@urbanverse: @newurbanism @jhparch

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1. AIAStateAffairs RT @Urbanverse: Clearly, work not done @ occupancy anymore.

performance, optimizing bldg. New role. >> Well-said. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

2. aianational Where did the time go? We've got to run but lots of great thoughts are being
shared here. Keep the convo going.#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

3. HawkinsArch Final thoughts. Green is not about points, numbers, or dollars. It should be
about QOL for planet & people now & in the future.#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via Twitterrific

4. MasterSpec Great #aiachat... it's very interesting to hear how architects themselves
view green building and design. Thanks for the insight!about 1 hour ago via HootSuite

5. Urbanverse @AIAStateAffairs clearly, our work is not done at occupancy anymore.

there's performance, optimizing the building. new role. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

6. trustmodern #aiachat I am curious about sustainability of our sustainability efforts...do

we know the longevity of new "green" projects?about 1 hour ago via web

7. HMCArchitects Q2 Architects can respond to green design and economic benefits in

terms of each other through thought leadership solutions #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

8. liraluis Fellow peeps in #AEC, I'll be attending the Aspen Environment Forum and would
love to hear your thoughtshttp://bit.ly/forumscholar #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

9. AIAStateAffairs RT @liraluis: Would like 2 continue conversing w/ any1 interested re:

enviro issues post-chat ->http://bit.ly/forumscholar #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

10. greenlandlady RT @megankoehler: Q3 Personally, I dont see why we wouldnt build fully
integrated high performance projects #aiachat#blindidealism #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via TweetChat

11. stavestudio ...We look back 5 yrs, seems like Green Revolution.. but look forward 10,
this is just a costume party #aiachat (via@DESIGNSTUDIO26)about 1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone

12. EBArchDesign It would be have been great if firms practicing new urbanism had joined
us for the #aiachat . Like @newurbanism@JHParch or @mondo_tiki_manabout 1 hour
ago via HootSuite
13. BloggerFitz @AIAStateAffairs Schools of Arch are addressing green principals in
discussions of a building's place/climate, adaptive reuse. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

14. tomorrowsprjct RT @DESIGNSTUDIO26 Q3: is the only way for us. not about LEED
cert/points, but about bldg performance for the people/community. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via web

15. liraluis Would like to continue conversing w/ anyone interested abt environmental issues
after this chat-> http://bit.ly/forumscholar#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

16. megankoehler Q3 Personally, I don't see why we wouldn't build fully integrated high
performance projects. #aiachat #blindidealismabout 1 hour ago via web

17. AIAStateAffairs Going over time...good job, #AIA member#architects & observers...love
for the lurkers too! #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

18. leehop so true... RT @Matt_Hawk: Q3 The driver's the budget. Meet expectations and
do the best to work with the client. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via HootSuite

19. bslarch @GreenbuildINFO #AIAChat I don't want to loose any clients in this Econ. been
thru the layoffs already, won't do it again.#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

20. AIAStateAffairs @Urbanverse @EBArchDesign: @KyleLEED NRG costs soar as a

result of too much used...simple as that, IMHO.#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

21. LimitlessComp Thanks everyone for great insights! #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

22. GreenbuildINFO #AIAChat Q3 Yes, arch's need to respond to what our clients ask us to
design on budget but that doesn't mean we can't ever tell them 'no'about 1 hour ago via web

23. DESIGNSTUDIO26 "Hot, Flat & Crowded" : if we look back 5 yrs, seems like Green
Revolution.. but if look fwd 10, this is just a (costumes) party #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

24. BloggerFitz @aianational yes, there are many green options in picking materials that
wont upset a client's budget. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat
25. Urbanverse @EBArchDesign: @KyleLEED @AIAStateAffairseventually costs will be
built into market expectations. Especially as energy costs soar #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via TweetDeck

26. ladyaia @AIAStateAffairs "that's not as much the traditional bailiwick of #architects"
contrare mon frere, we need to be non traditional #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

27. HawkinsArch @DESIGNSTUDIO26 Agreed with your Q3 response. Nice

answer. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via Twitterrific

28. aianational This has been a great convo. We'll need to "officially" wrap up in a few
minutes. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

29. bslarch Q3 @EBArchDesign @KyleLEED @AIAStateAffairs, also having infrastructure

in place would help. Chicken or egg argument here. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

30. mike_kohn Q3 The budget is the limitation, but the driver has to come from
person/environ responsibility. Otherwise we're missing the boat. #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via TweetChat

31. angrydavid Q3: cause there is only one planet & we have chosen to be responsible for
whats built on its surface & how & with what it is built #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

32. AIAStateAffairs @EBArchDesign @KyleLEED It's hard to sustain#sustainability sans

schooling therein. @BloggerFitz, any thoughts?#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

33. GreenbuildINFO #AIAChat Q3 Yes, architects need to respond to what our clients ask
us to design but that does not mean we can't ever tell our clients 'no'about 1 hour ago via web

34. LimitlessComp Q3. I watched a firm survive by going green to clients, so I see some
hope. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

35. AxiumSoftware RT @ALKSassoc: RT @Urbanverse The primary reason to do green

building is the same as design excellence- a belief in building better cities. #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via web
36. liraluis Q3 What drives us? Chance to be the reason for a stable climate, clean air, clean
water + food for growing global population.#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

37. tomorrowsprjct RT @Urbanverse Q3 #aiachat The primary reason to do green building

is the same as design excellence - a belief in building better cities.about 1 hour ago via web

