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Reliance Project Management System 10080-1-HSEF-CHK-

Job Safety Analysis Date: 13/04/2013,
Rev. 0

Reliance Project Management System

Job Safety Analysis

Matetial Handling

03 01.04.2 Lncoporation of incident
016 learnings

Re Date Revision Details Prepar Checke Approv

v ed By d By ed By
Reliance Project Management System 10080-1-HSEF-CHK-
Job Safety Analysis Date: 13/04/2013,
Rev. 0

Date Revision Details Revision

01.05.2013 Issued for Approval 0
17.04.2015 Incorporation of Incident Learnings 01
04.12.2015 Incorporation of Incident Learnings 02
01.04.2016 03
Reliance Project Management System 10080-1-HSEF-CHK-
Job Safety Analysis Date: 13/04/2013,
Rev. 0

Project No. J3 Task L&T/HSE Date 01.04.2016

Project- Order/Contract :
Prepared Mr. Hemant Sapre, Mr. Rajeev R B, Mr. Deepak Behl, Mr. M Salim, Mr.
By: Sandipkumar Chedage, Mr. B Karthick,

Company Larsen & Toubro Limited

Building: - Area: ROGC
Work Scope/Description: Material Handling
Primary Project HSE
Mr.Swapan Gucchait RIL
Emergency Mr. M Salim (L&T HSE)
Mob: 7600461785
Contact Mob:7043349802
Mr. Deepak Behl L&T
Person(s): Mob: 9374584787
RIL Security : 0288 40 -
Emergency Mr. Sudhakar Patil (HSE RIL)
Radio/Phone No.: Mob: 9998973934
RIL Fire : 0288 - 40
RIL Medical : 0288 40
Specific Work Location(s) : ROGC Site & Main Store
Pretask Walkthrough Yes No HSE Program Corporat Project -Specific
conducted Reference e/000


Known or Potential Hazards

Ye No
1. Radiation Area Work 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-039,40
2. Hazardous Waste HW(MHT)RULES 2010
3. Confined Space 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-078
4. Hot Work 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-046
5. Roof Work 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-059
6. Fall Hazards (> 1.8 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-042
7. Excavation/Trenching 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-067
8. Ladders and 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-060,82
9. Aerial Lifts 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-052

10 Heavy Equipment 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-049
Reliance Project Management System 10080-1-HSEF-CHK-
Job Safety Analysis Date: 13/04/2013,
Rev. 0

11 Lock and Tag 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-071
12 Site/Vehicle Traffic 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-056
13 Electrical Hazards 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-065
14 Asbestos Work 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-036
15 Lead Work 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-033
16 Hazardous 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-047
. Materials/MSDS
17 Respiratory Hazards 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-043
18 Noise Exposure 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-044
19 Temperature 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-029,26
. Extremes
20 Hoisting & Rigging 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-081
21 Biological / Vermin 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-032
22 Insects / Varmints 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-032
23 Signs and Barricades 10080-1-HSEF-DWP-CN-058
24 Sharp Objects
25 Hexavalent Chromium
26 Grating/Floor Plate/ Guardrail
. Removal
= Requires formal/special training
= Requires a permit/form/report
= Requires certification or Competent/Qualified Person designation
Error Precursors: Identify all that may be applicable to the job.
Reliance Project Management System 10080-1-HSEF-CHK-
Job Safety Analysis Date: 13/04/2013,
Rev. 0

Task Demands
Time pressure (in a hurry)
High workload (memory requirements)
Simultaneous, multiple tasks
Repetitive actions, monotonous
Irrecoverable acts
Interpretation requirement
Unclear goals, roles, and responsibilities
Lack of or unclear standards
Individual Capabilities
Unfamiliarity with task first time
Lack of knowledge (mental model)
New technique not used before
Imprecise communication habits
Lack of proficiency/inexperience
Indistinct problem-solving skills
Hazardous attitude for critical task
Work Environment
Changes/departures from routine
Confusing displays or controls
Workarounds/OOS instruments
Hidden system response
Unexpected equipment conditions
Lack of alternative indication
Personality conflicts
Human Nature
Stress (limits attention)
Habit patterns
Assumptions (inaccurate mental picture)
Reliance Project Management System 10080-1-HSEF-CHK-
Job Safety Analysis Date: 13/04/2013,
Rev. 0

Mindset (turned to see)

