Einstein Challenge March PDF

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Einstein Challenge: March

Einstein Lunch: Thursday March 30

! Pick one of the following activities to complete at
home, then pass it off with Mrs. Gardner before March 30th
to qualify for this months lunch!

OPTION 1: Book Report

Design a book report for a chapter book you have read.
It can be a book you recently read, or a new book that
you read this month. It should be something YOU have
read in 2nd grade. Attached is a list of some ideas of
how to make it creative and interesting, but dont feel
limited to the list there are hundreds of ways you can
report about a book! You will present your book report
to the class.

OPTION 2: Spring Break Trip

Plan a trip your family could take over Spring Break.
Include details about where you are going, how you will
get there (mode of transportation), a schedule of
activities by time, what or where you will eat, how you
will raise money for the trip, etc. Show off your math
skills by using as many money figures, graphs,
clocks/time figures as you can!

*Einstein Challenges are to be completed by

the STUDENT. Parents are encouraged to
help, but also encouraged to allow the
student make it HIS/HER OWN!*

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