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Hecatomb 1. in ancient Greece, any great sacrifice to the For your adventurers to reach the Secret Cow Level,
gods; specif., the slaughter of 100 cattle at one time 2. any they must go through some machinations familiar to
large-scale sacrifice or slaughter those whove completed the DIABLO II computer game:
Websters New World Dictionary (1) Kill Diablo.
Herd of cows? Of course Ive hearrrrghh! (2) Go back to the Stony Fields to activate the
last words of Shecky the Barbarian standing stone portal to Tristram.
upon entering the Secret Cow Level (3) Find the wooden leg of the roguish boy Wirt. (If
youve got the leg on you when you kill Diablo,
The Secret Cow Level is the most popular easter egg in you can skip steps 2 and 3.)
computer gaming history, and now you can milk it for (4) Go to the Rogue Encampment. Place the leg
all its worth in your D&D/DIABLO games. All you need and a tome of town portal in the Horadric
is a party of adventurers powerful enough to kill Diablo. Cube.
You do have one of those, right? No? Well, send em
back to Hell till theyre tough enough to take out a As if created out of electrons battering a computer
demon lord. Because when theyre done with that, a screen, a red gateway appears. Adventurers who step
thousand moo-licious bovines intend to inflict udder through find themselves transported to the Secret Cow
depravity until they lay the adventurers low. Level.
Are you still checking your vision on that last para- The computer game can drop your heroes anywhere
graph? Thats right, I said a thousand cows, all with pole- inside the hellgrounds of Moo Moo Farms. As the DM,
axes. Got damage resistance? you should determine the partys initial location based
on how you feel about your players that day. Did they
CREDITS bring you milk and cookies? Okay, put em on the out-
skirts. Did they key your car on the way in? Put em in a
Design: Mike Selinker corral surrounded by vicious cows. Let em learn some-
Copyediting: Carrie Bebris thing.
Web Production: Sue Cook Regardless, read the following to your players when
Web Development Mark A. Jindra the characters arrive:
Illustration: rk post
Youve smelled this odor before . . . back when you had
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules created by E. Gary
Gygax and Dave Arneson, and the new DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game only a suit of +1 studded leather armor to your name and
designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, got hit by that fireball. Even though today youre wearing
and Peter Adkison. something like awesome gothic plate armor of the whale,
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, ALPHABLITZ, and MAGIC: THE GATHERING are you still remember that scent: the stench of burning
registered trademarks owned by Wizards of the Coast, Inc. This materi-
al is protected under the copyright laws of the United States of Ameri-
ca. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of the material or artwork The smell isnt pretty, nor is the army of mad cows
herein is prohibited without the express written permission of Wizards bearing poleaxes advancing on your position. As you
of the Coast, Inc. 2001 Wizards of the Coast, Inc. All rights reserved.
hear the chorus of death moos, you know youve foolish-
DIABLO II is a trademark of Blizzard Entertainment. All DIABLO II material
2001 Blizzard Entertainment. All rights reserved. ly walked into the slaughterhouse of Moo Moo Farms
an intrusion the hell bovines do not appreciate.
Welcome to the Secret Cow Level.

The thousand mad cows of Moo Moo Farms rove in Two unique cows, the King Cow and his moo-tenant
ten herds of a hundred cows each. (Refer to the map on Grief Ripper the Wraith, lead the demon bovines. The
page 4 for their initial positions). Each herd moves as a King Cow starts in herd C and Grief Ripper starts in
stampede, tracking the adventurers en masse if they herd J. The King Cow blasts lightning at anyone within
flee, and surrounding them if they dont. A herd moves 60 feet and uses his mana burn power on apparent
only when an opponent comes within 20 feet or attacks spellcasters. Grief Ripper, on the other hoof, uses his
a member of the herd. Any cow who perceives the teleportation ability to move into any herd the PCs
threat may issue a cattle call to its herdmates, who encounter, braising the PCs with fire whenever he
thereafter relentlessly pursue the heroes blood. attacks (then leaving before his stoneskin goes down).
Fortunately for the PCs, cows never take a double With this many opponents, the heroes have no obvi-
move. But they do all have a 10-foot natural reach and ous strategy except to attack till the cows come home.
can swing through The creatures are
friendly squares. So an single-minded and do
adventurer on the edge not think tactically. So
of a herd may be a sorceress who lays in
attacked by as many as firewall after firewall
10 cows (five in the first has a good chance of
rank, five in the sec- barbecuing a huge
ond). An adventurer number of cows. A
stuck inside a herd lone barbarian is just a
might be attacked by as hamburger waiting to
many as 24 cows at happen, but a few bar-
once (8 in adjacent barians surrounding a
squares, 16 in the necromancer have bet-
squares surrounding ter than average
those). Youd best bring chances of survival. A
a lot of d20s. good piece of advice
Each cow has 70 hit for your players: Blast
points (please dont early and often.
waste your time rolling As the PCs wade
individual hit points for a through cow after cow,
thousand monsters), remember that each
and damage reduction dead creature has a
10/-. Upon entering normal chance to
combat, a cow rages like cough up treasure (see
a barbarian, gaining +4 the adventure). There-
Constitution for 22 hit fore, a barnful of gold
points (total 92), +4 and magic items should
Strength, and +2 on litter the ground as the
Will saves (but hey, it PCs thin the herd. The
loses 2 on its Armor King Cow and Grief
Class). Unless affected Ripper each carry a
by magical fear, the unique item: the
cows never retreat. ancient axe Ghoul
They have no special Mangler and the plated
attacks or qualities, just a whole lot of bovine fury. belt Bladebuckle, respectively.
The map sites are largely insignificant, except that This encounter has no end beyond the heroes
the two corrals can end up boxing PCs amid legions of killing every cow in Moo Moo Farms. The red portal
cows. If the heroes get stuck inside a corral, cows will stays open until they want to leave, whether or not
pile up on the outside, likely sealing the adventurers they can get to it. Once they leave, the portal seals
doom. Also, the western corral features the crucified behind them. Of course, Wirt had only one wooden
bodies of two rogues (each with 4d4 gold pieces), post- leg, so theres no going back to the farm. If they buy
ed as a warning to any who disturb the chewing of hell- the farm here, theres no going back at all. And thats
ish cud. no bull.

