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Senior associate editor, Lindsey

Schutters, contemplating the return
of a leaner, meaner fitness machine.

y now, you should be well into the swing of sculpting that new, leaner, meaner before you need to subject yourself to the scrutiny
you. You remember, the body you solemnly resolved to construct as 2017 of the merciless reader.
burst noisily into life. If you can even squeeze your way into the gym and In the meantime, those of you with long
please dont get me wrong: Im not suggesting that youre too big to get through memories and sharp eyes I guess that applies
the turnstiles. The thing is, this is the time of year that fitness centres groan to most of you will have noticed a subtle change
under the burden of masses of heaving, glistening bodies hyper-energetically to our cover. When the South African edition
attempting to sweat off Festive Season excesses. of Popular Mechanics came into being, it
You are not alone in this. held fast to five pillars: Science, Technology,
As one whose job description involves playing with stuff euphemistically Automotive, Outdoors and DIY. (In case youre
described as populating our Tested section Lindsey Schutters is undertaking a wondering: a wise guy once described Outdoors
test of a different sort. Hes testing out a lifestyle change on his way back to as anything that, by definition, wasnt Indoors.)
peak fitness. In the process, he is enlisting the aid of every gadget and piece of Since then weve flirted with variations on
gear that will help him reach his destination more swiftly. (When I suggested just those themes, always returning in some shape
settling for alternative transport, I swear his lips curled with such venom I feared or form to echoes of the original. This month
he would develop whiplash. He is clearly resolute about this fitness thing.) weve taken our cue from our redesigned, slim-
At Popular Mechanics, after all, we live our ethos. First to know? You bet. med-down website which by now should be
Which is partly why our Lumka Nofemele has been tasked with turning her own up and running to change the line-up subtly
life upside down, if only for a short while, to experience and report back on an to reflect contemporary tastes. It now encom-
activity previously unknown to me, Suspension Yoga. passes Tech, Science, Driving, DIY and Life.
Whats all of this got to do with Popular Mechanics? Whats Life, you ask? Theres this wise guy
Youve known us as the standard-bearers for Science and Technology. As fierce who might have an answer
custodians of the how-to spirit and equally fierce defenders of the right, if it
should come to that, to perform the occasional wheelie, perhaps accompanied by
a discreet whoo-hoo.
But times change, peoples interests change and we need to be aware of the
constantly shifting ideascape in which we operate. With that in mind, some of
you may have noticed that Popular Mechanics has headed out once more to
explore your likes, dislikes and couldnt-care-lesses. Lets not call it market research
or a survey, even if thats exactly what it is. Lets rather call it getting in touch
with your life, with what makes you tick. Or hum, for that matter. COMPETITION WINNERS
We need to know, and not just for our own sakes, where we could do better Details online at
and where we could do a lot better. Self-examination can take you only so far
FEBRUARY 2017 _ 1


76 48
On the cover: Homes are getting
smarter. Weve taken a look at how
technology is making our homes safer
and more efficient. This page: Meet
the most luxurious bluetooth speaker
82 weve ever seen the Ixoost Esavox.

2 _ FEBRUARY 2017
LESS Save 50%!
R19 AE
12 issues for only R221 PG 43 24


12 Shopping up a virtual storm 60 The new cradle
AI is going to change the way we shop forever An igloo for your garden
How not to waste money on tech Trucking into the future
Stay savvy and save
The Confident Traveller DRIVING
Packing light 64 True to tradition
Eyes on the prize We get a history lesson at Bentley
A spacecraft with robot vision Drives
Beat the heat, one block at a time Volvo V40 D3/Suzuki Swift Sport/
Fireproof building blocks are really cool Mitsubishi Pajero SWB GLS
Look ma, no hands On the charge
Farming goes driverless BMW drives EVs hard
Safe and sound The Desert Monster
Wearable tech changing the lives of the deaf The toughest beach buggies you can get
Old is the new new
TESTED Are classic bikes the best bikes?
24 Must-have fitness gear Dont DIY
Smart battery charger Car fixes you should leave to the professionals
Beats EP headphones
FEATURES 82 Project: Refurb a war trunk
28 The smarter home How to destroy anything
How the Internet of Things will raise community IQ Project: Build a shoe rack
38 Your driverless ride is arriving A life-saving spanner
Hailing a cab will never be the same again
44 Collectors get it together
So many collectables, so little time 1 From the editor
6 Letters
48 Stupid or amazing? 8 Time machine
It seemed like a great idea at the time. Was it, though? 10 Calendar
We decide
22 Great New stuff
76 Guitar maker 100 Do it your way
Meet Matt Artinger, the man born to create guitars



60 82 60
FEBRUARY 2017 _ 3

EDITOR: Anthony Doman GROUP PUBLISHER: Neil Piper

Senior associate editor Lindsey Schutters
Journalist Lumka Nofemele
Digital content manager Nikky Oosthuizen
Proofreader Margy Beves-Gibson


Production manager Judy Romon
Art director Thea Woodman


Group digital business manager Wendy Lucas
Group developer and support manager Cicero Joseph
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Campaign manager Nawhaal Fakir
Other countries:
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TECH AT Group national sales manager Andr Stadler
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Cape Town and PE Ingrid Versfeld

TER HO Advertising sales co-ordinator Linda Delport

HOW THOF YOUR HOUS Group marketing/sponsorship manager Dean Dicks
THE IQ Retail marketing manager Dalene Gallagher
Group show/events operations manager Kathryn Frew
STUPID OR Events promotions manager Monique Brevis
AMAZING? Group promotions manager Amanda Africa
RIDE-ON LUGGAGE Subscriptions marketing manager Lizl Joseph
SPIDER-MAN GRIPS Group events coordinator Janice Bekker
and more!
VOLUME 15, NO. 7


Director Jacques Breytenbach
HR officer Emmelia Fouch
Finance manager Zanfre Gorgosilich
Group production manager Keryn Rheeder
Subscriptions operations Karin Mulder

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This offer closes 28 February 2017. Other subscription gifts and prizes do not apply Total monthly sales: 27 874 (July Sept 2016)
to this offer. By providing your details, you give Popular Mechanics permission to _ FEBRUARY 2017
communicate with you via email or SMS.

I thought you might be interested in unique properties inherent in Rotosail,
a South African firstin wind motors a fairly simple gathering and spilling
(rather than purely wind-driven tur- of wind would result, although defini-
bines). Rotosail is a patented turbine tive testing is not yet complete.
invention (RSA patent application Harnessing of wind-power is poten-
2016/00808) that is conceptualised as tially possible 24/7 all year round, almost
a wind motor rather than purely a wind everywhere, whereas solar power is
generator. It could be connected to a available during daylight hours only
mechanical, pneumatic, hydraulic or (during winter, in high latitudes, that
electrical system. It is envisaged as DIY can be one or two hours in 24). Wind
kit models at one end of the spectrum power can deliver AC or DC power,
and, possibly, large grid-feeding models, as opposed to solar power, which can
the size of oil-storage tanks at the other. deliver only DC and requires inverting
The latter may be barge-mounted in conversion.
the North Sea, or power a weather- That there is an abundance of sus-
station in Antarctica. tained wind-power is evident in the fact
Rotosail incorporates the tried that, until the advent of steam, wind
and tested configuration of hollow was the primary source of power for
hemi-cylindrical shells, overlapping driving pumps and machinery, other
and rotating about a vertical axis. The than running water, brute manpower
principle is incorporated in many pro- or draught animals. In our contempo-
prietary units currently available on the rary environment, wind farms generate
high-tech market. Rotosail postulates considerable quantities of power, but
the principle of mounting a rotating suffer from the drawbacks of high capital
space-frame turntable on the vertical cost. This is partly due to the need to
axis shaft with the hemi-cylinders elevate the horizontal shaft axis for
mounted on secondary vertical mount- the blades to clear the ground. Power
ings on the turntable, having limited generation and control equipment are Working model shows Rotosail turbine open
rotating ability in order to close com- situated high above the ground, creating (top) and closed.
pletely or to be extended fully or staged logistical problems and considerable
at any intermediate point. In principle, additional cost. An additional compli-
there is no limit to the size of the shells. cation is the need to adjust for direc-
The adjustment is powered by an on- tional variation of the wind, with the
board generator, rechargeable batteries resultant additional cost and ongoing
and electric drives, commanded either maintenance needs, plus the facility of
manually, by a standard remote radio adjusting the pitch of the turbine blades.
control (similar to those that operate Preliminary calculations for Rotosail
TV sets or garage doors) or automati- indicate that one square metre of frontal
cally by pre-set computerised parame- area would produce 1 kW of work at
ters, related to wind velocities, rotational a wind velocity of 10 m/sec (36 km/h).
speed, time, duration or any other loaded Definitive testing is not yet complete.
parameter. This function could also be Anticipated savings in capital cost
achieved, in certain circumstances, by on- range from significant to huge, resulting
board pneumatics or hydraulic circuits. from the concepts simplified design and
In the fully closed position, the unit the possibility of relatively unskilled
is cylindrical and streamlined and could local manufacture. Installations would Plan view of opening sequence.
be designed to resist even hurricane- be far less intrusive than conventional
force conditions. It is fundamental to wind turbines and could be sited on Other possible applications range from
these overrides that frontal area and waste ground such as landfills and rug- hybrid powering of shipping to expanding
rotational speed would vary and be ged mountain sites. Installations might the range of totally battery-powered road
balanced, in order to maintain power even be situated above factories and vehicles using independent self-powered
output at a given level, thereby mini- high-rise buildings without significant pit-stops that might bridge desert areas,
mising or eliminating vibration, noise intrusion. Offshore installations could such as the Karoo, where perennial air
and downstream turbulence such as be barge-mounted rather than on the movement is a norm.
created by propeller-type windmills. It sea-bed, with significant savings in ini- KEITH HONEYMAN
is anticipated that, bearing in mind the tial costs and ongoing servicing costs. CAPE TOWN

6 _ FEBRUARY 2017

TIME IS MONEY your August 2016 project. The problem
How interesting to read about Joe Faddells being the pipes ID (Inside Diameter) being
Rolex Submariner (Letters, September somewhat smaller than the 40 mm ping-
2016). I, too, longed to own one at the age pong ball.
of 18 and scraped up 41 10s to purchase Rather than re-engineering a 50 mm OD
one in 1958. I wore it for 25 years until PVC pipe, which would keep one entertained
the servicing became too expensive, so at length, use 40 mm HDPE (black) irri-
donated it to Rolex Watch Company in gation pipe, available at larger hardware
Write to us, engage Switzerland. stores and garden shops selling irrigation
us in debate and you Ten years later, I inherited a Rolex equipment, or even an agricultural co-op.
could win a cool GMT-Master, which I dare not wear as it It generally comes in two grades; class 3
prize. In fact, this is too valuable and costs too much to run. for up to 3 bar pressure (which exceeds
month we take that I wear a Swatch. that of PVC wastepipe and, I think, is still
literally: our winning DAVE REYNELL cheaper, too); and a thicker-walled class
letter earns a Little KNYSNA 6 for 6 bar pressure capacity (both have
Luxury Vitality water the same 40 mm ID). The latter would
cooler + 3 stage tap surely test the ping-pong cannon to new
water filter valued extremes.
Water is on, well, everyones lips, PINELANDS
with drought and water quality among
the biggest threats facing our society. NUCLEAR IS THE FUTURE
For many, filtering their water has Our renewable energy sources are essen-
become second nature and with Little tially indirect nuclear fusion. Without
Luxury Vitality that process is easy and baseload renewables, such as geothermal
affordable. Its silly to have bottled and hydropower, we will need a massive
water delivered to your house, at huge economic investment into grid storage for
cost financially and environmentally, wind and solar power. That cost is some-
with diesel truck emissions adding thing nuclear competes with.
to the pollution. Most importantly, the possibilities of
The Little Luxury Vitality water cooler nuclear energy make it the ideal future.
is the most affordable true mini cooler. We are now developing fast breeder fission
It provides 7 litres of ice-cold filtered reactors and massive stellarators for hydro-
water at your fingertips. Little Luxury PERFECT FIT gen fusion, which make backup gas turbines
Vitality cooler filters exceed both the I have just read in your November issue look like clunky, inefficient and polluting
USA and the European standards; they Mr Addis letter lamenting the problem of Middle Ages tools.
use NSF-certified filters, are tested by the PVC 40 mm OD (Outside Diameter) YUSUF KHAN
SGS France and approved by the FDA. wastepipe used as the barrel of the cannon in DURBAN
The 3 Stage tap filter is easy to use,
providing healthy great tasting water
on tap via to the 3 Stage Silvertech
Filtration active carbon cartridge.
The guaranteed quality filter has a
built in selector switch for filtered or
unfiltered. The multi-adaptor fits most
mixer taps and is easy to install (no
plumber needed). It comes with a
1 year guarantee
Its the perfect gift for your bar,
desk, kids rooms, next to grannys
bed and on your kitchen counter.
Available at Dischem and Makro. To HYPERLOOP HEAD-SCRATCHER
find out more and buy online, visit In your September issue, there is an article on the proposed Hyperloop transport system, which consists of an evacuated tube fitted with electromagnets inside which
a capsule will ride on a cushion of air at 1 100 km/h, being pulled along with a fan
and obtaining extra propulsion from the magnets. I can understand the power of
Send your letter to: Popular Mechanics,
the magnets, but how can the fan work and the capsule float on air if the tube has
PO Box 180, Howard Place 7450,
been evacuated? Have I missed something?
or e-mail popular mechanics@ JM KIRBY Please keep it HOWICK
short and to the point. Regrettably, (Musks original concept used a partial vacuum and borrowed the air castor idea, envisaging
prizes can be awarded only to South transportation pods riding on an extremely thin layer of air, with fans balancing pressure
African residents. build-up. Subsequent implementations have explored maglev principles. Editor) PM

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 7


After the discovery of a 20 000-year-old woolly
mammoth carcass, breeding or cloning mam-
moths became a realistic scientific objective.
The plan was to cross-breed the mammoth DNA with an
elephant or regenerate the cells in order to clone the long

extinct animal. As we dont have any woolly mammoths This month we focus on smart homes, including the ques-
walking around yet, you can guess how that went. tion of security, specifically fire safety, which we went into in
great detail in 2002. We suggested 10 ways to keep your
home safe, from a basic alarm to deadbolt locks and fire extinguishers.

Taking the perfect selfie is a mission. So is Clearly, not much has changed in the way of essentials we need to
taking a perfect portrait, it would appear. In keep our homes safe.
1968, we questioned why it is so difficult to
shoot a portrait. Turns out, just like with modern-day
selfies, lighting is very important and the correct angle
of light can get you the right filter.

Popular Mechanics has always been the go-to for
innovative DIY projects. You can buy boots for your
dog online today, but making them is actually not
so difficult. Hunting dogs travel on harsh terrain for long
hours, so they needed boots to protect their feet. PM

8 _ FEBRUARY 2017

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1 2 4

World Cancer
Day raises aware-
ness of the disease
and encourages its
prevention, detection
and treatment.
Feb 27th: Ultra South Africa music festival

The 2017 Cape Town Electronic 7 8 9 10 11
Music Festival is scheduled to rock the
Mother City from 7 to 12 February. Happy Birthday Get your creative
Dimitri Mendeleev, juices flowing at the
the man who 2017 Design Indaba
created the in Cape Town from
Periodic Table 11 to 20 February.
of elements.

12 13 14 15 16 18

The Night Harvest, Africas 2nd and biggest

Cape Towns premier Happy Valentines cricket festival, The Cape
BMX biking competition, Day from the Popular Town Sixes, starts today.
is back for a Mechanics team. The first Monaco Look out for a chance
fifth year. International Motor to win tickets on
Show will be held; until
19 February.

19 20 21 22 23 24 25
The Herald This entire page Its road race
Happy birthday, was typed and laid time in PE today
Continental Cycle Dolly the sheep,
Tour starts today THE MARCH out on products as the Herald
ISSUE of Popular the first mammal emanating from the Continental Cycle
with exciting to be cloned.
mountain-bike Mechanics goes empire of the man Tour continues.
races in Port on sale. born on this day,
Elizabeth Steve Jobs.

26 27 28
Ultra South Striking looks aside,
Africa music the word is that
festival starts at economy is likely to be
the Cape Town a big selling point for
Ostrich Ranch Toyotas C-HR subcom-
along the N7. pact urban crossover
launched today.


5/02 11/02
The Cape Town City Hall will be turned into The Design Indaba has put Cape Town on
a massive multi-level club where master inter- the world map as a hotbed of innovation and THURS
national beat makers, like the UKs Nightmares
on Wax and Germanys Boris Brejecha, will
drop thundering basslines alongside more than
will be back again at Artscape from Friday, 11
February to Sunday, 20 February 2017. From
engaging with intellectuals at the conference
30 local acts including Rudeboyz, DJ Kenzhero, to voting for South Africas Most Beautiful
DJ Lag and many more. Apart from the core Object and seeing design-inspired flicks at
music fiesta, the festival will also host a series the film festival, you will find yourself 100 per In 1997, the successful cloning of an adult
of satellite events and workshops in the run-up cent inspired and motivatedFRI to make your mammal was announced: a female lamb named
to the main event. mark on the city and beyond. Dolly was born 5 July 1996. The accomplishment
of a group of scientists supervised by Ian Wilmut at
Roslin Institute, Edinburgh, Scotland, the cloning
was primarily the work of biologist Keith Campbell.
Dolly was the first mammal ever successfully cloned
from a cell from an adult animal and lived until
14 February 2003, when she was put down due
to the effects of a progressive lung disease.

10 _ FEBRUARY 2017



A technological revolution is under way that will
fundamentally change the way we buy stuff.

BY 2020, THREE OUT OF EVERY FOUR to manage one of the most fun-
OF YOUR CONSUMER INTERACTIONS damental channels for digital
will not be face to face with consumer activity social
another human. Instead, the media indicating that they
majority of your shopping will may be trying to run before
be self-service using chatbots they can walk by investing in
and VR according to new even more advanced data-cen-
research by computer technology tric technologies.
company Oracle.
The Oracle report, Can virtual Shopper, serve thyself
experiences replace reality? In South Africa, by 2020, 77 per
polled 800 senior marketing cent of brands expect to be pro-
and sales professionals in viding customer experiences
France, the Netherlands, South through virtual reality and 79
Africa and the UK. Undertaken per cent will be serving custom-
with Coleman Parkes Research, ers through chatbots (30 per-
it targeted the areas of manu- cent have done so already). A
facturing and high-tech, online significant proportion of sales
retail and telecommunications. and marketing leaders admit
It revealed how the use of that digital and mobile techno-
emerging technologies is set to logies have caused the greatest
surge by 2020. Seventy-seven change to how their customers
percent of brands expect to and prospects interact with
provide customer experiences them. Most notably, 40 per-
through virtual reality in the cent of brands agree that people
next four years, while 79 per- now do more research on their
cent expect to serve customers own before making a purchase.
through chatbots. In fact, more than one in three
It comes as no surprise, given brands say customers and pros-
our increasing preference for pects prefer to complete a pur-
online and mobile commerce. chase or resolve service issues
In response, companies are without speaking to a human
moving further away from real- associate, if possible. Even
life, human interactions into an more say customers want to
age of advanced self-service. initiate sales discussions them-
However, the report also shows selves rather than be approached
that many brands still struggle by a brand, regardless of how

Five years ago, Adidas proposed its

More than one in three brands say customers version of the shopping experience of
the future with its virtual footwear wall.
and prospects prefer to complete a purchase
or resolve service issues without speaking to
a human associate, if possible

12 _ FEBRUARY 2017

A GLIMPSE OF TOMORROW ment, says Jooman Park, managing direc- simply holding their gaze on a product, it is
In May 2016, eBay, Australias largest mar- tor of eBay Australia and New Zealand. selected and automatically floats towards
ketplace and iconic Australian retailer Myer Using shopticals (specially designed vir- them. The top 100 products are available
joined forces to create the worlds first tual reality viewers) in combination with an to view in 3D. Locking eyes on information
virtual reality department store. More than app, shoppers are able to select areas of icons brings up full product specifications,
12 500 products from Myer can be browsed, interest at the beginning of the experience. as well as price, availability and shipping
selected and added to a cart. As shoppers move through the store, details. Purchasing is as simple as holding
It was important not to just replicate the smart technology suggests products. They ones eyes on the Add to Basket icon to
ecommerce experience in a virtual environ- can browse using eBay Sight Search: by complete purchases via the eBay app.

