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HERBOLOGY I Modern Herbology Lesson 1 Question Sheet




1. Which one of the following plants belongs to the Thallophyta.

A. Dandelion
B. Malefern
C. Escheria coli
D. None of the preceding

2. In the space provided below, place the letter of correct flower type (from
the list which follows).

Diagram 2.1____
Diagram 2.2____
Diagram 2.3____

A. Three-petaled
B. Campanulate
C. Irregular
D. Bilabiate
E. Spurred
F. Salver-form
G. Rotate

3. Which family does the daisy belong to?

A. Cruciferae
B. Gramineae (Poaceae)
C. Leguminosae
D. None of the Above

Wild Rose College of Natural Healing 2010 1

HERBOLOGY I Modern Herbology Lesson 1 Question Sheet

4. Label the type of leaf attachment.

Diagram 4.1____

A. Alternate
B. Opposite
C. Whorled

5. What are the stem characteristics of the Umbellifera family?

Stems usually:
A. narrow
B. hollow
C. striated

6. Choose the leaf shape describing each diagram:

Diagram 6.1_____
Diagram 6.2_____
Diagram 6.3_____
A. Cordate
B. Spatulate
C. Lanceolate
D. Cuneate
E. Reniform
F. Oval

7. The major functions of a root. (True/False)

7.1 Protect the seeds____

7.2 Anchor the plant to the ground____

Wild Rose College of Natural Healing 2010 2

HERBOLOGY I Modern Herbology Lesson 1 Question Sheet

7.3 An alternate source of photosynthesis____

7.4 Play a role in sexual reproduction ____
7.5 Transport food and water ____

8. To which phyllum does the genus Equisetum (the horsetails) belong?

A. Thallophyta
B. Bryophyta
C. Spermatophyta
D. Pteridophyta

9. Identify key differences between monocots and dicots by matching

the letter of the correct "detail" with the defining categories below.

9.1 Number of cotyledons in a MONOCOT ____

9.2 Root system in a DICOT ______
9.3 Leaf vein pattern in a MONOCOT ____
9.4 Floral part arrangement in MONOCOT ____
9.5 Vascular tissue distribution in DICOTS ____

A. Branching network
B. Two
C. Taproots
D. Parallel arrangement
E. One
F. Scattered through stem
G. Groups of four or five
H. Rings the pith
I. Multiples of three
J. Fibrous

10. What family does chickweed belong to?

A. Orchidaceae
B. Compositae (Asteraceae)
C. Caryophyllaceae
D. None of the Above

11. Defining features of an adventitious root. (True/False)

11.1 Extends from the aerial parts of the plant_____

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HERBOLOGY I Modern Herbology Lesson 1 Question Sheet

12. Which family of plants is known for square stems?

A. Compositae
B. Umbelliferae
C. Orchidaceae
D. None of the above

13.Which family has members known for flowers with four petals?

A. Ericaceae
B. Rosaceae
C. Cruciferae
D. None of the above

14. Label the parts of the flower diagram.

14.1 ____
14.2 ____
14.3 ___

A. stigma
B. stolon
C. stamen
D. petiole
E. pistil
F. filament of stamen

15. In the space provided, briefly state why you are taking this course and
what you want to get out of it.

Wild Rose College of Natural Healing 2010 4

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