Enf. Por Ricketsias

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Rickettsial Diseases
David H Walker
agents were described or discovered in the last two decades. A rickettsial
Chapter Contents agent was first identified in 1906 in the Bitterroot Valley of western
Spotted fever and typhus group rickettsial infections . . . . . . . . . . 1243 Montana by Howard Ricketts, who also recognized its transmission by
Scrub typhus. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1248 feeding ticks. In 1916, S. Burt Wolbach visualized this agent, subse-
quently named Rickettsia rickettsii, within endothelial cells. Charles
Human ehrlichioses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1249 Nicolle discovered in 1909 that lice transmitted epidemic typhus, and
Human granulocytotropic anaplasmosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1250 over the next few years this disease was found to be caused by another
Q fever. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1250 rickettsial organism, Rickettsia prowazekii. Epidemic louse-borne
typhus influenced the outcome of most European wars after 1500,
including Napoleons failed Russian invasion in 1812 and World War I,
during and after which typhus affected 25 million persons and caused
3 million deaths in Russia. In 1934, recrudescent typhus (BrillZinsser
disease) was determined to be caused by reactivation of latent R. prowa-
zekii infection. Endemic or murine typhus was shown during the 1930s
Key features to have a rat reservoir and flea vector.
! Rickettsiae are small, obligately intracellular, Gram-negative
bacteria Epidemiology
! Rickettsiae reside in an arthropod host (tick, flea, louse or mite) Spotted fever group rickettsiae are maintained in nature principally via
during part of their life cycle transmission of the bacteria in infected ova from one generation of tick,
! The arthropod vector transmits the rickettsiae in its saliva or feces mite or flea to the next (see Table 76.1). During feeding, infected ticks
during feeding instill saliva containing rickettsiae into their hosts skin. Thus, the
! The major vertebrate target cells of Rickettsia (endothelium), seasonal and geographic distribution of particular diseases (Fig. 76.2)
Orientia (endothelium), Ehrlichia (monocytes or neutrophils), depends upon the range and the host-seeking activity of the particular
Anaplasma (neutrophils) and Coxiella (macrophages) determine to vector tick, mite or flea. For example, RMSF usually occurs during tick
a large degree the pathogenesis of the disease season (from late spring until the end of summer).
Typhus group rickettsiae are deposited on the hosts skin in the feces
! In most spotted fever rickettsioses and scrub typhus, an eschar at of feeding human body lice (R. prowazekii) or fleas (R. typhi). The
the site of the vectors inoculation of organisms is an important organisms are subsequently scratched into the skin, rubbed into mucous
physical sign membranes, or inhaled. Humans who recover from louse-borne typhus
! A rash is the diagnostically critical clinical manifestation of Rocky remain latently infected and years later may develop recrudescent
Mountain spotted fever, other spotted fevers, murine typhus and illness (BrillZinsser disease) and associated rickettsemia. Such indi-
louse-borne typhus viduals can infect feeding lice, which may then spread the disease to
! One of the most common rickettsial diseases in travelers is African another person and ignite an epidemic. In addition, a zoonotic cycle of
tick bite fever, which is seen in those who have been on safari or R. prowazekii is maintained in flying squirrels and their fleas and lice2.
bush walking in southern Africa R. typhi is maintained in natural cycles, classically in rats and oriental
rat fleas as well as in opossums and cat fleas.