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 13


1. VR is making its way into
the home.
2. VR headsets (think Google
and Samsung) have become
3. Tech vendors are staking
their claim. Alibaba, for
example, is building its own
VR mall.
Mark de Groot, EMEA
marketing director, digital
customer experience, Oracle

relevant and personalised the

approach is. Customers prefer
to make purchases or resolve a
service issue without speaking
directly with a member of the
sales or customer service team,
they say.
From VR dressing rooms on
a retailers website to intelligent
chatbots on a telecoms compa-
nys service portal, merchants
are already finding ways to Shopping without having to
leave the comfort of your
make the customer experience
notebook or tablet is nothing
more convenient and familiar new. Whats taking it the next
to consumers whose primary level is the amount of inter-
communication platforms have actability being offered thanks
become messaging apps and to artificial intelligence. Case
social networks. in point: ebays partnership
with big Australian retailer
Myer to create a virtual store
Ad blockers get smarter with, in some cases, 3D
and so do ads displays.
Besides changing the way we
shop, AI might yet prove to be
the saviour of the advertising
industry, says Daryn Mason,
senior director, CX Applications,
Few people welcome the bar-
rage of messages being pushed act with brands directly before
at them online, but that does bringing back only those
not mean they wish to block communications that are rele-
them all, he says. vant.By 2020, the customer
Todays relatively crude ad experience will largely be
blockers will evolve into more defined by two-way discussions
sophisticated, smarter, targeted between intelligent software
AI brokers that can filter rather than by a unidirectional media. They also recognise that news travels fast on social net-
through ads with even greater flow of promotional content, works, and that this has become both a blessing and a curse. On
granularity based on a deep Mason says. one hand, when a customer makes a noise about a positive brand
understanding of a buyers One particularly rich source experience, this can quickly spread to the masses and generate
needs and online activity. of valuable data is social media. instant brand equity. On the other, news of a negative experience
Soon, buyers will begin to Nearly half of sales and mar- will travel just as quickly and can seriously damage a brands
build a virtual profile that keting leaders admit that image. According to 40 percent of sales and marketing leaders,
clearly outlines which products customers and prospects word of mouth has become more crucial to their success in the age
and services they are seeking, increasingly want to interact of social media.
and which is then left to inter- with their brand over social Oracles Cloud services have helped organisations to be more

14 _ FEBRUARY 2017

agile in responding to custom-
ers, the company says. For
instance, General Motors ena-
bled its service teams to gain a
better view of customers based
on their social media activity, INCREASINGLY TOUGH RESTRICTIONS on hand lug-
including their previous pur-
gage are forcing travellers to pay attention to
chases and service requests so aspects of their carry-on that they might have
that they can resolve issues previously neglected. Dont assume that, because
more quickly and efficiently.
Audio equipment maker D+M ON TECH your suitcase passed the test two years ago, it
still does in 2017. And watch that weight.
Group, whose iconic brands BY G A RY D E L LA B AT E Although most airlines are only now really start-
include Denon, Marantz, ing to enforce size restrictions on carry-on lug-
Boston Acoustics and HEOS, I spent an afternoon with my gage, weight restrictions are sure to follow suit
spotted and fixed a recent tech- credit card bills to inventory and with it being set at around 7 kg (SAA quotes
nical with its HEOS wireless my digital subscriptions. 8 kg), the weight of your actual bag becomes
speaker before other customers Heres how to do it. pretty important.
even realised there was a prob- Speaking of which, Ospreys Ozone range
lem, based on a single custom- 1. The three-month trial (pictured) is named for its lightweight design.
er interaction. Alerted via the A while back, I got my son a subscrip- Besides two size options for standard wheeled
cloud, the product design team tion to Deezer, which is a streaming bags, theres a 50-litre convertible thats
developed a fix and contacted service like Spotify, but with more described as a travelling chameleon. First, its a
affected customers. electronic dance music. I signed up piece of wheeled luggage perfectly sized to meet
Ultimately, lets not overlook for three free months, but I had to put maximum carry-on size specifications. But it has
one important observation: in my credit card. He doesnt use it a hidden backpack suspension system so you
although we may be about to anymore, but years later, I caught a can carry on when the sidewalk ends. Theres
say goodbye to the traditional R3 750 charge. Other companies have also detachable daypack.
human-to-human conversation incremental costs, but Deezers huge
with the helpful shop assistant number was obvious. Luckily, it was Price: from R2 899, at Luggage Warehouse, Due
or salesman that helps us make easy to log in and shut it off. South and Drifters Adventure Centre.
up our minds when we shop, Tip: When you start a trial, set your
well still want a personalised calendar to remind you when the free
experience. If companies make trial ends.
optimal use of VR and chatbots
can help achieve that, not only 2. The outdated data plan
If my mobile phone bill is higher than
the customer wins: companies
also gain a significantstrategic
usual for no clear reason, I call up WILL IT FIT?
customer service and say that Im Hand luggage total dimension
advantage. A recent study from dropping one of my lines. If youre
Harvard Business Review found must not exceed 115 cm,
lucky, theyll lower your bill a bit, or including handles and wheels.
thatthe 15 per cent of compa- put you on a cheaper promotional Max weight: 7 kg
nies that are ahead in their use deal. You have to get lucky that week, Free extra: a handbag or
of technology and data intelli- but it happens. laptop bag
gence have grown more quickly Tip: If you have auto-pay, set your bill
in the past year than their to email you every month to catch any
competitors and are better price hikes.
positioned for future growth.
Having the right data at 3. The impossible cancellation
their fingertips will enable I was paying R100 a month for Xbox
organisations to deliver a bet- Live. I asked my son, You still using
ter, more personalised experi- the Xbox? Nah, havent played it in
ence to their customers and months. Then you gotta tell me,
deliver the right message to dude! When I went to cancel, none of
the right person at the right us could remember the password. The
time on the right channel hold times with Microsoft were eternal.
Eventually, I called American Express
through virtual reality, on
and disputed the charges until they
social or otherwise, says the
agreed to stop making payments. It
report. It adds, hopefully: sounds drastic, but that was the only
Customers will value a smart, option. I havent had any issues since.
helpful, personalised interac- Tip: If you cant cancel your subscrip-
tion regardless of how its tion, tell your credit card company to
delivered, so theres hope for stop payments.
humans yet.

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 15



Retrieving an asteroid sample is no easy
task. Doing the job blindfolded is even
more challenging. Thats why scientists
equipped the OSIRIS-REx spacecraft with
a set of eyes to watch it all unfold.
S A R A H S C H L E I D E R , N A S A G O D DA R D S PAC E OCAMS in action.

NASAS ORIGINS, SPECTRAL INTERPRETATION, Once PolyCam performs an initial map-

RESOURCE IDENTIFICATION, SECURITY-REGOLITH ping of the asteroid, scientists will use the
EXPLORER (OSIRIS-REx) launched on camera to identify a site where the space-
8 September 2016, and is travelling to a craft might collect a sample of Bennus
near-Earth asteroid known as Bennu, to surface that is as free of hazards as possible,
harvest a sample of surface material, and such as boulders and dramatic slopes.
return it to Earth for study. A trio of Already, at about three kilometres,
cameras will capture it all. were dividing the surface of the asteroid
The OSIRIS-REx Camera Suite, or into go and no go places, said Bashar
OCAMS, consists of three cameras. Rizk, OCAMS instrument scientist at the
PolyCam is a high-resolution camera that University of Arizona. If a place is cov-
will acquire the first images of Bennu and ered with hazards, were just not going to
perform an initial mapping of the asteroid. go there because we dont want to risk
MapCam is a medium-resolution camera damaging the spacecraft.
that will map the asteroid in colour and they can still get the job done. The second camera to get a glimpse of
search for satellites and dust plumes. The first camera to see Bennu is called Bennu is called MapCam. This camera has
SamCam will document the sampling pro- PolyCam. Similar to a polymath a human a wider field of view than PolyCam and is
cess. The spacecraft will store the images that is skilled at doing several different equipped with a number of colour filters
captured by OCAMS and send them to the things PolyCam can perform a wide in its wheel to help the scientists identify
OSIRIS-REx team every few days. range of optical tasks. locations on the asteroid where specific
Scientists designed the camera suite to
be functionally redundant, meaning that
if one of the cameras fails during the mis-
It has a focus mechanism that allows it to refocus from infinity to about
sion, the other two cameras can stand in. 150 m, which provides PolyCam with the ability to switch from detecting stars and
When you have a critical mission like asteroids from far away to resolving small pebbles on the surface of the asteroid.
this, you want redundancy, said Christian
dAubigny, OCAMS deputy instrument It has better visual acuity, or sharpness of vision, than an eagle. Several
scientist at the University of Arizona, eagle species can see small objects such as prey from as far as 3 km away. But with
its high resolution, PolyCam can acquire images of similarly sized objects on Bennu
Tucson. The cameras have some amount
at a range of about 48,2 to 96,5 kilometres to determine its shape and figure out how
of overlap in their capabilities. Theyre not
the scientists can manoeuver the spacecraft around the asteroid.
exact copies of each other, but if one fails,

16 _ FEBRUARY 2017

it comes time to retrieve a sample, SamCam
must be able to retain its functionality for
up to three attempts.
To combat this potential threat, the
team at the University of Arizona fur-
nished SamCam with multiple copies of
the same filter, which are placed in front
of the camera optics to act as a cover. The
minerals of interest may be present, par- tortured by the sun every time they go
filters help ensure that the camera has a
ticularly those that may have once been around it.
dust-free, unobstructed viewing of the
in contact with liquid water. Due to a lack of water on the surface,
sampling event in case sampling needs to
MapCam will also look for satellites and the scientists predict that Bennus regolith
be repeated.
dust plumes, which may present a hazard a layer of loose material, including dust,
The team also had to account for radia-
to the spacecraft. There are a number of soil and broken rock is very dry, similar
tion from gamma rays and X-rays when
suspected mechanisms for plume forma- to the surface of the moon. The surface
designing OCAMS. Scientists housed the
tion, such as sublimation, in which a fro- material can easily stick to things, increas-
cameras in a suit of armour made from
zen substance transitions directly to a gas ing the risk of contaminating the OSIRIS-
solid titanium and aluminium. These
without first passing through the liquid REx spacecraft during sampling.
materials can block the radiation OSIRIS-
phase, and electromagnetic levitation due Dust contamination is of particular con-
REx will encounter during the mission.
to electrical charging from solar wind as cern to the spacecrafts third camera;
The lenses are made of materials, such as
the asteroid gets closer to the sun. SamCam. This camera is a low-resolution,
silicon dioxide, that are radiation resist-
Asteroids are exposed to a lot of solar wide-angle camera designed to get up
ant, as well as a number of other types of
radiation because they have no atmos- close and personal with the asteroid to
glass that are infused with cerium, which
phere, Rizk said. Theyre just mercilessly document the sampling acquisition. When
prevents the glass from turning opaque
when exposed to high levels of radiation.
PolyCam (centre), We tried to think of everything that
MapCam (left) and the spacecraft might be subjected to and
SamCam (right) make
up the OSIRIS-REx
account for that, Rizk said. Its a multi-
Camera Suite, step process of simulations, testing and
responsible for most design to ensure that the cameras work
of the visible light properly and that we get the best images
images that will be we can.
taken by the space-

OSIRIS-RExs eyes are a critical part of

retrieving an asteroid sample, which will
help scientists investigate how planets
formed and how life began, as well as
improve our understanding of asteroids
that might impact Earth.

A collaborative team of engineers and scientists at the University

of Arizonas Lunar and Planetary Laboratory and the College of
Optical Sciences and the Utah State Universitys Space Dynamics
Laboratory spent four and a half years designing and building

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 17


Left: Twelve times more thermally efficient
than conventional brick cavity walling,

BEAT THE HEAT, Stumbelblocs new fireproof building block

has many applications. They can either

be made onsite using plastic moulds or
purchased ready-made. Below: The blocks
weigh just 6 kg, so even Esterhuizens petite

A TIME 10-year-old daughter Isabel can carry them.

Below left: A unique patented interlocking
block profile makes accurate building easier.
New locally developed fireproof
building block keeps the heat out
along with the cold.

HOT OR COLD, it doesnt matter what end of

the heat spectrum youre coming from:
too much of either can be a bad thing.
That said, keeping our homes within the
habitable goldilocks zone during our hot
summers has already become a financial
burden for many South Africans and its
only going to get worse. Its a double
whammy, because as global warming moulds or purchased ready-made.
pushes temperatures up, so our electricity One thing Esterhuizen couldnt do when
tariffs escalate. Its the worst nightmare perfecting his top-secret fireproof perlite
for any lover of air conditioning. mix (which gets added to the standard
You probably havent got a fancy off- block aggregate) was make the blocks
grid home, but that doesnt mean you load-bearing. However, as an experienced
cant make your dwelling more thermally builder, he doesnt see this as a problem
efficient and save some hard-earned cash. and wouldnt hesitate to construct an
Like spending it on Stumbelblocs affordable entire home out of them. I would just put
DIY building block, which is so thermally in concrete support columns and use the
efficient it boasts a 60-minute fireproof blocks for shuttering, then fill all the
rating. Blocking cold just as effectively as blocks under trusses with concrete.
it does heat, it provides homeowners, Instead of using mortar, all Stumbelbloc
farmers and companies renovating build- around, efficiently trapping heat inside variants are bonded together using
ings with an affordable building solution during winter, too. Blockgrip. It sets in three hours, and is
that allows them to cut down on future Each block weighs 6 kg (or about one- applied by simply dipping their bases into
heating and cooling costs. third the weight of a normal concrete the mix, making the construction process
Stumbelblocs Andre Esterhuizen tells block). Using them to build costs about at least 10 times quicker, less messier and
the story: As our fireproof blocks are 12 the same as erecting drywall. significantly cheaper than conventional
times more thermally efficient than con- Like Stumbelblocs standard building methods. In fact, a typical days construction
ventional cavity brick walling, they have blocks, the fireproof blocks feature the is said to result in less than one barrow-
many applications: from resisting intense companys same unique patented interlock- load of waste.
flames for an hour to keeping homes and ing profiles. Like grown-up Lego blocks, To find out more, contact Andre
stored perishable items cool when its they help make building a more accurate Esterhuizen on 083 228 8036 or
blistering hot outside. Being such great process and can be made onsite using plastic visit
insulators, they also work the other way

An upmarket home being erected out of standard Stumbelbloc building blocks, which is said to be 10 times quicker than conventional methods.

18 _ FEBRUARY 2017



Driverless vehicles arent just for highways as this autonomous tractor concept shows.
ALTHOUGH FARMING HAS an eye on developments in Remote control detection, radar, laser and
BECOME increasingly mecha- autonomous vehicle regula- Autonomous drive is suited video technology. Thats
nised, the heavy machinery tions, developing its on-road to cultivation, planting and capable of sensing an object
involved has still depended side and looking at optimis- spraying and is equally in the way, stopping the
on skilled operators until ing implements for autono- applicable to smaller tractors vehicle and sending a
now. The autonomous trac- mous application. used for mowing or orchard request for further instruc-
tor concept pictured here The ACV is based on exist- spraying. To start with, the tions. Which could include
promises to take precision ing Case IH Magnum high- most efficient field paths wait, drive around the
farming to the next level. horsepower conventional are pre-plotted by computer obstacle or, if its just a
First shown at the 2016 tractors and uses GPS- (manual plotting is possible). straw pile, proceed. Failsafes
US Farm Progress Show and guided auto-steering. It can The operator can then include automatic stop in
recently awarded European be completely remotely choose a job from a pre- the event of a loss of GPS
honours, the Autonomous monitored and controlled, programmed menu and set signal.
Concept Vehicle (ACV) is a with real-time recording it to work, monitoring Theres the potential to
driverless version of an and transmission of field things by means of a PC or use Big Data such as weather
existing model. The concept data. Aside from the driver- tablet. The remote control records and soil data, too.
grew out of the increasing less technology it uses a shows data and a camera The driverless tractor could
difficulty of finding skilled standard engine, transmis- feed. conceivably operate 24/7 if
labour to work long hours sion, chassis and hitch/PTO/ On-board sensors auto- conditions are good, stop if
on large farms during busy hydraulic couplings and matically governengine they are changeable, and
periods, such as when har- integrates seamlessly into start/stop, acceleration/ move to another field if
vesting or establishing a existing tractor operations. deceleration, engine revs, soils there are lighter or
crop, says Case IHs Dan steering angle, transmission, there has been no rain.
Stuart. Five years of devel- PTO, linkage and hydraulic Its ability to integrate
opment produced the ACV, Auto-steering and services operation, differen- with implements has been
whose technology will likely telemetry are already tials and horn. The route successfully demonstrated
trickle down to existing sys- available on todays to the field can also be and Case IH has developed
tems. While auto-steering tractors, but autono- planned, should this involve advanced seeding informa-
and telemetry are already mous technology drivable private roads or tion sensors and software,
available on todays tractors, tracks. draft monitoring and other
takes this a significant
autonomous technology Technology provider ASI implement software for
takes this a significant stage stage further. has helped create the vehi- performance supervision.
further, says Stuart. cles safety package using
The company is keeping the latest infrared, metal

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 19



SAFE AND SOUND However, it was through his call-up as

finalist to the Chivas Regal: The Venture
Awards that his idea and startup started
A wearable that alerts the deaf through vibration and light. BY PA PI M A B E L E
gaining international recognition. The
awards are for promising social entrepre-
SOME SOUNDS CAN SOOTHE THE SOUL (think neurs and social innovators who run inno-
great music), some can drive you crazy vative businesses that have a potential to
(think yapping dog) and some, like a warn- create a positive change in the world.
ing toot on a hooter, can save your life. Its Since then, hes been featured and collabo-
the last category of sound in particular that rated on numerous entrepreneurial and
bothered Zuko Mandlakazi when he tried social innovation causes worldwide.
to get to grips with a close family members For Senso, there are going to be multi-
hearing disability. Being deaf was bad ple challenges. The biggest one is going to
enough, Mandlakazi recognised, but worse be adoption. How can Mandlakazi and his
than that was the apparent lack of a solution team convince investors, end users and
to address her daily challenges and those motivators to these end users that its
of the 360 million deaf people worldwide, worth their time to implement yet anoth-
That prompted him to start Senso. Its a er new piece of technology? Already, the
tool based on a wrist-mounted wearable market is inundated with startups trying
device that picks up sounds and translate to change the world in one way or another,
them into vibration and LED light. Senso and so far, there havent been that many
(pronounced sensor) provides the conveni- explosive successes. Thats part of the rea-
ence of alerting through vibration and light son why Senso had to be a more complete
instead of sound, which can be distorted in package, rather than tackling smaller ver-
the presence of other external noise. sions of the problem that some apps do.
I just thought, hang on a second, There are lots of apps out there
whats going to happen when my aunt is theres actually a lot of assistant apps out
old and no longer has the strength to take THE PLATFORM: SENSO there; it feels a bit fragmented.
care of herself? says Mandlakazi. The Team: Zuko Mandlakazi (CEO), Peter We want the device to be able to learn
The device is tailored to its user. It has Shelwembe (designer), Jose Kabeya (web
how your brain learns, Mandlakazi said.
developer), Melvin Musehani (product develop-
the ability to alert the user when a set ment), Pumza Sikhumba (market research), If your system is content-agnostic, we can
perimeter in their surroundings has been Siphelele Mandlakazi (IT), Khutso Bapela use neuroscience and look at the motiva-
breached, which then opens the device to (Product development), Sibusiso Mkhwanazi tion of the person using it. I felt the need
be used to monitor a childs movement or (industrial designer), and Sharon Leshabane to build the Senso, I looked around and
to track a pet or car. (business analyst) what I understood was that I needed to
Although Zuko has carved out a name Funds raised: R1,5 million
build the system while my aunt is around.
for himself in the startup world with his With the product now in its final stages,
relentless focus on productivity, synchro- Design Institute, South African Breweries Senso has managed to raise another round
nisation, mobility and ease of access, the and mLab Southern Africa in developing of funding with Multichoice and The
goal for Senso is to give the deaf, especially the product and refining its technical Innovation Hub. The funding will enable
from disadvantaged communities, access direction. The Design Institutes technical Senso to complete a market ready product,
to world-class solutions. From this, Zuko and creative input significantly helped his run a pilot and commercialise the product
has been able to work with the SABS idea progress. within Q1 of 2017. PM

20 _ FEBRUARY 2017



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Huawei Mate 9
Our instantaneous age of
on-demand everything hasnt
been kind to the Leica and
Huawei partnership. Many
sceptics voiced their concerns
and never followed up with the
impressive results of the camera
tests. This is Huaweis 5,9-inch
response to the naysayers, sporting
the second generation of the Leica
The Mate product line is for the
business and power users. Both are
very well served with the Chinese
companys home-baked Kirin 960
processor, 4 GB RAM and 4 000 mAh
battery. Bear in mind that Huaweis
EMUI skin is usually very well opti-
mised and its running over the
fast and efficient Nougat (7.0)
flavour of Android.
Following on the excellent optical
tradition, the Mate 9 retains the dual
cameras that worked so well on the
P9, but this time up the monochrome
sensor resolution to 20 MP which will
capture even more detail alongside
the 12 MP colour sensor. For those
who dont know, each colour picture
taken with this camera system uses
both sensors and paints in the colour
data on to the light details of the
monochrome image. The results
are incredible.
Further camera enhancements
include optical image stabilisation Casio G-Shock G-Steel
on both sensors, 2x hybrid zoom We never thought wed see the
(uses over-sampling of the 20 MP day that Casio marches the
sensor to retain detail) and, finally, G-Shock into Edifice
4K video recording. An 8 MP selfie territory, but here we
camera with auto focus and a wide are. While a stainless steel
open f/1,9 aperture complete the casing on a G-Shock watch
optics package. certainly blurs the lines within
We cant wait to put this device the Casio product range, its a
through its paces and would, even welcome change-up for the more
before testing, highly recommend accomplished among us. And theyve
it to anyone looking for a high-end even managed to retain the Tough
camera on a phone. Solar charging technology.
RTBA, From $280,

22 _ FEBRUARY 2017

HP Spectre 13:
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Philips Brilliance 4K monitor

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just get a screen. The downside here is the single HDMI
port, but there are two USB 3.0, two USB 2.0, a VGA, DVI
and Display Port 1.2 inputs, as well as audio out.

Awair Glow
It plugs straight into a wall socket, but has a plug
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From $100,
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This monocoque chassis is crafted in carbon twill 245 3K, polymerised in autoclave

at 6 bar and fitted with a variable aperture exhaust system. Its probably the most Inc DTP 6572.
overdesigned Bluetooth speaker weve ever come across, but it makes us very happy.
19 900,

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 27



Our man is testing out a lifestyle change on his way back to peak fitness and is trying out every
gadget and piece of gear that will help him get there quicker. BY LINDSEY SCHUTTERS

THEY NEVER TELL YOU how hard it is. They and hyperlipidemia, substantially in-
dont because you already know. You know that creases in people with a lower maximal
its easier to lie in slumbers sultry embrace exercise capacity.
rather than reach for the door and head out for Nair and his teams work has become
a run. Its easier to tuck into a tasty toasted a cornerstone of the movement against
treat than precisley portion and pre-pack your the sedentary lifestyle by giving fresh
daily protein. But if it was easy, you wouldnt insight into the physiological effects of
need to find motivation. And thats the key. not exercising. The research shows how
The tedious daily routine of going back and regular aerobic exercise as well as com-
forth from home to work and only making bined aerobic and resistant exercise
time for yourself on some weekends is terrible training programmes not only improve
for your health. Dr K Sreekumaran Nair of insulin sensitivity but, also prevent
Mayo Clinics Rochester, Minnesota campus age-related decreases in muscle mito-
puts it best: Maximal exercise capacity is a chondrial ATP (adenosine triphosphate:
more powerful predictor of mortality than other the chemical form of energy that cells
established risk factors for cardiovascular disease. use) production.
Studies have shown that mortality in chronic Its hard to convert to the kind of
diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, obesity lifestyle that encourages optimum
physiological function because the
human brain rewards laziness and
overindulgence. Our bodies will favour
any action that equips it for future
exertion, so resting and stockpiling
easily accessible energy (sugars) are
deemed as beneficial. You need to find
a spark to ignite a change inferno. Why
not start with a fitness tracker?


24 _ FEBRUARY 2017



With some form of GPS, optical heart rate monitoring, profiles for gym training and mobile syncing, these are elevated
from activity tracker status.

