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Roll No...........................

No. of Questions: 08] .
[Total No. of Pages:
. .

Paper ID [CE519]
(Please fill this Paper ID in OMR Sheet)

Time: 03 Hours Maximum Marks: 100 .

Instruction to Candidates:
1) Attempt any Five. questions.
2) All questions carry equal m~ks.

Ql) Design a rectangular core shear wall 3000 x 60000 x 300 mm, if it is
subjected to 200 kNm moment in x direction, 350 kNm moment in y
direction and an axial load of4000 kN. Use M25 concrete and Fe 415
. steel.
. .
Q2) Determine the shears and end moments in the columns and beams of the.
building frame with moment resistance joints as show\}in figure below.
Also determine axial forces in the columns
30 kN
5m 5m 5m

40kN 3m

- 3m

60kN 3m


Q3) What are the different types of load coming on High Rise Buildings?
Explain in detail wind load and earthquake load and their effects on design
of tall buildings. .
R - 32 PoT.O.
Q4) Write in details about the followings:
(a) Design lateral force, Base shear & Fundamental time period.
(b) Wind pressure coefficients and wind force calculation as per IS; 873':
Q5) What are the methods of structural design of tall concrete and masonry

Q6) What are the advantages of Limit State Design? How serviceability criteria'
are being taken care while designing a structure by Limit State.Design?

Q7) Discuss in details about elastic as well as plastic analysis and design of
structures with the help of suitable examples.

Q8) Briefly discuss the following:

(a) Dynamic analysis of structures.
(b) Wind pressure coefficient calculation as per IS; 875.
(c) Non linear analysis of structures.
(d) Planning consideration of tall buildings.

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