After entry into the dermis, rickettsiae spread throughout the body via
INTRODUCTION the bloodstream. They attach to vascular endothelial cells by outer
Members of the order Rickettsiales are small, obligately intracellular, membrane protein B and, in the case of spotted fever group rickettsiae,
Gram-negative bacteria that reside in an arthropod host for at least part outer membrane protein A as well3. The organisms enter the cells by
of their life cycle1. At least 19 bacterial species belonging to four genera induced phagocytosis and then escape from the phagosome into the
(Rickettsia, Orientia, Ehrlichia and Anaplasma) in this order and the cytosol, where they obtain amino acids, nucleotides and other building
related Coxiella genus in the order Legionellales are known agents of blocks for growth from the host cell and divide by binary fission3.
human diseases (Table 76.1). Cutaneous manifestations vary from Spotted fever group rickettsiae move intracellularly and from cell to cell
nearly always present in some spotted fevers and typhus to rare in by stimulating propulsion via the host cells actin, resulting in a contigu-
others, such as human granulocytotropic anaplasmosis and Q fever ous network of infected endothelial cells that represent the source of
(Table 76.2). Clinical recognition of a rash is frequently the event that the vascular-based disease manifestations (including skin lesions). The
leads to appropriate antimicrobial treatment for life-threatening Rocky spotted fever rickettsiae injure the host endothelium by stimulating
Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) and other rickettsioses. these cells to produce toxic reactive oxygen species, and typhus group
rickettsiae replicate within the infected endothelial cell until it bursts.
The major pathophysiologic effect of rickettsial infection is increased
SPOTTED FEVER AND TYPHUS GROUP vascular permeability, which can result in edema, hypovolemia and
hypotension4. Although endothelial cells of the microcirculation are
RICKETTSIAL INFECTIONS infected in every organ, the critical target organs in life-threatening
infections are the lung and brain. A fatal outcome can result if increased
History vascular permeability leads to non-cardiogenic pulmonary edema, acute
Epidemic typhus was described by Fracastorius in Italy in 1546; RMSF, respiratory distress syndrome and meningoencephalitis.
by Maxey in Idaho in 1899; and boutonneuse fever, by Conor in Tunisia As the infection progresses, macrophages and lymphocytes infiltrate 1243
in 1910. At least ten of the diseases in this group and/or their etiologic the walls of affected vessels and act as effector cells, secreting cytokines


Agent Disease Transmission Geographic distribution


Rickettsia rickettsii Rocky Mountain spotted fever Bite of tick:

Dermacentor variabilis (Fig. 76.1) Eastern two-thirds and Pacific Coast of US
D. andersoni Rocky Mountain states
Rhipicephalus sanguineus Southwestern US; northern Mexico
Amblyomma cajennense, A. aureolatum Central and South America
Rickettsia akari Rickettsialpox Bite of mouse mite:
Liponyssoides sanguineus North America; Eurasia
Rickettsia conorii Boutonneuse fever (Mediterranean Bite of tick:
spotted fever) Rhipicephalus sanguineus Southern Europe; Africa; western and southern
Rh. pumilio Asia
Southern Russia
Rickettsia sibirica North Asia tick typhus, lymphangitis- Bite of tick:
associated rickettsiosis Dermacentor nuttallii, D. silvarum, Haemaphysalis
concinna, Hyalomma asiaticum, other species Eurasia and Africa
Rickettsia australis Queensland tick typhus Bite of tick:
Ixodes holocyclus Eastern Australia
Rickettsia honei Flinders Island spotted fever Bite of tick: Australia and southeastern Asia (Flinders Island
Bothriocroton hydrosauri, other species is located between Tasmania and Australia)
Rickettsia japonica Japanese spotted fever Bite of tick:
vector status not established for ticks that carry the Japan, and eastern Asia
agent (Haemaphysalis flava, H. longicornis, Ixodes
ovatus, Dermacentor taiwanensis)
Rickettsia felis Flea-borne spotted fever By flea:
e.g. Ctenocephalides felis Worldwide
Rickettsia africae African tick bite fever Bite of tick:
Amblyomma hebraeum Southern Africa
A. variegatum Central, eastern, and western Africa;
Caribbean islands
Rickettsia parkeri Maculatum disease (American tick Bite of tick:
bite fever) Amblyomma maculatum, A. americanum North America
A. triste South America
Rickettsia aeschlimannii Unnamed disease Bite of tick:
Hyalomma marginatum Africa
Rickettsia slovaca Tick-borne lymphadenopathy* Bite of tick:
Dermacentor marginatus, D. reticularis Europe
Rickettsia prowazekii Epidemic louse-borne typhus Feces of human body louse South America; Africa; Eurasia
(Pediculus humanus var. corporis)
BrillZinsser disease None (recrudescence of latent infection)
Flying squirrel typhus Contact with flying squirrel North America
(Glaucomys volans) and its fleas and lice
Rickettsia typhi Murine (endemic) typhus Feces of fleas:
Xenopsylla cheopis Worldwide
Ctenocephalides felis North America
Orientia tsutsugamushi Scrub typhus Bite of larval trombiculid mites:
L. deliense, L. fletcheri, L. scutellare, L. arenicola Southern and eastern Asia; islands of the
southwestern Pacific and Indian Oceans;
northern Australia
e.g. L. pallidum Japan; Korea; Russian Far East
e.g. L. scutellare China; Malaysia
e.g. L. deliense, L. fletcheri, L. arenicola Tropical regions
Ehrlichia chaffeensis Human monocytotropic ehrlichiosis Bite of tick:
Amblyomma americanum (Fig. 76.1), Dermacentor Southeastern and South Central US
Ehrlichia ewingii Ehrlichia ewingii infection Bite of tick:
Amblyomma americanum Southeastern and South Central US
Anaplasma Human granulocytotropic Bite of tick:
phagocytophilum anaplasmosis Ixodes scapularis (Fig. 76.1) Northern US
I. pacificus Far western US
I. ricinus, I. persulcatus Eurasia
Coxiella burnetii Q fever Aerosol of infected products of parturition of Worldwide
ruminants and other animals**
*Also reported to be caused by Rickettsia raoultii.
**Less common means of transmission include ingestion of contaminated dairy products and tick bites (e.g. Dermacentor spp.)

