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Gold Experience B2 Progress test 6

Name Class

1 Complete each sentence with the correct form of the words in brackets. You will need to
add more words.
1 The bands last album wasnt nearly as good as (nearly/good) the previous one.

2 These are ____________________ (by far/delicious) chocolates Ive ever tasted.

3 Ben is definitely ____________________ (talented) musician in the group. Hes terrible!

4 The closer we get to the exams ____________________ (nervous) Im becoming.

5 The music was ____________________ (loud) that I had to go out.

6 We dont play together ____________________ (often) to make a lot of improvement.

2 Complete the text with a/an, the or no article ().

1) The first time I sang in public was when I was twelve. It was 2) ________ annual school summer
show and my teacher chose me to sing 3) ________ lovely song. I loved singing, but using 4) ________
microphone on 5) ________ stage was far more frightening than singing 6) ________ pop song in my
bedroom! And 7) ________ solo performance in front of 8) ________ big crowd is terrifying even for
9) ________ experienced singers. But it all went well and 10) ________ warmth of 11) ________
audience reaction was fantastic.


3 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals.
1 The soldier received an award for bravery. BRAVE

2 The parents were overwhelmed with __________ at the death of their son. GRIEVE

3 Dont be ridiculous! It isnt true. The story is completely __________ . FICTION

4 Measure the __________ of the wardrobe before you buy it. WIDE

5 I dont see the__________ of what youre saying. RELEVANT

6 If I lose some__________, I could borrow your dress to wear for the party. WEIGH

GOLD EXPERIENCE B2 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2014 Pearson Education Ltd. 1

4 Choose the correct answer (A, B or C).
1 Do you enjoy watching ________ concerts?

A alive B living C live

2 Dan always shows ________ late for rehearsals.

A off B up C on

3 In the oral test last week my mind just ________ completely blank.

A got B made C went

4 I dont like people who run their mates ________ .

A down B over C off

5 Have you learnt your ________ for the play yet?

A letters B lines C rows

6 Ive got a real hang ________ about my nose.Its so long!

A up B in C on

5 You will hear three people talking about performing on stage. Choose from the list (AE)
what each speaker experienced. There are two letters which you do not need to use.
A I suddenly felt ill on stage. ____
B I didnt show how bad I was feeling. ____
C I wouldnt like to do it again. ____
D I was put off by the size of the audience. ____
E It wasnt as bad as Id thought it would be. ____


GOLD EXPERIENCE B2 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2014 Pearson Education Ltd. 2


First night
It had started as a joke, or rather a dare just a stupid dare. Marlon, who sat behind her in class, used to
make fun of her mercilessly when she went red every time she answered a question. He had bet that
someone who got embarrassed as easily as Susie would never be able to stand on stage in front of an
audience in the school play. Goodness knows why she had accepted the bet, thought Susie miserably as
she sat in the dressing room, staring at her face in the mirror. Ten minutes to go before the curtain went
up and the performance began.
Since childhood, Susie had hated being the centre of attention. Even at birthday parties she begged her
mum not to make her blow out the candles in front of everyone. She was happiest when she was part of
a group and unnoticed. However, she was still a joiner, not a loner. She belonged to clubs and societies
and played sports, but didnt excel at anything in particular so she didnt have to cope with being in the
spotlight. That was until tonight, a stupid bet and this time the spotlight was a very real one on a
stage. The whole audience would be watching her.
Susie saw the familiar blush redden her cheeks in the mirror as she anticipated the moment. And then
another familiar emotion looked back at her from her reflected eyes. Anger. She was suddenly really
angry with herself for agreeing to do this. But then she realised that it was anger that had given her the
strength to say yes in the first place. She had been so angry with Marlon that shed shouted, OK
youre on. Ill audition and Ill do it better than you could ever hope to!
Still angry, she had forced herself to audition. She had had to read a speech of Titanias, the fairy queen
in A Midsummer Nights Dream. The Shakespearean language felt strange, but she did her best to focus
on the meaning of the lines, and also to block out the other people in the room. At the end of the speech,
the room was very quiet and Susies cheeks started to feel hot. Then suddenly everyone started
clapping. Marlon actually cheered! Her teacher Miss Holmes gave Susie a big smile. Excellent Susie!
Youve got talent. I think weve found our Titania.
And here she was, about to step into the spotlight in a Shakespearean play. Susie took a last look in the
mirror and to her surprise it wasnt Susie who looked back. Instead she saw a queen, dressed in a
flowing white costume with make-up that made her look beautiful and magical. With a confidence she
had never known before, Susie stood up and walked to the side of the stage. She even felt herself move
in a different way with her head held high. Marlon was standing there, ready to make his entrance. He
bowed mockingly as she approached. Your majesty! he grinned. Susie looked at him. She was about
to say something sarcastic, but then it was time to go on stage. Her audience was waiting.

GOLD EXPERIENCE B2 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2014 Pearson Education Ltd. 3

6 Read the text and choose the correct answer (A, B, C or D).
1 Susie regrets
A auditioning for the play.
B getting embarrassed in class.
C joking with Marlon.
D being late for the performance.
2 What does Susie like doing?
A being on her own
B winning competitions
C doing things in a group
D organising parties
3 How did Susie feel in the dressing room?
A upset because she couldnt act well
B worried about remembering her lines
C annoyed that she was in this situation
D surprised that she hadnt given up before
4 Susie performed well in the audition because she
A practised speaking Shakespeares lines.
B knew the play very well.
C was an experienced actress.
D imagined she was alone.
5 Why did Susie move in a different way?
A She was very nervous.
B She wanted to impress Marlon.
C She was in a hurry to get on stage.
D She was playing a role.


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7 Complete the words in each phrase.
1 amazingly atmos________

2 not very conv________

3 rather disa________

4 a bit pred________

5 unnecessarily vio________

Total: 50

8 You see this announcement on an international student website. Write your review in
140190 words.
Have you seen a good TV series recently? Write a review of the series for our website,
explaining what you liked or didnt like about it and whether you would recommend it to
students in other countries.


GOLD EXPERIENCE B2 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2014 Pearson Education Ltd. 5

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