WHAT IS IT? The second coming of Apples WHAT IS IT? Samsungs second generation of WHAT IS IT? Garmins best bang for buck
smartwatch, now with added water resistance sleek fitness tracker. Its a Gear Fit only in name offering if youre serious about your running
and GPS. WatchOS 3 is also a treat. This feels and appearance, outside of that its a much bet- that also dabbles in catching smartphone
like a complete product now. ter, GPS capable, idea. Youll have to reach up notifications and general sport and all-day
WHAT IS IT GOOD AT? Wrist communication for the Gear S3 to compete like for like with activity tracking.
doesnt get better than this. Read and reply to Apple Watch. WHAT IS IT GOOD AT? Running metrics.
messages, take and make phone calls without WHAT IS IT GOOD AT? Samsungs automatic Theres also options to create or upload
having to touch your phone. exercise recognition is phenomenal. Also the custom workouts.
DOWNSIDES? Battery life is not ideal. Although GPS, Wi-Fi connectivity and music storage DOWNSIDES? Battery life is poor at around
37 hours without using GPS is a quantum leap means you can leave your phone behind. two days if youre using GPS every day.
from the 10 hours of series 1. Doesnt play DOWNSIDES? Battery lasted just around two WHO IS IT FOR? Someone who has taken up
outside of iOS. days. Left off of the iOS support list. running as their primary sport, but not a
WHO IS IT FOR? iPhone users who want a WHO IS IT FOR? Android users looking for the professional runner.
unified smart watch and fitness tracking solution. best design and who dont mind Samsungs EXTRAS? The always-on display is great and
EXTRAS? The Nike+ bit brings in custom strap S-Health app. you have full access to Garmins Connect
and watch face options as well as quick access EXTRAS? Wi-Fi connectivity gives you access to IQ app store.
to Nike Run Club functions over the standard phone notifications as long as both devices are FROM R5 000,
Watch Series 2. It will also harass you to get connected.
off the couch. FROM R3 000,
FROM R6 900,


WHAT IS IT? The best fitness and activity tracker WHAT IS IT? Fitbits attempt at a smartwatch that WHAT IS IT? TomToms most well-considered
for most people. Garmins Vivosmart HR, but can piggyback on your phones GPS for distance update to the Spark Cardio sports watch, now
now with added GPS. and speed metrics. with course uploads and back-to-start tracking.
WHAT IS IT GOOD AT? Activity tracking. Distance WHAT IS IT GOOD AT? The Fitbit app is the most WHAT IS IT GOOD AT? If you want to run without
tracking without GPS was bang on 10 km when polished of the lot. Wed say the Blaze comes your phone and still be able to listen to music,
used in a 10K race and the personalised step second to the Gear Fit 2 in the beauty pageant. get this watch. TomTom does that better than
goal is a great tool to keep you motivated while It also handles notifications really well after a anyone, currently.
also pushing you. significant software update. DOWNSIDES? No smartphone notifications
DOWNSIDES? While it does catch notifications DOWNSIDES? Connected GPS means its teth- and the app is nowhere near as polished as its
from your phone, this screen doesnt display text ered to your phone and having to remove the competitors.
in a pleasing way. module from the strap when charging is a pain. WHO IS IT FOR? Outdoor fitness enthusiasts who
WHO IS IT FOR? Someone who wants an activity No water resistance. dont like carrying too much tech with them.
tracker, but also does a bit of running and WHO IS IT FOR? The fashion conscious who also EXTRAS? The raised bezels and 50 m water-
cycling and needs accurate distance for that. want a powerful fitness tracker as well as a sec- proof rating makes this the most rugged watch
EXTRAS? Remote controls for music functions ond screen for their smartphone notifications. in this line-up. Can come bundled with premium
and weather reports are a nice touch. EXTRAS? Music control and interchangeable Bluetooth earbuds. That premium strap is
FROM R3 900, straps. everything.
FROM R3 500, FROM R5 500,

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 25


ON-EAR HEADPHONES are strange. You pay the size penalty urban tunes. I like to think of it as made for radio, as if tuned to
and need to make room on the top of your head to accommodate complement the current dominant airwave playlist.
them, but then they make your earlobes sweat and dont do a great Build quality is an almost dramatic improvement over the Solos
job of sealing off sound. Glorified airplane earphones, the lot of them. and other cans from years gone by. Actual metal and quality
Except when they cost over R2 000 and come with all the baggage plastics work well with the reassuring weight.
of the Beats brand. And these are the entry level pair. And they are
chained to the device youre listening to by a non-removable cable. Conclusion
Yes, in an age where Apple has removed the headphone jack on the While it is disappointing to see a pair of Beats that you cant
iPhone, Apple subsidiary Beats Electronics brought a corded product remove the cord from especially when my work desk orientation
to market. It isnt all folly, though. You wouldnt want your ear- means that the cord runs across my keyboard you can see how
phones to fail on you at the office, forcing you to endure another per- the company is trying to cater to the mass market of individuals
sonal anecdote from your chatty colleague while waiting for a full who cant afford to get locked into the Apple ecosystem. Its a
charge. The EP is the king of the cubicle. great pair of earphones that feel premium and fit comfortably.
I passed this review pair to a colleague who still rocks the original The sound quality is very good and does a lot to upscale
Beats By Dr Dre in the launch black and red colourway. She remarked streamed music; depending on your DAC, of course. - LS
that the sound isolation is so good on the EP that she forgot she is
seated next to a very busy kitchen. Price: R2 250,
Beats has truly found its stride with regard to its unique audio
signature. Warm bass that stops just short of muddy, flat mids and
crisp highs may not be for the audiophiles, but its great for current

I used these
earphones in the
wrong orientation
(left side driver on
right ear) and
noticed absolutely
no difference in the
audio output. Mic
and volume controls
work great with
Apple products.

26 _ FEBRUARY 2017

The lead sulphate crystals that form
in lead acid batteries are generally
dissipated by normal charging. During
extended periods of inadequate
charging think winter, with heavy
use of ancillaries these sulphates
form crystalline deposits on the nega-
tive plates that obscure the batterys
active material, severely impacting
on performance. A pulsed charge is
believed to avoid, reduce or reverse
this condition.


In peak condition
MEASURED AGAINST the R1 400 cost of replacing a battery in a colleagues stranded
car including the callout fee to the battery centre the cost of maintaining battery
health using an external device starts to make sense. Particularly when the battery is
intermittently or inadequately charged.
The Swedish-developed Ctek battery maintenance system provides a convenient means
of checking on your batterys health and, where necessary, restoring it to good health.
Cteks Bluetooth-enabled Battery Sense works in conjunction with a free iPhone or
Android app and allows multiple batteries to be monitored simultaneously. Thats particu-
larly useful for seldom used batteries such as those on motorbikes, jet skis and ski-boats.
It syncs automatically to your mobile phone via Bluetooth.
According to the local distributors Charging Systems Africa, push notification is
sent if the batterys state of charge falls to a critical level or if measurements have not
been taken for seven days. JUST THE FACTS
An even easier option is the plug-in Comfort Indicator. Push it into your cigarette
lighter or 12 V supply socket to display charge state via a three-LED arrangement. BATTERY SENSE
If all this monitoring suggests that you need the battery equivalent of emergency life CONNECTIVITY Bluetooth
support, the MXS 5.0 represents a significant advance on old-fashioned dumb trickle COMPATIBILITY Android, iOS
chargers. Comprehensive, clear instructions explain how to set up and use the supplied WARRANTY 2 years
kit, consisting of a smart unit with dedicated mains connector, terminated with a two-pin PRICE R1 349
Schuko plug. The main unit appears neatly built and has two eyes for securing to a
firm base. On the charger housing, an eight-step graphic with inlaid LEDs makes it MXS 5.0 CHARGER
CHARGING VOLTAGE 14,4 (standard) 14,7
easy to see the batterys state of charge at a glance.
(AGM) 15,8 (Recond)
You begin by hooking up the charger to the battery using the supplied clamps. When
you connect it to the wall socket, the LED display indicates charging status (or, if youve RIPPLE <4 %
connected Pos to Neg by mistake, an error warning; fortunately, the device is protected COMPATIBILITY all types of 12 V
against reverse polarity). lead-acid batteries
Pressing the Mode button selects charge options, including a separate programme BATTERY CAPACITY 1,2 110 Ah
for small batteries such as those found on motorcycles and a setting for the AGM DIMENSIONS 168 x 65 x 38 mm
(absorbed glass mat) designs used in vehicles with Stop-Start technology. Theres also WEIGHT 0,6 kg
a recondition option, recommended once a year after a deep discharge. WARRANTY 5 years
The processes involved start with desulphation with an input of 15,8 volts. This is PRICE R3 450
followed by a soft start testing regimen to ensure that the battery is not defective
and involves a 5-amp cycle of up to 8 hours until 12,6 volts. This ramps up to 14,4 volts COMFORT INDICATOR
for up to 20 hours. At this point, the indicated Level 4, which equates to 80 per cent of COMPATIBILITY 12 mm and 21 mm
charge, the battery is ready to start the vehicle. (As a guide, getting to that point on a (adaptor included)
110 Ah battery will take 26 hours.) PRICE R370
Additional features include a reconditioning programme and two levels for maintaining
charge: float (constant) or pulsed. To avoid overheating, built-in charge voltage compen-
sation is based on ambient temperature. Anthony Doman PM

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 27

the world

28 _ FEBRUARY 2017

The future of the smart home
is all about self-awareness
and one innovative South
African is trading blows with
industry big hitters in the war
for control over the Internet
of things. Lindsey Schutters
finds out how he is doing it.

ate on a Saturday evening your
phone buzzes. Youre out at dinner
and the conversation is going well,
so you ignore it. Then another buzz.
After the third one, you check to see
what jokes are circulating the family
Whatsapp group and mute it. But it isnt
your family. Its your fridge. You need to
buy milk and cheese. Further down the
notifications list, you can tell that the TV
was unplugged and, importantly, the air- their specialist backgrounds. That is The MeIO app and website willbe a
conditioning is trying to regulate the when Seventh Sense IoT was born. The one-stop portal to view and control all
temperature because the window is open. rest, as they say, is history. IoT devices. It will turn data into valuable
You get home to realise that you were information offering tangible insights,
robbed. Completely cleaned out, even The Internet of things is a concept in says Beech of his latest project. This will
the fridge. Your house tried to warn you, which everything is connected to a local eliminate the need for 15 different apps
but you didnt listen. Its okay, though, network or a wide area data connection. to gain access to all your IoT Devices.
because the virtual neighbourhood Everything is not necessarily connected Its an ambitious plan to give users
watch can piece together the incident to the Internet. Autonomous cars, for control over all their connected devices.
from the suburbs security cameras. instance, will communicate with each Not even tech behemoths Apple, Google
From this you can see the perpetrators other in real time to make traffic more and Samsung have managed to cast a net
car circle the block. Through deep efficient; youll be able to control your TV that wide. But thats because theyre try-
machine learning the cameras have via your smartphone when your au pair ing to sell you a product and lock you
tagged feeds from earlier in the day that wants to change to a different streaming into an ecosystem.MeIO is free to use,
show how the gang staked out the neigh- service for your kids; and, importantly, open source and even comes with a dedi-
bourhood, posing as bin scratchers. your house will be able to self-diagnose cated support team who are the actual
Facial recognition, number plate rec- maintenance and security issues. developers. The idea is to let people
ognition, pattern recognition all for decide which devices to connect and
free and open source to plug straight
into an existing set-up. Bring your own
device, says Ryan Beech of Ryonic
Robotics and now Seventh Sense IoT.
He designed and built the MeIO and is
ready to take his open source platform
to market. You can bring a Raspberry Pi
or Arduino, download the source code In its infancy, the deep

and be ready to go. machine learning

Beech describes himself as a serial component of MeIOs

virtual neighbourhood
technology entrepreneur. His greatest watch is behaving
passion is to put South Africa on the exactly as expected
technology map by creating world-class seen here keeping a
solutions. IoT immediately caught my watchful eye over
attention when I came across it in Beechs garage. The
live testing in Parkhurst
2013, he explains. I spoke to Bokkie has helped in rapid
Fourie and Shera Eshmade about IoT prototyping.
projects and applications because of

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 29

Making the world smarter
what functionality those devices will be
endowed with.
Its this democratic approach to con-
nected objects that makes MeIO so
intriguing. It transforms IoT into a plat-
form that interprets data in a useful way
instead of performing a manufacturer-
ordained, pre-planned, limited script of
functions. The level of artificial intelli-
gence is limited only by your coding skill
and imagination. Its actually intelligent AI.
We last saw Ryan Beech helming the
Parkhurst off-grid project, which has sub-
sequently morphed into the Parkhurst
Smart Grid project. Naturally, MeIO is the
common thread as the platform on which
all the projects will be built.
The first phase is smart grid management.
When enough households have converted
to renewables, the suburb can establish a
microgrid and control energy sharing and
distribution between residents. After that,
the 2 000 households and all businesses in
the area will pool information resources
and convert into a smart town, where visi-
tors to the area can easily locate parking
or get traffic updates, waste management
and recycling receives a smart upgrade,
and the town produces a digital neighbour-
hood guide.
The smart security is the most interest-
ing, though.

This [virtual neighbourhood watch]

is a big part of our Parkhurst project and
we are aiming to allow residents to patrol
the streets from the comfort of their own
homes. This will be done via MeIO as
well, says Beech. Every resident will allo-
cate two hours a month to watch the feeds
The developer team at Ryonic Robotics and
and patrol the streets. A panic button in Seventh Sense IoT are encouraged to create and
What Beech has considered very
the app and on the website will allow innovate rather than churn. The more they play well, though, is how to scale for the
them to send a proactive response vehicle with the code and the platform, the more scenar- numerous local businesses in the area.
when they see something suspicious. ios they can prepare for. A resource like this Our initial core focus is on industrial and
will be invaluable in the roll out and trouble
Though there are other off-site monitor- commercial clients to obtain data from
shooting phase.
ing options with some AI baked in, Beech various types of machines and equipment.
believes that the intelligent scene recogni- But [at the same time] we are developing
tion combined with a central control room the platform for the consumer and hobby
solutions are already outdated. The latest- nising patterns. Like the aforementioned market to enable makers and garage tink-
generation cameras all come with on- route the burglars took to reach your erers to build IoT devices using Arduino
board storage that eliminates the need for house. The idea is to organise the security and Raspberry Pis that they can then link
a DVR, and they also have on-board video systems better than the criminals are to MeIO. We are aiming to develop an
analytics to send events only to security organised and turn the war on crime into online code base where people can down-
companies or police. This eliminates the one that favours preparedness. load embedded code for their devices to
need for a big control room as footage is The obvious red flags are when criminals ensure seamless connectivity to MeIO.
sent only if an event if flagged, he infiltrate the system, posing as residents. MeIO portal will also have preconfigured

explains. MeIO also gives residents or As with all solutions that favour a sharing devices for sale to connect anything from
business owners access to their video and honesty economy, it seems vulnerable your pool pump to your fridge.
feeds and can, in similar manner receive to attack from the inside. Another prob- Seventh Sense IoT is already developing
footage only when preprogrammed events lem is server space. For MeIO to work hardware specific to the platform, most
take place. optimally on a large scale, the platform recently branching into manufacturing
Beech has built the deep learning AI needs room to store all the data while it low-cost electronic boards for a number of
himself with the express purpose of recog- feeds the algorithms. new markets. These new markets probably

30 _ FEBRUARY 2017

Makers and tinkerers
will be encouraged to
code unique function-
ality into MeIO, but
there will be functions
available for download
and sharing between

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 31

Making the world smarter
included some of Ryonic Robotics existing
client base who are already using MeIO to
varying degrees. The team is pushing
All our robots are IoT-ready and our hard to complete
the application
customers will be able to access the data
that will form the
they acquire using our robots through basis of the user
MeIO, says Beech. We [Ryonic] are also experience.
developing Africas first locally designed
and developed industrial automation
robots that include six-axis robot arms
and cobots [collaborative robots that work
in unison with a human workforce and
require more stringent regulation]. We
will use MeIO as a remote access platform
to view equipment status and vitals in
plants and factories remotely all over the
It would be easy for Beech and Seventh
Sense to become as user-hostile as its A key part of the
competitors, given the extensive automa- user interface is the
tion Ryonic is capable of. He does assure easy adding of new
devices. Simply
us that this is not his intention. Most
open the menu item
companies force you to use only their and scan the QR
hardware and software, which is a frustra- code or the NFC
tion we want to alleviate. We are also aim- chip.
ing to developed low-cost solutions as
imports are expensive due to the South
African exchange rates.
These user-oriented cost-saving meas-
ures include a printable QR Code system
to trigger IoT functions working alongside
capacity for NFC-enabled devices. This
allows for cross-platform flexibility and
leaves room for growth if a third party
hardware manufacturer can afford to
equip each device with an NFC circuit. MeIO will at launch
My focus to date has been on develop- be available on both
ing world-class robots and IoT platforms, iOS and Android, as
well as MacOS and
he tells us. We are, however, planning to
Windows 10 via an
approach select makers and makerspaces online portal.
once we are complete with MeIOs beta
testing in early 2017.

February 2017 is pencilled in as the

launch date for MeIO. The platform is well
positioned to make the deadline, but
Beech is conservative in his thinking. His
biggest hurdle at the moment is the high
cost of data storage in local data centres.
Seventh Sense is in discussions with ser-
vice providers to find a way around this
obstacle. There wouldnt be much sense in
bringing this product to market when the
user experience is hampered by frustrating
glitches, brought on by inadequate servers. ty and ultimately a generally more comfortable and improved living environment. I want
On top of the considerable effort that to put Africa on the international technology map, deliver a world-class product locally

has gone into bringing the platform to a and at an affordable price.

point where it can compete with the When you think about it, a self-diagnosing home will save you money in the long run
worlds best and brightest, Beechs vision by intelligently reporting faults before they happen. The self-aware smart home could also
for the impact of this project is quite protect your valuables with an array of intruder detection methods and a robust incident
noble. The real benefits of the Internet of escalation structure.
things is in reduced energy consumption, The counter argument to empowering the things around us is that it leaves us open to
less food and water wastage, better securi- malicious attack. Or worse, HAL will refuse to open the pod bay doors.

32 _ FEBRUARY 2017

Ryonic Robotics has long outgrown Ryan
Beechs garage and is now in new premises
in Rosebank, just up the road from Parkhurst
in Johannesburg. The company is now
expanding to deliver on international con-
tracts and still fabricates in-house instead
of sending designs to China.
On the factory floor are CNC machines,
3D printers and countless stocks of compo-
nentry to build, mainly, highly advanced
pipe inspection robots. These projects allow
Beech and his team to test MeIOs robust-
ness in a wide array of applications and
serve clients an all-inclusive product.

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 33

Making the world smarter Sprinkler system

Security system

Electric geyser

Garage/gate automation

Energy metering

Automation 2.0
Off-the-shelf solutions to improving your homes IQ
Irrigation. In addition to turning on
irrigation automatically as part of a daily
programme, activating Rain mode via SMS
will stop the system from irrigating during
Pool management. If youve got a
Home automation has steadily trickled solar-heated pool, you can program the
STAY IN CONTROL GSM Commander to pump hot water into
down from the high-end to the mass
Fully programmable, GSM Commander your pool only if the roof temperature is
market. The kind of functionality previ-
is capable of managing everything from above your chosen threshold.
ously limited to specialist installations
opening and closing gates remotely to Energy monitoring. If you are using
using expensive custom-designed
monitoring energy consumption. It per- too much electricity according to preset
systems based on either a single eco-
forms its automation magic either by SMS criteria, the GSM Commander will alert
system, or cobbled together from a or the cloud. And, according to its creators you via SMS or automatically turn off
range of products, is now available Polygon Technologies, it is easily pro- high-power loads (or both). You can also
off the shelf. Adding to the speed of grammed using its own Smart Setup track water consumption.
uptake, manufacturers are making Software, which is based on a point and An additional function of the GSM
products compatible with a particular click interface. Commander system can be used in con-
protocol or standard, such as Z-Wave. What you can use it to control: junction with your existing alarm system
You dont need to be an electronics Access. Activate automated gates or at home, or can replace it entirely. It
tech to set-up, either: most of these doors via a simple dropped call from a cell- allows you to arm or disarm your home
require only limited DIYing before phone. If theres a gate position sensor, alarm via SMS, automatically if needed.
youre up and running. the home owner can be alerted if the gate Programming the unit to provide automa-
There are advantages and disadvan- has been forced or left open. tion functionality combined with the
tages to both approaches. The ease of Timed switching. Turn things on and alarm could, say, open and close access
use of a one-make solution could turn off via SMS or automatically on a set date points, allowing a set time between actions,
into a dead end as components or soft- or time. For instance, switch off your gey- turn on specific lights, air-con and TV.
ware become obsolete. Mixing and ser to save electricity, or your lights to If you do actually have a burglar,
matching promises more versatility, make it look like someones at home. detailed SMS alerts can be sent in real
Heating and cooling. Floor heating time via SMS (Burglar has just entered
traded off against the possibility of
can be automatically turned on or off your house via the main bedroom window
incompatibility further down the line.
based on outside temperature; conven- on DATE at TIME). As intruders move
Here are some of the options weve
tional air-conditioners can be made through the building, updated SMSs will
come across.
smart in the same way. be sent should you choose to have this

34 _ FEBRUARY 2017

areas (think fridges, freezers, server
rooms). It reports to four cellphone users
when temperature deviates from the range
you are monitoring and has an LCD screen
on which to check the temperature. It
monitors power loss and issues SMS alerts
accordingly; an internal 1-amp battery
provides back-up power for two hours.
A water sensor can be added to notify
uses to water levels fluctuating more than
desired, or in case of flooding. Additional
sensor and LCD screen options are availa-
ble, with the possibility of monitoring up
to four fridges.


If youre tired of lugging around what
seems like the collected keys to Fort Knox,
Yales new Keyless Connected Smart lock
could be a godsend. Theres a wide variety
of RFID access accessory options, too,
ranging from an access card carried in
your wallet to an entry tag on a lanyard or
keyring, or an admission sticker on your
functionality enabled. Loading neighbours power supply is not assured, such as a car- phone. You can program a combination of
onto the system means that they get the avan, gun safe or freight containers. these accessories to suit your lifestyle.
alerts as well and theres an optional pep- A pepper gas slave unit is available that Techno-savy users will be happy to
per gas dispensing add-on. allows expansion into other rooms. The know that the Smart Living lock Z-Wave
In addition to its SMS communications, gas will either spray together with the module, which integrates with most
theres a Web-based platform called AirDrive master unit, or each slave unit can spray home automation systems, is fully availa-
( where you can view the live on its own. ble to link the Digital Door Lock to cur-
status of everything you are controlling, From the same company comes SMS rent systems for full control from
from lights to energy consumption, incident TEMPERATURE ALERT, which provides anywhere in the world.
logs and control systems and appliances, notifications for temperature-controlled
and reprogram the device itself.
To find out more: johnf@gsmcommander.