Table 76.1 Epidemiology of rickettsial infections. Additional potentially emerging rickettsial infections for which a small number of cases have been described
1244 include: Rickettsia massiliae (Rhipicephalus spp.; Europe, South America); Rickettsia species 364D (Dermacentor occidentalis; California); and Rickettsia heilongjiangensis
(Haemaphysalis spp.; Eastern Asia Far East spotted fever). A new Ehrlichia species transmitted by Ixodes scapularis was recently found to cause a febrile illness in the
upper midwestern US.



Rickettsial Diseases
Blacklegged tick (Ixodes scapularis)


adult adult
female male nymph larva

Lone star tick (Amblyomma americanum)

American dog tick (Dermacentor variabilis)
*Per 1,000,000 persons per year

Fig. 76.2 Average reported annual incidence of Rocky Mountain spotted

fever, by state United States, 19972008. From www.cdc.gov/rmsf/stats/#reportsurv.

anemia and abnormal liver and renal function tests. As the clinical
course progresses, hypotension, acute renal failure, respiratory failure
and coma may develop7.
1cm Severe rickettsioses continue to have fatalities owing to misdiagnosis
and/or initiation of delayed antirickettsial treatment, with mortality
rates as follows: ~4% for RMSF and louse-borne typhus; ~3% for bou-
tonneuse fever; and ~1% for murine typhus8,9. If not treated with an
appropriate antimicrobial agent, approximately 25% and 15% of patients
Fig. 76.1 Comparison of Ixodes scapularis (blacklegged tick), Amblyomma with RMSF and louse-borne typhus, respectively, will die10. The case
americanum (lone star tick) and Dermacentor variabilis (American dog tick), fatality rate is higher with older age, male gender, and underlying
by life stage. From Chapman AS, et al. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2006;55:127. diseases.