38. EBArchDesign @KyleLEED @AIAStateAffairs If all archs/developers practice sust.

design, the cost would come down because the market would follow. #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via HootSuite

39. AxiumSoftware RT @Matt_Hawk: Q3 The driver's the budget. Meet expectations and do
the best to work with the client. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

40. aianational It's great seeing these references to "core values, right thing to do" as it
relates to sustainable design. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

41. HMCArchitects Q3 High performance architecture encompassing energy conservation,

wellness & comfort of its occupants is our foundation #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

42. ALKSassoc RT @Urbanverse The primary reason to do green building is the same as
design excellence- a belief in building better cities. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via web

43. Matt_Hawk Q3 The driver's the budget. Meet expectations and

do the best to work with the client. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

44. AIAStateAffairs @ladyaia ...that's not as much the traditional bailiwick of #architects &
would be harder to ingrain in the profession. Thoughts? #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat
45. spacialadapt RT @aianational: Q3 What’s primary driver 4 sustainability in your
practice? My personal ethics & desire to make a change in habit. #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via HootSuite

46. mike_kohn Q3 In our practice, it's one of our core values: We are responsible for the
environ we create for future generations. It's a must. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

47. KyleLEED @AIAStateAffairs Agreed. But if #Architects commonly practice sust. design
would it still be fiscally irresponisble? #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

48. HawkinsArch Q3 That is an easy one..... My conscience. I feel it is the right thing to
do. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via Twitterrific

49. ALKSassoc Hope all you architects are following along the #aiachatconversation! Some
really good stuff being said! @AIANationalabout 1 hour ago via web

50. Urbanverse Q3 #aiachat The primary reason to do green building is the same as design
excellence- a belief in building better cities.about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

51. AIAStateAffairs @ladyaia Not to disagree, but has the success of the Austin program
been quantified? Plus, that's beyond the envelope, so... #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

52. threefourteen #aiachat when is RIBAchat? LOLabout 1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone

53. liraluis Q3 con't: and hearing that our clients live's have been changed bec of the spaces
we designed for them. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

54. bslarch Q3 I will talk until I'm blue about green. But it's how much energy saved vs. how
much pretty carpet. Unf. carpet sometimes wins #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

55. llconnect #aiachat Q3: 1-satisfying ROI model 2-meeting customer requirements 3-
getting products into the market. Granted - my designs are lighting.about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

56. cannondesign #aiachat A short, powerful video we created that focuses

on #green #sustainability http://ow.ly/28hwg Watch after if you can.about 1 hour ago via HootSuite
57. architected2010 RT @collier1960: Environmentalists, see what Architects are saying
about green/sustainable design. Join the#AIAchat now.about 1 hour ago via HootSuite

58. spacialadapt @ajr02hawk if not ours, then who? We are professionals who clients seek
out for direction. We do a disservice if we let it slide.#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via HootSuite

59. DESIGNSTUDIO26 Q3 : ... "so i can keep living" (paraphrasing) - the garbage
warrior #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

60. GreenbuildINFO #AIAChat Q3 Short term/immediate return and a focus to make items
so cheap we can thrown them away rather build the best or buy it once...about 1 hour ago via web

61. greenlandlady Q3 Sorry, those were the client's primary drivers: economic. My primary
driver is GHG reduction & water conservation. (I have kids) #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

62. liraluis Q3 Primary driver of sustainability in my firm is the opportunity to make people's
spaces liveable and healthy environments #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

63. bslarch Q3 @collier1960 I've never been paid $$ by nature. #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via TweetChat

64. archihosk #aiachat RT @AIANational: Q3 What’s the primary driver for sustainability in
your practice (environmental, affordability, etc)?about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

65. AIAStateAffairs #Architects *should* be bldg #green, but if there is no shift in the market
paradigm, it remains a tough sell. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

66. greenlandlady Q2 Primary drivers are economic: save $, differentiate w/in crowded
market, quicker unit turn around, health#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

67. aianational If you missed it, Q3 What’s the primary driver for sustainability in your
practice? #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

68. bslarch Q3 If you're not client savvy, you won't be practicing much longer #aiachatabout
1 hour ago via TweetChat
69. heatherwestpr RT @tomorrowsprjct: Q1 #aiachat re good design: 67% of our poll
respondents say sustainable design is already synonymous with good
design http://ht.ly/28gBfabout 1 hour ago via HootSuite

70. ladyaia @Urbanverse Yes, I have seen Mouzon speak in dallas and he was the best of
the speakers. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

71. HawkinsArch @aianational Not much right now. Need to keep the clients I
have. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via Twitterrific

72. collier1960 #AIAchat: If we are "stewards" of the environment (& I believe we are) who
then is the owner? Stewards manage another's wealth or positionsabout 1 hour ago via web

73. bslarch Q3 it's not our responsibility or our job anymore if client won't pay. #aiachatabout
1 hour ago via TweetChat

74. arch_girl Q3 sustainability ultimately driven by $$, good 4

env't=bonus/2ndary #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via mobile web

75. angrydavid Q2: is it inconceivable to ask a client to reduce scope to gain lifespan & NRG
savings? | Has worked for us | spend now save later #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