Heres a DIY, portable stand-alone alarm
system that not only alerts you to a break-
in, but also fights back by spraying pepper
gas; by remote control, if you want.
Simply plug it into a wall socket and
yourre good to go. When the alarm goes
off, four cellphone users are notified via
SMS. Thanks to a listen-in microphone,
the user is able to verify adjacent noise.
The system can be checked, armed and dis-
armed via SMS. Theres also power loss
and restore SMS notification.
Boxed with the device are pepper gas,
one PIR motion detector, sound bomb
siren, 1,2 A battery and 2-button remote
(for arm/disarm and panic). An additional
relay output can be used to operate a gate
motor or switch a light on and off. Other
functions include a walk-through test
function and auto battery disconnect
when battery is low.
A solar panel connector with a built-in
regulator allows the unit to be used where

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 35

Making the world smarter

Add brains to home security

Cloud functionality and intelligent monitoring add a new dimension to off-the-peg systems

A Cape Town security technology

startup based in has spent nearly four
years developing Sentian 3i, a system
designed to make off-the-shelf security
smarter while at the same time simpler
to operate.
Sentian 3i connects your alarm, CCTV
and home automation to the Cloud and to YOUR HOME
your phone, allowing these systems to do YOUR CCTV
things they cannot do individually:
Identifying what has triggered an alarm
by sending the user a 12-second video clip.
The ability to respond to an alarm event,
even remotely, by carrying out actions YOUR ALARM
such as pressing a panic button, opening
gates, turning on security lights or viewing
Substituting multiple, outdated and
often counter-intuitive keypads and sys-
tems to access and control your alarm,
CCTV or home automation with a single,
intuitive interface, available on multiple
platforms. tion to handling standard RF home auto-
We live in a world with the iPhone, mation is also Z-Wave capable. Its
artificial intelligence and drones, says suitable for controlling lights, plugs and
Teague Little, who developed Sentian 3i heavy current devices such as geysers or
with fellow engineer Trevor Lewis. We pool pumps and flood sensors.
have access to vast amounts of informa- Their creation can be viewed as a real-
tion at our fingertips. Now go take a look time, curated, information system, which
at your alarm system. Your alarm system through home automation and links to
is analogue when the rest of the world is armed response, allows you to respond to
digital and, over 98 per cent of the time, it what you see at your property. There is
falls short at the one thing it is designed something amazing about being able to
to do, to let you and your armed response look in through the live feed and open
company know when there is an intruder your gate and watch it all happen, from
on your property. the other side of the world, Little says.
Little and Lewis built the Sentian Cloud Two particularly intriguing features are
services, the API, the firmware, the front- user-specific notifications and share
end app, the backend installer app and the access. I can set up notifications for my
hardware right here in SA. A Raspberry Pi property that only I am interested in (ie, I
forms part of the system, which in addi- dont bug my wife with them), says Little. Share access is perfect for AirBnB, house-
sitters or staff: you can very simply hand
out access to your property through our
app, and specify the time frame they are
to have access for.
A typical standalone four-bedroom
house alarm system, with indoor and out-
door sensors, will cost you anywhere
between R20 000 and R40 000 installed.
Add at least R10 000 if you want CCTV.
Sentian costs R 19 995 once-off for the
hardware, with an ongoing R159 monthly
service fee to cover the 2 GB of Cloud stor-
age, unlimited email and SMS communica-
tion and access to ongoing system and app
software upgrades. Installation takes two
to three days.
36 _ FEBRUARY 2017
According to Statistics SA, 13,6 per cent
of South Africans live in informal settle-
ments. Fire Protection Association of
South Africa figures for 2014 reveal that
there were 5 191 fires in informal settle-
ments, resulting in total damage costing
R103 999 546.

communicates this to neighbouring devic-

es in an approximately 40-metre radius.
Lumkanis alarm not only alerts house-
holders to take the necessary precautions,
but if a fire is confirmed, emergency services
are alerted to the danger so they too can
act quickly. The developers have rolled out
smart centralised devices that connect
every heat detector in a community. This
central device constantly checks the sys-
tems health and, in the event of fire,
stores GPS co-ordinates and simultane-
ously sends text-message warnings to
members of the affected community and
to Lumkani headquarters in Cape Town.
Lumkani has distributed heat detectors

Fighting fires
to more than5 000 households in
Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban
and is looking to expand across the country,
into the rest of Africa and into Bangladesh.
Its currently trialling new models of the
THE LITTLE BLUE BOX THATS SAVING HOMES AND SAVING LIVES. original detector and thinking of ways to
increase accessibility and inclusivity. Cost
Smart homes are safe homes and with the community of UT gardens in is, of course, a sensitive issue both in the
a safe home brings peace of mind. Khayelitsha to create a human-centred marketplace and in an organisation that
But peace of mind is something design for their heat detector. They found has been largely been funded by money
that people living in informal set- that people living in informal settlements made from entering and winning social
know how to put out and prevent fires, entrepreneurship competitions. The device
tlements are rarely afforded due to
but simply need a warning. costs R130 and is usually bought by NGOs
the constant threat of fire. Lumkani Mesarcik explains how Lumkani works. or community leaders. We have tried to
is a unique device that is trying to Instead of just measuring the heat of a keep the price as low as possible, Mesarcik
change that. particular home, Lumkani measures the says. It uses a AA battery that lasts for a
rate at which heat increases. Once the rate year, so it is sustainable for the people
Lumkani is not just a blue box; it of rising heat reaches a certain threshold who we are trying to assist.
is a heat detector like no other. Meaning that is considered dangerous, the device LUMK A NOFEMELE PM
watch out in Xhosa, Lumkani alerts
communities when they are in danger
of fire.
Developed in 2014by UCT student
Francois Petousis and his supervisor The network of
Lumkani devices
Samuel Ginsberg, Lumkani measures the is carefully mon-
rate of increase of heat in homes and sets itored from their
off an alarm if that rate is rising too fast. offices in Cape
The idea for Lumkani came to Petousis Town.
and his colleague Paul Mesarcik in 2014
when a fire ravaged Khayelitsha on New
Years Day. (Formal) residential houses
have fire detectors and every measure
possible to avoid fire damage, so why
shouldnt informal homes? asks Mesarcik.
Assisted by the Community
Organisation Resource Centre (CORC), the
Lumkani team partnered and engaged

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 37

38 _ FEBRUARY 2017
Uber thinks its self-driving taxis could change
the way millions of people get around. But
autonomous vehicles arent anywhere near to
being ready for the roads.

OUTSIDE A LARGE WAREHOUSE in Pittsburgh, in an

area along the Allegheny River that was once home to
dozens of factories and foundries, but now has shops and
restaurants, Im waiting for a different kind of techno-
logical revolution to arrive. I check my phone, look up,
and notice its already here. A white Ford Fusion, its roof
bedazzled with futuristic-looking sensors, is idling nearby.
Two people sit up front one monitoring a computer, the
other behind the wheel but the car is in control. I hop
in, press a button on a touch screen, and sit back as the
self-driving Uber takes me for a ride.
As we zip out onto the road towards downtown, the
car stays neatly in its lane, threading deftly between an
oncoming car and parked trucks that stick out into the
street. Ive been in a self-driving car before, but its still
eerie to watch from the back seat as the steering wheel
and pedals move themselves in response to events
unfolding on the road around us.
To date, most automated vehicles have been tested on
highways in places like California, Nevada and Texas.
Pittsburgh, in contrast, features crooked roads, countless
bridges, confusing intersections, and more than its fair
share of snow, sleet and rain. As one Uber executive
said, if self-driving cars can handle Pittsburgh, they
should work anywhere. As if to test this theory, as we turn
on to a bustling market street, two pedestrians dart on to
the road ahead. The car comes to a gentle stop some
FEBRUARY 2017 _ 39
distance from them, waiting and then continuing on its way. testing self-driving vehicles. Tesla cars drive themselves
A screen in front of the back seat shows the cars peculiar under many circumstances (although the company warns
view of the world: our surroundings rendered in vivid drivers to use the system only on highways and asks them
colours and jagged edges. The picture is the product of to pay attention and keep their hands on the steering wheel).
some of an amazing array of instruments arranged all over But despite its formidable competition, Uber might have
the vehicle. There are no fewer than seven lasers, including the best opportunity to commercialise the technology
a large spinning lidar unit on the roof; 20 cameras; a high- quickly. Unlike Ford or GM, it can limit automation to
precision GPS; and a handful of ultrasound sensors. On the routes it thinks driverless cars can handle at first.
the screen inside the car, the road looks aqua blue, buildings And in contrast to Google or Apple, it already has a vast
and other vehicles are red, yellow and green, and nearby network of taxis that it can make gradually more auto-
pedestrians are highlighted with what look like little lassos. mated over time.
The screen also indicates how the vehicle is steering and Ubers executives have little trouble imagining the upside.
braking, and theres a button thatll ask the car to stop With no drivers to split revenues with, Uber could turn a
the ride any time you want. profit. Robot taxis could become so cheap and easy to use
This being 2016, Uber has even made it possible for that it would make little sense for anyone to actually own
riders to take a selfie from the back seat. Shortly after my a car. Taken to its logical conclusion, automated driving
ride is over, I receive by e-mail a looping GIF that shows could reprogramme transportation itself. Uber is already
the cars view of the world and my face grinning in the experimenting with food delivery in some cities, and it
top-right corner. People on the sidewalk stop and wave recently bought Otto, a startup that is developing auto-
while we wait at a traffic light, and a guy driving a pick-up mated systems for long-haul trucks. Self-driving trucks
behind us keeps giving the thumbs-up. and vans could ferry goods from fulfillment centres and
My ride is part of the highest-profile test of self-driving stores to homes and offices with dizzying speed and effi-
vehicles to date, after Uber began letting handpicked cus- ciency. Shortly before my test ride Andrew Lewandowski,
tomers book rides around Pittsburgh in a fleet of automated head of Ubers autonomous operations, a veteran of Googles
taxis. The company, which has already upended the taxi self-driving programme, and one of the cofounders of Otto,
industry with a smartphone app that lets you summon a said: I really believe that this is the most important
car, aims to make a significant portion of its fleet self- thing computers are going to do in the next 10 years.
driving within a matter of years. Its a bold bet that the Uber is moving quickly. The company created its Advanced
technology is ready to transform the way millions of people Technology Centre, where its developing its driverless cars,
get around. in February 2015 by hiring a number of researchers from
But in some ways, it is a bet that Uber has to make. In the robotics department at nearby Carnegie Mellon Universi-
the first half of this year it lost a staggering $1,27 billion ty. Using that expertise, Uber developed its self-driving taxis
(about R17 billion), mostly because of payments to drivers. in a little over a year roughly the amount of time it takes
Autonomous cars offer a great opportunity for Uber, says most automakers to redesign an entertainment console.
David Keith, an assistant professor at MIT who studies But is it moving too quickly? Is the technology ready?
innovation in the automotive industry, but theres also
a threat that someone else beats them to market. ROBO ANCESTORS
Most carmakers, notably Tesla Motors, Audi, Mercedes- For the rest of my time in Pittsburgh, I get around using
Benz, Volvo and General Motors, and even a few big tech Ubers controlled exclusively by humans. The contrast is
companies including Google and (reportedly) Apple, are stark. I want to visit CMUs National Robotics Engineering
40 _ FEBRUARY 2017
Opposite: Its roof bedazzled with futuristic-looking sensors,
Ubers autonomous ride makes its way through traffic. Left:
Google has spun off its self-driving car project into a stand-
alone company, Waymo. Above: In the Uber car, one person
monitors the computer and another sits behind the wheel.
Right: A screen ahead of the back seat shows the cars
peculiar view of the world.

Centre (NREC) part of its Robotics Institute, one of the The three of these CMU robots show how gradual the
pioneering research groups involved in developing self- progress towards self-driving vehicles was until recently.
driving vehicles to see what its experts think of Ubers The hardware and software improved, but the system
experiment. So I catch a ride with a guy named Brian, who struggled to make sense of the world a driver sees, in all
drives a beat-up Hyundai Sonata. Brian says hes seen its rich complexity and weirdness. At NREC, I meet William
several automated Ubers around town, but he cant imagine Red Whittaker, a CMU professor who led the develop-
a ride in them being as good as one with him. Brian then ment of Terregator, the first version of NavLab, and Boss.
takes a wrong turn and gets completely lost. To be fair, Whittaker says Ubers new service doesnt mean the tech-
though, he weaves through traffic just as well as a self- nology is perfected. Of course it isnt solved, he says.
driving car. Also, when the map on his phone leads us to The kinds of things that arent solved are the edge cases.
a bridge thats closed for repairs, he simply asks a couple And there are plenty of edge cases to contend with,
of road workers for directions and then improvises a new including sensors being blinded or impaired by bad weather,
route. Hes friendly, too, offering to waive the fare and bright sunlight, or obstructions. Then there are the inev-
buy me a beer to make up for the inconvenience. itable software and hardware failures. But more important,
It makes you realise that automated Ubers will offer a the edge cases involve dealing with the unknown. You cant
very different experience. Fewer wrong turns and over- program a car for every imaginable situation, so at some
bearing drivers, yes, but also no one to help put your stage, you have to trust that it will cope with just about
suitcase in the trunk or return a lost iPhone. anything thats thrown at it, using whatever intelligence
I take a rain check on the beer, say goodbye to Brian, it has. And its hard to be confident about that, especially
and arrive at NRECs vast warehouse about 20 minutes when even the smallest misunderstanding, like mistaking
late. The building is filled with fascinating robotic proto- a paper bag for a large rock, could lead a car to do something
types. And if you look carefully, youll find some ancestors unnecessarily dangerous.
of todays automated vehicles. Just inside the entrance, for Progress has undoubtedly picked up in recent years.
instance, is Terregator, a six-wheeled robot about the size In particular, advances in computer vision and machine
of a refrigerator, with a ring of sensors on top. In 1984, learning have made it possible for automated vehicles to
Terregator was among the first robots designed to roam do more with video footage. If you feed enough examples
outside of a lab, rolling around CMUs campus at a few into one of these systems, it can do more than spot an
kilometres per hour. And Terregator was succeeded, in obstacle it can identify it with impressive accuracy as a
1986, by a heavily modified van called NavLab, one of the pedestrian, a cyclist, or an errant goose.
first fully computer-controlled vehicles on the road. Still, the edge cases matter. The director of NREC is
Just outside the front door to NREC sits another notable Herman Herman, a roboticist who grew up in Indonesia,
forerunner: a customised Chevy Tahoe filled with computers studied at CMU, and has developed automated vehicles for
and decorated with what looks suspiciously like an early defence, mining and agriculture. He believes self-driving
version of the sensor stack on top of one of Ubers self- cars will arrive, but he raises a few practical concerns
driving cars. In 2007 this robot, called Boss, won an urban about Ubers plan. When your Web browser or your com-
driving contest organised by the US Defence Advanced puter crashes, its annoying, but its not a big deal, he says.
Research Projects Agency. It was a big moment for auto- If you have six lanes of highway, there is an autonomous
mated vehicles, proving that they could navigate ordinary car driving in the middle, and the car decides to make a
traffic, and just a few years later Google was testing self- left turn... well, you can imagine what happens next. It
driving cars on real roads. just takes one erroneous command to the steering wheel.
FEBRUARY 2017 _ 41
Left: Boss, Carnegie Mellon Universitys DARPA Challenge-winning
autonomous vehicle. Above: CMUs Professor Raj Rajkumar (third
from right) is pictured with colleagues, General Motors officials
and a Cadillac SRX test vehicle celebrating GMs agreement with
the University to continue developing technologies that could
allow future production vehicles to drive autonomously.
Another problem Herman foresees is scaling the tech- In other words, the colourful picture I saw in the back
nology up. Its all very well having a few driverless cars on of my automated Uber represents a simplistic and alien
the road, but what about dozens, or hundreds? The laser way of understanding the world. It shows where objects
scanners found on Ubers cars might interfere with one are, sometimes with centimetre precision, but theres no
another, he says, and if those vehicles were connected to understanding what those things really are or what they
the cloud, that would require an insane amount of band- might do. This is more important than it might sound. An
width. Even something as simple as dirt on a sensor could obvious example is how people react when they see a toy
pose a problem, he says. The most serious issue of all sitting in the road and conclude that a child might not be
and this is a growing area of research for us is how you far away. The additional trickiness is that Uber makes most
verify, how you test an autonomous system to make sure of its money in urban and suburban locations, Rajkumar
theyre safe, says Herman. says. Thats where unexpected situations tend to arrive
more often.
LEARNING TO DRIVE Whats more, anything that goes wrong with Ubers ex-
For a more hands-on perspective, I head across town to perimental taxi service could have ramifications for the
talk to people actually developing self-driving cars. I visit entire industry. The first fatal crash involving an automated
Raj Rajkumar, a member of CMUs robotics faculty who driving system, when a Tesla in Autopilot mode failed to
runs a lab funded by GM. In the fast-moving world of spot a large truck on a Florida highway in 2016, has
research into driverless cars, which is often dominated already raised safety questions. Hastily deploying any
by people in Silicon Valley, Rajkumar might seem a bit old technology even one meant to make the roads safer
school. Wearing a grey suit, he greets me at his office and might easily trigger a backlash. While Uber has done a
then leads me to a basement garage where hes been working great job of promoting this as a breakthrough, its still
on a prototype Cadillac. The car contains numerous sensors, quite a way away, realistically, says MITs Keith. Novel
similar to the ones found on Ubers cars, but they are all technologies depend on positive word of mouth to build
miniaturised and hidden away so that it looks completely consumer acceptance, but the opposite can happen as

I really believe that this is THE MOST IMPORTANT

THING computers are going to do in the next 10 years.
normal. Rajkumar is proud of his progress on making driver-

well. If there are terrible car crashes attributed to this
less cars practical, but he warns me that Ubers taxis might technology, and regulators crack down, that certainly
be raising hopes unreasonably high. Its going to take a long would moderate peoples enthusiasm.
time before you can take the driver out of the equation, I get to experience the reality of the technologys limits
he says. I think people should mute their expectations. firsthand, about halfway through my ride in Ubers car,
Besides the reliability of a cars software, Rajkumar worries shortly after Im invited to sit in the drivers seat. I push a
that a driverless vehicle could be hacked. We know about button to activate the automated driving system, and Im
the terror attack in Nice, where the terrorist driver was told I can disengage it at any time by moving the steering
mowing down hundreds of people. Imagine theres no wheel, touching a pedal, or hitting another big red button.
driver in the vehicle, he says. Uber says it takes this issue The car seems to be driving perfectly, just as before, but
seriously; it recently added two prominent experts on I cant help noticing how nervous the engineer next to
automotive computer security to its team. Rajkumar also me now is. And then, as were sitting in traffic on a bridge,
warns that fundamental progress is needed to get com- with cars approaching in the other direction, the car begins
puters to interpret the real world more intelligently. We slowly turning the steering wheel to the left and edging
as humans understand the situation, he says. We are out into the oncoming lane. Grab the wheel, the engi-
cognitive, sentient beings. We comprehend, we reason, neer shouts.
and we take action. When you have automated vehicles, Maybe its a bug, or perhaps the cars sensors are con-
they are just programmed to do certain things for certain fused by the wide-open spaces on either side of the
scenarios. bridge. Whatever the case, I quickly do as he says. PM
42 _ FEBRUARY 2017
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now. A comic book can cost between R60

and R70, says Pereira. Ive had to develop
relationships with stores in order to get
what I want, when I want it. I didnt collect
as much during my varsity years because of
the cost.

Comics might be expensive, but Pereira
could make a nice sum of money selling a
few of his pieces as well. I have an X-Men
comic book that could be worth around
$4 000. But selling is not an option.
Whats so special about comic books, DVDs, hat moulds and antique Pereira keeps most of his 500-strong col-
radios? You cant have just one. Three very different individuals talk lection in storage to save the books from
about their collections. L U M K A N O F E M E L E wear and tear, which can happen to flimsy
comic book covers. If you want to start
collecting, go to a comic book store and

W ere all guilty of amassing stuff. This is called hoarding. Its a disorder in which we cant
bear to part with possessions. As distinct from collecting: while collectors may feel
anguish of their own at the thought of parting with a prized collectable, their activity has its
speak to people, get their opinion and do a
little research. Read previews to see what
storylines you would like to read, Pereira
compensations. Collecting is often satisfying, methodical, and, for the astute, lucrative. advises aspiring collectors.

You are greeted by your childhood when you step into Sergio Pereiras home. In no need of such advice is Art
Theres Batman, The Joker, Wolverine and every comic book hero or villain you could Pereira (no relation), a graphic designer
think of, or, at least, that a 31-year-old like Pereira could think of. and drummer for rock band Victoria Walls.
Pereira has a love for comic books and graphic novels, overshadowed only by his passion Arts a collector by nature: his house is a
for explaining the difference between comic books and graphic novels. treasure trove of comic books, memorabilia
Comic books are single issue, usually have about 24 pages and come out once a month. and Hot Wheels cars. His true passion,
A graphic novel is six comic book issues together, released usually every six months. though, is collecting DVDs; in fact, video in
Graphic novels are more expensive, but far easier to collect, Pereira explains. general. At last count, he had a total of 658
Pereiras collection spans a good two decades, with most of his comic books coming DVDs and 30 VHS tapes plus a few TV
from events and conventions, and online stores. series box sets and music DVDs.
Pereira grew up watching Batman: The Animated Series and the Dark Knight remains his Art arranges and sometimes chooses his
favourite superhero. The others are just wimps, anyway. vast collection by year, genre and actor. He
He started subscribing to comics in 1996. They were then much cheaper than they are is a fan of classics (think Casablanca and

44 _ FEBRUARY 2017

Citizen Kane), but will If you want to get into collecting, you need to find what interests you and start
buy a superhero movie, small. If you are collecting movies, try to look for them based on cinematography,
good or bad. direction or actors, says Art.
Art was given his
first DVD in the early Antiques are what got 60-year-old Grenville Liepner into collecting.
2000s: the 1978 Liepner collects hat moulds and radios.
Vietnam war drama As a child, I was at auctions almost every weekend and thats where my love of
The Deer Hunter. He antiques began, says Liepner.
didnt consciously Radios wireless came first. Many of Liepners childhood hours were spent lis-
start collecting until he realised tening to radio stations from all over the world in the depths of the night at his win-
that his DVDs were turning into, well, a dow, where reception was best. Because they are so hard to come by, Liepner does not
collection. Now he searches online, scours collect radios as avidly anymore.
stores and occasionally receives DVDs as The hat mould thing evolved out of a job lot he obtained at auction. He now owns Cape
gifts from his friends. He doesnt just fon- Malay hats that date as far back as the 1800s.
dle the boxes, either: somehow Art has Proving that collecting need not break the bank, Liepner has never paid more than a
actually found the time to watch his mov- R100 for anything in his collection. It helps that hes developed the ability to beat down
ies. I watch a DVD maybe about four or the ambitious prices of countless antique-shop owners. At the same time, he says hes
five times. There is usually an original cut, invested too much time,
special cut and a directors cut. I like to effort and money to allow
watch the different versions and compare, himself to be beaten down.
he says. Special editions are great, because Its taken too much effort
I can watch the commentary, which gives to collect everything. I could
the viewer a greater experience. get a good R20 000 for one
Art struggles to get VHS tapes and is of my radios from a movie
starting to have a hard time with DVDs as studio or a restaurant look-
well. It is unfortunate that discs are dying ing for dcor, but I will
out. It is a struggle to find certain old mov- never sell. Id rather give

ies digitally. them away.

The most valuable piece in his collection Liepners advice to wan-
is the 1986 fantasy action movie, Big nabe antique collectors:
Trouble in Little China, a gift from an hang out with old folks.
English friend. The gift is an original copy (Not to collect them, of
encased in a steel book, the most sought- course: they either have or
after packaging for DVDs. know about old stuff.) PM

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 45


In the 1800s, we thought the telephone was amazing. Now we have hybrid computer phones
in our pockets. Flat-screen TVs impressed us in the early 2000s, but that was before wed seen HD.
Which was before wed seen OLED TVs. And theres no way the guy who invented the microwave
knew hed indirectly spawned an entire convenience food industry. But for every useful creation,
there is a useless one. For every person inventing the PC in his garage, theres someone thinking
up the recumbent bike. It can be hard to tell what technological feats are worthy of our time and
admiration. Thats why were here. As a magazine, we support advancement. But we also realise
that sometimes just sometimes there is such a thing as a bad idea.

46 _ FEBRUARY 2017

Unzip the handlebars and pop out the foot pegs and
this R20 000 carry-on suitcase becomes a small electric
motorcycle you can ride all the way to Gate 27. An hour
of charging gets you a 10- to 13-kilometre range and
speeds of 8 to 13 km/h, depending on how much you
packed and your body weight. Sounds fun and it is. But
its also ridiculous, like something Kim Jong-un would
ride if he didnt already have people forced to carry him.
The tiny pegs barely keep your feet off the floor, so you
have to hope you dont ride over anything that could
snag a heel. Plus, your eyes are at approximately navel
height, which makes it tough to see in anything less
than a wide-open terminal.