Shared cutaneous features

such as interferon- and tumor necrosis factor-. Infected endothelial In many types of spotted fevers other than RMSF (see Table 76.2), an
cells and macrophages themselves are activated by cytokines, resulting eschar consisting of a central area of dermal and epidermal necrosis
in killing of intracellular rickettsiae by mechanisms involving nitric (typically measuring 0.52 cm in diameter) surrounded by a zone of
oxide, reactive oxygen species, and tryptophan starvation (via enzy- erythema appears during the incubation period (usually 410 days) (see
matic degradation of this amino acid). Recruited cytotoxic T cells are Fig. 76.7A). This represents the site of inoculation of rickettsiae by the
critical to the apoptotic elimination of infected endothelial cells, which tick or mite11,12. The rash of rickettsial diseases typically begins as
occurs through perforin-dependent pathways. A combination of rick- erythematous macules around the wrists and ankles (spotted fevers)
ettsicidal mechanisms and killing of infected endothelial cells ulti- (Fig. 76.3) or axillae (typhus fevers). The exanthem evolves during the
mately leads to clearance of the infection. Antibodies to rickettsiae play course of the illness, with lesions eventually appearing on most of the
a role in the prevention of reinfection. body, often with relative sparing of the face. Macules and papules
develop on the palms and soles (often relatively late in the disease
course) in approximately half of the patients with spotted fevers (Fig.
Clinical Features 76.4). Macules reflect vasodilation related to infection of endothelial
Clinical course and systemic features cells in the dermal microcirculation. As perivascular edema develops
Rickettsial infections typically begin with fever (>102F [38.9C] in secondary to leakage of fluid from damaged blood vessels, macules
two-thirds of patients during the first 3 days of the illness and in 90% become papules. When endothelial cell destruction leads to more severe
thereafter) accompanied by a severe headache and myalgias. Nausea, vascular injury, petechiae appear within the lesions (Fig. 76.5), which
vomiting, abdominal pain and even abdominal tenderness are also can coalesce and become purpuric (Fig. 76.6). Cutaneous necrosis,
frequent symptoms early in the disease course. When a rash develops, including gangrene of the digits, extremities, ears or prepuce, occurs in
it usually appears on day 3 to 6 of the illness (see below and Table 76.2). 4% of patients with RMSF and occasionally in epidemic typhus, owing
Cough (related to pneumonitis and/or pulmonary edema) and confu- to more severe infection of the microcirculation in acral sites with a
sion or lethargy (related to encephalitis) may represent additional symp- cooler temperature that is more favorable for rickettsial growth.
toms5. Patients often have thrombocytopenia, although full-blown
disseminated intravascular coagulation is rare6, and hyponatremia fre- Features of specific diseases
quently occurs secondary to increased antidiuretic hormone secretion RMSF usually follows the classic clinical course described above. After 1245
in response to hypovolemia. Additional laboratory findings may include an incubation period of 214 (mean, 7) days following the tick bite


Disease Rash incidence Appearance of rash Characteristics Eschar


(%) after onset of illness (%)

Rocky Mountain spotted fever 90 35 days Early macules, later papules; petechiae in 50% of <1
Rickettsialpox 100 23 days Early macules and papules; later papulovesicles 90
and crusts
Boutonneuse fever 97 35 days Early macules, later papules 50
North Asian tick typhus 100 45 days Macules and papules 75
Queensland tick typhus 90 26 days Macules, papules and vesicles 75
Flinders Island spotted fever 85 A few days Early macules and papules, later (in some patients) 50
Japanese spotted fever 100 A few days Early macules, later (in some patients) petechiae 90
Flea-borne spotted fever 83 A few days Macules and papules; occasionally pustules 17
African tick bite fever 50 35 days Generally relatively few lesions; macules, often 90, often multiple
Maculatum disease (American tick bite fever) 80 24 days Macules, papules, often vesicles 100
R. aeschlimannii infection 50 Not known Macules, papules 100
Tick-borne lymphadenopathy 5 Not reported Macules, papules 100
Epidemic louse-borne typhus 50100 45 days Early macules, later papules; petechiae None
BrillZinsser disease 50 46 days Macules, papules None
Flying squirrel typhus 66 28 days Macules, papules None
Murine (endemic) typhus 80 5 days Early macules, later papules None
Scrub typhus 50 46 days Early macules, later papules 6090
Human monocytotropic ehrlichiosis 40 Median, 5 days Macules, papules, occasionally petechiae None
Ehrlichiosis ewingii infection None NA NA None
Human granulocytotropic anaplasmosis Rare NA NA None
Q fever Rare Associated with Macules, papules, palpable purpura; rarely None
chronic infection erythema nodosum
Table 76.2 Dermatologic manifestations of rickettsial infections. NA, not applicable.

Fig. 76.3 Rocky Mountain spotted fever. The cutaneous lesions often appear Fig. 76.4 Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Petechiae on the palms and soles
first on the wrists and ankles. Courtesy, Philippe Berbis, MD. often develop relatively late in the disease course. Courtesy, Ronald P Rapini, MD.

