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10 Dealers of Illicit Goods

A collection of recidivists to be used as minor npc and supporting cast

Version 1.0; written by Kai Ptz

Legal & other stuff:

Created by: Kai Ptz; (c) 2016

My blog:

Artwork: Some artwork copyright John Buckley, used with permission.

Portrait artwork by the Terrible Character Portraits.

The art was done by Jeff Preston -

User under the the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

Dark Heresy, GW, Games Workshop, the Games Workshop logo, Space Marine, 40K,
Warhammer, Warhammer 40,000 Role Play, Warhammer 40,000 device, Double-Headed Eagle
device, and all associated marks, logos, places, names, creatures, races and race insignia/
devices/logos/ symbols, vehicles, locations, weapons, units and unit insignia, characters,
products and illustrations from the Warhammer 40,000 universe and the Dark Heresy game
setting are either or TM, and/or Games Workshop Limited, variably registered in the UK
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About this PDF

The document you are currently reading is unofficial fan material and in no way endorsed
by GW, FFG or any other of the stake holders of the 40K universe. It is not meant as a
challenge to any copyright. A long, long time ago I put down 10 black market dealers for
the first edition of Dark Heresy. Back than the Inquisitors Handbook (IH) was the hot stuff,
Hive Sibillus was the seat of government, items had prices in Thronegelt, my English was
truly horrible (or I was just sloppy) and the DH Gamemaster forum of FantasyFlightGames
was buzzing. I am an oldtimer, I have found memories. Anyway, I stumbled upon the old
topic with my ten black market dealers, corrected the grammar, got myself some artwork
(see above) and decided to release them as a PDF. If you like what you have hear, please visit
my blog. Oh! And you will find a lot of references in here to material from DH1st, so dont
scratch your head to much if you only know DH2nd and cannot make head or toe of the
names and worlds.

01# The Wormbreeder
A small and somewhat hunchbacked old hiver accompanied by two youngsters (who look
like they are close relatives of him) stand next to a dozen (or so) 1 gallon, semi-transparent
plastic cans. Each of those are filled with a murky red substance and from time something
moves inside. A dirty hand written sign made of cardboard advertises "THE SINOPHIAN

Chiron (the older one) and his sons Danius and Ryha sell Sinophian Boreworms [see
"Creatures Anathema"] to those who look for a more stylish method of tortur and/or
execution. They demand 50 throngelt a piece. "These beasts are hard to get by and need to
be feed with meat and blood."

02# Dekkos Devices

Dekko is an extraordinary tall guy draped in layers of shoddy coats, shirts, scuffles and
skirts, all gray or blue. He wears mismatching murker graves and a respirator, and never
pulls back the cowl. He sells a number of hand-made devices (all looking similar, none of
them alike) which he claims to be multikeys. Currently he has three of those for sale, 120 a
piece and 4 "stummers" for 20 a each.

"Dekko" is void born Recyklator (see IH) who fled from his ship. He now sells his services in
the hive to make a living and has been doing so for a couple of years now. His identity he
hides to his best effort, since he found out that his ilk draws attention, and attention is a bad
thing here. His multikeys are indeed hand made from scrounged parts but he isnt that
skilled in building them. When some-one uses one of his multikeys on a lock, roll 1w10 x3.
That is the actual bonus one gets for that lock from the key (instead of the flat +30). His "re-
furbished" stummers only give half of the bonus the standard device gives.

03# The ServoSlaver

A bloated figure with a skin covered in oils and stitched-in tech-charms, the Gallius the
Servo-Slaver offers three "re-rigged" servitors: a standard servitor fitted with a nail gun, a
pest control servitore, complete with a small flamer and what looks to be a heavy industrial
servitor. He has access to an a device that helps him to "steal" a servitor by wiping most of its
command codes and allowing him to re-write them verbally. Gallius sells "his" servitors for
500 thrones each, complete with very long cloaks. He only shows up once every two month
in this district and never has problems to find a buyer for his wares. What seems to be a gun
servo skull always hovers over him.