FEBRUARY 2017 __ 47

Weve 3D-printed plastic, metals and wood fibre. And now that same technology is being
used to make chocolates and pizza. Unlike with most other food, how printed meals taste
isnt the real point. Its what they can do.

od Lipsons laboratory at Columbia University is a place designed to But when writers at The New York Times and the
nurture the human instinct to tinker. The space itself is pretty basic: lino- BBC started enquiring about the technology, Lipson
leum floor, white walls, natural wood tables. Wires, markers, textbooks saw public interest that he hadnt anticipated. People
and glue bottles cover most surfaces: the detritus of students designing, mak- who couldnt care less about batteries or robotics
ing, refining and tweaking. Robotic models line the shelves: a robot with giant suddenly cared about 3D printing when food got
plastic wings that look like a houseflys, miniature machines with exposed silver involved, he says. Everybody cares about food. A new
gears, geometric robotic skeletons. There are laser cutters and microscopes and branch of 3D printing began.
welding masks hung on hooks. Pushed up against a wall, a robotic arm bears a This is what humans do. We tinker. We improvise.
paper sign: DANGER. Robot moves without warning. KEEP AWAY. We have weird ideas and mess around with them. It
Lipson became a professor of mechanical engineering at Columbia in 2015, leads to things like the discovery of electricity and
after 14 years as a professor at Cornell University. He is a pioneer in the field sailing boats and machine guns and food that comes
of three-dimensional printing and one of the first to experiment with substi- out of a printer. Lipson is like the rest of us in that
tuting the usual raw materials plastics, metals with edible food products. sense; its just that his reflex to act on his curiosity is
It was in Lipsons lab about ten years ago that a few of his students had the more acute, more insatiable. We the more insatiable
idea to mess around with it. Somebody tried filling a printer syringe with among us have now devised technology that influ-
icing. Then cheese, chocolate and other foods. In the beginning we thought ences the way we communicate, travel, work out,
it was frivolous, Lipson says. Wed say Look, we printed with chocolate, sleep and entertain. Lipson sees these printers as the
but lets get serious and do our battery work. future of food preparation. There are a handful of

48 _ FEBRUARY 2017


startups already building up the industry, but experi-

ments with the technology have also been backed by Plunger
more venerable organisations, such as Columbia
University, NASA and the European Union.
The term 3D printing, of course, is odd. Its desk-
top manufacturing and making food this way is no
different from making toys or machine parts or any-
thing else 3D printed. Once you place the raw material,
in this case an edible paste, into a 3D printer, a
robotic arm deposits or spreads the paste in precise
layers, forming whatever shape youve programmed
into the machine. The better equipped the machine,
the more advanced the recipes it can make. Syringe
Lipson and his students agree that 3D-printed food
will never completely replace our current food system.
A printer is unlikely to print a filet mignon and salad
anytime soon. But it is likely to become a regular
appliance you use, as soon as the next ten years, Rack
Lipson says. A machine with multiple material canis- Plate
ters lets you print different flavours or colours into
the layers, like a rainbow-striped cake or kale-filled
chocolate bars. A laser or infrared light on the nozzle HOW IT WORKS
serves as a cooking element, so ingredients cook as To print a recipe, you load ingredients into the machines syringes, then
theyre deposited out of the machine. use software to tell the printer how to assemble the food. For example,
Of the few 3D-food printers sold right now, most you might tell it Lay down a base of pizza dough, then top with sauce
emphasise novel shapes. The Magic Candy Factory and cheese. The machine picks up syringes using electromagnets and
prints big gummy candies in the shapes of octopuses, deposits them according to the recipe. An infrared spotlight located
butterflies, a childs name. The PancakeBot prints behind the syringe cooks ingredients as they print.
two-toned pictures on a griddle. 3D Systems prints
beautiful sugar sculptures, precise geometric shapes
that the human hand could never do as perfectly.
People shrug off this technology and the technology to take customised nutrition to soldiers.
say its just fun, says Kjeld van Bommel, WE COULD DEVELOP BeeHex, a spin-off of the NASA project, is attempting to turn
a research scientist who has worked on NUTRITION TRACKERS pizza printers into a franchise to be used at stadiums and other
candy-printing technology. But fun is a AND PRINT PERSONAL- large venues. Chief marketing officer Jordan French says its
huge part of food. And all over the world, ISED BREAKFAST BARS product could make line cooking faster, cheaper and less stress-
universities and corporations are experi- TAILORED TO OUR EXACT ful. Lynette Kucsma, cofounder of the Foodini commercial food
menting with applications for 3D-printing NUTRITION NEEDS printer, wants to make foods that people would typically buy in
food beyond amusement. As a senior con- processed form more wholesome. Instead of restaurants serving
sultant at the Netherlands Organisation you flash-frozen burger patties that are full of preservatives,
(TNO) for applied scientific research, Van Bommel they could efficiently print their own. Its fast and convenient and your burger
looked into the possibility of using 3D-food printers wouldnt be full of manufacturing chemicals.
in nursing homes. For elderly patients who have diffi- Dozens of other potential uses have been proposed, some imaginative,
culty chewing, printers would fashion purees into some outlandish, some brilliant. We could print delicious food out of cheap,
more appealing shapes: carrot puree shaped like real sustainable, otherwise unpalatable ingredients, like algae or insect flour. We
carrots or salmon puree shaped like a real block of could develop nutrition trackers and print personalised breakfast bars tailored
fish. The printers could also personalise nutrition in to our exact nutrition needs. We can take these printers anywhere thats
the printed meals, adding things like sunflower oil, hard to get fresh food to, one of Lipsons students said, into space or sub-
whey protein and minerals. They could produce about marines, across the world to deserts.
20 personalised meals per hour and label each indi- There are limitations to overcome. Right now, printers are slow, use a lot
vidual meal with the exact name and address of nurs- of energy and require some knowledge to program. Chef Herv Malivert,
ing-home residents. TNO is now talking to companies director of culinary technology and chef co-ordinator at the International
interested in taking the experimental technology to Culinary Centre in New York City, thinks theyll be a hard sell for chefs, who
commercial production. value a variety of textures in their dishes. But we are, by nature, progressive
NASA also experimented with the technology for creatures. Ten years after those experiments with icing and chocolate, new
Mars missions, since food loses nutritional value over students in Lipsons lab are still experimenting with 3D-printed food, now as

time even more so in the radiation of space. In 2013, serious work. The once frivolous hobby is now the focus of graduate work
it awarded a Small Business Innovation Research con- and theses.
tract to Systems & Materials Research Corporation Whether humans decide we want to eat the food
(SMRC) to develop a 3D-printed food system for paste that comes out of these machines remains to be
astronauts. SMRC successfully printed a pizza, though seen. In a way, thats not the point. This is a moment in
the project was later abandoned after a senator called the continuum, an early stage in the evolution of what-
it wasteful government spending. But SMRC is look- ever this is. People the more insatiable among us
ing into other applications. SMRC president Malcolm keep experimenting with what weve got. We keep
Prouty says the US Army has shown interest in using tinkering. Because thats what we do.

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 49

Three-hundred-and-sixty-degree cameras have dropped to GoPro Especially if the person you show the video to doesnt have a VR
prices. (The 360fly is only about R4 000.) The only real issue is headset or Google Cardboard. But this is about looking forward.
editing. In terms of field of view, youre looking at six to ten times Not to a day when everyone is using YouTube 360, which, hon-
more raw footage with a 360 camera. As with drone footage, estly, will always be pretty fun to play with. To a day when we all
unless you do something truly VR-worthy tour an Air Force have VR set-ups in our houses, hooked to our phones (or directly
base, dive with sharks, visit a cat caf only a portion of what to our brains or souls, or whatever happens in this future world;
360 cameras capture is worth looking at. For now, the final video we arent there yet, so we dont know). That day will come in part
wont be as focused or compelling as a tight 2D clip. It cant be. because of 360-degree cameras. And well get better at editing.
50 _ FEBRUARY 2017
arlier this year, when Teslas
Autopilot gained the dubious
distinction of being the first SECURITY
driver-assistance system to be impli-
cated in a fatal crash, it was tragic, Instead of passengers putting their wallets and belts into bins one at a
to be sure. But is it enough reason time, single-file, a situation in which one slow guy delays the entire line,
to abandon a promising technology? Delta created a security checkpoint that uses five simultaneous stations.
The systems havent been around The system is completely automated. You approach an empty station, fill
your bin and put it on the conveyor. If you accidentally leave that water
for very long and you need a whole bottle in your carry-on, or theres something suspicious that requires a
lot of data to paint a picture of acci- second look, your bin is routed to a separate area. The conveyor belts
dents that dont happen. And early even automatically send the bins back to the front of the line. Until
studies suggest that, yes, smarter recently, the only location using this kind of technology was Atlanta,
cars can help save us from our own Deltas hub. But last month Johannesburgs OR Tambo
imperfect driving. Airport became the first African airport to trial a similar
Itll be a long time before a car can smart security system. Suddenly were feeling much
drive you anywhere you want with- more forgiving about that lost bag.
out human intervention, but for the
moment, the questions are pretty
simple. If you start to drift into the
wrong lane, would you like the car
to steer you away from the oncom-
ing traffic? If theres an oblivious WE LIVE
guy stepping into the crosswalk,
would you prefer not to hit him?
And if youre about to reverse into Last April, the office-sharing company WeWork
the path of a school bus, would you introduced its newest communal venture:
like your car to automatically hit the housing. WeLives fully furnished apartments
offer an average of 40 square metres of semi-
brakes? All of those systems lane-
private or private areas for sleeping, in addi-
assist, pedestrian-detection, cross- tion to open, shared spaces that come with
path-detection are available startup-like perks including laundry rooms out-
already, and, yes, you want them. fitted with table tennis tables, on-site yoga
The car isnt yet ready to take over studios and bars equipped with bitters and shakers. Community managers plan team-
your whole commute. But that building activities, such as taco night or karaoke and residents can contact building
doesnt mean it cant save you some- management using an app. Theres even unlimited free beer and
where along the way. coffee. Its a dorm for post-grads. This is not a good thing.
There are certain things you stop after university: accepting T-shirts
because theyre free, eating 2 Minute Noodles and wearing a back-
pack everywhere. Also, sharing four walls with a relative stranger and
icebreaker games of two truths and a lie.

When people look back at this era of ubiquitous technology, what will they see? All of us flipping
through the Bambi eyes and horrifying digital makeup of Snapchat filters. They may not be all
that impressed until they see face swap, which shows you what youd look like if you had the
features of the person next to you. Live. Its delightful. And frightening. And its a technological
marvel. Sure, some conspiracy theorists think the app is feeding the FBIs facial recognition data-
base, but future people wont mind because theyll obviously be living in a crimeless society, thanks
to our willingness to unknowingly indulge the government. We hope those people will pull out
their phones and be able to open Snapchat. Because they deserve to know happiness, too.

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 51


here are a lot of kinds of beer. Take India Pale
Ales, for example. There are Belgian IPAs, rye
IPAs, double IPAs and at least four colours of
IPA: black, brown, red and white. It can start to feel a
little overwhelming. To keep track of it all there is an
aide: the cicerone (SIS-uh-rohn). Cicerones are the
sommeliers of the beer world, only they have less
clout and dont get to wear that sipping dish around
their neck when they work. They go through official
training and ordination and, upon graduation, they
help us drink.
CARS THAT KNOW Started in 2008, the Cicerone Certification
Programme offers anyone with tuition money and a
WHEN THE LIGHT bottle opener four increasingly sophisticated titles
WILL CHANGE (beer server, cicerone, advanced cicerone, master
As Tom Petty could tell you, the waiting is the hardest part cicerone). But what it offers to the world is a sign
of red lights. Audi has a solution; not to make the lights any that weve gone too far. Beer can be complex in its
shorter, but to let you know exactly when youre getting the
flavours and preparation. We appreciate that. Its
green. Next year, in select cities with smart traffic signals,
Audis Traffic Light Information System will use the cars on-
why we have favourites and why well spend more
board LTE data connection to communicate with the inter- time at restaurants reading the beer menu than
sections signals and give you a countdown to green. Its pondering the days specials. But we dont necessari-
the first step in V2I (vehicle to infra- ly want help. Although it may be a complicated
structure) technology, an area that drink, beer is a simple pleasure. Lets keep it that
will be crucial for both safety and way. Besides, we already have a name for cicerones:
automation, and, luckily, its just bartenders.
the beginning.


This year, Twitter made a rumoured pay-TV package they had. But it know who will sit next to you. But
R1,4 billion deal with the USAs means having to share the game instead of costing you a couple of
NFL to live-broadcast ten Thursday with all the people on Twitter. grand and an hour in parking-lot
night American football games. (It Twitter gives everyone a voice, traffic, Twitter is absolutely free.
made similar deals with major which is nice, but that voice during And theres no last call on the beer
league baseball and ice hockey.) For a football game is usually yelling in your fridge. You can handle the
Twitter, it was a way to find new about how a particular team sucks yelling. And if you decide you cant,
users, and something to actually or how stupid the announcers cap simply turn your phone to land-
sell ads against. Viewers could is and it never seems to go hoarse. scape mode and the conversation
watch football, for free, no matter In that respect, its like being at a stream disappears.

where they were or what kind of real football game, where you never

Since it launched in April, the most-viewed videos streamed on Facebook Live have been of a woman laughing in
a Chewbacca mask and an exploding watermelon. But thats not the only thing it can do. Facebook Live provides
ordinary people with the power to broadcast important events. In instances when the TV news van is stuck in
traffic and real reporters cant be on the scene, we have a temporary stand-in: some guy named Tim
and his cellphone. Or in places cameras cant always be filming, like when Philando Castile was
shot by police and his girlfriend broadcast the scene. When something happens, newsworthy or not,
theres not always going to be a camera crew there. But there will be people with cellphones.

52 _ FEBRUARY 2017

Dakine, the surfboard accessories company, has always been better known for outfitting its packs and bags to best accommodate
things like surf leashes and helmets. Now, its focusing on transporting easy-access soda and beer in what is clearly the mullet of
backpacks. Up top, its all business: 28 litres of storage capacity for your regular gear plus a protected pocket for sunglasses and
your phone. Down below, its a party with a separate compartment that holds 12 cans and ice packs. The best part, though, is a
zippered side dispenser. You can pull out a drink without having to take off the pack. Take into account the three insulated cosies
and bottle opener on the shoulder strap and youre a roving, unencumbered good-time Charlie.

A few weeks ago Facebook notified me of a nine-year friendship anniversary with a guy I met in
university. For such a special occasion, Facebook algorithmically selected two pictures to warm
my heart one of us at Disneyland and one of him and his now-wife, whom I mocked in the
caption. Charming. On 4 February, Facebook treated everyone to a video of Polaroids of their
friends and things theyve done together. It was the social networks 12th anniversary, or
roughly the tenth anniversary of the day friend became a verb. Which is why these anniversaries
are so pointless. When friend is a thing you do with the click of a button, not a thing you earn,
theres no real reason to memorialise it. Kevin Dupzyk

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 53

Scrub Daddy is a brightly coloured smiley-face sponge, with
holes for the eyes and the mouth. Its ugly. But it works.
Invented by the former owner of an automotive buffing company,
the Scrub Daddy uses a temperature-dependent polymer-based
foam called FlexTexture, which was originally invented to help
mechanics clean their hands. In warm water, the sponges tex-
ture changes, becoming softer and more malleable. When the
water is switched back to cold, the sponge increases in rough-
ness, easily scraping away old soap scum and mildew. And it
smiles at you the whole time. No matter what its covered in.

54 _ FEBRUARY 2017

Teslas new Powerwall banks energy in an
aesthetically pleasing reservoir so you can
power your home with solar energy at night.
It is a model of utopian efficiency, if you can
afford the set-up costs. The base model is
$3 000 (about R42 000), plus half as much
again for the required inverters and installa-
tion and three to ten times as much for solar
panels. But making solar power affordable is
not what Elon Musk is after. First he has to
make it convenient. The Powerwall offers a
way to become energy self-sufficient. If you
live in an area with enough sunlight, you wont
pay for power again. Bank what you harvest
during the day and use it at night. With less
sun, your battery can still top itself off from
the grid during cheaper periods of the
day. Eventually, you may actually start
saving money. But the whole time youll
be doing something more important:
saving the planet.


etflixs chief content officer from buzzy director Adam Wingard; Whether you consider tattoos art, desecra-
Ted Sarandos set a 2016 origi- and Will Fortes A Futile & Stupid tion, or just a foolproof way to ensure that
nal content goal at 600 hours; Gesture, about a cofounder of whatever relationship youre memorialising
wont last, theres now another option:
25 uninterrupted days worth of National Lampoon.
trackpad. This year, Cindy Hsin-Liu Kao
acclaimed, binge-worthy series like The surest sign that Netflix films
and a team of researchers from MIT Media
House of Cards, Narcos, and Stranger are improving is upcoming collabora-
Lab and Microsoft announced DuoSkin, a
Things. If the deepening butt craters tions with bold-face names whose sole conductive gold-leaf temporary tattoo with
in our couch cushions are any indica- interest isnt getting David Spade a power source and Bluetooth connectivity.
tion, the challenge was accepted. much-needed work. The company paid The tattoos recognise taps and swipes and
Lost in the unquestioned success of R830 million for the rights to Brad can be used with most Bluetooth devices.
Netflixs content boom, however, is Pitts War Machine. It invested another No, youre probably not going to want a
its shaky history with original films. R700 million in Okja, a South Korean calculator on your forearm. But an easy
Since late 2015, Netflix has offered up action flick with Jake Gyllenhaal. way to turn on the lights or control your
a trial-and-error mix of indies (Indian Theatregoing may never go out of music from across the room? The technol-
comedy Brahman Naman), sequels no style completely, but as long as Netflix ogy may bring us one step closer to
one was really hoping for (Crouching is willing to pony up for projects while becoming true cyborgs, but
Tiger, Hidden Dragon: Sword of Destiny), charging its 83 million subscribers at least well be popular at
and heavily streamed but critically less than R150 a month, the success dinner parties.
panned Adam Sandler comedies like it has enjoyed with original series is
The Ridiculous 6. It was a slow start. easily and inevitably
But theres hope for Netflix movies, as repeatable. Consider
the saviour of art-house fare and the using the money
medium-budget films that major stu- you save on a
dios ignore for reboots and superhero new couch.
franchises. Netflixs theatrical origi- David Walters
nals are getting
better, with
upcoming titles
like Christopher
Guests Mascots;
Death Note, a

horror movie

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 55

The US militarys amazing new inventions allow soldiers to climb walls made
of nearly any material, without the need for ropes or ladders.

m dangling near the top of six-metre
plate of glass. All 90 kilograms of me.
On land, I cant do a single pull-up
not even if you held a doughnut over the
bar. But I got up here using my own
strength and if it werent for my nerves,
I wouldnt have broken a sweat. The suc-
tion-cup paddles in each of my hands are
harnessed to my waist. Stirrups loop
around my feet. As I shift my weight off
my right leg and on to my left, the pneu-
matic fingers on the paddle in my right
hand release the pressure holding the
seven suction cups above them to the wall.
My body weight moves to my left leg, pull-
ing down the fingers in the paddle in my
left hand. The suction cups of the left pad-
dle push into the wall, forcing microscopic
silicone ridges against the glass for maxi-
mum surface contact and hold. When I
reach the ceiling, I linger, feeling more
than a little like a superhero, but also
wondering how Im going to get down.
Those loops around my feet are very
important. If I lean too far back or to the
side the vector of my weight no longer
directly beneath the paddle that suction
will quickly release. I know this because
its exactly what I do. In my excitement to
move from the glass wall and try the
device on a painted surface, I stretch the
paddles too far apart. With my foot and
my weight no longer aligned below the
paddles, I slide down the wall and crash to
the ground in a tangle of devices and
luckily backup ropes.
The idea for this equipment called
Z-Man, named for the third-dimensional,
or Z axis came about ten years ago at
DARPA, a group whose mission is to pro-
tect the US defence establishment and
the nation from technological surprise.
Two programme managers, John Main
and Morley Stone, were discussing the
urban battlefield. We were in the thick of
the Iraq war and a lot of activities taking For the past decade, DARPA Z-Man sci-
place were urban, and the urban high Main wondered if the same type of tech- entists have struggled with a challenge
ground is the top of buildings, says Main. nology would work for humans. Stone that has perplexed scientists since
We were trying to get people safely to the shrugged his shoulders and said, I think Aristotle: how the hell does a gecko run up
top of a building. A study at Stanford sug- so, Main says. And I shrugged my shoul- and down a tree? And how do we replicate
gested that mimicking gecko skin could ders and said, I think so. That was the that ability on humans? There were many
help small robots climb, and Stone and genesis of the whole programme. theories and, in desperate times, the sug-

56 _ FEBRUARY 2017

Like a geckos feet, these your legs in and you could climb any sur-
suction cups have millions of face, just as long as it was metal. The uses
tiny hairs that grip the wall
when air is removed from the were immediately apparent. There are a
cups by the pistons beneath lot of steel structures like oil rigs that peo-
them. ple needed safety and climbing equipment
to manage, Main says. The magnetic pad-
dles have been licensed to a high-end mili-
have done exactly what tary-supply company, Atlas Devices, and
the gecko does, Main the technology is rumoured to be already
says. But what the gecko in use by special-operations forces to climb
does that humans cant do on to ships, tankers and oil platforms.
is flex between two con- So now scientists had a way to climb
tact points all the time. brick and a way to climb metal. But they
People cant get their had nothing for smooth, non-magnetic
hand on the wall and their walls. At this point, Main had cycled out
foot on the wall and put a of DARPA, working for a startup for seven
lot of force into sliding years and returned. When he got back, the
them towards each other. mood was worse than when hed left. Much
Plus, there are all types worse. Theres a required stage in every
of walls. What works on technology project, Main says. Thats the
glass may not work on despair stage. That took place when we
brick, which may not work had been working on Z-Man for quite
on metal. some time but were in a rut. The idea of
That frustration was using suction came about because of frus-
felt at Draper Labs in tration at being in that rut. Despair, in
Cambridge, Massachusetts, this case, was a good thing. Thats when
too. Draper is a not-for- the creativity and drive kicks in and some-
profit engineering thing terrific happens.
research and development The problem with the nano-ridged sili-
organisation that does a cone skin Carter and McFarland had pic-
lot of highly classified tured before was that the surface couldnt
work for DARPA and get close enough to the walls to activate
other branches of the gov- the Van der Waals forces. Theyd tried sim-
ernment. Its staffed with ple suction cups, too, but those could only
brilliant scientists, most hold climbers in place. There was no way
of whom have no idea to release and reaffix them to actually
what their colleagues are climb. Under Carters leadership, the team
doing in the room next at Draper were inspired to combine the
door. In one of those gecko skin and suction cups with leg
rooms, David Carter and power. Their new paddle consisted of syn-
gestion of magic. But its nothing like Will McFarland had a minor break- thetic gecko skin layered inside suction
magic, Main says. If you look at the toe of through. They had considered creating cups. To increase the efficiency of those
a gecko, its got millions and millions of hand and foot paddles with a silicone suction cups, they attached foot stirrups
tiny hairs. These little protrusions are skin made with nano-ridges, just like a to a series of pistons. When the foot stir-
very flexible and very, very strong. The geckos. But it still wouldnt be strong rups are depressed, the pistons evacuate
gecko gets all of those hairs in close contact enough to hold most people up on a wall. extra air inside the suction cups. This
with the wall hes climbing or the ceiling So they shifted their attention to another smashes the nano-ridges against the wall
hes hanging from and they all hold him animal theyd been studying at the same surface, activating the Van der Waals forces.
up. The phenomenon is based on a physics time: spiders. In watching the insects And when the suction is released by lifting
principle called Van der Waals forces, in climb brick, they discovered an ingenious the climbers weight off of the stirrup, the
which atoms in very close contact create a array of fishhook spines, tightly assembled paddle can be easily moved elsewhere.
temporary attraction. So they understood with the hooks facing downward. Those Equally impressive is the cost: Carter and
how the sticking-to-the-wall part hap- hooks grab into the brick face without his team estimate that each pair will cost
pened. Next they had to figure out the slipping, as long as the spiders or the only R40 000 to R70 000.
actual movement: to translate the climbers body weight is suspended Although it takes three types of paddles
mechanics of how the gecko dragged its directly below them. Soon they developed to conquer any surface instead of one,
upper and lower feet together to maintain hand paddles with tiny metal spines. And Main is confident that the technology will

the Van der Waals attraction, while also those paddles worked, allowing you to one day be combined into a single device.
being able to move freely. Even when climb any wall, just as long as that wall Like all military contractors, DARPA is
upside down. was brick. This led researchers to experi- cagey about if, where and how the Z-Man
Things got frustrating. Whatever the sci- ment with steel and iron. has been deployed in the field. Use your
entists learned, whatever new approaches The obvious material was magnets and imagination is all that Main will say.
they took, the results didnt seem applicable the two men created paddles that locked Which is probably the same advice he gave
to human use. This programme would and unlocked from the wall by shifting a when he issued the Z-Man challenge ten
have been over in two years if we could handle on the paddle up or down. Strap years ago. PM

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 57

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For the first time in a millennium, the cradle is changing
Not since Mary ingeniously upcycled a manger, or Moses drifted down the river Nile
in a basket woven from reeds, has the cradle had such significance.
SNOO is a collaborative effort between Happiest Baby a company started by
paediatrician and child development specialist Dr Harvey Karp and Yves Behar,
founder and principal designer at fuseproject, to create the worlds smartest and
safest baby bed. This intelligent cradle responds to unhappy babies by gently moving
at a rhythm that mimics the movement babies feel in the womb. The movements,
coupled with comforting shushing sounds, are said to promote the infants sleep.
Dr Karp says SNOOs effect on babies can be seen within days: babies become
better sleepers. Even better: parents get much-needed rest.


