That Delicious Smell

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About 302 words

Venisia Gonzalez
Torrance, CA 90505

That Delicious Smell

By Venisia Gonzalez

There’s that smell again. I don’t know what it is, but the smell is delicious. I wish I could see

what she is doing to make that smell. Every time I try to inspect, she tells me to stop. She knows

that I will love whatever it is. The smell is intoxicating and I drool in anticipation.

She sits at the table with her plate loaded with that intoxicating smell. She didn’t even ask me

if I wanted any. She knows that I am here waiting in anticipation. Is she blind? Can she not see

how desperate I am to devour her plate of that delicious smell?

Each time I speak, she tells me “no” or “stop.” I try to walk away but that smell, it begs me to

return. No matter what I do or how much I ask, she always tells me no. I must have that delicious

smell. I watch her hand move towards her mouth and each time I cry inside.
Gonzalez/ That Delicious Smell/2

I can’t take it anymore. I must have that delicious food before it is all gone. How will I do it?

Maybe I will get her attention in another room, she’ll leave it, and I will get my chance. That is

what I will do.

I fled to her bedroom to find her packages of shiny items on the table. I walked over, knocked

them to the ground, and hid from sight. She came running into the bedroom after she heard the

sound of shattered glass. I then, quickly and quietly, ran into the kitchen. There on the dining

room table was my reward.

What heaven am I tasting? This is the best I… have no idea what this is.

Suddenly the air in the room went cold. “Leelu, no! Bad dog,” my master said.

The End.

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