(which 40% of patients do not recall), affected individuals present with R. parkeri and R. africae, closely related strains of spotted fever group
fever, myalgias, headache and, in >50% of patients, gastrointestinal rickettsiae transmitted by Amblyomma ticks, cause two similar emerg-
symptoms. The rash typically appears 35 days after onset of the illness ing infections, Maculatum disease (American tick bite fever) and
as subtle erythematous macules on the wrists and ankles, which is African tick bite fever, respectively. The former is endemic in the south
followed by centripetal spread to the trunk, formation of papular central and southeastern US (the range of A. maculatum, the Gulf
lesions, and eventual development of petechiae (~50% of patients). Coast tick; see Fig. 76.10) and in South America, while the latter is
1246 However, cutaneous findings are absent in 1015% patients and may endemic in sub-Saharan Africa and represents the rickettsial disease
be difficult to recognize in darkly pigmented skin. with the highest incidence among travelers returning to the US13,14.


Rickettsial Diseases

Fig. 76.7 Rickettsialpox.

Fig. 76.5 Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Petechiae are present within A Eschar at the site of
erythematous papules and plaques on the buttocks. Some of the lesions have the mite bite. B Scattered
a retiform pattern. papules with
hemorrhagic crusts.

Fig. 76.6 Rocky

Mountain spotted fever.
Retiform purpura on the
distal lower extremity in
a patient with more
severe disease.

the face (Fig. 76.7B) as well as the trunk and extremities, in no particu-
lar sequence. Approximately 20 to 40 skin lesions typically develop,
evolving from erythematous macules and papules to papulovesicles to
hemorrhagic crusts. The palms and soles are occasionally affected, and
an enanthem characterized by small erosions on the tongue, palate and
Patients with these conditions typically present with mild constitu- pharynx may occur.
tional symptoms (e.g. fever, headache, myalgias), one or more eschars,
and tender lymphadenopathy in the region draining the eschar(s). In Pathology
5080% of affected individuals, usually 24 days after disease onset, a Rickettsial infection is multifocal, which is reflected in the scattered
rash develops on the trunk and extremities (sometimes involving the distribution of cutaneous lesions. However, randomly obtained tissue
palms and soles). The eruption may be relatively sparse and often samples are unlikely to contain the classic finding of a lymphohistio-
features small central vesicles or pustules within erythematous macules cytic vasculitis, which is present in the center of a petechial macule
and papules. No deaths have been reported for either type of infection. or papule. The early finding of perivascular edema is difficult to
Despite the substantial difference in severity, it is likely that many R. identify histopathologically because of formalin-associated tissue
parkeri infections are misdiagnosed as RMSF owing to serologic cross- shrinkage. In more developed lesions, extravasated erythrocytes (cor-
reactivity with R. rickettsii15. responding to petechiae) are observed. Thrombosis occurs in a minus-
Rickettsialpox occurs primarily in urban areas, especially cities in cule portion of infected blood vessels, and, when present, is usually a
the northeastern US. A papulovesicle arises within 48 hours at the site non-occlusive hemostatic plug in a focus of denuded endothelium.
of the bite of a mite that parasitizes house mice and eventuates in an Later in the disease course, vasculitis can be detected histopathologi-
eschar with surrounding erythema and induration (Fig. 76.7A). Con- cally in the skin and other organs. The inflammatory infiltrate around
stitutional symptoms (e.g. fever, headache, myalgias) begin 1 to 2 weeks and within vessel walls is composed of macrophages and lymphocytes 1247
later, followed in 2 to 3 days by a cutaneous eruption that often involves (Fig. 76.8).

12 and crackles on auscultation due to pulmonary edema may lead to

suspicion of bacterial or viral pneumonia. Neurologic signs and cerebro-
spinal fluid pleocytosis can suggest viral or bacterial meningoencepha-

