Rubric Final

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Multimedia Project : Cultural Cuisine

Teacher Name: Ms. H

Names of Group Members___________________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Sources Source information Source information Source information Very little or no
collected for all collected for all collected for source information
graphics, facts and graphics, facts and graphics, facts and was collected.
quotes. All quotes. Most quotes, but not
documented in documented in documented in
desired format. desired format. desired format.

Attractiveness Makes excellent use Makes good use of Makes use of font, Use of font, color,
of font, color, font, color, graphics, color, graphics, graphics, effects etc.
graphics, effects, effects, etc. to effects, etc. but but these often
etc. to enhance the enhance to occasionally these distract from the
presentation. presentation. detract from the presentation content.

Mechanics No misspellings or Three or fewer Four misspellings More than 4 errors in

grammatical errors. misspellings and/or and/or grammatical spelling or grammar.
mechanical errors. errors.

Content Covers topic in- Includes essential Includes essential Content is minimal
depth with details knowledge about the information about OR there are several
and examples. topic. Subject the topic but there factual errors.
Subject knowledge knowledge appears are 1-2 factual
is excellent. to be good. errors.

Organization Content is well Uses headings or Content is logically There was no clear
organized using bulleted lists to organized for the or logical
headings or bulleted organize, but the most part. organizational
lists to group related overall organization structure, just lots of
material. of topics appears facts.

Oral Interesting, well- Relatively Delivery not smooth, Delivery not smooth
Presentation rehearsed with interesting, but able to hold and audience
smooth delivery that rehearsed with a audience attention attention lost.
holds audience fairly smooth most of the time.
attention. delivery that usually
holds audience
Workload The workload is The workload is The workload was The workload was
divided and shared divided and shared divided, but one not divided OR
equally by all team fairly by all team person in the group several people in the
members. members, though is viewed as not group are viewed as
workloads may vary doing his/her fair not doing their fair
from person to share of the work. share of the work.

Requirements All requirements are All requirements are One requirement More than one
met and met. This includes was not completely requirement was not
EXCEEDED. This using a proper web met. completely met.
includes using a 2.0 tool for
proper web 2.0 tool commercial, turning
for commercial, in all assignments,
turning in all and collaborating
assignments, and properly with group.
properly with group.

Final Grade_____________/32

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