76. AIAStateAffairs @KyleLEED Practice is one thing; staying in business is another.

Agreed? #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

77. KurtzonLighting @AIANational you forgot 2 add #AIAChat!! Q3 What’s the primary
driver for sustainability in ur practice (environmental, affordability, etc)?about 1 hour ago via web

78. EBArchDesign @AIAStateAffairs The last firm I worked for, the majority of clients were
seeking LEED cert. $ was a concern, but not the main 1. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via HootSuite

79. greenprintevent #aiachat Believing, Searching & Educating sustainability. Our mission
is to educate professionals to do the same @AIANationalabout 1 hour ago via HootSuite

80. KyleLEED RT @Matt_Hawk: @aianational We're stewards of the built environment, we

MUST be practising green/sustainable design#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat
81. crwolfelaw RT @Urbanverse: RT @EBArchDesign: most sustainable building option is
REUSE. sevrl major US cities R facing a crisis of empty retail, office space. #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via TweetDeck

82. ajr02hawk Q3 Well it is our responsibility...isn't it? #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via web

83. aianational @HawkinsArch How comfortable are you pushing back when clients change
the designs? #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

84. Urbanverse #aiachat For comprehensive green building/lifestyle strategies, I

recommend Mouzon's new book: The Original Green. beautifully done.about 1 hour
ago via TweetDeck

85. threefourteen #aiachat by request check out www.blastfollow.comto follow EVERYONE

tweeting the hashtag. Warning.. Its everyone and instantaneous ;)about 1 hour ago via Twitter for

86. KyleLEED Q3: Why does sustainability need a driver? Why cant sustainability be a
common practice? #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

87. angrydavid RT @Matt_Hawk: @aianational We're stewards of the built environment, we

MUST be practising green/sustainable design#aiachat | smashing!about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

88. HawkinsArch @aianational. Not as much as I would like to. Clients have power to
change many designs along the way. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via Twitterrific

89. bslarch Q2 Imo, it must be client driven #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

90. girlfuturist RT @EBArchDesign: The most sustainable building option is REUSE.

Several major US cities are facing a crisis of empty retail, office space. #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via HootSuite

91. DESIGNSTUDIO26 @ladyaia provocative thought: electricity as our cell phone bill.
Regulated. Credited. Per "Hot, Flat, & Crowded"#smartgrid #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck
92. threeps RT @Urbanverse: RT @EBArchDesign: most sustainable building option is
REUSE. sevrl major US cities R facing a crisis of empty retail, office space. #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via TweetDeck

93. leehop RT @Matt_Hawk @aianational We're stewards of the built environment, we

MUST be practising green/sustainable design#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via Twittelator

94. Urbanverse RT @EBArchDesign: most sustainable building option is REUSE. sevrl

major US cities R facing a crisis of empty retail, office space. #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via TweetDeck

95. LimitlessComp @liraluis Thanks! I am not an arch firm but I work closely with an "eco-
engineering" firm. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

96. bslarch q2 Clients can't seem to get funding for their funct. needs as it is. tell them they
must spend $1 more, kissem bye as a client#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

97. spacialadapt RT @HawkinsArch: Most times the true challenge is to explain value
beyond $. That is usually the biggest obstacle it seems. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via HootSuite

98. KurtzonLighting @threefourteen tell everyone about the Blast Follow

thingy. #AIAChatabout 1 hour ago via web

99. Matt_Hawk @aianational We're stewards of the built

environment, we MUST be practising green/sustainable design #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via TweetChat
100. ladyaia rt @chloregy Do Consumers Cut Peak Demand When Temperatures
Soar? http://ow.ly/182ozw .Yes, when there are rebates! #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via web

101. ajr02hawk @AIANational Yes and it involves millions of extra dollars for the job.
Although that is good for us....more fee..#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via web

102. AIAStateAffairs Of clients who seek #greenbuilding, what % of them want it for
enviro rather than $ reasons? #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

103. ale_benevides @AIANational Q2 in fact , green buildings saves money in the

long-term with lower energy and water costs . #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

104. mike_kohn @archihosk But isn't it more pressing that the public thinks it's a 10-
25% cost inc. to have green design? #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

105. Urbanverse @AIAStateAffairs I think we create green building codes based on

what we know now and then keep improving. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

106. bslarch @aianational Q2 practice is lmtd. especially now #aiachatabout 1 hour

ago via TweetChat

107. HawkinsArch Q2 Most times the true challenge is for architects to explain value
beyond $. That is usually the biggest obstacle it seems. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via Twitterrific

108. liraluis @LimitlessComp After this chat I can send you a link about the American
Reinvestment+Recovery Act grants for Green Technologies #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

109. greenlandlady @hern_jenn #aiachat in progressabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

110. shamit @collier1960 Clashing with FIFA Worldcup Semi Finals Germany vs
Spain #Architects #AIAchatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

111. threefourteen RT @EBArchDesign: The most sustainable building option is

REUSE. Several major US cities are facing a crisis of empty retail, office space. #aiachatabout 1
hour ago via HootSuite
112. collier1960 Environmentalists, see what Architects are saying about
green/sustainable design. Join the #AIAchat now. #LEED #Green#Ecology #Sustainableabout 1
hour ago via web

113. perspectivearch @AIAStateAffairs Problem I have had is with incentive

programs, seems like if try to go for solar or sim...all the rebates are gone #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via web

114. aianational Many of you have talked about the challenges of sustainable design,
but you are practicing sustainable design.#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