litis, while jaundice and elevated hepatic enzymes may prompt the
consideration of viral hepatitis or leptospirosis.
When the cutaneous eruption initially develops, the differential diag-
nosis may include a viral exanthem, a drug eruption, ehrlichiosis,
Kawasaki disease and early secondary syphilis. Exanthems due to
enteroviruses, EpsteinBarr virus, parvovirus B19, adenovirus, dengue
fever and measles can have a petechial component (see Fig. 81.2). When
petechial and/or purpuric lesions become more prominent, meningo-
coccemia, small vessel vasculitis, disseminated gonococcal infection,
dengue hemorrhagic fever and other viral hemorrhagic fevers (see Table
81.7) may also be considered. In patients with thrombocytopenia,
immune thrombocytopenic purpura or thrombotic thrombocytopenic
purpura represent additional possibilities. The differential diagnosis for
rickettsialpox and other rickettsial eruptions with a vesicular compo-
nent may include vesicular viral exanthems (e.g. due to coxsackievi-
ruses), varicella, disseminated HSV infection, pityriasis lichenoides et
varioliformis acuta (PLEVA), drug eruptions, bullous insect bite reac-
tions, and scabies. Cutaneous necrosis resembling an eschar can be
Fig. 76.8 Histologic findings in Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Typical seen in spider bites, ecthyma, ecthyma gangrenosum (typically in
lymphohistiocytic vasculitis involving a dermal blood vessel. Courtesy, James W immunocompromised hosts), cutaneous anthrax, Bacillus cereus infec-
Patterson, MD.
tion, cutaneous diptheria, tularemia, scrub typhus (see below), and
primary syphilis.

The drug of choice for rickettsial infections in nearly all patients,
including young children, is doxycycline (Table 76.3)9,16. Chloramphen-
icol is a less effective alternative, having a higher rate of fatal outcomes.
However, chloramphenicol is generally recommended for treatment of
RMSF during pregnancy.
Mild cases of boutonneuse fever in children have been treated
with azithromycin or clarithromycin with an outcome equivalent to
treatment with chloramphenicol, and these macrolide antibiotics (as
well as josamycin, a related agent not available in the US) may repre-
sent therapeutic options for mild rickettsioses during pregnancy. Fluoro-
quinolones have also been used successfully to treat patients with
boutonneuse fever and murine typhus. Of note, treatment of severe
rickettsial infection with macrolides or fluoroquinolones is not

Scrub typhus was described in association with red mites in China in
313 AD. Orientia tsutsugamushi was discovered in Japan by Nagayo
and Ogata in the 1920s and early 1930s. This organism differs from
Rickettsia spp. in its cell wall composition, having entirely unrelated
proteins and a distinct ultrastructure as well as lacking lipopolysaccha-
Fig. 76.9 Immunohistochemical detection of spotted fever rickettsiae. ride. Orientia tsutsugamushi is maintained in nature via transovarial
Organisms within the endothelium of a dermal blood vessel are highlighted by transmission by its vector, trombiculid mites (see Table 76.1). Eggs laid
brown staining.
by infected mites hatch with the emergence of infected larvae (chiggers)
that feed on the rat population. Both humans and rats are dead-end
It is estimated that one million cases of scrub typhus occur annually,
Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis affecting rural populations in a large portion of Asia (from Afghanistan
The diagnosis of rickettsiosis is based on clinical and epidemiologic to Japan) and northern Australia. Infection of more than 3% of the
criteria such as the signs, symptoms and potential tick exposure16. It population per month has been documented in endemic regions of
is essential to begin empiric treatment with effective antirickettsial southeast Asia. Immunity is strain-specific and transient, resulting in
agents based on clinical suspicion rather than awaiting laboratory con- reinfections. The severity of the illness is age-dependent and varies
firmation. Indeed, serologic diagnosis is usually retrospective, because geographically.
antibodies do not develop until day 7 of the illness or later17. Circulating A cutaneous eschar forms at the site of chigger feeding in 6090% of
rickettsiae are generally too few early in the illness to be detected by primary infections. This is followed by regional lymphadenopathy, fever
PCR-based assays, but rickettsiae can be identified by immunofluores- and headache; generalized lymphadenopathy, conjunctival hyperemia
cence or immunohistochemistry in a biopsy specimen of an eschar or and hearing loss may also develop18. A rash occurs in approximately
a maculopapular lesion (Fig. 76.9), especially if the latter is petechial. half of patients, usually appearing as erythematous macules on the
Prior to the onset of the rash, the differential diagnosis may include trunk 4 to 6 days after disease onset. Lesions then become papular,
a wide variety of viral infections (which often present with similar with subsequent centrifugal spread. Interstitial pneumonia frequently
symptoms), ehrlichiosis and typhoid fever. Patients with prominent occurs, presenting with cough, tachypnea and radiographic infiltrates;
nausea and vomiting are often suspected to have viral or bacterial meningoencephalitis is a less common manifestation19. In severe cases,
1248 enterocolitis. The abdominal pain and tenderness can suggest an acute acute respiratory distress syndrome, acute renal failure and hypotensive
surgical abdomen, and this has led to exploratory laparotomies. Cough shock may develop.