60 _ FEBRUARY 2017

Whats special about SNOO:
l Gentle, broad movements and comforting
shushing designed to promote sleep.
l A robotic system that responds to
unhappy babies and reacts to them.
l An unravel-proof swaddle that is hip-safe;
l A high-performance custom motor with a
unique drivetrain that can rock for millions
of cycles.
l Specially engineered white noise that
adapts its volume and pitch to the babys
l A mobile app that allows parents to
control SNOO remotely when babies need
to be weaned.
l Sides made of breathable mesh so baby
remains visible.

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 61



A transparent hideaway and year-round shelter
garden gnome not included
A couple of years ago, there was the inflatable Bubbleroom. Now
there is the Garden Igloo, a semi-portable dome that can be used as a
conservatory, kids play area, greenhouse or gazebo.
This lightweight and durable geodesic dome is designed to let the
Sun in year-round, manage uniform temperature, have good airflow
even in warm weather and be robust enough to stand up to strong
winds and snow. The Igloos lattice shell is made from PVC and the
company guarantees tool-free set-up of less than two hours.
The Garden Igloo is also available partially covered or with full
mosquito netting options.


62 _ FEBRUARY 2017



This Ikea-style transporter hopes to change the world, four hours at a time
Somewhere in the near future a small business owner goods and make our towns and cities better places to live in.
receives a large flat-pack. Inside is an all-electric truck it may Zero-emission travel for up to 160 kilometres is claimed, but
even be a food truck that will, within hours, stand assembled the vehicle can manage a further 540-odd kilometres with the
and quickly become an integral part of the business owners assistance of an extended range dual mode. Also capable of
everyday life. Or something like that. autonomous travel, Charge will be spun off into various models
British all-electric automotive company Charge hopes to ranging in size from 3,5 to 26 tons.
soon introduce its ultra-lightweight electric trucks to roads The trucks are said to be so simple to assemble that a single
everywhere. person could complete a truck within four hours. Yes, they
Says CEO Denis Sverdlov: At Charge, we are making trucks do say that 10 workers over two shifts can assemble 10 000
the way they should be: affordable, elegant, quiet, clean and trucks a year, but that doesnt mean that self-assembly units
safe. We are removing all the barriers to entry for electric vehi- are too far off.
cles by pricing them in line with conventional trucks, giving The first Charge factory will be opening near the organisations
every fleet manager, tradesman or company, no matter how big head office in Oxfordshire in the UK later this year, with plans
or small, the opportunity to change the way they transport to expand globally soon. PM

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 63



Romeo isnt really the robots name,
just one coined by our bubbly tour guide.
Romeo is blue and has the typical lean,
mechanical frame bent at a 45-degree
angle. And yet, at the Bentley factory in
Crewe, Romeo is unique: in this 30-hec-
tare manufacturing facility, hes the only
evidence of automation.
Romeos sole purpose is to place sealant
around Bentley windscreens. Once done,
he is not allowed to position the wind-
screen into its aperture, as he would have
done if this were any other car manufac-
turing facility. Like everything else here,
that job is done by hand.
Crewe is home to the biggest collection
of Bentleys at any one time anywhere in
the world. But on these exact foundations,
the Rolls Royce V12 27-litre Merlin
engines for the Spitfire circa 1938 were
assembled and tested.
The lore oozing from these brick-faced
walls brings the coachbuilding era back to
life. Yet I do believe that, if WO Bentley
was standing exactly where I am today,
hed recognise not only the buildings, but
also the methods.
Having visited my fair share of manu-
facturing plants, I can vouch for the fact
that Bentley still plies its hand-crafted
trade in the purest sense. Notwithstanding
the 10,2-inch tablets, on-board Wi-Fi and
Shiatsu massages, Bentleys finished product
is not technology-reliant. Here, technology
needs to be invisible and is approved only
if it can add to the luxury side of the drive.
First revelation upon entering the facto-
ry is that youre not required to wear a
protective hat. Since this is a factory
mostly of people, it can stop, pause and
adapt. Its tranquil, all things considered. I
can hear a seamstress radio playing the
BBC. To our left, ovens heat up the one-
piece wiring harness into a flexible state
while a team crawl through each Bentley
to spread it out along with the brake hoses

64 _ FEBRUARY 2017


Hides are vacuum-clamped for inspection,

checked for flaws and precision-cut according
to a computer-optimised cutting plan. Applying
the leather to a Bentley steering wheel can take
up to four hours.

and ancillaries. To our right we meet take three or four hours. But every piece
Maxine, the lady whose radio has been of leather reacts slightly differently, so
humming. theres no guarantee of time, only quality.
With needle and thread in hand, she What he can rely on is his ability to impro-
demonstrates the optional cross stitch as a vise, pressing a fork into the leather-
decorative feature for customers shes bound wheel to create four equidistant
never likely to meet. There are rows of points for the thread to slip through. Due
ladies like Maxine, sitting at their organ- to the leathers flexibility, the fork is more
ised work stations all performing this accurate than a machine.
time-consuming process; to complete this If a customer times his visit well, he will
intricate stitch pattern on a Mulsanne be given the chance to sew his own stitch,
takes around 38 hours. or sign the inside. Its all part of the price-
Swivel round and we bump into a skilled less personalisation.
coach trimmer. With 48 years at Bentley Minutes later Im in Bentleys wood
behind him he has the fine muscle co-ordi- shop, surrounded by timber sourced from
nation in his right hand to manipulate two all over the world: California burr walnut,
needles for an alternate thread colour in Canadian birdseye maple and other sweet-
every stitch. Hes patiently applying the smelling organic fragrances. And as of
leather to a steering wheel, a task that can recently, 200-million-year-old Indian

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 65


Stone veneer skimmed down to 0,1 mm 360-degree cutting wheel to work out the
for a bespoke look. most efficient pattern to maximise the
Veneer bundles in their raw form are hide. Thats generally 67 percent and a
kept in packs of 21 sheets; 17 of them will Mulsanne will require anywhere from
go into a Bentley and the other 7 are kept 16 hides upwards.
briefly as insurance should one of them As we pass the canteen where some
get damaged along the build process. This people have brought in their work as that
is because every Bentley is unique and Heritage and high-tech go hand in hand at days exhibit of inspiration, two Bentleys
theres no other match for it. These are Bentley. Veneer bundles in raw form are kept in are selected at random for a final quality
sanded by hand through an intimate rela- packs of 21 sheets; 7 are kept as insurance inspection and the results are then com-
tionship between man and his personal should one get damaged during the build. Hand municated to everyone on the factory
tools, the craftsman eventually eschewing sanding is the norm, as is priceless personali- floor. The pressure to achieve perfection
digital scales for his sixth-sense. sation. And perfection is everything. is relentless.
Taurus is the name given to the tables Of course, in the modern era theres a
where each hide is inspected, apt since similarly relentless pressure to evolve.
Bentley only uses the bull. First, air sucks With its first sport-utility, the Bentayga,
the hide taut across brightly lit tables the bull to re-examine the accuracy of Bentley is poised to flourish in new era.
where a team will mark off slight imper- the chalk marks before a light box moves But rest assured, back at Crewe the rela-
fections with sticks of coloured chalk. across and captures a high-definition tionship between sophistication and emo-
Then the hide is inflated as if back on image in order for the computer and tional luxury carries on as it always has.

66 _ FEBRUARY 2017

South Africans at Bentley
PAUL WILLIAMS, Bentleys first diesel engine is pendently, taking existing ing across the world while offer-
Head of Powertrain fitted with an electric supercharg- designs and modifying them to ing customers a chance to race
and Chassis er. It operates for very brief peri- suit our needs. This includes in cars that strongly represent
Our latest engine technology ods at a time. The power draw engines and the groups scalable Bentleys production engineering.
means the difference in carbon is huge (120 amps off a 12 V MLB platform. Continental GT3s are powered
emissions and fuel consumption system) but the Bentyaga debuts by a 4,0-litre V8 twin turbo with
between our 12-, 10- and 8-cyl- the 48 V system. BRIAN GUSH, 450 kW and 800 N.m. The body
inder engines has narrowed The 48 V system also runs Motorsport Director weighs 1 000 kg less than the
significantly compared with a the active roll bars. This motor- Brian was in charge of the Le road car thanks to carbon-fibre
few years ago. Our customers ised mechanism is equipped Mans programme 20012003, cladding and the removal of the
still want big 12-cylinder engines with a high-powered gearbox in finally winning the race with all-wheel-drive system.
and those will meet the next the centre, which enables us to the Speed 8. Yet the regulations Our motorsport plan is not
round of emission regulations. put counter-active forces on to have since changed and Bentley affected by recent changes in
Ive been building diesel pro- that bar. For off-roading it can wont enter if it cant win out- the Volkswagen Group. Were set
totypes for the last eight or nine de-couple, so the wheels can right in the LMP1 category. up to break even, not make or
years. The Bentayga as an SUV behave independently. Brian now designs and looks lose money and that keeps us
gave us the right opportunity Having links into the (Volks- after the administration of under the radar. By being on the
once we got the refinement up wagen) family is an enormous Continental GT3 race cars. This race track we are serving the
to standard. advantage, but we also act inde- is an endurance series compet- brand and customers.

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 67



ENGINE: 2-litre four-cylinder turbocharged
I walked away from the hatchback My children colonised the backseat and POWER: 110 kW @ 3 750 r/min
life a long time ago, so it takes something my wife was very comfortable up front. TORQUE: 320 N.m @ 1 750 r/min
really special to make me re-evaluate my Ride quality was supple enough so every- CONSUMPTION (COMBINED): 4 L/100 km
SUV-loving ways. To be fair, the V40 start- one enjoyed a decent nap, but was stiff PRICE: R463 800
ed life as a station wagon, so technically enough to transform Michells Pass into
this isnt a hatch. Either way its still a far a fun ride.
cry from the acres of practical space that If I should ever downsize to a hatch, the
my family is accustomed to. V40 would be at the front of the queue. specification list is Apple Carplay and
A 500-km round trip from our home to Adaptive cruise control, self-parking, Android Auto, although Volvos home-
Robertson and returning via cherry-pick- responsive motor with the lower-pressure baked Sensus Connect isnt a terrible
ing in Ceres is a tall order for any test car. turbo The only thing missing from the system.
Gravel roads, over-tired children and 39
heat upped the ante, but the Volvo never
missed a beat. The 110 kW/320 N.m two-
litre diesel mill even made short work of
the caravans and overly aggressive trucks
between Robertson and Worcester.
But it was the internal climate control
that really helped to slow the loss of
humour. The advantage of a substantial
luggage area partition is that the air-con
doesnt need to chill unoccupied volume.
Volvo has offered automatic climate contol
in the upper trim levels of its entry-level
model for years now.
The first car I ever put into a wall (acci-
dentally) was a V40 T4 and, fortunately,
I wasnt injured. Thats the beauty of a
Volvo. Youre confident enough in the
safety features that youll entrust your
family to it. This model is no different. I
usually shy away from other traffic when
driving a platkar but I had an air of

68 _ FEBRUARY 2017



The parents at my daughters school think Im a drug dealer the street racers trying to bait me into a drag race. The only crowd
with a very big garage. Driving a bunch of test cars will do that. who really knew what was up were the motorcyclists who obvious-
I somehow suspect they may no longer think that, because no ly also follow Moto GP and recognise Ecstar as the name sponsor
drug lord would want to draw this much attention to themselves. for Suzukis factory team. The livery was designed to the same
I think the Swift Sport is a helluava fun car, no doubt about it, but scale as the Moto GP bike and, originally, to celebrate Suzukis
the luminous livery is a little too much to deal with. 2014 return to the sport.
At its base, it is still a Swift Sport cranking out 100 kW from a Price: R264 900
lively 1,6-litre, naturally aspirated engine. But try and tell that to


Following on last months outing in the
5-door Pajero comes the 3-door variant. Our
test model arrived adorned in Dakar
livery that had staff fielding all sorts of ques-
tions and giving understandably brief inter-
nal tours to inquisitive patrons in the Makro
parking lot. Its still the same dark-continent-
conquering tour de force of old, but it now
boasts a few modern touches like a needlessly
complicated Bluetooth-enabled touchscreen
infotainment system.
You will want this car if you prefer your
overland excursions limited to two people,
but you do lose a few litres of fuel capacity
and an entire row of seating options. My
daughter loved riding in the back seat and I
found the SWB to be much more responsive
to throttle inputs and easiery to bring to a
halt than its lumbering sibling. Suprisingly,
the shorter wheelbase made things a bit
more stable without the lazy body roll. It
does get affected more by crosswinds than
the five door and is a bit more choppy on
gravel corrugations.
Price: R689 900

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 69



It wasnt coincidental that we gathered one November morn-

ing at the offices of Avis Car Hire at Cape Town airport to start
our drive of BMWs latest e-car, the 740e. Aside from the con- Having sold more than 100 000
venience of travelling against the rush hour flow, the particular purely electric-powered cars and
relevance is that Avis has bought into the whole alternative plug-in hybrids worldwide, BMWs
energy thing. In a small way, but its a statement nonetheless: prominence in the EV business is
four of BMWs compact i3s will go into the rental companys unquestioned. More than 60 000 of
point-to-point chauffeur service and four of the i8 supercars its i3 alone have been sold and it is
into its luxury division. Underlying this is Aviss ongoing initia- the most successful electric vehicle in the premium compact
tive to lower emissions and introduce alternative energy vehicles segment. Locally, in a little under two years, i3 sales have
into its fleet. reached 142 and those of the i8 have totalled 181.
The other news to come out of the day: BMW and Nissan are Driving sales to the next level will depend, as Abbott says, on
expanding their EV infrastructure with the first joint charging support and convenience. To help persuade those on the fence,
stations in the Western Cape. The three stations at Cape Towns BMW says it is able to supply a range of solutions that help
V&A Waterfront join similar facilities already installed at BMWs make charging intelligent and quick. The sophisticated BMW i
Midrand headquarters, 27 of its dealerships and at the Melrose Wallbox charging station, for instance, is chosen by one in three
Arch precinct in Johannesburg. Possibly onstream by now are i3 buyers; and the latest version of the i3 with a more powerful
charge points at Constantia Village Mall in Cape Town and battery and increased range will derive even more benefit.
Brooklyn Mall in Pretoria. Besides the physical convenience of having charging where
And they will be one size fits all, or at least the two main part- and when its needed, theres also a need for a hassle-free trans-
ners. The latest charging stations will offer Type 2 connections actions. So, access and payment for charging on the go at public
that can be used by the BMW i3 and i8 as well as the Nissan stations is facilitated by means of the ChargeNow customer card
LEAF. BMW says these stations are future-proof and will be able and app, valid at more than 40 000 charging points in 25 coun-
to cater for future EV and PHEV models. tries. Thats the worlds largest network of publicly accessible
Its all about increasing public access to charging, says the charging points for electric and plug-in-hybrid vehicles. In addi-
BMW Groups CEO for South Africa and sub-Saharan Africa, tion, BMW provides assistance services designed specifically for
Tim Abbott. And thats a critical component of future success electro-mobility. Its ConnectedDrive navigation services not
for EVs here, he adds. only include the charging status of the high-voltage in route
BMWs fast-charging focus is on North America, Europe, South planning, but also recommend the most efficient route.
Africa, China and Japan and the company has made supporting Partnerships in certain countries allow customers to benefit
strategic investments in the charging business. In a total of more from assistance in the use of electricity gained from regenerative
than 30 projects and partnerships globally, more than 3 000 DC sources they either acquire from energy providers or produce
and more than 1 300 AC charging points have been initiated. themselves.

70 _ FEBRUARY 2017

Latest arrival: BMW 740e
Suffice to say that the 740e fulfills the
basic requirement of a plug-in hybrid,
namely that it makes you feel less
guilty about your presence contributing
to Cape Towns clogged arterial roads,
sluggish freeways and gridlocked
urban corridors. The fact that it does
this in superb luxury further cushions
the guilt, though it doesnt entirely
insulate you from the breathtaking
asking price.
Traditionalists might roll their eye-
balls at the mention of whats under THE ALTERNATIVE ALTERNATIVE
the bonnet. Namely, a four-cylinder For the ultimate in planet-friendly recharging, the BMW i solar carport supplies an average
TwinPower Turbo and an electric of 3,6 kW of solar power (at peak times on a clear sunny day) to the BMW i Wallbox.
motor. So you think you might miss South Africa is the first market to implement the companys solar carport.
the traditional sumptuous BMW howl Enhancing its Green credentials, the solar carport is made using a sustainable material,
of six, eight, 10 or 12 cylinders? namely bamboo. Not only is this composite material sustainanble, it has a high strength-
to-weight ratio thats useful for structures. In addition to solar carports as public facilities,
Consider: this is the most powerful
private buyers will be able to order them for home and office use.
four-cylinder engine ever fitted in a
The solar carport charging system can be integrated with home energy management
production BMW. Just pause for a systems for greater overall efficiency.
moment to let that sink in. Then mash
the pedal to the floor. As the scenery
begins moving backwards very quickly, NEED TO KNOW
thanks to the combined efforts of 740E
240 kW and 500 N.m, you might RANGE 44 to 48 kilometres
begin to wonder if sound effects really COMBUSTION ENGINE 2,0 four-cylinder petrol,
matter. Of course, at that moment turbocharged
even the 740es smart energy manage- OUTPUTS 190 kW/400 N.m
ment will struggle to achieve the ELECTRIC MOTOR 83 kW/250 N.m
2,0litres per 100 kilometres the car is TRANSMISSION 8A
said to be capable of. Use that massive 0-100 KM/H 5,4 sec
electric boost for accelerative purposes PRICE R1 431 500
and youll have less at your disposal
for around town, when the hybrid sys-
tem prioritises electric-only activity up
to 80 km/h. (Its capable of 140 km/h
in Max eDrive pure electric mode.)

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 71


THE DESERT MONSTER 2 590-millimetre wheelbase is not much

shorter than a Ford Focuss. And its 1,8
vehicles (UTVs, aka. side-by-sides),
machines that are closer to a modern pick-
YES, THEY STILL MAKE BEACH metres wide, slightly broader than a BMW up than the single-cylinder Kawasaki
COMPARE THESE WITH A GOLF 3 Series. The only thing un-car-like about Mojave I grew up riding. Laws are changing
CART. W I T H E Z R A D Y E R it is the suspension travel, which tops out to reflect this evolution, with many juris-
at 60 centimetres. Thats the spec that dictions now allowing you to drive them
On specs alone, the new Can-Am defines how much permission you have to on the street. And while I would love to
Maverick X3 X RS is a car: a turbocharged try to catch air off a sand dune. roll into a suburban Walmart in the X3,
and intercooled 115-kilowatt engine, zero Over the years, ATVs have mutated Im in Baja, Mexico, doing 140 km/h in a
to 100 km/h in less than five seconds and from four-wheeled dirt bikes into vehicle with no windscreen on a surface
a base price (in the USA) of R375 000. The increasingly outrageous utility task with no tar.


The wide stance prevents flipping in places

you dont want to flip. Like next to sheer
cliffs in Mexico.

72 _ FEBRUARY 2017

much grip.) But the vehicles and drivers
were unscathed. We heaved the vehicles
right-side up and kept going.
Despite the worries of my passenger,
who happened to be the travelling mechan-
ic, the beach mishaps ended up being the
worst that happened. I normally have an
18-wheeler full of spare parts, he said.
Out here, if we break, were walking. At
one point, lacking a jack, we changed a flat
by lifting the corner of the X3 off the
ground. Other than a smattering of tyre
swaps and two broken drivebelts, the vehi-
cles survived two long days of severe
abuse. Nobody ended up walking.
The belt breakage was inevitable. The
X3s CVT transmission was developed for
the low-traction, low-ambient-tempera-
ture world of snowmobiles, not for four-
wheel-drive turbo desert buggies. Theres
just too much power, too much traction,
too much weight, and too much heat. Yes,
its an easy part to replace out on the trail,
Thats when the electronic limiter steps IM IN MEXICO DOING 140 but the mechanic had hoped it wouldnt be
in, compensating for my heavy foot. Just IN A VEHICLE WITH NO a problem. Yamaha, by contrast, has both
as well. The lack of contrast out in the desert WINDSCREEN ON A SURFACE manual and paddle-shift gearboxes in its
can obscure obstacles that you dont want WITH NO TAR X3 competitor, the YXZ (see below), fur-
to hit at 140, cows, boulders, gullies two ther obscuring the delineation between
metres deep. One moment youre trying to I thought my groups plan to reach UTV and civilian automobile.
blink the sand out of your eyes, the next Mikes Sky Ranch, an off-the-grid hotel A few years ago, I drove a lap in the Mint
youre dropping into a river bed at high- where they kill the generator a half hour 400 desert race behind the wheel of a
way speeds and bracing for impact. after last call, before sunset was mildly 150-kW custom buggy. My co-driver that
Its dangerous out here. At one point, I insane. Ten of these machines, driven by day, an experienced racer, derisively
stop to let the dust clear and find myself a bunch of testosterone-crazed lunatics, referred to the side-by-sides as golf carts.
at a small memorial for Kurt Caselli, a were setting out to cover 400 kilometres As in, Hurry up and pass this golf cart.
motorcycle racer. He died three years ago at high speed across a moonscape of razor- Were losing time. Now? A Maverick X3 X
when he hit some kind of large animal edged rocks, deep silt and blind hills. RS, floating on its daddy-longlegs suspen-
during the Baja 1000. Im suddenly thank- The first day, on a flat, empty beach that sion and riding a wave of turbo torque, is
ful for the optional anti-intrusion bars wouldve been crowded by mansions were decisively quicker point to point than
bolted across the windscreen area of my it a few hundred kilometres north, two of that Mint race buggy. Which means that,
X3. Theyre designed to protect you from our posse flipped their X3s. (Lesson: when strangely, these pricey playthings are a
that particular brand of off-road peril. you want to spin a donut, put it in two- good value. That would be a lot of money
wheel drive so that you dont have too for a golf cart, but its a pretty sweet deal
for a race car that you could drive to

THE MANUAL BUGGY Yamahas latest UTV, the YXZ1000R,

has a five-speed sequential manual
transmission: either full manual with a clutch or steering-
column paddle shifters. Yes, choosing your own gears
presents a higher degree of difficulty compared with the
Can-Ams automatic, but it also means more driver
involvement. The YXZs naturally aspirated triple-cylinder
engine has a five-digit redline, and banging off 10 000-r/
min upshifts is as fun as it sounds. Conversely, if you
want to chill out, you can shift early to drop the revs. The
paddle-shift model also has launch control, which gives
you an aggressive high-rev clutch drop, just like in a 911
Turbo or Huracan, more car stuff in a side-by-side.
Perhaps best of all: youll never break a belt, because
theres no belt to break.

