04 GXP B2 Progress Test 04

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Gold Experience B2 Progress test 4

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1 Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in brackets.
1) Starting (start) young is quite a common factor among entrepreneurs, but Caine Monroy was just
nine years old when his idea made him famous all over the world. He is expected 2) ________
(become) a millionaire before his thirtieth birthday!

During Caines summer holidays his dad let him 3) ________ (play) in his shop while he was working
and Caine decided 4) ________ (make) miniature games from cardboard boxes and tubes. After
5) ________ (work) for a long time Caine had made a complete arcade of small games with a ticket
booth 6) ________ (sell) tickets to customers. He waited for customers to visit his arcade, but no one
did! Then one day a documentary maker called Nirvan Mullick, wanted 7) ________ (buy) something
from Caines dads shop and he happened 8) ________ (see) the little boy with his amazing arcade
made from cardboard boxes. He could see that Caine had spent a long time 9) ________ (create) a
wonderful, imaginative place. Mullick was so impressed by Caines invention that he used Facebook to
publicise the arcade. He asked Facebook users 10) ________ (turn up) at a certain time to visit the
arcade. When Caine arrived at his dads shop, there were one hundred people impatient
11) ________ (go) into the arcade! The news spread and soon Caines arcade had become a tourist


2 Choose the correct option for each sentence.

1 My dad promised to book/booking a holiday in Africa next year.
2 Do you think its worth to get/getting a new laptop?
3 I forgot to type/typing up my notes after the lecture and now Ive lost them!
4 I tried to take/taking the bus into town yesterday, but it never came!
5 Could you stop to work/working just for a moment, please?
6 Im hopeless at to choose/choosing presents for my mum.

GOLD EXPERIENCE B2 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2014 Pearson Education Ltd. 1

3 Rewrite the sentences using the words given. Use between two and five words, including
the word given.
1 Kelly has been unemployed for two years.


Kelly has been out of work for two years.

2 The teacher will do everything she can until she finds the thief.


The teacher ________________________________ until she finds the thief.

3 The advice Im giving you is what Ive learnt during my lifetime.


I ________________________________ .

4 My dad lost his job last month.


My dad ________________________________ last month.

5 Some people work better if they know they have to get something done soon.


Some people work better ________________________________ .

6 The amount of revision you do will affect your exam results.


The amount of revision you do will ________________________________ your exam results.


GOLD EXPERIENCE B2 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2014 Pearson Education Ltd. 2

4 You will hear an interview with a student who has done some work experience. Choose
the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
1 Students do work experience
A to help choose a future career.
B to see the practical side of working life.
C to get some extra money.
D to do a project as part of their coursework.
2 Malcolm did work experience in a school because
A he was considering a career in teaching.
B he knew a teacher at the school well.
C he was told to by his school.
D he wanted to try some real teaching.
3 Malcolm was surprised by
A how badly the children behaved.
B how difficult it was to teach a group of children.
C how much work a teacher does outside the classroom.
D how long it takes a teacher to prepare a lesson.
4 What was good about doing the play with the children?
A using his creativity
B seeing the childrens reaction
C developing his organisational skills
D impressing his school teachers
5 How did Malcolm feel after the work experience?
A unsure whether he could be a good teacher
B concerned that there was a lot of work involved
C motivated to become a teacher
D aware that he doesnt yet have enough knowledge


GOLD EXPERIENCE B2 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2014 Pearson Education Ltd. 3


Childhood dreams
Actor or tennis star? What did you dream of being when you were a child? Some of our readers tell us
about their childhood ambitions.
A Mark
People used to think that I was having a laugh when I told them what my ambition was. I can laugh too
now, but seriously, when I was really young my greatest ambition in life was to become a banker. Most
youngsters dream of being a footballer or famous singer, but not me. I even drew pictures of me in the
future, sitting beside big sacks of money. I guess Id heard my parents talking about how rich all the
bankers were and the greedy, materialistic part of me thought that sounded like a really good career
B Tommy
I used to have this weird idea when I was growing up. Looking back Im actually quite proud of having
such an ambition because it meant that, unlike most kids of my age, I really wanted to make life better
for other people and not just myself. You see, I mistakenly thought that the weathermen on TV could
actually change the weather they could make the sun shine or stop it from raining! And I realised very
early on that the weather made a big difference to peoples moods. Sunny days made people smile
whereas rainy ones just made everyone gloomy. So, I planned to become a weatherman on TV so I
could make the sun shine all the time! I have to admit that I grew out of the idea pretty quickly.
C Harry
When I was a kid, my granddad let me watch an old video recording hed made of Neil Armstrong
walking on the Moon and I immediately told everyone who would listen that I was going to be an
astronaut when I grew up. I remember thinking that astronauts looked really cool with those big
helmets, and the thought of blasting off in a rocket was irresistible to a young child. Later on, when I
realised that becoming an astronaut involved hard work and lots of studying, I changed my mind and
decided to take an easier route and become a teacher. These days I really regret giving up my first
ambition! Teaching is extremely hard work too and you dont get to float around in space, looking at
the Earth!

5 Read the texts and match the questions (15) with the people (AC).
Which person
1 wishes he had followed his original dream? ____
2 wanted to have a positive effect on other people? ____
3 is aware that his dream reflects a negative side of his personality? ____
4 gave up an ambition because he thought it would be difficult to achieve? ____
5 had a dream based on a misunderstanding? ____


GOLD EXPERIENCE B2 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2014 Pearson Education Ltd. 4

6 Read the task in Exercise 7. Tick () the phrases that you should include. Put a cross (X)
for the phrases you should NOT include.
1 Unfortunately, I havent done any voluntary work. ____
2 It was a good salary and I saved up a lot of money. ____
3 I read about the job online. ____
4 Id never done anything so rewarding before. ____
5 Im planning to spend some time helping out at a hospital
during my holidays. It will be my first work experience! ____

Total: 50

7 You have seen the following announcement in an international teen magazine. Write your
article in 140190 words.
Tell us about it! Have you done any voluntary work? Write an article about your experiences.
We will publish the best articles next month. You could win some books for your school


GOLD EXPERIENCE B2 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2014 Pearson Education Ltd. 5

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