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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam -

February 24, 2017

What is the significance of Shivaratri that we must not forget? Bhagawan lovingly
reminds us today.

On Shivaratri day you must try to establish friendship between your

mind and God. Shivarathri is to remind you that the same Divinity
is all-pervasive and is found everywhere. People believe Shiva
lives in Kailasa. Where is Kailasa? Kailasa is your own joy and
bliss. It signifies that Lord Shiva lives in the Kailasa of delight. If
you develop joy and delight in your mind, then Shiva lives in you.
How can you get this joy? It comes when you develop purity,
steadiness and sacredness. Then your heart becomes filled with
peace and bliss and is indeed Shivas Kailasa! Shiva will live in the
sanctum sanctorum of your heart, within the temple which is your
body. There is no use in just thinking of Shivaratri once a year.
Every minute, every day, every night, you should think of Divinity
and sanctify your time, for the Time Principle truly speaking is

- Divine Discourse, Feb 17, 1985.

Resolve to carry on the quest of your own Reality. Resolve to live in the inspiration
and constant remembrance of God. Baba

24 PrvrI, 2017
sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn : iSvrwqRI dI auh ikhVI mh`qqw hY ijhVI swnUM, kdy vI nhIN Bu`lxI cwhIdI ? Bgvwn, A`j swnUM, Xwd duAwauNdy

au`qr: iSvrwqRI vwly idn quhwnUM, Awpxy mn dI dosqI, Bgvwn nwl sQwipq(kwiem) krn dI zrUr koiSS krnI
cwhIdI hY[iSvrwqRI dw idhwVw quhwnUM Xwd duAwauNdw hY ik Bgvwn(idvXqw), hr iek ivc ivAwpk hn Aqy hr jgHw
l`By jw skdy hn[lokW dw ivSvwS hY ik iSv, kYlwS ivKy rihMdy hn[kYlwS qW quhwfI AwpxI KuSI hY Aqy quhwfw
AwnMd hY[ies dI mh`qqw hY ik Bgvwn iSv, KuSI dy kYlwS ivc vws krdy hn[jy qusIN Awpxy mn ivc KuSI Aqy
pRsMqw pYdw kro gy qW hI quhwfy AMdr, iSv rihMdy hn[qusIN, ieh KuSI ikvyN pRwpq kr skdy ho? ieh KuSI aus vyly
imly gI jd qusIN Awpxy ivc, piv`qrqw, iekwgrqw Aqy Su`Dqw pYdw kro gy[aus vyly quhwfw ihrdy, SWqI, AwnMd Aqy
Asl ivc, Bgvwn iSv dy kYlwS nwl Br jwvy gw[Bgvwn iSv, quhwfy ihrdy dy piv`qr sQwn ivc rihx gy ijhVw
ihrdy, ieS SrIr rUpI mMdr dy AMdr hY[ieh socxw ik iSvrwqRI, hr swl bwd AwauNdI hY, TIk nhIN hY[hr imMt, hr
idn, hr rwq, jd qusIN Bgvwn bwry socdy ho Aqy Awpxy smyN nUM piv`qr krdy ho, aus dw ArQ iSvjI bwry iDAwn
lgwauxw hY[(17 PrvrI, 1985 dy idvX pRvcn)[

AwpxI AslI hoMd nUM jwxx dw PYslw kro[Bgvwn dw lgwqwr icMqn krn Aqy aunHW qoN pRyrxw lYx dI ie`Cw ivc
jIvn ibqwau[(bwbw)[

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