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 73


I decline, concerned about

riding one of the fastest and
priciest Italian racing bikes on
cobblestone streets. But it
doesnt seem to faze him. You
pick the bikes you like, and you
ride them how you like.
Me, I own a 1996 BMW K
1100 RS with 55 000 kilometres
on the clock. Its certainly not
vintage, its just old enough to
be, well, old. Its the first bike
Ive owned and it belonged to a
friend who owned it from day
one. It has been loved over the
years and Im told itll run for
500 000 km if I take good care
of it, which means let someone
else take care of it. My 1100 is
a battle-hardened beast, having
zigzagged America from New
Parr has more than 50
York City to San Francisco and
vintage bikes at his back, up and down the East
Manhattan warehouse. Coast from Maine to Florida in
pursuit of the finest country
roads. The gears are broken in
OLD IS THE NEW NEW 1970s. His hidden warehouse
in Manhattan is home to gag-
perfectly. Theres an abundance
of Velcro that has held various
YOUR BIKE IS AN EXTENSION OF WHO YOU ARE, gles of rare Ducatis, MV Agustas, devices including radar detec-
AND THATS NOT ALWAYS SHINY AND PERFECT. tors, a compass, EZ pass tags,
Laverdas, and Magnis, all per-
fectly preserved and working, iPhones for navigation, and
Theres an entire subspecies the only category of male with very few kilometres and Bluetooth devices. The bike is
of humans who ride and collect behaviour in which this hap- mostly original paint. Dressed missing everything that a mod-
only old bikes. They are as pens sports, cars, carpentry in fine Italian denim, a crisp ern bike has built right into its
numerous as the insects hit- and baking that perfect muffin white bespoke shirt and cash- LED dash. The serial numbers
ting your helmet at night. Now, all come to mind but its even mere, Parr explains how bikes are scratched off the frame and
with most bikers its a constant more amplified when it comes are an extension and reflection the licence plate is held on by
battle to be the coolest guy on to vintage bikes. of the aesthetics in his life. Velcro so its hard to get a ticket
the road. But thats especially There is one man I met on Beautiful, expensive, well- when illegally parked on city
the case with these folks. the road to understanding vin- designed treasures will last for- streets. It has two massive side
Theyll rattle off endless stats tage who stood out from the ever. Theyre not just items fairings that meet at the giant
that only bike nerds seem to rest. His name is Stuart Parr to admire, but functional square headlight. Its as 90s as
comprehend. Its mostly pos- and hes a designer, architect, machines to be used. Often. it gets, and if youre around my
turing. Vintage riders have a movie producer and collector Parr points out a couple of MV age, the 90s dont seem that
certain rite of passage to biker of all things amazing, but most Agustas that he recently long ago. This bike isnt too old
manhood and thats out-statting notably vintage Italian motor- acquired for about R1,5 million and isnt too young. Its exactly
another biker. I know this isnt cycles from the 1960s and each and asks if Id like to ride. how I feel.

A MODERN CLASSIC Ciao! The 399-cm3 30-kW L-twin Ducati

Scrambler Sixty2 may be called a
scrambler, but it doesnt exactly act like one. When you rev high
enough through its six gears, the bike moves as fast as a beautiful
Italian woman avoiding advances from men on the streets of Rome.
Its air-cooled with antilock brakes. On the high-tech digital dash
there are no ride modes or traction control to cycle through, no gear
indicators, no fuel gauge. Just a weird digital tachometer that goes
backwards and a normal-reading speedometer. The seat is flat and
comfortable enough for short distances, but gets a little uncomforta-
ble outside the city limits. Along with grey and black, you can fulfill all
of your retro senses by choosing the Atomic Tangerine paint
option. Throw your date on the back and ride to the art-house thea-
tre to see Blow-Up for the hundredth time. D C

74 _ FEBRUARY 2017

(DONT) DIY and give it the right amount of
torque.) But that assumes you
can reach all the plugs. If youre
lucky, a V6 might have four
accessible plugs and two that
Theres maintenance you should do, the kind of work that demonstrates are underneath a fluid reser-
or imparts mechanical aptitude. But sometimes, it doesnt seem worth voir or some other hunk of
the bloody fingers and oil stains. Thats okay! Youre a car owner who removable equipment. Worst
understands opportunity cost and has better ways to spend an hour. case? The rear plugs are buried
Here are four tasks worth handing over to the mechanic. under the firewall. If you want
to feel deep empathy for your
fellow man, find an online
forum on strategies for chang-
ing the rear plugs on a Chrysler
minivan. Unbolting the whole
bonnet is just the beginning.

If you want to throw on your
favourite Warrant concert tee
and wax the Trans Am, dont
let us stop you. But youll never
do it as well as the real car wash.
Youll miss sections, leave water
spots, or catch grit on the
sponge and rake it over the
clear coat. Itll look clean when
wet, but as it dries youll see
the water-spotted folly of your
penurious ways. If youre afraid
youll catch Legionnaires dis-
ease from your own door handle,
go to the car wash. Go auto-
matic. Tip the guys.


OIL CHANGE BATTERY REPLACEMENT for better weight distribution.

If you can drain and refill a Last time I did this, I attempt- So I lifted the cover on the
bathtub, you can do an oil ed the swap in the parking lot rear floor, only to find a sub-
change. Doing it yourself of the car-parts store to return woofer and amp. With much
doesnt make you the Orville the old battery. As with oil chagrin, I resorted to the own- Wiper blades usually snap
Wright of Chevy Berettas. changes, battery replacement ers manual. The index says, right on and off with a locking
What an oil change will do is leaves you with a toxic nuisance Battery location inside the plastic tab, requiring only a
force you to crawl under your to recycle. There, I learnt that luggage compartment, page bit of 3D-temporal processing
car and have hot liquid spill the tie-down system involved to figure out. Sure, you can
325. Page 325 reads, The bat-
down your hand and possibly tiny bolts located so far down have it done when your cars
tery is located in the engine
at a garage for a checkup.
your face. Youll need to extract in the engine bay that they compartment. I give up, Audi.
But you should know how to
the filter, which is great fun if were, technically, part of the You change the battery. replace them. When a wiper
you think your knuckles have Earths molten core. Its worse
blade totally fails, its always
too much skin. Then you need in new cars. Generally, the NEW SPARK PLUGS during a weather event so
to safely get rid of the old oil, more modern the car, the more Modern spark plugs last more heinous that Simon Gear will
which wont happen before you irritating the battery swap. than 150 000 kilometres, which be reporting from the other
step in it, knock it over, or Just for fun, I popped the hood means that car companies dont side of the parking lot. Learn
otherwise replicate Deepwater on a 2017 Audi Q7 to test my give much thought to accessi- how to change your blades
Horizon in your driveway. You hypothesis. Unsurprisingly, bility. Yes, it is theoretically with the quickness of a
know whats easier? Pay the theres no battery in the engine simple to unscrew a plug and Formula 1 pit crew, and youll
guys who do this every day and bay, performance-minded com- replace it. (You know, as long be your own hero during the
can knock it out in ten minutes. panies often put it in the rear as you avoid cross-threading next deluge.

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 75

Artingers primary
workspace, once a
first-grade classroom,
is now a gallery of
guitar templates.

76 _ FEBRUARY 2017

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 77
one of Matt Artingers customers had an idea. He
had run into some scrap aluminium sheeting from an actual World War II B-24
Liberator and he wanted to design a guitar with it, says Artinger, a stocky son
of Pennsylvanias industrious Lehigh Valley, where he works out of a former
elementary school in a town called Emmaus. I thought it was the coolest thing
on Earth, so of course I said yes. Dubbed Final Objective, after the nose art
on the vintage bomber from which its materials came, the resulting guitar
incorporated not only the salvaged aluminium skin, replete with rivets, but
also scrounged cockpit parts, a fretboard inlaid with the US Army Air Force
logo and a scaled-down rendition of the original nose art.
Artinger said yes again when he was approached by a guitar-playing toy collector who sought a double-necked
instrument to commemorate his considerable enthusiasm for GI Joe paraphernalia. It had a custom paint job
on it with Snake Eyes, a bad guy and it had one of the good guys. I dont recall which good guy it was and Im
embarrassed about that because I was a GI Joe freak as a kid. It had .45-calibre bullets as the knobs and swords
going up the necks, he says. It was insane.
Matt Artinger, 39, is approaching his 20th year in business as a luthier, which is a fancy way of saying he

78 _ FEBRUARY 2017

builds guitars for a living. All kinds of guitars, close roots, back when the M in MTV still stood for some-
to seven hundred in all, no two precisely the same. thing. I was fascinated by guitars from a young
Electric guitars, acoustic guitars, bass guitars, delicate age, he says. Id cut them out of cardboard and
jazz guitars, take-no-prisoners rock-and-roll guitars, stand in front of the TV, as embarrassing as it is to
ornate, plain, elegant, outrageous; whatever a cus- say now. He built his first real guitar, an acoustic,
tomer wants, so long as Artinger thinks he can do from a kit at age 16 and almost immediately built
it justice. A typical instrument requires seventy-five another. And another. Working out of his familys
to a hundred hours of labour over roughly six months basement, he eventually earned a following. The
and prices start at around R45 000 for a basic model parade of adults arriving to pick up instruments
in line with the cost of a high-end mass-produced from this upstart kid made for an amusing scene
guitar but can escalate quickly. Hes fairly young and focused his parents attention on Artingers
as far as luthiers go. but his quality is up there with burgeoning obsession. His mother and stepfather
some of the older masters, says Bob Willcutt, pro- even arranged a meeting with Chris Martin, head
prietor of Willcutt Guitars in Lexington, Kentucky, of venerable acoustic guitar-maker CF Martin, based
a top dealer for most of the big-name brands who in nearby Nazareth, Pennsylvania. I think their
also stocks guitars from a curated slate of small motivation was that he would knock a little bit of
builders like Artinger. Hes an underground sense into me and say it was an unrealistic
favourite. goal to build guitars for a living, says Artinger.
Willcutt was introduced to Artingers But he did just the opposite. He told me to
work in part by Kingsley Durant, 57, a fellow follow my dreams, so thats exactly what I did.
Kentuckian who owns 16 Artinger guitars Through his teens, Artinger continued to
among a collection that numbers north of hone his skills, apprenticing with a local cabinet-
50 instruments, several of which are custom- maker to bolster his woodworking chops,
built. Its the same thing constructing store kiosks
that drives people to shop and built-ins for high-end
at farmers markets, says local homes, even a news
Durant of the allure of desk for Channel 6 in
handcrafted instruments. Philadelphia. After hours,
Yeah, its going to be more Artinger had free rein in
expensive, but youre getting the shop and access to tools
something a real person no teen could afford. At
built. Its about support of 19 he became one of
small artisans. Artinger Martins youngest-ever
calls it an intimacy: Youre factory-certified warranty
not dealing with an infra- repairmen.
structure. Youre dealing In 2006, Artinger launched
with one guy who is bleed- a design of his own, the
ing and sweating over every OMC Artinger 1, under the
guitar. Bleed and sweat he Martin banner. A midsize
does. Artingers work ethic is legendary among his acoustic with a solid Sitka-spruce top, Indian rose-
peers and customers alike. Hes immersed, says wood sides and back and koa accents, the guitar
jam-guitar wizard Steve Kimock, perhaps best known typifies Artingers forward-leaning approach. The
for playing alongside members of the Grateful Dead. sound hole is not round, but oval and its slanted.
Its not like he does this when hes not doing some- An unusual bevel on the top edge of the guitar
thing else. Matt doesnt do something else. helps avoid damping caused by the players arm
Artingers story is an enviable one, that rare tale resting directly on the body. A second oval sound-
of a man doing well by doing precisely what he was port cut into the guitars upper side helps project
put on this Earth to do, undaunted by the odds against the instruments output directly to the players ear,
success, unfazed by powerful and prolific competition while the fretboard inlays typically mother-of-pearl
and seemingly unburdened by the pedestrian concerns are cut from aluminium. The overall aesthetic is
that stymie most mens dreams. He has followed an one of unconventional grace, modern and classic at
obsession to its wonderful, logical conclusion, pro- once. His work is very crisp and clean. Thats kind
pelled initially by the navet of youth, blinded to of the Artinger thing, the Artinger appeal, says Bill
perils and distractions along the way by the singular Comins, a Philadelphia luthier whose instruments,
vision that burns through his safety goggles and a staple among jazz players, have been exhibited in
now in a position to step back from his work long the Smithsonian. He tends to take everything he
enough and only long enough to survey with sees and make it his own and he does it with a very
deep satisfaction what he has wrought, both on the refined sense of line.
workbench and in life. When it comes to guitars, however, the proof is
Artingers craft has evolved considerably from its in the playing. As pretty as a guitar looks, it has to

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 79

80 _ FEBRUARY 2017
Clockwise from top perform five times better, perhaps best not investigated, by the principal and
left: At days end, says Artinger. Its not a the school nurse) Artinger steps into the adjacent
Artinger is a mess piece of furniture; its a func- room, a former first-grade classroom that serves as
of sawdust and
sweat; a semi-hol- tional piece of art. A guitars his primary workspace. Theres the usual array
low-body guitar in inherent sound is the product of woodshop machinery, along with some more
quilted maple; sol- of a complex interaction specialised stuff. Various templates and exterior
dering the guitars between its materials, which moulds line the wall high above the blackboard that
electronics; a well-
used drill press. vibrate or dont in sym- still anchors the room. A bending iron, a heated
pathy with the strings. Every cylinder used to warp damp strips of wood to form
element you put on a guitar the curved sides of hollow guitars, sits at one corner
has a counterbalancing element to it and to get that of an immense worktable, across from a carefully
balance right is the most important thing in making angled jig used to perfect Artingers guitar necks.
a great-sounding guitar, says Artinger. If youre There are clamps, clamps and more clamps, enough
using soft materials you have to counter with hard aggregate clamping power to make a diamond from
materials. Artinger is unusually a charcoal briquette. But most
adept at capturing the specific precious is a set of well-worn
sounds his customers seek, says finger planes, tarnished cast-
Clay Sears, who has toured with WOOD & TONE bronze tools Artinger uses to
a whos who of pop and hip-hop David Gilmour hand-carve the arched tops and
artists and has played Artinger An alder body gives backs of his hollow guitars. Id
guitars onstage with Jay Z, Gilmour a warm, be lost without these, he says.
Rihanna and Janet Jackson. We balanced sound he Building guitars is great fun,
talked in great detail about things can electronically says Artinger, but as a profession,
that are really hard to put into manipulate into Pink its not for dilettantes. This is
words; like how do you describe Floyd psychedelia. one of those 10 000-hour careers,
boinginess or elasticity or snap where you dont even have a rel-
or punch, says Sears. Communi- Brent Hinds
ative grasp of what youre doing
cating with somebody who can Mastodons bone- until you get to that point and
really speak that language is crunching sound its still a struggle from there,
super important. comes from the he says. Even so, By the end of
Wood is the most critical dark, full-bodied the day, I might just have two
input in guitar construction and growl of Hindss areas around my eyeballs, because
Artinger strives to source the best mahogany axe. of my goggles, that arent covered
he can find. Fortunately, Ive with sawdust and sweat, but
gained relationships with people those are some of the most fun
who procure and sell wood over BB King days I have. Those are the days
the years, he says. If they run Kings guitar, where eight hours can go by in
into something they think Id like, Lucille, mixed like 15 minutes.
maple, which can be
theyll forward me pictures. In Artinger turns back to his
overly bright, with
the hallway outside his shop, bench, where hes levelling frets
poplar, which tem-
Artinger shows off one of his on a nearly completed blue-green
pers the tone.
latest acquisitions, a towering semi-hollow convertible electric
slab of wood called box-elder burl, that features an oblong sound-
a boldly figured maple variant Wes Montgomery port with a unique removable
that has one other notable char- The arched spruce cover. The sun streams across
acteristic; it positively reeks. top of Montgomerys the erstwhile playground outside

(Artinger describes the smell as guitar lent it the and through the big elementary-
a gentle bouquet of dead fish, responsive, emotive school windows. This is a cheer-
feet and peat moss.) A little sound of his influen- ful place to work. Artinger looks
over two metres tall, 66 centi- tial jazz recordings. up from the guitar and sets down
metres across and thick enough the fret file. Every day I wake
to weigh 170 kilograms, the fresh- up to a new set of tasks, a new
cut hunk stands propped on the set of issues, a new set of things
checkerboard linoleum floor, partially obscuring a to solve, he says. Every day is a new day for me
bright American-eagle mural that once welcomed and Im getting to do exactly what I want to do.
kids to class. Its a perfect example of what we have Hes immersed, as Kimock would say, but some-
to deal with when were procuring wood, Artinger where in the back of his mind, one suspects, is his
says. Out of this giant piece of wood, he says, hes next challenge. A customer recently asked if he
going to be lucky to get two guitar tops that are could build an electric guitar weighing under two
probably going to weigh about 350 grams each. kilograms, which any luthier will tell you would be
Returning to his office (once shared, for reasons a remarkable feat. Artinger said yes. PM

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 81

ESTD 1902


How my grandfathers old army trunk became a history lesson and my new coffee table.

hen I was casting around for
furniture to take to college, I
found a red army footlocker Id
never seen before. It probably came from
the garage. My mom, who once bought a
pick-up truck just to bring home tables and
chests of drawers left on the side of the
road, helped me paint and stencil it so it
would match my dorm-room decor. In the

fifteen years since, the footlocker followed

me to nine apartments in three cities, filled
with Halloween costumes, old photo albums,
Christmas ornaments. Eventually I learnt
that it had once belonged to my stepdads
father, Richard Purnell, who had done a
tour at Osan Air Base in Korea as an Army
The starting point. The author had added her own coat of paint before taking the trunk to college. corporal in the early 1960s, after the

82 _ FEBRUARY 2017

Above: The trunk had six different paint colours, at least two moon stencils, and a
sticker of a toy soldier spanning fifty-three years of use.
Above right: After four coats of stripper and a few hours of scraping, nearly four
litres of old paint came off.
Right: The banding around the edges turned out to be some sort of soft composite,
possibly cardboard or plastic. It needed to be painted.

signing of the armistice that unofficially They expected you to pack your stuff in just flip or refold whenever the grit wears
ended the Korean War in 1953. Apart from boxes and duffel bags, he said. It was down. Underneath the top layer of paint,
an insignia he had misplaced somewhere, much simpler to know somebody and get the trunk was red and then yellow. I wiped
the footlocker was the only artefact from them to give you a footlocker. away the muddy mix of colours from the
that time that hadnt been thrown away. He told me he was about to take a week- centre panel and an image of a toy soldier
And Id put it in storage. I felt a bit ashamed long vacation to California with my appeared.
about that, so I started asking questions. grandma to visit my great-uncles farm. My grandma filled me in: my stepdad
Every antique is a catalogue of the past Ill just give you a call when I get to the was born in 1966, three years after his
and, in that way, refurbishing an old foot- bottom of all the paint, I said. dad came home from Korea. My grandma
locker is much like doing construction in, Oh, youll still be doing that when we painted the trunk yellow and covered it
say, Rome, where you must proceed care- get back. with decals of toy soldiers to make it a toy
fully lest you encounter a subterranean I knocked on each of the trunks surfaces box for her son. In one generation it had
landmark you dont want destroyed. I had but, not being MacGyver, couldnt tell what gone from a tool of war to a container for
no idea what Id find under the trunks materials the sounds might indicate. Then playthings.
layers and layers of paint, which were so I asked senior home editor Roy Berendsohn At this point, Id worked through only
deep in places that theyd dried in globs. for help. Roy got a magnet, which was two layers and on only one panel. I could
I didnt want to use a heat gun and fry how we learnt that the corners, handles be sanding for weeks. It was time to employ
through wood, if that was what was under and rivets were steel. The panel and edge paint stripper, which Id hoped to avoid
there and I didnt want to accidentally banding materials remained a mystery. because its nasty stuff that requires gloves,
grind the rivets flat with a power sander. Roy advised taking the restoration a respirator and eye protection. I found
That was a long time ago, my grandpa slowly so as to catch any markings that something much more gentle called 3M
said when I called to ask about the trunks might appear along the way, so I dipped Safest Stripper, which is as thick, biode-
original condition. He didnt remember wet-or-dry 220-grit sandpaper in a bucket gradable and creates no fumes. They say
what it was made of, but he did remember of water, folded the paper in thirds and you can use it without gloves, but I put
getting it on the sly from a friend who sanded away. Folding in thirds gives you them on anyway. I globbed it on with a
worked in the supply division when he three sanding surfaces to work with before metal scraper and waited.
came home in 1963. you have to replace your sandpaper. You Three hours later, the footlocker looked