Medication Adult dose Pediatric dose Treatment duration

Rickettsial Diseases
First choice for virtually all rickettsial Doxycycline 100 mg po or iv twice daily 2.2 mg/kg (max. 100 mg) Until 3 days after defervescence, for a
infections in children and adults* po or iv twice daily minimum total course of 57 days
First choice for non-life-threatening RMSF Chloramphenicol 500 mg iv every 6 hours Not recommended Until 3 days after defervescence, for a
in pregnant women minimum total course of 57 days
First choice for non-life-threatening HME or Rifampin 300 mg po twice daily 10 mg/kg (max. 300 mg) Until 3 days after defervescence, for a
HGA in pregnant women twice daily minimum total course of 710 days
Alternative for resistant scrub typhus
First choice for scrub typhus in pregnant Azithromycin 500 mg po daily 10 mg/kg po daily 3 days
women and potentially in children
Alternative for mild rickettsioses (e.g. early
boutonneuse fever) during pregnancy or in
*With the exception of infections in pregnant women, although doxycycline administration during pregnancy can be considered in life-threatening situations when the suspicion of RMSF or
other severe rickettsioses is high; other tetracyclines are also effective for rickettsial infections.

Recommended by the CDC; others recommend a 10-day course.

May be associated with gray baby syndrome when administered late in the third trimester of pregnancy.

Clarithromycin may also be considered.

Table 76.3 Treatment of rickettsial diseases. Empiric treatment with an appropriate agent should be initiated immediately when a diagnosis of Rocky Mountain
spotted fever (RMSF), human monocytotropic ehrlichiosis (HME), human granulocytotropic anaplasmosis (HGA) or another potentially severe rickettsiosis is
suspected clinically.

Tetracyclines, particularly doxycycline, are generally the first-line

treatment for scrub typhus. Chloramphenicol, another traditional FOR HUMAN MONOCYTOTROPIC EHRLICHIOSIS, HUMAN GRANULOCYTOTROPIC
therapy for this condition, is less effective than doxycycline, but azi- ANAPLASMOSIS, MACULATUM DISEASE AND LYME BORRELIOSIS
thromycin is equally effective as doxycycline and represents an option
for pregnant women. Of note, resistance of O. tsutsugamushi to doxy-
cycline and chloramphenicol has been documented in northern Thai-
land20, and resistant infections have been treated successfully with
azithromycin or rifampin.

