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TEL400- Innovation in Education Endeavors

Design-Analyze-Reflect Essay

Name: Aminah Haque

Lesson: 4
Submission Date: 2/5/2017

D.A.R. Essay


My interview was with Mrs. Tetaric, an immigrant who finished her masters degree after

emigrating to the United States. In Rochester, many of the minority community members are

immigrants as well; and unfortunately, majority-ethnicity community members consider this

minorities a burden on community resources. I noticed a low percentage of minorities in the

community when I conducted my initial research, and this caused me some concern. Not only

are percentages of minorities in Rochester lower than the national average, they are lower than

the average for the state.


In a way, the community does have to locate more resources to support immigrant and

minority populations. For example, finding bilingual textbooks can be challenging when

minority students speak 69 different languages (KTTC, 2011). ESOL classes provided to these

students cost additional funding, and housing shortages may be present in addition to a higher

resource demands (Baker, 2016).

On the other hand, providing these resources to immigrant and minority students sets

them up for success in later life, which can enhance the resources of the community. If these

children are housed and educated, they can become business owners, college graduates or
valuable employees (Baker, 2016). Rather than considering supporting these community

members as a cost, they might be considered an investment.

The program I intend to initiate is aimed at bridging the communication gap between

these two sides of the community. I want to create a volunteer program for minorities and

community members who want to help improve literacy and cultural awareness of youth within

the community.


I was fortunate to be able to speak to Mrs. Tetaric, and although my initial focus was on

improving the community, the fact that she a success story for immigrant community members

was a spark of inspiration. It inspired me to show marginalized community members in an

empowered, productive community role, such as the one Mrs. Tetaric holds. She is respected

among the community center members and viewed as one of their own group. Like Nelsa from

Barrio de Paz, Mrs. Tetaric is one of the group and can advocate for their rights because she has

an outside perspective. This is relevant to my future career, in that I can use this tactic to gain

respect from students and advocate for their rights as a group member with an outsider


Reference List

Baker, C. (2016). Refugees in Syracuse: Benefit or burden? Heres what the numbers say. retrieved from: (2017). Population demographics (Rochester, MN). Retrieved from:

KTTC (2011). The changing face of Rochester. Fox. Retrieved from:

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