The "ServoSlaver" is a renegade Technomat who has been found guilty of the hidden sins of
research and re-enginieering. After he found out how to "re-program" a servitor, he
vanished and left his family behind (which was put down by the Mechanicus later, as an
example to the other Technomat families).

04# "Heather"
A women of indiscriminate age in brown robes and a stained white cloak. A number of
cables run along her throat and end in crude plastic prosthesis that replaces her lower jar,
and she shows the signs of plasma burning on most of her exposed skin. Every hour or so
she rubs some blue gel onto them. Her wares are 10 plasma flasks (6 for pistols; 4 basic for
basis weapon) and demands the list price.

Heather was a low level Tech-Adpet in who tended to plasma reactors and re-filled
weapon flasks. After the Mechanicus threatened to turn her into a servitor as a flask filled
by her damaged a plasma rifle, "Heather" fled. She now buys/gathers empty flasks and re-
fills them by tapping plasma conduct (a dangerous work that keeps a whole team of
technomats busy with patching up "leaking" plasma conducts all over the area). Since she
has no means for proper pressure-sizing, her flasks only offer 6 shots (pistols) or 4 shots
(basic) and a weapon using her flasks gains the "unreliable" quality.

05# Lazarus Blaze

The alloy-jumpsuit clad, haggard guy that calls himself "Lazarus Blaze" (not his real name)
sells las weapons that he and his menials break down before the transport (for smuggling)
and re-build before sale. Some of the weapons are standard quality, but most of them are
low quality and all of them have some modification to them (like overcharged). His "best
offer (which he has not sold yet) is a rebuild Long Las of good quality.

06# "Old Ira", the Cognomen Forger

Ira is a bald elderly women whom dresses in a hivers patchwork-overcoat and light green
robes and carries a battered looking portable cogitator (in a large suitcase strapped to her
back) and a cognom-reader device plus pict-recorder (in an old leather purse).

Once, Ira worked as a scribe for the Administratum, but that is a long-long time ago. Now,
she forges cognomen and documents for the criminals. Lately, she was able to "buy" a lot of
Tantalus Combine Data, mostly from "missing" people that do not seem to be missed that

07# "Jonner, the Vox Thief"
A small, chubby guy with a goat beard and thinning hair. Jonner sells a small amount of
used looking vox thieves, but this only his cover around here. He is an agent to [insert third
party] who likes to keep taps on the underworld. All of his vox thieves are modified. If one
them is in range of his master device he is able to pick up anything the "thief" picks up.
Aside from that , Jonner informs his masters of new faces who come asking for his goods.

08# Bolt Man Carsten

A grizzled looking guy in an old military flak great coat who sports a red beard and wears a
big visor that covers half of his face. He openly carries a bolt pistol and looks like trouble.
Carsten is a thug from gunmetal city (and speaks with a heavy dialect) who is the
henchmen of a heretek that builds and sells bolter rounds. Carsten sells those straight out of
the pocket of his great coat, 12 gelt per bolt.

The problem is that the projectiles lack punch (losing the rending quality) and do not fly
stable (-10 at long range, -30 at extreme range). But Carsten is very good at silencing

09# Lucky Lionel, the Narco Syndicate Connection

Lucky is a member of one of a local narco syndicate and responsible for selling obscura to
the nacro gangs. He hits the district every two weeks with a new five kilo load of pure
Obscura and is always accompanied by three goons.

10# Davinion, the Gundealer

A small guy, even for a hiver, with a square jaw and the most unpleasant smiles that
overlarge, artificial teeth can produce. He is always accompanied by two dames in armored
body suits, one of them thin as a needle with neon-blue hair, the other shaved bald and to
full of figure to look good in her. Both of them openly wear high-caliber pistols. Davinion
is small-time gun runner who behaves like he is bigger than he is. The Enforcer could have
taken him out twice by now, but he is a snitch to them. His offers include good quality
weapons as well as some choice pieces from the famous hive of Gunmetalcity (see IH).

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