Ehrlichial infections have been well known to veterinarians for >75
years, but human infection was not recognized until 1986, when Ehrli-
chia chaffeensis was implicated as the etiologic agent of human mono-
cytotropic ehrlichiosis (HME)21. In 1999, E. ewingii was found to cause
human infections (most often in immunosuppressed patients) with
Ixodes scapularis distribution
clinical manifestations similar to HME22. Ehrlichia spp. are obligately
intracellular, Gram-negative bacteria that target monocytes/macrophages Ixodes pacificus distribution
(E. chaffeensis) or neutrophils (E. ewingii), in which they reside as a Amblyomma americanum distribution
cytoplasmic microcolony that is occasionally visible in a peripheral blood Overlapping distribution (I. scapularis and A. americanum)
smear. Both agents are maintained in a zoonotic cycle involving persist-
ently infected white-tailed deer as the major reservoir and lone star ticks Fig. 76.10 Approximate distribution in the US of vector tick species for
(Amblyomma americanum), which are found primarily in the south human monocytotropic ehrlichiosis, human granulocytotropic anaplasmosis,
central and southeastern US (with extension as far north as Illinois and Maculatum disease and Lyme borreliosis. It has been postulated that
Connecticut), as the primary vector (Fig. 76.10; see Table 76.1)21. In Amblyomma maculatum, which is classically found primarily along the Atlantic
addition, a new Ehrlichia species transmitted by Ixodes scapularis was and Gulf coasts, has a range as broad as that of Amblyomma americanum. From
Chapman AS, et al. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2006;55:127.
recently found to cause human infections clinically similar to HME in
the upper midwestern US22a.
HME is a serious infectious disease with a ~3% case fatality rate. Its
incidence is likely underestimated due to the lack of specific clinical
findings, and one study found that ehrlichial infection was twice as
likely as RMSF among febrile patients living in North Carolina with a
history of a recent tick bite16. Patients with HME and Ehrlichia ewingii petechial eruptions involving the trunk and extremities are most often
infection typically present with fever, headache and myalgias; common observed, but the morphology and distribution of skin lesions can vary
laboratory abnormalities include thrombocytopenia, leukopenia and considerably25,26 (Table 76.4). Ehrlichia ewingii infection has not been
elevated transaminases. Progression to acute respiratory distress syn- reported to have cutaneous manifestations22. The differential diagnosis
drome, meningoencephalitis and toxic shock syndrome-like manifesta- of ehrlichioses is similar to that of rickettsioses (see above).
tions can occur, even in immunocompetent individuals with HME. In PCR-based assays can identify Ehrlichia spp. and Anaplasma phago-
addition, overwhelming ehrlichial infection may develop in immuno- cytophilum (see below) in blood samples and assist in the rapid diag-
compromised hosts, such as those with HIV infection and organ trans- nosis of these infections; however, empiric treatment should be initiated
plant recipients23,24. based on clinical suspicion rather than awaiting laboratory confirma-
Approximately 3040% of patients with HME have cutaneous mani- tion. Doxycycline is the drug of choice for both HME and Ehrlichia
festations, which develop a median of 5 days after the onset of the illness ewingii infection. In vitro evidence suggests that chloramphenicol is 1249
and may be more common in children25. Macular, maculopapular and not an effective therapy for these infections.


(0.51%), often presents with peripheral neuropathy (but rarely leads
to meningoencephalitis), and seldom has dermatologic manifestations
(5% of cases)27. Interestingly, Sweets syndrome has been described in

Macular or maculopapular exanthematous eruptions association with HGA28. As for HME, the first-line treatment is
Mottled or diffuse macular erythema (transient or persistent)
Petechiae (favor the palms, soles, trunk and palate)
Edema (especially of hands, feet and scrotum)
Purpuric papules (with histologic evidence of vasculitis)
Nodules secondary to polyarteritis nodosa Coxiella burnetii differs substantially from organisms in the order Rick-
Ulceration (reported on the penis)
ettsiales, being more closely related to bacteria of the genus Legionella.
Table 76.4 Cutaneous manifestations of human monocytotropic Although C. burnetii are obligately intracellular bacteria found in many
ehrlichiosis. Several types of lesions may be present simultaneously or species of ticks, they are transmitted to humans primarily by inhalation
sequentially in an individual patient. of aerosols generated from the placenta and birth fluids of infected
animals such as sheep, cattle and cats (see Table 76.1). The bacteria
target macrophages, where they thrive in the acidic environment of
phagolysosomes. The presence of a stable extracellular form accounts
HUMAN GRANULOCYTOTROPIC ANAPLASMOSIS for their persistence in the environment.
The acute disease typically presents as a nonspecific febrile illness;
Anaplasma phagocytophilum, previously referred to as the human atypical pneumonia or granulomatous hepatitis occasionally occur.
granulocytotropic ehrlichiosis (HGE) agent, is an obligately intra- Chronic Q fever most often manifests as culture-negative endocardi-
cellular bacterium (closely related to Ehrlichia spp.) that causes human tis affecting a previously damaged heart valve.
granulocytotropic anaplasmosis (HGA; formerly known as HGE). HGA Cutaneous manifestations of Q fever are rare (see Table 76.2). A
occurs in the same geographic distribution as Lyme borreliosis (and truncal maculopapular rash, an urticarial eruption, erythema nodosum,
babesiosis) owing to their transmission by the same Ixodes spp. tick palpable purpura, palatal petechiae, and vasculitis (reported in associa-
vectors (see Table 76.1 and Fig. 76.10). The clinical features of HGA tion with mixed cryoglobulinemia) have all been described in patients
are similar to those of HME, but HGA has a lower case fatality rate with Q fever.

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