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Survey Question-Energy conservation

Male/Female: Education:

Age: Occupation: Income:

1. How much is your electricity bill for a month?

a) Below 200 b) 201-400 c) 401-800 d) above 800

a b c d
46 20 10 5

2. What is the different type of lighting that would you have?

a) Standard fluorescent lamp.
b) CFL.
c) Normal light bulbs.
d) Dont Know

a b c d
58 54 36 0

3. Do you turn off or unplug large equipment (like printers, TV, computer, etc) at
end of the day?
a) Never b)Rarely c)some times d)often e)always

a b c d
27 4 20 12

4. Tamil Nadu government first 100 units free electricity bill policy?
a) Social justice.
b) Electricity may be wasted.
c) Not required
d) Required in different way without using the concept

a b c d
40 7 13 22

5. Turning out light while you leave a room.

a) Yes (only in personal properties)
b) Yes (all the areas)
c) No
d) Occasionally

a b c d
70 3 6 2

6. Do you know the current pricing slap of your electricity bill?

a) No b) yes c) Never Mind it.
Survey Question-Energy conservation

a b c
36 36 3

7. Do you know the star rating of on electrical appliance and what is the
importance of it?
a) Yes
b) No
c) if yes,______________________________________________________

a b c
27 53 1

8. Have you seen any poster/ slogans about Energy conservation?

a) Yes b) no c) NO idea

a b C
29 47 1

9. Can you name 2 ways you can save energy that would cost nothing?
a) ___________________________________________________________________
b) ___________________________________________________________________

a b
19 1

10.How much money could you spend of energy- efficient improvements in the
next year or so?
a) No fixed amount allocated for improvements
b) Maximum amount of ____________

a b
45 22

11.Do you want to save energy for future generation?

a) Yes b) no c) NO idea

a b c
72 4 5

12.Do you want to learn more about energy conservation?

a) Yes b) no c) NO idea

a b c
65 13 5
Survey Question-Energy conservation

13.Walk or cycle instead of drive?

a) Walk or cycle economical
b) Walk or cycle good for health and environment
c) Drive

a b c
49 12 20

14.Will you prefer the Public transport?

a) Regularly b) Occasionally c) not at all d) service not

a b c d
52 21 5 4

15. Do you know any incentive scheme by State or Central government which
support Energy conservation measures or energy efficiency initiatives?

a) No b) yes c) Never Mind it.

a b c
35 40 2

16. Do you have any idea about Energy sustainability?

a) No b) yes c) Never Mind it.

a b c
37 38 4

17. Awareness about electrical safety

a) Yes b) No c) Never Mind it

a b c
34 44 3

18. Safety measures to be handled when using electrical equipments

a) Yes b) No c) Never Mind it

a b c
52 29 1

19. Do you have awareness about earthing ?

Survey Question-Energy conservation

a) Yes b) No c) Never Mind it

a b c
31 52 1

20. Do you have awareness about the renewable energy resources?

a) Yes b) No c) Never Mind it

a b c
36 46 1

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