115. LimitlessComp @liraluis Grant helpful since tech constantly evolving & difficult
to get clients to invest in a green tech that is soon replaced. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

116. ajr02hawk I thought we only have until 2012....#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via web

117. DESIGNSTUDIO26 Yes! RT @ladyaia: RT @EBArchDesign: The most

sustainable building option is REUSE. Major US cities facing crisis of empty space. #aiachatabout
1 hour ago via TweetDeck

118. liraluis Q2 We need to think not only of $ involved w/ sustainability but also how
we are going to sustain the community of 9Billion by 2050 #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

119. damnedgoodesign RT @EBArchDesign: The most sustainable building option

is REUSE. Several major US cities are facing a crisis of empty retail, office space. #aiachatabout
1 hour ago via HootSuite

120. Urbanverse RT @perspectivearch: @AIAStateAffairs Q2: Recently started own

firm to be able to make personal choices such as clients and values #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via TweetDeck

121. ladyaia RT @EBArchDesign: The most sustainable building option is REUSE.

Major US cities are facing a crisis of empty retail, office space. #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via TweetChat

122. greenprintevent RT @DESIGNSTUDIO26: at Duke's Sustainable Arch Class,

we reviewed Public Bldg, at LEED Platinum cert, was $79 / SF.. jaw dropper #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via HootSuite
123. MasterSpec Twitter chat with @AIANational is going on right now.. join in with
hashtag #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via web

124. archihosk Q2 RE percep v reality: http://bit.ly/atlLAt Assumes basic LEED cert,

representing a low bar. Still a premium for true green#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

125. ladyaia @perspectivearch Congrats on your new firm. Get a copy of the E-myth
(it's a book). #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

126. threefourteen #aiachat check out bimstorm for real time energy calculation and
BIM. Www.onuma.comabout 1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone

127. DESIGNSTUDIO26 @threefourteen & me... #aiachat & #FIFA10 ! he. ~ Go

Germany !about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

128. megankoehler Q2 We do need to market the economic benefits in addition to

health and enviro benefits. Good decisions aren't always $$$ #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via web

129. mike_kohn @AIAStateAffairs In some cases, sure. But if you show good design,
do well and do good, some clients can look past that.#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

130. EBArchDesign The most sustainable building option is REUSE. Several major
US cities are facing a crisis of empty retail, office space. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via HootSuite

131. angrydavid RT @llconnect: #aiachat - you know, cardboard doesn't last, but it's
easily recyclable - just a thought | Wish developers built w/ cardboardabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

132. liraluis @EBArchDesign @BloggerFitz There is a huge budget for grants under
the gov't's ARRA for Green Technologies. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

133. ladyaia rt @DESIGNSTUDIO26 Duke's Sustainable Arch Class, we reviewed a

Public Bldg that, at LEED Platinum cert was $79 / SF.. jaw dropper #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via web

134. DESIGNSTUDIO26 i'm all up for iPhone app for energy modeling. Brilliant
Lira ! #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck
135. DMDInsight RT @Urbanverse: Q2 #aiachat Econ. benefits of sust design need
to address long term cost of unsustainable design.about 1 hour ago via HootSuite

136. perspectivearch @AIAStateAffairs Q2: Recently started own firm to be able to

make personal choices such as who clients are and retain moral values #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via web

137. greenlandlady @megankoehler Just thought you should know lease models
exist to deal w/ these issues. Get the word out there, you know. . . #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via TweetChat

138. DESIGNSTUDIO26 at Duke's Sustainable Arch Class, we reviewed a Public Bldg

that, at LEED Platinum certification, was $79 / SF.. jaw dropper #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via TweetDeck

139. EBArchDesign @BloggerFitz True, but in this economic climate where funding
is hard to get for development projects, it's a CHALLENGE. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via HootSuite

140. liraluis Q2. con't: This can be done via energy models, maybe an iPhone app
that calculates energy savings in realtime, etc. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

141. AIAStateAffairs @bslarch Spelunkitecture; love it! #aiachatabout 1 hour

ago via TweetChat

142. mike_kohn @AIAStateAffairs Maybe. But doing strong work can convert them to
long-term clients. You never know what's coming up.#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

143. megankoehler @GreenLandlady I'm not a landlady :) Often lease agreements

are arranged prior to (independent of) design. ie, corporate TI. #aiachat [Q2]about 1 hour
ago via web

144. GreenbuildINFO #AIAChat Q2 yes TI leases need to change from triple net to
green lease terms where tenants are encouraged conserve and benefit in $ savgsabout 1 hour
ago via web

145. threefourteen RT @llconnect: @angrydavid #aiachat - you know, cardboard

doesn't last, but it's easily recyclable - just a thought. (durable/sustainable?)about 1 hour
ago via Twitter for iPhone
146. bslarch @llconnect caves have very little upfront const cost and unbeatable
insulation value #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

147. DESIGNSTUDIO26 agree ! RT @liraluis: Q2. con't: Sustained vision is

something that we #architects need to help our clients visualize.#aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via TweetDeck

148. HawkinsArch Lots of factors involved in selling clients to spend up front. It also
varies by Proj type. It's hard in our current society.#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via Twitterrific

149. greenlandlady @perspectivearch Q2 OK, give nicer faucets & replace

aerators! #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

150. liraluis Q2. con't: Sustained vision is something that we #architectsneed to help
our clients visualize. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

151. AIAStateAffairs ? 4 @perspectivearch: are clients w/ short-term focus, by

definition, short-term clients? #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

