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0 Surr[s & [srorus]lpiltrs ll-[m|lrE[)

-- - o ,r^-r A*iaa: 069,.P1:??!P.9,217'JAff:::^23!?
No. 506, Kolkata - 7Oo
it Suit 6, Watertoo Street,
;rl(ZgilZ]i.|il; W;'b ,-***, clN : L51eOeWB1e86PLco4o2o1

Date: 20.01.2017

The Listing Department

BSE Limited
P J Towers,25tn Floor,
Mumbai - 400-001.

Dear Sir,


Pursuant to Regulation 33 of the SEBI ( Listing obligations and Disclosure Requirements)

20L5, please find enclosed herewith the Unaudited Financial Results of the Company
for the quater
ended December, 31' 201'6 along with Limited Review Report of the statutory auditor
as and
approved by the Board of Directors of the company at their meeting held today i.e.
Friday, 20th
Januarv,2017 .

The Board of Directors have also approved the following matters.

1. The Board of Directors has accepted the resignation letter of Manisha Chopra
from the post of
Company Secretary & Compliance officer of the company and she shall cease to be so
effective from
21" Januarv ,2017 .

2. The Board of Directors has also appointed Mr. Nikhil Deora as the new Company Secretary &
Compliance Officer of the company w.e.f. 21't January,2O!7.

The aforesaid approved financial results for the Quarter ended 3I.1,2.2016 along with Limited
Review Report of the Statutory Auditors are being sent to you online as an attachment to this letter
and are also being uploaded on the Company's Website: and an extract of
the same in the prescribed format is also being published in the newspapers forthe information of
the shareholders/investors.

This is for your kind information and record.

Thanking you,

Yours faithfully,
For Ashirwad Steels stries Ltd.

Chairman & Managing Director

Dalbir Chhibbar

Gas Bottling Plant Gas Bottling Plant

Sponge lron Plant
Uluberio Industriol Grouth Centre,
Phose14 lndustriol Flreo Vill. 6 Post : Veliminedu, Mondol : (hitgol Hisnopur Rood, Roigorh
Chhottisgorh - 496001 Houroh, tllest Bengol 7l
Ghomorio, - 839108 Dist : Nolgondo, Tolengono - 5081 l4
Ara[fran st .As soAccountanls
-A chadered

CA. A radhan
E : ashokesther@rediffmail'com
Limited Review Report

Review Report to the Board of Directors

Ashirwad Steels & lndustries Limited

We have reviewed the accompanying statement of unaudited financlal results of Ashirwad

Steefs & Industries Limited ("the company"l for the Quarter and Nine months ended
December 3t,20t6 ("the statement"). This Statement is the responsibility of the Company's
/1 management and has been approved by the Board of Directors. Our responsibility is to issue
a report on the statement based on our review.

We conducted our review in accordance with the Standard on Review Engagements (SRE)
2400, Review of Interim Financial Information- Performed by the lndependent Auditor of the
entity issued by the institute of Chartered Accountants of India. This standard requires that
we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to whether the Statement
is free of material misstatement. A review is limited primarily to inquire of company
personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provides less
assurance than an audit. We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express
an audit opinion.

Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us
to believe that the accompanying statement of unaudited financial results prepared in
accordance with applicable accounting standards and other recognised accounting practices
and policies has not disclosed the information required to be disclosed in terms of Regulation
33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligation and Disclosure requirements) Regulations, 2015 including
the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or that it contains any material misstatement.


Chartered Accountants
R.egis!+atiqn N u m ber: 325 13 1 E)

Pradhan '

bership No:053543

: Kolkata
20th January,2o!7
Regd Office I 6 Waterloo Street,Room No:506 sth Floor, Kolkata-700069 (W B) CIN : 151909W81986P1C040201
Iele Fax (o33)22430375, Email : ashirwadsteels@gmail com, Web Site : WWW,

Rupees in Lacs except for earning per share
Quarter Ended Nine Months Ended For Previous
SL Year Ended

3't.12.2016 30.09.201 6 31.12.2015 31 ,12.20',t6 3'1.12.2015 31 03,2016

Incom( from Operations.
a) Net I ales / lncome from Operations 73 84 73 84
b) Oth Operating Income 19,50 19 50 zt tJ 58 50 65,25 B7 00
otal ll come from Operations (Net) 93.34 't 9.50 21:t5 132.34 65.25 87.00

2 Expens es
a) Cost )f material Consumed
b) Purc ase of Slock-in-trade
Je in inventories of finished Goods,work-in-progress, stock
in trade & Raw materials /o J I 78 31 84 53
d) Emp )yees Benefit Expenses 845 14 42 476 50 89 19 26 25 40
:ciation & amortisation Expenses 15,81 15 81 16 20 47 35 48,60 62 89
l) Other Expenses 18.58 26 77 18 47 56 79 196 86 218 09
Total E rpenses tal 15 57.00 39.43 233.34 264.72 390.91
ProfiU( ,oss) from operations before other income, finance (27.811 (37.50) (17.68 (101.00 (1se.47) (303.e1 )
3 cost ar I exceptional items.(1 -2)
4 Other I lcome 73.23 53.92 73.4( 205.36 236.39 317.49
5 ProfiU( oss) from ordinary activities before finance cost and 45.42 16.42 55.7 t 104 36 36.92 13.58
excepti )nal itams.(314)

6 Fi nanc, Cost 0.00 1.65 0.0c 1.65 3.24 10.77

ProfiU( ,oss) before ordinary activities after finance cost but
7 before rxceptional items. (5!6) 45.42 14.77 55./r 102.71 JJ. OO 2.81
8 Except onal ltcms
I ProfiU( oss) from Ordinary activities before tax (718) 45.42 14.77 55.72 102.71 33.68 2.81
10 Tax Ex renses (Net of Mat Credit EntitlemenU Deferred Tax
Asset) -0.30 2.50 31.73 15.38
11 Net Prc fiU(Loss)from ordinary activities after tax (9110) 45.72 12.27 55.72 70.98 33.68 18.19
Extraol Cinary ltems (Net of Tax Expenses of Rs Nil)
13 Net Pr( fiu (Loss) for the Period (11!12) 45.72 12.27 55.72 70.98 JJ.OO 18.19
14 Paid u1 Equity share capital(Face value Rs.10/- each) 1.2s0.00 1,250.00 1,2s0.00 1,2s0.00 1,250.00 1,250.00
tc Reser es excluding revaluation reserves as per balance
sheet ( I previous accounting year 3,821.44
to Earnin (Loss) per share (before extra ordinary items) (of Rs.
1 0/- ea h)

Basic i Diluted: 0.37 0 10 0 45 0 57 027 0 15

17 Ea rn in (Loss) per share (after extraordinary items) (of Rs. 10/
Bas ic i Diluted : 0.37 0 10 0 45 0 5/ 027 0 t3

1 The ab 'e results were reviewed by the audit Committee and taken on record and approved by the Board of Directors in their meeting held on Friday 20th
Jarruan 1017 Ihe Statutory Auditors have carried out a Limited Review of the above Financial Results,
2 the otr 'ational performance of the company during the quarter continue to be adversely afflected due to reasons beyond the control of the management
which i rralia include unaffordable prices of Raw materials and sluggish markel conditions for sponge iron in the country resulting in unremunerative selling
3 I'he Co pany mainly operates in "lron & Steel" segment only and hence there is no other reportable segment as per AS-17

4 PrevioL year's figures have been rearranged/regrouped/recast wherever necessary

Place: Kolkr F ies l-td

t)ate: 20 01 17

Chairman & Managing Director

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