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TM 620: Environmental Management (using GIS Technologies)

January-February 2016

Instructor: Al Tongco PhD

Founding Director of Philippine GIS Data Clearinghouse (
, Globe Cell: 0905-332-4448

ACT05: Creating New GIS Datasets and Joining Tables

Purpose: To learn how to create a new GIS dataset and joining tables.

Open QGIS.

In Menu Bar, click Project > Project Properties. Set the parameters as shown.

Click CRS tab.

Enable on the fly'
Coordinate Reference System: WGS 84 / UTM zone 51N

Click OK.

ClickAdd Vector Layer


Browse the folder C:\.....\MYDATA\VECTORS\PHL_adm_shp_28\

Add PHL_adm2.shp
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Open its attribute table.

Calculate a new field and name it Area_HA (in hectares) using a QGIS function.

Click OK.
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Save edits.
Click Toggle edit' tool.

Select by expression.

Click Select.

Save as
. Save in C:\...\OUTPUT\VECTORS\

Click Deselect Features from All Layers' tool

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Using Layer Properties

of , map Area_HA', as Categorized, as shown:

Click OK.

Map Area_HA' using Graduated: 5 classes, as shown.

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Click OK.

Save project ACT05_CebuMunis_Join.qgs

as .

Save in C:\.....\OUTPUT\PROJECTS
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Joining Tables

Let's join the population values of Cebu towns with theCebuMunis.shp.

GIS dataset

Go to
and copy-and-paste the population data
for Cebu towns.

Copy and paste in WPS Spreadsheet.

Save as
in C:\.....\Desktop\USC_GIS\MYDATA\TABLES

The following spreadsheet functions are useful in editing the table to make it ready for integration
with QGIS:

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Copy and Paste Special > Values

(Instructor will give a demo how to do this portion.)

Save the cleaned up table

as , as shown below:

(IMPORTANT: The MUNICIT entriesCebuTowns.csv

of should be exactly the same as those of
NAME_1 in the attribute table

Close the table.

Click Delimited text layer' tool
and add
to QGIS.
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Click OK.

Open the Properties > Fields


Note that VOTER_10, POPN_10, and HECTARES should be integer type.

If Type name' is integer', click OK.

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(If text', remove

from the Layer Panel, and convert the fields in WPS Spreadsheet
to become numeric. Redo the adding process.)

The Join Process

First, make the following changes in attribute names to synchronize joining process:

Under NAME_2 CebuMunis

of dataset, replace Cordoba' with Cordova', and replace Carcar' with
Carcar City'. [Hint: Use Toggle Editing tool.]

Open the PropertiesCebuMunis.


Click the Plus sign to open the Add vector join' window

Fill out the blanks as shown above.

Click OK.

Open the Attribute Table

of to check if the join process is successful.
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The table shows that the join process is successful.

Save as
in C:\.....\Desktop\USC_GIS\OUTPUT\VECTORS

Compare the areas of towns as calculated by QGIS (Area_HA) and those from PSGC. What can you
conclude? And why?

You may close the tables.

Now you can remove

CebuTowns, CebuMunis,


Apply random colors to Cebu towns and transparency to provinces similar to the one shown below.
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Save Project.

YOUR TURN: Repeat the ACT05 using Region 8. Save the

project as in
C:\......\PROJECT folder.

NOTE: Use appropriate names in assigning for Leyte towns.

Exit QGIS.

End of Exercise.
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