152. ajr02hawk Lets face it...Making a building more sustainable cost more money up
front...We need to infor our clients of the benifits..#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via web

153. Urbanverse @threefourteen good luck w/ that Jason... ;-) Let me know if you
need a back up... #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

154. perspectivearch @aianational Q2: Clients are looking for biggest bang for buck
now, they want immediate gratification...like nicer faucets #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via web

155. bslarch Q2 I think we all could take lessons from Austin, TX.#aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via TweetChat

156. greenlandlady @megankoehler Have you looked in to green leases/net lease

agreements. This deals w/ split incentive. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

157. angrydavid RT @threefourteen: #aiachat Q2 | Had a client once say they cld
invest $ saved upfront. | that is what all green indust. are fighting | sad!about 1 hour
ago via TweetDeck
158. threefourteen Let's see if I can join #aiachat and work at the same time without
my PM thinking I'm just texting on my phone at my deskabout 1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone

159. cannondesign Will what we consider green and sustainable change as we move
forward #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via HootSuite

160. AIAStateAffairs ? 4 @Urbanverse & @GreenLandLady: How would you

propose we codify #green? #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

161. angrydavid Q2: Econ. always trumps eco until we can convince people to pay
for a building that lasts #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

162. megankoehler Q2 Economic benefits can be a tough sell if an owner pays for
construction and a tenant pays utilities - also if tenant pays for TI #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via web

163. ladyaia @EBArchDesign That's where communities like Austin have invested
money in rebates to citizens to counter the backlash.#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

164. archihosk Q2 Resource efficiency LEED credits CAN translate to economic

incentives, but not always. Needs both eco and econ focus #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

165. threefourteen #aiachat Q2 economy and energy concerns are changing the
need for lifecycle costing. Had a client once say they cld invest $ saved upfront.about 1 hour
ago via Twitter for iPhone

166. bslarch Q2 Evn if u use pass., sol., etc. GC costs for the "unkown" are more.
Also "green" costs more because it is a buzz word.#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

167. liraluis Q2 "Learning to live fulfilling lives w/out exceeding planetary limits will
take sustained+ balanced vision of our place in nature"#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

168. Urbanverse @GreenLandlady I agree, I think that green mandates should be in

code form. problem is, we are still developing the standards. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

169. greenlandlady @Urbanverse Don't think I haven't thought abt it, but my clients
are not design savvy. Want only to save $$ & increase asset value #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via TweetChat
170. AIAStateAffairs Simple economics: more H2O, NRG use/demand=higher
costs #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

171. llconnect @bslarch #aiachat - is there no way to build a positive ROI for
green/sustainable design?about 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

172. spacialadapt @llconnect #aiachat YES! If we start here, most of the rest will fall
into place.about 1 hour ago via HootSuite

173. arch_girl Q2 benefits=obvious:less materials/energy wasted w/sustainable

design practices #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via mobile web

174. threefourteen #aiachat Q1 the trick to minimum codes is getting the client to
pay for more than the minimum. 15 pcs of flair is the minimum.about 1 hour ago via Twitter for iPhone

175. mike_kohn @DesignStudio26 So true, but people don't believe that. Check that
article on percep v reality: http://bit.ly/atlLAt #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

176. Urbanverse @GreenLandlady heh. you'll need a new twitter name. or we might
be beyond that too! =) #green #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

177. EBArchDesign Q2: There is currently a backlash against green design saying
that lifecycle benefits don't equal the upfront cost.#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via HootSuite

178. greenlandlady @perspectivearch Do you discuss rising utility costs, price of

carbon, water restrictions? #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

179. aianational @perspectivearch What don't your clients like about the
future? #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

180. GreenbuildINFO #AIAChat Q2 Principles: High performance envelope, local

materials and durability taking priority over lowest, cheapest, one size fits allabout 1 hour ago via web

181. Urbanverse RT @ale_benevides: @aianational Q2 - If it isn't affordable, it isn't

green or sustainable. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck
182. KyleLEED Q2: Not necessarily focus but draw equal attention too#aiachatabout 1
hour ago via TweetDeck

183. bslarch Q2 how do you make lifecycle savings more important than initial cost.
Esp. in this economy #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

184. perspectivearch @AIANational Have had mixed results trying to convince

clients to invest in the future benefits...why is it so hard to convince? #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via web

185. Matt_Hawk Certainly a big part of it! Agree

RT @ale_benevides:@aianational Q2 - If it isnt affordable, it isnt green or
sustentable.#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

186. greenlandlady Me too. RT @Urbanverse: Q1: Think that we are going to be

beyond #green with a decade. I hope so anyway.#aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetChat

187. DESIGNSTUDIO26 Q2 : + sustainable does not need to equal expense.. how

about passive, recycled, & other... good design practices 'period'. #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via TweetDeck

188. EBArchDesign It take more than just green bldgs. Key for a sustainability are
new urbanist communities centered around resource conservation. #aiachatabout 1 hour
ago via HootSuite

189. aianational @Dzunyck In 140 characters?!? #aiachatabout 1 hour

ago via TweetChat
190. ale_benevides @aianational Q2 - If it isn't affordable, it isn't green or
sustentable. #aiachatabout 1 hour ago via TweetDeck

191. llconnect #aiachat joining conv: how about benefits to people? Healthier work
environment, healthier people.about 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

