2016 - Abstract of Automated Segmentation and Classification of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Fuzzy C

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Automated Segmentation and Classification of Hepatocellular

Carcinoma Using Fuzzy C-Means and SVM Mai R. Ibraheem ,

Mohammed Elmogy. Date: 04 June 2016

For successful classification of Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) in

ultrasound (US) images, effective preprocessing steps are highly
desirable. Most of Computer Aided Diagnostic (CAD) systems miss the
most important steps of image preprocessing and image segmentation.
In such a framework, only some texture features, which are obtained
directly from the images or ROIs, are used as inputs of classifiers.
Image preprocessing and segmentation of US images are useful for
better judgment of normal and cancerous cases. Although, there are
many studies on the classification of medical images, the fully
automatic classification is still a difficult task. In this work, we propose
an automated classification of US liver tumors using SVM with the aid
of Fuzzy c-means (FCM) and level set method. A large number of
features were extracted by using statistical, textual, and histogram-
based features to discriminate the HCC maximally by developing an
SVM classification system. SVMs work on maximizing the margin
between the separating hyperplane and the data to minimize upper
bound of the generalization error. The proposed Fuzzy C-SVM based
system is compared with the K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) based
approach. Experimental results demonstrated that the Fuzzy C-SVM
based system greatly outperforms KNN-based approach.

Untuk klasifikasi berhasil Hepatocellular Carcinoma (HCC) di USG (US) gambar,

langkah preprocessing efektif sangat diinginkan. Sebagian besar Computer Aided
Diagnostik (CAD) sistem lewatkan langkah yang paling penting dari
preprocessing citra dan segmentasi citra. Dalam kerangka tersebut, hanya
beberapa fitur tekstur, yang diperoleh langsung dari gambar atau ROI, digunakan
sebagai input pengklasifikasi. Gambar preprocessing dan segmentasi gambar US
berguna untuk penilaian yang lebih baik dari kasus normal dan kanker. Meskipun,
ada banyak studi tentang klasifikasi citra medis, klasifikasi sepenuhnya otomatis
masih merupakan tugas yang sulit. Dalam karya ini, kami mengusulkan klasifikasi
otomatis tumor hati US menggunakan SVM dengan bantuan Fuzzy c-means
(FCM) dan metode level set. Sejumlah besar fitur diekstraksi dengan
menggunakan statistik, tekstual, dan fitur berbasis histogram untuk membedakan
HCC maksimal dengan mengembangkan sistem klasifikasi SVM. SVMs bekerja
pada memaksimalkan margin antara hyperplane memisahkan dan data untuk
meminimalkan batas atas kesalahan generalisasi. Sistem Fuzzy yang diusulkan C-
SVM berdasarkan dibandingkan dengan pendekatan berbasis K-Nearest Neighbor
(KNN). Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa sistem berbasis C-SVM Fuzzy
performanya melebihi pendekatan berbasis KNN.

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