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 83

who didnt come home.
After four doses of the stripper, Id
hauled around five litres of soggy paint OTHER ARMY
WAR TRUNK out of the workshop. Most of the trunk SURPLUS
was a patchy green-brown, but the hard- WORTH
ware had got down to the primer. I found CONSIDERING
that brushing the metal with a steel-wire Aside from the modern moisture-wicking
brush removed most of the red and insole that keeps your feet cool in the
like it had erupted in hives. I scraped fist- imparted a dull, antiqued sheen. The flexi- summer, Corcoran jump boots are sewn
fuls of bubbling paint off the panels with ble wet-or-dry sandpaper Id used earlier to nearly the same specs as the ones made
the scraper and used a thin steel pry bar was crucial for handles and crevices where for World War II paratroopers air-dropping
and a pentalobe screwdriver from a cell- the primer wouldnt come off. In places into France and Germany. The thick leather
phone-repair kit to clean the crevices where the primer was thick, I used sand- around the toe boxes and instep is surpris-
around the hardware. I repeated this pro- paper with a rougher grit, though nothing ingly flexible, making the boots comfortable
cess again and again. There were six col- lower than 100, to avoid scratching the enough to wear to work. Try the 1500s,
ours of paint in all: the light green with metal. which have a flat rubber sole instead of a
bronze Moon stencils Id added before The edge bandings, once fully exposed, lug sole. Theyre lighter and much quieter.
taking the trunk to college in 2001; the had been crafted out of some sort of com- If you swap out the fray-prone stock laces
red my stepdad added before taking it to posite that was too soft and oddly col- and remember to resole them every few
camp in 1976; the yellow from the toy- oured to leave bare. It might have been a years, your boots may even outlast you.
box era; two layers of army green that thick cardboard or plastic. Regardless, Id Alexander George
came off in a slime; and a dusty reddish have to paint it. To remove the remainder
primer. of the paint stripper and any flakes, I
The biggest clue as to the trunks origi- sanded the entire trunk with wet 220-grit
nal manufacture appeared on the lid after paper and wiped it with a rag. Then I
the very first stripping. An oval stamped sanded it again with dry 220-grit and
with Purves Manufacturing Corp. 1948 wiped off the dust with a tack cloth. slip off even after multiple coats.) Then I
sat above the front lock. I contacted The trunk at this point looked like it primed the whole trunk with Rust-
Luther Hanson, a historian with the US could fit in on the set of M*A*S*H. It Oleums Clean Metal primer to protect
Army Quartermaster Museum in Fort didnt look awful, but it would fit in at my the rivets and any other metal. I taped off
Lee, Virginia, which catalogues the histo- Brooklyn apartment about as well as a the trim and painted two coats of white-
ry of the Army branch that provides sol- tommy gun. Though I wanted to respect eggshell finish on the body of the trunk
diers with clothes, food and equipment. the trunk, I knew that if I left it a patchy with a 10-centimetre paint roller. Then I
Hanson told me that Purves had been Army green, it would just end up back in taped off the body and painted two coats
based in Indianapolis and had Army con- storage. of black eggshell finish on the trim.
tracts from World War II through Korea. To make it work as a coffee table, I Finally, I protected the painted parts and
So even though my grandfather hadnt masked the metal hardware with sprayed an acrylic over the metal hard-
been to war, the trunk probably had. It ScotchBlue outdoor painters tape. (Its ware. The final product looked as neat as a
might have even belonged to someone stickier than the indoor kind and wont bunk in an Army barracks.
One of the times I talked to my grand-
father about the footlocker, he told me he
had worked as an air-ground liaison in
A VERY BR I EF GUIDE TO PAINT REMOVA L Korea, watching his friends fly out over
the DMZ almost every day or going out
THE OPTIONS WHEN TO USE IT HOW TO USE IT himself. The DMZ wasnt straight, he said.
The very day before he left to come home,
POWER SANDER You need to sand on a broad Wear a dust mask. Always his captain was in a helicopter that zigged
flat area, and you want to keep the sander moving to when it should have zagged. It was shot
have some fun. avoid depressions. down in North Korea and soldiers hauled
the captain off in something called a
deuce-and-a-half. I looked that up. Its one
STRIPPER When the surface is ornate Gear up eye, breathing, of those hooded trucks you see in old war
or difficult to get at with and skin protection and movies. The captain made it home, but
sandpaper. be patient. It takes a while. not for another six months.
That made me think about how often
SANDPAPER luck determines who comes home from
Youre working on an area with On a sanding block or folded
details or a lot of damaged in thirds. Wet-or-dry paper
dangerous places and who doesnt. It was
areas or chipped paint. with water limits scratches. lucky that my grandfather was in Korea
ten years after the war and not during it.
And it was lucky again that he made it
Never. In most cases, heat Box it up and hope the home safe. I felt fortunate to have an old
guns end up doing more store accepts opened trunk that had been through so much.
harm than good. returns. And I felt proud of the hard work that
made it look this good again.

84 _ FEBRUARY 2017


Law enforcement ignites a big pile of
them in controlled explosions. If you
need to disarm them yourself, submerge
them in water overnight, wrap them in
plastic bags and throw them in the bin.

A SPACECRAFT For unknown reasons, concentrated
UV-C light, which our atmosphere filters
Once fuel runs out, NASA sends out, breaks the carbon atoms off a
the vessel straight into the planet diamond. Or you can heat it with a
its orbiting to avoid creating blowtorch, then expose it to oxygen to
dangerous floating space junk or make it evaporate into carbon dioxide.

damaging a planet or moon that

could potentially support life. Guns confiscated or collected in buy-back programmes are
Some hardy microbes could sur- typically sent to a metal-smelting plant. Technicians remove
vive and potentially contaminate an any batteries and ammunition, then dump the weapons into
Apply nail-polish remover to the bond.
otherwise pristine environment, a 7-metre-wide furnace where three 70-cm graphite electrodes The acetone will soften it so you can
Cassini project manager Earl Maize send electricity from a transformer to the metal like a big scrape, shave, peel or sand off whats left.
says. One benefit of this method: welding rod. The furnace heats up to 1 700 degrees; well
the craft sometimes relays images beyond 1 500 it takes to turn most guns to gelatine. The metal
and data moments before impact. gets used for things like construction rebar and hand tools.
Polyisobutene, the base synthetic poly-
BODILY WASTE ON mer in most gum, doesnt biodegrade.
THE SPACE STATION Steam cleaners with detergent and steel
brushes can vaporise it and researchers
A humidity system collects When you hit Empty Trash on your computer, have made a caustic enzyme solution
sweat and exhalations and used in some cities in Europe. But for
those photos and Word documents dont get
makes it into potable water. now, most just sits in landfills.
destroyed. Theyre just more difficult to access.
Urine is also converted to Operating systems use a master information
drinking water. Excrement table to find your files. Hitting Empty Trash
and other trash from the deletes only the master-file table reference for
station is launched towards that file. The actual data is still on your phone
Earth, where it burns up in or laptop, just hidden away somewhere. Heres how to get
the atmosphere. rid of sensitive information, in ascending level of paranoia:
After youve of the box. At TV seasons.
backed up this point, your If even that
everything or old files are still isnt enough,

extracted the in there, only now a rare-earth

Customs, drug enforce- important files, theyre protected magnet distorts
ment agencies and border before you by that compli- hard-drive data
Every year, the US Federal
patrols will pay private donate or give cated password beyond recon-
Reserve destroys 7 billion
businesses, like a crema- your laptop or you set, which struction.
damaged bills. Stacks of cash
torium, to incinerate phone away, set turns them into Fine. Now go into a giant paper shredder
seized narcotics at 800 degrees a really compli- illegible nonsense you can get out with carbon-steel blades that
when they are no longer needed cated admin to anyone trying the drill. Aside turn the bills into 2- by 20-milli-
as evidence. Most drugs dont password. Dont to get access. from the obvious metre slivers. Employees use
worry about If youre still destruction, the small fishnets to confirm that the
release toxic gases, but for sub- bills are cut to the appropriate
remembering it. worried, fill the heat it creates
stances like methamphetamine, size. The scraps are then hauled
Do a factory device with new will further
which release ether and methanol, off to be used for curing cement
reset. The laptop data to overwrite degrade any
the incinerator has a separate your files. Try remaining data.
or lining insulation.
or phone runs
chamber where the gas is like its fresh out high-definition
rendered harmless.
With thanks to Brandon Gregg at Seagate and James Nguyen at Symantec.

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 85

The frame (two side pieces and top) is
made from a left-over piece of veneered
16 mm chipboard and the inner supports
are a standard cut size of pine. You could
use raw chipboard, MDF or SA Pine. The
raw chipboard should be coated with
sanding sealer and painted.
Figure 1 (right) shows the dimensions
I used, but you could scale up and down,
triple-deck depending on the number of
pairs of shoes you need to store. My
requirements were quite modest, the
wifes, well
My local wood shop cut the two side
supports to size for the price of some
lunch money for the operator, as I dont
have a table or circular saw. I dont have
any professional tools and depend on
basic routers, drills, sanders, lots of
clamps, (you can never have enough
clamps) and a trusty Workmate bench.
The top was to be hidden dowelled to
the side supports and the cross-support
pieces dowelled to the side supports.
Setting up the two side supports to cut
the slots was done for both sides using a
router and a simple jig to hold the two
pieces. I used a scrap straight piece of
wood as a cutting guide. You need to do
this as a series of passes to cut to the
required depth (about 8 mm) and the
required width of the chipboard.
Bear in mind that the glues used to
bind machine-made products wear out
tools quickly and you cant make deep
cuts with home DIY routers. Sanders get
clogged easily, too. Pine is not much bet-
ter: it tears easily, the knots in the wood
dont cut well and its resinous nature
causes over-heating of tool bits.


A practical rack thats easy to construct using mostly ordinary home
workshop tools, while honing some DIY skills.


IN THE INTERESTS of preserving fine floorings classy finish, or to avoid

tracking dirt through the home, on entering it makes sense to leave shoes
just inside the front door. In the same way, some of us like to have
running or working shoes conveniently placed at the front door for
grabbing and lacing on as they head out. What this all adds up to,
of course, is an unruly jumble of shoes.
This shoe rack tidies up the clutter in a practical yet elegant way
at minimal cost: its made of scrap pieces found in the workshop.
Construction is straightforward, too. Though not a simple cut-
and-nail procedure, it is designed to help you enjoy the journey
and improve your skills.
86 _ FEBRUARY 2017

1 5
320 720

Top hidden dowelled

to side pieces. Top
Countersunk screws
overlaps sides by
160 to secure ends to
20 mm on each side.
cross pieces
Dowelling the top
445 Before gluing the top to the side supports,
we need to just finish off a couple of jobs.
The first is to make the circular cut-out at
215 the bottom of each side support. Make a
marking template from stiff paper board
or cardboard; a piece of flat aluminium
70 strip will help to get the curve right. Use
a marking pen to show the width of the
300 680 side support. Transfer the curve to the
Dowel 8mm inserts to cross pieces paper board/cardboard and trim the curve
shape with a box cutter. Cover the bottom
2. PREPARING THE TOP of the side support with two or three
Dowelling holes for 8 mm dowels are widths of masking tape to prevent tearing
drilled into the top; matching 8 mm holes or splitting. Now you can transfer the
are drilled into the side supports. This is a curve that will guide your cut on the side
fiddly job to do accurately and the best support.
way is a dowelling jig. I treated myself to I used a jig saw to cut the curve shape.
a JointCrafter 1360A by Milescraft and, Be sure to choose the right jig saw blade
after a bit of practice, the process was a depending upon the material youre using.
breeze. I finished the shaping with a wood rasp.
In Figure 4 you can see the jig in
2 action creating the holes to match those
in the top.
Cutting the two slots on the side supports. To make sure you dont over-drill the 6
The next step is to drill the holes for the depth of dowel holes, you can fit a stop
dowels, which will support the slat sup- collar to the drill bit. Note the handy
ports. I guess you could have simply glued clamp in Figure 4 being used as a third
the supports in place, even screwed and hand to hold the dowel jig in position.
glued, but I needed a little more strength Remember, when drilling the holes in
as I usually sit on the shoe rack to put on the top, not to go all the way through.
my shoes.

Preparing the dowel fixing to the sides.

I have the luxury of a drill press that
helped when cutting the holes to locate
the dowels. Drill a small pilot hole all the Figure 6 shows the process as I cut the
way through, then reverse the workpiece curve. The other remaining job, if you
and use an 8 mm dowelling drill. used veneered board like I did, is to use
Drill carefully to avoid a ragged hole. some iron-on wood strip to finish the
Later, the dowels can be glued and tapped sides of the side supports and the top.
into position. The dowel will be trimmed Iron on the strips using the cotton set-
to finish flush with the surface. ting. After the glue has dried, trim the
Alternatively, drill and countersink for excess off with a sharp chisel or a box cut-
a 5 x 30 mm screw. ter and lightly sand edges.

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 87


I used standard 45 x 20 mm pine for frame front, left and right.

the side supports and cross stretchers. Repeat the process with the other five
Once cut, these were sanded, then stained cross-stretchers. Remember to position the
to reasonably match the veneer used on middle stretcher halfway on the supports.
the top and side supports. Mark and cut the half lap joints on each
Drill a pilot hole through the ends of end. Use a tenon saw to accurately cut the
each stretcher, positioned by measuring half lap. Figure 9 shows a side and top
in from the ends about 20 mm. Use the view of the slats/stretchers and cross sup-
type of countersink drill bit you can see in ports.
Fig. 8 to drill and countersink in on go.
You can also see in Figure 8 the action
of clamping the side supports in position; 5. FINAL ASSEMBLY
the process of marking the position of the The top and bottom slats/stretchers can
pilot holes for the screws in the cross be assembled to the side supports as a unit.
stretchers. Position the top and bottom assemblies
using the masking tape marked pieces as
a guide. Check youve got the pieces cor-
rectly positioned.
Lightly glue each half lap joint and fix
7 in position using a 4 x 20 screw. Clean up
any squeezed-out glue. Leave everything
until the glue dries.
Lightly rub down each assembly with a
200-grit paper and apply two coats of
The only careful check needed at this wood sealer.
stage is to ensure that the sides are at 8 Once dry, use a rubber or nylon mallet
right-angles to the top when gluing the to lightly tap the top and bottom assem-
top to the sides. blies into the slots cut into the side sup-
Start by lightly gluing the dowels and The side supports have been clamped into ports. Dont force things; you can always
tap into position on the top piece. Do not position; the position of the pilot hole used shave a bit off the side support.
overglue. Using a rubber- or nylon-headed to secure the stretchers has been marked. Align the assemblies between the side
mallet, tap the top into the side piece. I NOTE: At this stage the half-lap has not supports. Lightly tap glued dowels into
used a large block, cut with the sides at been cut. The cutting position has been the side supports or, if you decide to use
a right-angle to ensure the top was at lightly marked on the underside. Its not screws, screw into position until the
right-angles to the side support. critical to get a super-accurate perfect fit. screws are just below the surface to allow
Again, clamps come in useful for Remember, when you are working with the use of wood filler to hide the screws.
securing secure the side support while the cross stretchers, they are on the reverse After the glue had set on my rack, I
the glue dries. side to where they will be screwed and fitted. trimmed the dowels flush with the sides
Repeat this process on both sides and Youll be able to locate where they are support surfaces using a fret saw and sharp
leave overnight for the glue to set. positioned as the pilot hole goes all the way chisel. I then lightly sanded the frame, stain-
through the side support. Mark on pieces ed the cut dowel ends with an artist brush
of masking tape that the support is, for (using the same stain used on the stretch-
example, bottom, right hand; a stretcher ers/cross supports) and applied another
is outside front, arbitrarily marking the coat of sealer to all parts of the assembly.
Once the glue has set, sand down using a
200-grit paper and then coat all sides using
a wood sealer. I used Woodoc 10 Indoor Assembly of the cross supports
Polywax Sealer (Velvet). Leave to dry. 9 and stretchers. Slats and side supports:
The next step is to position the side 45 x 20 mm
supports in the slots and get the dimen-
sions needed to cut the cross stretchers
(6) to size. As the cross stretchers are
secured by both gluing and screw fixing,
the position needs to be marked where
the pilot holes for the screws are located.
The cross stretchers have a half-lap
joint cut into both ends. Once the side
supports are positioned, a measurement
can be made to determine the overall
length of the cross stretchers and the Cut half-lap on ends
depth of the half lap. Do the measuring
again using the rule of checking, then
double checking. Slots 20 mm wide Cut length to fit inside dimension between end supports

88 _ FEBRUARY 2017


Stranded in West Africa with
a dead Peugeot, a little
French, and, fortunately, a
set of spanners.

MY MOTHER SAID every adult should

be able to make a quick pasta marinara.
I would add one more essential skill:
knowing how to wield a spanner.
After a semester abroad in Ghana,
another student and I got it into our
heads to drive to Timbuktu. We team-
ed up with a guy who owned a well-
worn Peugeot 504, a sedan with a
skid plate beneath it for light off-
roading. Im not sure we understood
the scale of our trip. Three days got
us to the right country, Mali, but not
to Timbuktu since the sand was too
deep for two-wheel drive. We had to
turn around.
Headed south in Togo, just past a
sign warning of crossing elephants,
the needle in the Peugeots voltmeter
wobbled, then sagged towards zero.
The engine began to misfire, so I tried
to get us to the top of the next hill.
That way, if we had to push-start
the manual transmission, at least
we were pointing downhill. We got
to the peak just as the engine cut
out for good. I popped the hood.
Diagnosis: a bad alternator.
Luckily, I had my spanners metric
box-end beauties Id packed just in
case. Alternator in hand, I hitchhiked
the 20 km back to the town of Sokod, Youre right, Im an idiot, I said. engine sprung to life. The winter
where, as luck would have it, there Idiot! he said again, this time that had clouded my fellow students
was a Peugeot dealership. Once with more enthusiasm. face when the car broke turned to
there I used my slim French and In case you Only then did I realise he was not spring, then summer, as she watched
robust pantomime skills to convey find yourself calling me an idiot. He was using the the voltmeter rise from the dead.
my problem. The parts guy had a stuck in Togo French pronunciation of diode, We were able to make Togos cap-
new alternator in stock. Perfect. dee-YODE. Alternators have diodes ital of Lom by nightfall, and adjacent
With a notched
Except for the price: the equivalent jaw on the open
to keep the current passing in the Ghana the next day. The timing turn-
of R10 000. I asked about a used end and a locking right direction. It was my diode that ed out to be critical. Our first night
part. He pointed across the street to cam on the box had failed, not the entire alternator. back, a faction of the Ghanaian
a man he called the fitter. end, Craftsmans Back at the dealer, a new diode was military staged a coup, deposed

The fitter was a pipe-fitter, a black- Extreme Grip just R100. their president, and closed off the
spanners grab
smith, and a mechanic. Barefoot, rounded fasteners I hitched back to the stranded borders. Without my ninja moves
standing by an anvil next to an open with five times the car and with my cherished spanner, with that spanner, we would have
fire, he inspected my dead alternator. force of a standard bolted the alternator back in. Igni- been stranded on the wrong side
Idiot! he exclaimed using the spanner. A set of tion on, second gear, clutch in, we of the border trying to raise money
five costs R700.
French pronunciation with the started rolling down the hill. I for food and shelter by auctioning
accent on the last syllable. popped the clutch and the Peugeots off a dead Peugeot. PM

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 89

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Red Halo HiCon with 16 Trigalights

FEBRUARY 2017 _ 97

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FEBRUARY 2017 _ 99

stainless steel vacuum flasks broke. The
WINNING TIP parts of the (plastic) lids that come into
contact with hot water disintegrated. That
RESTORE THE THREAD caused the insulated section of the lids to AND SCORE!
We have all had the experience of taking come apart and they could not keep the
something apart and painting it and, water hot any more. Lids can be bought, Send us your tip and you could win a
when its time to reassemble, threaded but our flasks are too old and nothing Master Lock hamper worth R1 500 - which
studs and bolt shafts are covered in includes the tower combination lock, M1
fits. What a shock when I learnt that
paint and the nuts wont go back on. Excell padlock, Excell square link chain and
replacing a 1-litre stainless steel vacuum armoured padlock.
They bind and get stuck and when you flask will cost me R669. The Master Lock No. 1535EURDGRY
force the issue, things go bad; nuts get After cleaning out the disintegrated Set-Your-Own Combination Padlock has a
stripped and things get messy. Next parts, I realised that a threaded plug would strong, durable 37 mm wide zinc body and
time, try this handy tip: seal off the plastic compartments again. To hardened steel shackle.
Take a standard nut of the same size fit the rubber seal, some shoulders were The toughest boron alloy and cutting-edge
and file at least one slot across all the needed and a plug alone will not do the job. technology (40 patents) went into Excell, a
threads at about 90 degrees to them, So, at our nearest co-op I bought two nylon padlock 50 per cent stronger than the norm.
about 1-2 mm deep (you can use a nee- Features include 45 mm laminated steel core
reducing bushes (25 x 20 mm) at R3,50
dle file or a junior hacksaw blade). with titanium-reinforced outer body; exclusive
each, as well as two 20 mm nylon plugs at octagonal boron-carbide shackle for maximum
Carefully turn the nut on the shaft R2,50 each. I repaired the lids of the two cut resistance; pry-resistant double deadbolt
going forward a few turns and back flasks at a total cost of R12. locking; and a four-pin cylinder.
again. You will see the threads getting When we tested them with boiling water The Master Lock No. 8016EURD Chain
cleaned as you progress. In some cases, on a cool day (22 degrees in the house) the is 1 m long with 8 mm hardened steel links
you may need to remove the nut alto- water still measured 89 degrees after five encased in a protective vinyl sleeve.
gether and clean the accumulated debris hours in the flasks. Hot enough to make a The Master Lock No. 680EURD
before the whole shaft is clean. It nor- Armoured Padlocks tough 80 mm wide
fine cup of tea!
mally takes less than two minutes and zinc body, surrounded by hardened steel,
has a shrouded design to minimise shackle
you can save hours. NELSPRUIT exposure. Its 5-pin cylinder prevents picking
The slot that you filed allows a place and the dual locking levers prevent prying
for the old muck or paint to accumulate and hammering.
and turns an ordinary nut into a sort of
die. Once you remove the nut, the shaft
will be clean and perfect, ready for a new
nut. This is great for repainting projects,
nuts that have been off for a long time,
rusted or dirty shafts and even slightly
damaged threads.When I tried using
masking tape to prevent the threads
getting clogged, I ended up using this
method to clean out all the old tape. HOOP TO IT
No more struggling and all for the Having to live with water restrictions at
cost of a single nut. level 3 in Cape Town, I came up with this Send your tips to:
JUSTIN VAN DER MOLEN quick-fix anti-evaporation pool cover. PM Do It Your Way, Box 180, Howard
RANDPARK RIDGE Place 7450, or e-mail popularmechanics
The hula hoops cost R14 each from a Please include your
plastics storeand the bubble wrap was not
name, address and contact number. Re-
too expensive.I used Genkem polystyrene
grettably, only South African residents are
HOT STUFF foam adhesive to attach circles of eligible for the prize. Prizes not claimed
My wife will go everywhere with me, pro- bubble wrap to the hoops. within 60 days will be forfeited.
vided that she can have a steaming cup of This cover is easy to put into the pool
tea whenever she wants. Disaster struck and take out again. One person can manage
when our two beloved 18/10 unbreakable this solution, whereas one person would
not be able to manage a large, cumbersome 10 mm square tubing), cut a slot with a
plastic cover. (The pool cleaner still operates cutting disc. Then, take a piece of metal
under my cover.) strapping to fit your oil filter and drill a
TRISH DINGLE hole on the groove you made, as well as
HOUT BAY on the metal strap. Bolt it on. Dont for-
get to put a lick of oil on your new filter
UNIVERSAL OIL FILTER TOOL seal, and hand tighten it back on.
Make an oil filter tool for hard-to-reach FERGUS MILES
places. In a piece of suitable tubing (I used CATHCART PM

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1978. Such reproduction or broadcasting may be authorised only by the publishers of Popular Mechanics. Published by RamsayMedia for the Proprietors, Popular Mechanics, 36 Old Mill Rd,
Ndabeni, Western Cape. Distributed by RNA, 12 Nobel St, Industria West, Johannesburg, and printed by CTP Web, 12-14 Boompies Street, Parow, Cape Town. Apple Mac support: Digicape tel
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