192. mike_kohn Q2 They're certainly not stressed enough, that's for

sure... #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

193. Dzunyck @AIANational What are the principles of Green Design?#aiachatabout

2 hours ago via web

194. AIArchAdvocacy #aiachat "Sustainable" may mean something quite different in

an increasingly volatile world - climate and otherwise.about 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

195. DESIGNSTUDIO26 Q2 : yes, but instead of upfront costs, consider lice-cycle

cost & benfits.. permanence. Why do our new bldgs last 10 years ? #aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetDeck

196. AIAStateAffairs Q2: #Architects know that bldgs can b designed 2 operate w/
significantly < avg NRG levels -- often w/ little/no add'l cost #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

197. angrydavid Q2: this is where lifecycle begins to equal true green design | Dollars
speak louder than labels everytime | front end vs lifecycle #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

198. Urbanverse Q1: Think that we are going to be beyond #green with a decade. I
hope so anyway. #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

199. imadnaffa Agree, codes are a minimum standard. RT@greenlandlady: Bldg

codes are a starting point not an end point.#aiachat /via @Urbanverseabout 2 hours
ago via Twitterrific

200. KyleLEED Q2: YES!!! #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

201. liraluis Q1 "Green design is also adopting nature's best ideas/capturing natural
processes. ie how a leaf captures solar energy" #AspenForum #aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetChat
202. bslarch Q2 Lifecycle costs, now we're talking. #aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetChat

203. fountaineer RT @GreenbuildINFO: #AIAChat Q1 architects have been

'conditioned' by engineers that whatever we design they can make work, arch's need to relearn
some skillsabout 2 hours ago via web

204. LimitlessComp @angrydavid Maybe better define the term "green" since it is
already in the public imagination. Easy, right? #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

205. aianational For those just joining us, welcome. We're on Q2, economic benefits
of green design/sustainable design. #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

206. mike_kohn RT @arch_girl: #aiachat LEED, as w/anything needs 2b followed in

intent vs literal #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

207. mike_kohn @arch_girl That is so true. There are so many things that that
applies to as well... #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

208. greenlandlady @aianational Q2 Cannot divorce environment from

economics. #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

209. GreenbuildINFO #AIAChat Q1 no LEED in large part can be credited with

transforming the marketplace, it is not the answer to green design skills and IPDDabout 2 hours
ago via web

210. angrydavid Q1 RT @greenlandlady...sustainable, Lifecycle, too long & boring.

Need something catchy! #aiachat | It needs to measurable | green footprintabout 2 hours
ago via TweetDeck

211. arch_girl #aiachat LEED, as w/anything needs 2b followed in intent vs

literalabout 2 hours ago via mobile web

212. mike_kohn RT @KyleLEED Q1: The use of #green has been overused but is
that bad? Would we be in the same pos. today if not for the word #green #aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetChat
213. aianational Q2 per @drewpoeppel Green design is marketed as environmental.
Shouldn’t we focus on economic benefits? #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

214. bslarch @BloggerFitz, that's my point. Local officials should make the decisions.
Only way I see code is by input from every environ in US. #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

215. greenlandlady RT @Urbanverse: Q1 agree RT @HawkinsArch: its abt making

thoughtful choices abt every aspect of a project balance w/ client goals #aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetChat

216. megankoehler Q1 "green" and "good" are both vague, often subjective terms
when used to describe design #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via web

217. greenlandlady @angrydavid We need marketing guys on this labeling stuff.

Sustainable, Lifecycle, too long & boring. Need something catchy! #aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetChat

218. megankoehler Q1 Green design is conscious (or rather, conscientious design),

regardless of whether it is "good" #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via web

219. patchupfashion RT @KyleLEED: Q1: The use of #green has been overused but
is that bad? Would we be in the same pos. today if not for the word #green. #aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetDeck

220. DESIGNSTUDIO26 you want truly 'sustainable'? .. consider the Living Building
Challenge instead... #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

221. Urbanverse Q1 agree RT @HawkinsArch: really it's abt making thoughtful

choices abt every aspect of a project....balance w/ client goals. #aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetDeck

222. bslarch collier1960 RT @GreenbuildINFO Arch's need to relearn some skills -

isn't that what LEED is for? #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

223. BloggerFitz @bslarch sustainable building design and planning all starts locally,
project, place and client specific #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat
224. AIAStateAffairs @bslarch "Nationalization" not needed; uniformity w/ flexibility
for adaptation for climatic consideration built into #IGCC, BTW #aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetChat

225. greenlandlady @DESIGNSTUDIO26 Agree LEED is prescriptive, but must

acknowledge the good too #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

226. Urbanverse @mike_kohn yes, I think LEED is heading towards QOL issues,
perhaps Living Building Challenge as a guide. #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

227. KyleLEED Q1: The use of #green has been overused but is that bad? Would we
be in the same pos. today if not for the word #green.#aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

228. Matt_Hawk Q1 our projects are defined by our

budgets, green is providing a lasting/useful products #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

229. bslarch Whatever happened to GreenGlobes #aiachatabout 2 hours

ago via TweetChat

230. angrydavid Q1: Can we as designers/architect discard "green" and adopt a new
term? | Lifecycle efficient | Sustainable Lifecycle?#aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

