty related to the feudal system?
OPINION: Do you think this will work? Why or why not?
The Zhou made money by taxing their people. What did they do with that
money? _______________________________________
OPINION: Do you think that was a smart way to spend their
money? ____________________________
The Zhou also built _______________________, irrigation systems, and
___________________. [REMIND YOU OF ANYWHERE ELSE?!?!]

Warring States Period

Chinese ______________________ gradually gained MORE power than the
____________________________ rulers.
This leads to a time known as the Warring States Period.-
Think about its name!
During this time of instability (things were crazy!) who tried to help
develop a good government?

Qin [CHIN] Dynasty

The Warring States Period ends when the
_________________________________________________ unified (stops the fighting) China.
The Qin rulers clearly explained their rules and ___________________
_________________ them. They were not messing around!
The created standardized weights and measurements and started
___________ projects.
CHALLENGE - Why would they do that?
They also gave ________________________________________ the land that they
worked on.
CHALLENGE- Why would they do that?
This dynasty is where China gets is ______________________________!!!!
Which group influenced the Qin dynasty?
The __________________ believed that a powerful leader and a ______________
___________ were needed to create social order
If you disagreed with the Legalist ideas, what would happen to you?

Han Dynasty
During the Han Dynasty, China grew in a
_______________________________________ empire.
Scholars were trained in the teachings of
________________________________________ and used that to rule the government.
What are three achievements during this dynasty?


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