HELL BOVINE at will, mana burn at will (-1 highest level spell, 30 ft.
range, Will negates), all attacks are touch attacks,
Large Magical Beast favored enemy (humans, magical beasts), rage 1/day,
Hit Dice: 11d10+9 (70 hit points) trample for 1d8+7; SQ damage reduction 15/-; SV
Initiative: -3 (-1 size, -2 Dex) Fort +13, Ref +8, Will +4; AL LE; Str 20, Dex 8, Con
Speed: 20 ft. 19, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 15.
AC: 15 (+8 nat., -1 size, -2 Dex) Skills and Feats: Animal Empathy +9, Concentra-
Attacks: Poleaxe +14/+9/+4 melee tion +11, Intimidate +6, Intuit Direction +9, Handle
Damage: Poleaxe1d10+3/crit x3 Animal +9, Use Rope +6; Cleave, Improved Bull
Face/Reach: 5 ft. by 5 ft./10 ft. Rush, Improved Critical (poleaxe), Power Attack.
Special Attacks: Rage, trample Possessions: Ghoul Mangler (poleaxe, +5 damage,
Special Qualities: Damage reduction 10/- increase threat range by 2, +3 deflection bonus, mini-
Saves: F +8, R +4, W +3 mum base damage is 4).
Abilities: S17, D6, C15, I7, W10, Ch6
Skills: Intuit Direction +11 Grief Ripper the Wraith, male hell bovine Wiz5:
Feats: Cleave, Improved Bull Rush, CR 13; Large magical beast (9 feet tall); HD
Power Attack 11d10+5d4+52; hp 135; Init 0; Spd 20 ft.; AC 26,
Climate/Terrain: Hell and the occasional slaughter- touch 17, flat-footed 25; Atk +18/+13/+8 melee
house (1d10+5/crit x3 poleaxe); Face/Reach 5 ft. by 5. ft/10
Organization: Herd (10-1000) ft.; SA fire shield (warm) 5/day, rage 1/day, trample
CR: 9 for 1d8+6; SQ damage reduction 10/- (13/-), stoneskin
Treasure: Standard 5/day (50 points), teleport 1/round; SV Fort +13, Ref
Alignment: Always lawful evil +11, Will +8; AL LE; Str 18 (20), Dex 12 (14), Con 17,
Advancement: 12-16 HD (Large); 17-29 HD Int 17, Wis 10, Cha 11.
(Huge) Skills and Feats: Concentration +11, Hide +5 (+6),
Intuit Direction +9, Spellcraft +11; Cleave, Combat
Hell bovines (mad cows, to some) spring up at Casting, Improved Bull Rush, Power Attack.
sites of great slaughterthat is, slaughter of cows. Possessions: Bladebuckle (plate belt, +7 AC (+2 nat-
Any place holding acres of burning cow carcasses can ural, +5 enhancement), +2 Dexterity, +2 Strength,
open up a portal to the barbecue spits of Hell. And damage reduction 3/-, successful melee attacks
when the cows come, they stampede in overwhelm- against the wearer deal 2d4 points of damage against
ing numbers. Woe betide the mortal who hears the the attacker).
moos of the damned. Spells: 0flare (x4); 1burning hands (x4); 2flam-
A hell bovines eyes burn with the fires of hell. It ing sphere (x3); 3fireball (x2).
stands fully nine feet of pure, malevolent meat.
Despite their origins, hell bovines sure make good eat-
In combat, a hell bovine uses its poleaxe to cleave its
opponents along the dotted black lines it sees in its As a member of R&D at Wizards of the Coast, Mike
slow-moving mind. It can also trample, but it wont do Selinker has designed for nearly every game line pro-
so unless in a stampede with its fellow bovines. Thats duced by Wizards, including DUNGEONS & DRAGONS,
most of the time, of course. MARVEL, MAGIC: THE GATHERING, and his own award-
Trample (Ex): A hell bovine can trample Medium- winning word game ALPHABLITZ. He also has been the
size or smaller opponents for 1d8+5 points of damage. creative director for licensed and acquisition RPGs,
Opponents who do not make attacks of opportunity directing such lines as MARVEL SUPER HEROES, POK-
against the cow can attempt a Reflex save (DC 20) to MON JR., and DIABLO II. Mike says he hopes to leverage
halve the damage. the Hasbro acquisition of Wizards into a massive
increase in firepower for the Nerfwars he runs at Wiz-
King Cow, male hell bovine Rgr5: CR 16; Large ards; currently, he's angling for a Nerf howitzer.
magical beast (9 feet tall); HD 16d10+84; hp 180; Init
-2; Spd 20 ft.; AC 23, touch 11, flat-footed 23; Atk
+22/+17/+12 melee (1d10+11/crit x3 poleaxe, as Download a full-size version of the Moo Moo Farms
touch attack, threat 17-20, minimum base damage 4); map on the next page from our website at
Face/Reach 5 ft. by 5. ft/10 ft.; SA lightning bolt 10d6


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