Inaccurate risk perception (Pollyanna mindset)
Mental shortcuts (biases)
Limited short-term memory
Specific Hazard Analysis and Safe Work Requirements
Known and/or potential hazards, including any marked yes above, are further
evaluated, and specific measures are identified on subsequent pages. This
discussion must include identification of the work activity, the specific hazards
present, and the safe work requirements/controls (including a hazards
assessment/modification for PPE) to be used to alleviate/control the hazard(s).
Minimum Dress / PPE Requirements: Safety Helmet, Safety Glasses, Substantial
Footwear, Long Pants, long sleeve Shirt, Hi-Visibility vest.
Walk downs
Walk downs are completed in advance of the work.
Ideally, this review includes walk down by the employees who will actually
perform the task.
During the walk down, the work scope is validated and verified, including
materials and special tools needed to complete the task.
The walk down should consider environmental and workplace factors that
may impact critical steps of the task.
The consistency and thoroughness of walk downs are improved with the aid
of a checklist.
Use the walk down as an opportunity to observe physical limitations that may
exacerbate performance, especially at the critical steps, or hinder execution.
The results of the walk downs are incorporated into work packages or
documentation preparation.
Safety Task Assignment
Qualification for the task is first and foremost, but not the only, consideration.
Assigning the right employee to the task is an opportunity for the supervisor
to evaluate the risk, complexity, and frequency of performance of the task.
Experience, proficiency, personal readiness, and previous risk-taking
behavior should be considered in light of the risk and complexity of the task,
as well as how often task has been performed.
Factors related to an employees mental, physical, and emotional readiness
to work should be considered such as fatigue, illness, emotional stress, and
physical disabilities relevant to the task.
Pre-Task Briefings
Employees should be given the opportunity to talk about what is to be
accomplished and what should be avoided.
Possible negative consequences should be discussed to identify additional
controls or barriers needed.
Reliance Project Management System 10080-1-HSEF-CHK-
Job Safety Analysis Date: 13/04/2013,
Rev. 0
The supervisor and the employee can develop contingencies for the most
likely and worst-case outcomes.
Such thinking enhances situational awareness and improves application of
error-prevention tools at critical points in a task.
Work Activity Hazards Present Required Safety Measures/PPE
Loading & 1.Overloading 1. Vehicles not overloaded beyond its rated
Unloading of capacity.
materials 2. Chance of 2. Ensure truck is loaded in such way that
falling of material there could be any chance of material
from loaded truck falling while in transport.
3. Material should be loaded / stacked in
3. Falling or sliding such a way that there could not be any
of material during chance of sliding or collopse of materiale
unloading while unloading the material manually /
4. Proper lashing arrangement shall be
done to prevent accidental fall / sliding of
5. STA shall be prepared for loading &
unloading of materials

