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HERBOLOGY I Modern Herbology Lesson 3 Question Sheet



1. Which tonic herb is known to increase white blood corpuscles?

A. Goldenseal
B. Blessed Thistle
C. Meadowsweet
D. Myrrh
E. None of the above

2. Number the following six parts of the digestive tract to reflect the
order that food would pass through (or by) them:

2.1 Ascending Colon______

2.2 Parotid glands______
2.3 Cecum_____
2.4 Esophagus______
2.5 Splenic Flexure_____
2.6 Jejunum_____

3. Which tonic herb. aids in adjusting the HCI, of the stomach?

A. Myrrh
B. Meadowsweet
C. Barberry
D. Goldenseal
E. None of the above.

4. Which tonic(s) discussed notably aid digestion and support the female
reproductive system?

A. Blessed Thistle, Meadowsweet, & Aspen

B. Peruvian Bark, Goldenseal, Meadowsweet & Cayenne
C. Barberry, Peruvian Bark, Myrrh and Holy Thistle
D. Meadowsweet, Barberry & Myrrh
E. None of the above

Wild Rose College of Natural Healing 2010 1

HERBOLOGY I Modern Herbology Lesson 3 Question Sheet

5. Match the pancreatic enzyme with its role.

5.1 Chymotrypsin____
5.2 Nuclease____
5.3 Trypsinogen____
5.4 Amylase ____

A. Splits starch into maltose

B. neutralizes acid from the stomach
C. breaks down nucleic acids
D. splits fats into fatty acid and lower glycerides
E. None of the above

6. Identify the difference between the lacteals and the capillaries of the
small intestine villi. Place an "L" beside items absorbed by lacteals.
Place a "C" beside those absorbed by capillaries. Place a "B" beside
items which are absorbed by both. Place an "N" by items not absorbed
by either.

6.1 sugar ____

6.2 fatty acids____
6.3 fat-soluble vitamins____
6.4 glycerol____
6.5 minerals____

7. Which tonic herb is considered the "King of the mucous membranes"?

A. Yarrow
B. Barberry
C. Myrrh
D. Peruvian Bark
E. None of the above

8.When to use Clinical Stomach Tonic (ST)? (True/False)

8.1 For stimulation of the parietal cells.____

8.2 For quick but temporary stimulation of digestion. ____
8.3 For regulation of pancreatic and liver enzymes.____
8.4 To balance the hydrochloric acid levels in the digestive

Wild Rose College of Natural Healing 2010 2

HERBOLOGY I Modern Herbology Lesson 3 Question Sheet

9. What is an active ingredient in barberry and goldenseal?

A. Quinine
B. Xanthopuccine
C. Berberine
D. Sucrose
E. None of the above

10. Gastric juices and enzymes that are secreted in the stomach.

10.1 Trypsin____
10.2 Mucin _____
10.3 Amylase_____
10.4 Lipase____
10.5 Nucleases____

11. Which tonic is used for its quinine content?

A. Barberry
B. Myrrh
C. Blessed Thistle
D. None of the above

12. When to use digestive enzymes. (True/False)

12.1 Stomach upset after a large meal____

12.2 All individuals beginning a herbal program._____
12.3 Possibly in cases of reported food allergies.____
12.4 In concert with a program of relaxation and stimulated
digestive tract.____

13. The ingredients (enzymes, etc.) released in the mouth, involved with
digestion. (True/False)

13.1 Trypsin____
13.2 Ptyalin____
13.3 Mucin____
13.4 Lipase____

Wild Rose College of Natural Healing 2010 3

HERBOLOGY I Modern Herbology Lesson 3 Question Sheet

14. Place the letter on the labelled diagram beside the correct term below.

14.1 Liver____
14.2 Parotid gland____
14.3 Transverse colon____
14.4 Esophagus____
14.5 Appendix____

Wild Rose College of Natural Healing 2010 4

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