231. perspectivearch @AIANational Q1: Green design should be inherent to

responsible arch; wary of over regulation -would help w/ prob of value engr out #aiachatabout 2
hours ago via web
232. MetropolisMag RT @tomorrowsprjct: RT @AIANational: We are set
for #aiachat today http://bit.ly/bES0Kx Let's chat about #greendesign, Join Now!about 2 hours
ago via TweetDeck

233. greenprintevent RT @HawkinsArch: Q1 Green design is that which is sensitive

to a projects environment; local, regional and global.#aiachatabout 2 hours ago via HootSuite

234. DESIGNSTUDIO26 @AIAStateAffairs @greenlandlady ... but, inherit problem

with LEED: being used prescriptively & not as a performance-based model. #aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetDeck

235. greenlandlady @Urbanverse Do feel we need codes, tho. Have been seeing
positive effects of LEED on vendors to multifamily. Yeah!#aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

236. spacialadapt RT @greenlandlady: Q1 What is the point of design that is NOT

sustainable?!? Are you bldg sandcastles at the shoreline. . . #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via HootSuite

237. GreenbuildINFO #AIAChat Q1 architects have been 'conditioned' by engineers

that whatever we design they can make work, arch's need to relearn some skillsabout 2 hours
ago via web

238. bslarch Q1, regulation Cannot be nationalized. What works in Alaska won't in
Florida. I'd hate to be on that code committee#aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

239. mike_kohn @Urbanverse LEED? An alternative measure? Maybe required is

the wrong word...essential or basic components might be more approp. #aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetChat

240. HawkinsArch Really it's about making thoughtful choices about every aspect of
a project. And attempting to still meet client goals. Balance. #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via Twitterrific

241. nicolejanok RT @EBArchDesign: @AIAStateAffairs There is value is

having #green quantified. It gives consumers (landlords, developers, tenants) a
product. #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via HootSuite

242. tomorrowsprjct Q1 #aiachat re good design: 67% of our poll respondents say
sustainable design is already synonymous with good design http://ht.ly/28gBfabout 2 hours
ago via HootSuite
243. greenlandlady True. RT @nicolejanok: Q1: Green has been over-used in
design, diluting its meaning eventually everything will be "green"#aiachat #aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetChat

244. Urbanverse Agree, codes are a minimum standard. RT@greenlandlady: Bldg

codes are a starting point not an end point.#aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

245. AIAStateAffairs RT @greenlandlady: Bldg codes starting point not end

point.>>Point well-taken; #green code floor; LEED, etc. aspirational ceiling #aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetChat

246. greenprintevent LOL! RT @ladyaia: Q1 Three lashes with a bamboo stick to

anyone who says green design is not good design. :) #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via HootSuite

247. Urbanverse @mike_kohn each area needs some different approach. I dont
know about "required." required by who? #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

248. greenlandlady Agree. RT @Urbanverse: @mike_kohn green needs special

consideration b/c it should be regulated, imo, not optional.#aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

249. GreenbuildINFO #AIAChat Q1 Many times it is the design that makes a building
an energy hog or its the materials we select that waste a lot of resources...about 2 hours ago via web

250. nicolejanok Q1: Green certainly has become an over-used word in design,
diluting its meaning... eventually everything will be "green"#aiachatabout 2 hours ago via web

251. DESIGNSTUDIO26 agreed. RT @GreenLandlady: Bldg codes are a starting

point not an end point. #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

252. greenlandlady Bldg codes are a starting point not an end point.#aiachatabout 2
hours ago via TweetChat

253. EBArchDesign @AIAStateAffairs There is value is having #greenquantified. It

gives consumers (landlords, developers, tenants) a product. #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via HootSuite

254. liraluis @mike_kohn Yeah we have been very careful now abt labeling FLW's
architecture as "organic" architecture--creates quite a stir. #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat
255. mike_kohn @Urbanverse Yes, definitely. I think all of those details - social,
green, technical, design - should have required components.#aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetChat

256. aianational @collier1960 Thanks! We'll send transcript later if you don't return
before we end today. #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

257. greenlandlady @bslarch Sustainable to both. Won't get built w/out financial
consideration. Carbon pricing will greatly effect on design & retro #aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetChat

258. mike_kohn @liraluis Don't even get me started on that. The buzz can be
good. #WDC started charging for plastic bags in Jan this year. #aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetChat

259. GreenbuildINFO #AIAChat Q1 I think we all need to remember the green

building codes are on their way. This is no longer a question of 'Good' design is grnabout 2 hours
ago via web

260. Urbanverse @AIANational social aspects of sustainability to me are include

equality, social justice, QOL, etc - sustainable cities/buildings #aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetDeck

261. KyleLEED It should be at least RT @Matt_Hawk: Q1: Isn't Green inherent to the
design process? #aiachat #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

262. liraluis @mike_kohn another one in that category is "organic"#aiachatabout 2

hours ago via TweetChat

263. HotelWorldNet RT @aianational: We are set for #aiachat today!

http://bit.ly/bES0Kx Let's chat about #green design, 2 pm EST. Won't you join us?about 2 hours
ago via HootSuite

264. AIAStateAffairs ? for @greenlandlady: no need for temporary

structures? #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

265. greenlandlady @Matt_Hawk Depends on designer's/client's

orientation #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat
266. HawkinsArch @angrydavid. Agreed. Green is a ill chosen label. I prefer
sustainable myself. #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via Twitterrific

267. bslarch Q1 @ greenlandlady , sustainable to environ, or owner's

pocket? #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

268. Urbanverse @mike_kohn green needs special consideration b/c it should be

regulated, imo, not optional. #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

269. liraluis @greenlandlady or architectural follies #aiachatabout 2 hours

ago via TweetChat

270. collier1960 @nicolejanok Hi, Nicole! Welcom to #AIAchat...about 2 hours

ago via web

271. Matt_Hawk Q1: Isn't Green inherent to the design

process?#aiachat #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

272. liraluis Q1. Green design has been reduced to a buzz word these days, sadly.
Result is greenwashing. #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

273. aianational @Urbanverse What are social aspects of sustainability?

#aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

274. mike_kohn @Urbanverse That's probably true, but don't you think they should
merge and encompass all of those facets? #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat
275. nicolejanok Nicole PR rep for Coverings, the Ultimate Tile + Stone Show, here
to learn! #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via web

276. bslarch Q1: Green design cannot be achieved without Viability. It must be
Sustainable, Fuctional, and Affordable. 3 legs to the stool!#aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

277. ModernMecca RT @Urbanverse: #aiachat Q1 Green & sustainable are not

necessarily interchangable. Green is abt environ, technical; sustainable includes green +
social.about 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

278. angrydavid Q1: Buzzwords desensitize the general public to the benefits of the
approach (eg: low fat) & devalue practitioners efforts#aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

279. GreenbuildINFO #AIAChat - Yes it should be but that its simply not true, there
are many great examples of good design that have nothing to do with green.about 2 hours
ago via web

280. archihosk "Green Design" is making an attempt to minimize damage to envt and
use of resources by buildings, which by nature do both. #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

281. DerekMarkham Word. RT @AIANational: Q1 Green design. . .what is it really?

Isn’t it “good” design? #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via HootSuite

282. liraluis @angrydavid Q1: True. "Green" has become another buzz word these
days. #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

283. Urbanverse #aiachat Q1 Green & sustainable are not necessarily

interchangable. Green is abt environ, technical; sustainable includes green + social.about 2 hours
ago via TweetDeck

284. AIAStateAffairs ? for @EBArchDesign: can or should #green be

quantified? #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

285. mike_kohn Q1 It's good design for sure, but it's really about prioritizing
sustainability in our built environment. #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat
286. greenlandlady Agreed. RT @KyleLEED: Q1 Being a student, LEED AP, and
Designer. Green design is not only "good" but a necessity. #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

287. DESIGNSTUDIO26 lol funny ! :D RT @ladyaia: Q1 Three lashes with a bamboo

stick to anyone who says green design is not good design. :) #aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetDeck

288. angrydavid Q1: isn't green design just a media created buzzwork? | prefer to
use sustainable/ecological sensitive design to describe work#aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetDeck

289. DESIGNSTUDIO26 Q1: (cont'd) .. public misunderstands green w/ label; it's not
about labels.. it's a purpose & being less detrimental longer term. #aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetDeck

290. KyleLEED Q1 Being a student, LEED AP, and Designer. Green design is not
only "good" but a necessity. #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

291. cannondesign #aiachat Q1 Green design is more of an approach than a

solution. It's always striving to make sustainable decisions.about 2 hours ago via HootSuite

292. HawkinsArch Q1 Green design is that which is sensitive to a projects

environment; local, regional and global. #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via Twitterrific

293. greenlandlady Q1 Hi, Kim here in LA, CA: existing building, multifamily
sustainability advisor. Grn design considers health, resources, context #aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetChat

294. Urbanverse RT @Hal_Good: RT @aianational: Q1 Green design. . .what is it

really? Isn’t it “good” design? #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

295. hafeleamerica RT @collier1960: Fellow #Architects, please join

the#AIAchat (follow along using this "hashtag" #AIAchat)about 2 hours ago via web

296. liraluis Q1. Green design is abt designing a structure to operate @ it's optimum
performance alongside aesthetics. Form+function are one. #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat
297. collier1960 Fellow #Architects, please join the #AIAchat (follow along using this
"hashtag" #AIAchat)about 2 hours ago via web

298. DESIGNSTUDIO26 Q1: Green, or better said 'sustainable' design, is a more

holistic approach to bldg design. Should be innate to our work, always. #aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetDeck

299. megankoehler Attempting to jump into #aiachat on "green design" today -

Megan, an architect and sustainability coordinator in San Franciscoabout 2 hours ago via web

300. angrydavid David - Architect - tucson #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

301. Hal_Good RT @aianational: Q1 Green design. . .what is it really? Isn’t it “good”

design? #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

302. collier1960 RT @aianational: Let’s get started. Stay on topic, number your
response w/the corresponding question, use the#aiachat hashtag, and have fun! #aiachatabout 2
hours ago via TweetChat

303. DMDInsight @AIANational Glad to join today's #aiachat!about 2 hours

ago via HootSuite

304. aianational Q1 Green design. . .what is it really? Isn’t it “good”

design? #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

305. aianational Let’s get started. Stay on topic, number your response w/the
corresponding question, use the #aiachat hashtag, and have fun! #aiachatabout 2 hours
ago via TweetChat

306. DESIGNSTUDIO26 Welcome Genie ! RT @EBArchDesign: Hi, this is Genie-

architectural designer and LEED AP from Chicago.#aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetDeck

307. aianational Hi! Welcome, everyone; I’m glad you’re here. I’m@sybil_b, your
moderator today. #aiachat #aiachatabout 2 hours ago via TweetChat

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