Follow point mentioned below in Manual

material handling.
2. Projecting 1. Not allowing materials projection not
materials beyond more than 1 mtr from the end of the bed
the bed for Trailor.
2. Projection made with red flag for
3.No material projection allowed for tipper /
Truck / Tractor
3.Haphazard & 2. All materials should be secured with
unsecured rope/ chain or ratch belt. Matellic Material
should be secured with chain only.
Manual Materials 1.Ergonomic issue 1. Daily STA should be given to workers.
handling 2. Dont allow the person to lift more than
30kg for materials shifting from one
place to other.
3. Provide Trolley for materials shifting.
2.Cut Injury 1. Use Cut resistance hand gloves for
handling sharp objects.
3.Pinch points 1.Ensure that workmen keep their hands /
leg away from pinching points. 2. Proper
communication & co ordination with co
4. Cuaght in- 1. The telescopic /extendable type of material
between viz. toe guard, Acrospan shall not be
Reliance Project Management System 10080-1-HSEF-CHK-
Job Safety Analysis Date: 13/04/2013,
Rev. 0
Telescopic / handled in extended form
Extendable 2. The extended or telescopic type of material
materials shall be erected or lower horizontally to
avoid sliding of extendable parts
3. Workers shall not put their body parts in
between extendable parts of material.
5.Hit by 1. Workmen should be deployed as per
Object/Load Load capacity and size of the load.
Ensure any heavy loads or any irregular
dimesion job having less load shall be
unloaded mechanically if possible. 2.
Proper communication & co ordination with
co worker.
6. Falling or sliding 1. Effective supervison sahll be ensured.
of materials while 2. Experienced / trainined rigger shall be
unloading materials deployed if mechanical handling. 3.
(Manually / Material shall be unlashed in such a way it
mechanically) from
should not slide on a person who involved
truck or vehicle
in the activity.
Material 1.Toppling of hydra 1. Pre lifting plan should be prepared
Handling /crane before start of lifting any materials by
(Mechanically) 2.Fall of material crane. It is to be ensured that it should not
due to failure of cross the SWL of the crane/hydra.
sling/lifting 2. Before starting of loading/unloading by
tackles. crane, the work area soil condition should
be plane & compacted.
3. Crane/Hydra boom should be kept as low
as possible during shifting of material.
4. Use only good condition, tested &
appropriate lifting tools and tackles.
No Tandem lifts allowed with Hydra.
5. Inspection of over hoist limit switches
periodically. Daily Inspection(checklist) of
crane by Operator.
Use tagline while carrying loads.
6. Approach area for the crane/hydra
should be obstacle free, physical condition
of the approach road should be proper.
Ensure Hydra crane planning and RA sheet
is available and signed by the operator.
3.Fall of person 1.While unloading of materials, workmen
from Trailer should be got down from trailer after fixing
of slings or belt before the material lift.
2. Do not stand at edge of the trailer while
material lifting.
3. Effective job supervision.
Reliance Project Management System 10080-1-HSEF-CHK-
Job Safety Analysis Date: 13/04/2013,
Rev. 0
4.Electrocution of 1.During shifting of material if there is any
Crane/Hydra HT electrical utilities proper & necessary
precaution should be taken such as Goal
post/Bunting Pole should be ensured.
2. Material Should not be stacked below
the Overhead HT electrical lines.
Approved J3 Procedure must be followed in
connection to working near electrical
5.Run over due to 1. Ensured Safe Driving Permit of all
vehicular Drivers on daily basis.
movement 2. Ensure that the vehicular movement is
to be restricted where the shifting or
handling of material is carried out.
3. Speed limit should be maintained. 20
km/hr at site and 30 km/hr on road.
4. Proper license holder driver should
operate the crane/hydra.
5. Authorized signal man with wearing
reflective jacket should be employed.
6. Ensure that person should not take rest
below the vehicle or shaddow of vehicle.
Use of stopper/ wheel chok is to be
7. Proper signage at the conspicuous place.
8. Ensure that emergency road should be
obstacle free always.
Manual Handling Unplanned Activity 1. STA procedure shall be conducted
of Concrete properly. Hazards asociated with activity
Blocks shall be identified and their appropriate
preventive measures shall be recorded
and communicated to workforce
involved in the activity.

2. Good status of area housekeeping shall

be ensured before starting the loading,
unloading and shifting of concrete
Pinch Points 1. Workers shall be properly trained and
counselled regularly to keep their body
parts away from pinch points.

2. Cut resistance gloves shall be used

while loading, unloading and stacking of
concrete blocks.

3. Wooden slippers shall be used for

Reliance Project Management System 10080-1-HSEF-CHK-
Job Safety Analysis Date: 13/04/2013,
Rev. 0
stacking of concrete blocks so as to
avoid the pinch points.
Ergonomic 1. Dont allow the person to lift more than
Hazards 30kg for concrete blocks shifting from
one place to other.

2. Two workers shall be deployed for

handling of concrete blocks.

3. Proper coordination shall be maitained

by workmen among them while manual
handling of concrete blocks.

4. Before deploying workmen for manual

handling, their physical capabilities shall
be taken in to consideration by activity
General Habits
1. Adopting short 1. Daily STA should be given to workers.
cut method, 2. Training for motivation is required.
negligence, wrong 3. All these personal issue shall be
perception, absent discussed in STA.
mind, using cell 4. Same person should not be allowed to
phone. continue in night shift.
Personal 5. More than 12 hours work should not be
Problem: carried out.
1. Family problem,
less of
ot ness.
Work Related
1. Night shift, over
Name and Siganture Date
Contractor Manager/ In Mr. Hemant Sapre
RIL Field Engineer Mr. Dalbehera
RIL Lead Engineer Mr. Nimish Desai
Reviewed by HSE Mr. Sudhakar Patil
Industrial Hygiene(If required
by HSE)
Note: This JSA has been developed through consultation with
all personnel involved in the task outlined in the JSA
Reliance Project Management System 10080-1-HSEF-CHK-
Job Safety Analysis Date: 13/04/2013,
Rev. 0
Note: This form is referenced in numerous practices

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