How Much Do Alcohol Calories Count

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How much do alcohol calories count?

P M Suter
Published online: 04 Sep 2013.

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How Much Do Alcohol Calories Count?

Do alcohol calories count [l]? In view of the pandemic of Research about the effect of alcohol on body weight is
overweight and obesity this becomes a central question for still very controversial and even with modem research tools
many if not all moderate alcohol consumers (a moderate con- the phenomena of the Beer Street and Gin Lane have not yet
sumption level is regarded to be in the range of 20 to 30 grams been completely elucidated. The controversy regarding the body
alcohol per day). In this issue of The Journal of the American weight effects of alcohol is mainly caused by the heterogeneity of
College of Nutrition Cordain et al report that the supplemen- the study populations regarding the quantity and frequency of
tation of two glasses of wine during a period of 6 weeks does alcohol consumption, food composition, socioeconomic charac-
Downloaded by [Wayne State University] at 23:45 25 November 2014

not affect body weight and/or energy metabolism. If the addi- teristics, life style characteristics including patterns of physical
tion of two glasses of wine (corresponding to about 35 g of activity, gender, smoking, biochemical characteristicsof the major
alcohol) to the daily energy requirements seems to be free of an metabolic pathways of alcohol degradation and unknown factors.
effect on body weight this would indeed represent good news To study the effects of alcohol on body weight in epide-
for many weight concerned moderate alcohol consumers. These miologic studies, the study population should be as homogeneous
results seem to be valid for the studied population, however, it as possible for as many factors as possible except for the amount
would be of major interest to know whether these results can be of alcohol consumed. Studies fulfilling these criteria are rare.
generalized to all moderate alcohol consumers. Tofler and Woodings [3] studied a homogeneous group of social
The epidemiologic studies of the last 30 years do not show drinkers of similar age and identical socioeconomic background.
a consistent pattern between the association of alcohol con- Beer was the principal source of alcohol and the consumption
sumption and body weight. Several studies showed a positive level ranged from 0 to II L per day. The body weight of these
or negative relation, while others showed no relationship [2]. subjects increased continuously from the lowest to the highest
All the data are probably correct for the corresponding study consumption levels. This study of a rather homogeneous group of
population but they can not be generalized to other populations subjects - differing in alcohol intake over a rather wide range -
or single individuals! would strongly support the concept, that alcohol may be an im-
The effects of alcohol on body weight are - as many other portant positive modifier of the body weight status and has to be
alcohol effects - at least biphasic. Small quantities have no regarded as a risk factor for weight gain.
effect, moderate amounts may lead to an increase in body Metabolic studies regarding the alcohol effects on body
weight, whereas excessive amounts lead again to a decrease in weight are also controversial. Much of the controversy can be
body weight. The relationship is best represented in the clas- explained by methodological issues including the characteristics
sical engravings from William Hogarth (1751) of the Beer of the study subjects especially regarding their usual alcohol
Street and Gin Lane. In the former the typical representatives intake, the alcohol dose given, and methods of the evaluation of
are overweight individuals with the characteristic beer belly. energy metabolism and quantity as well quality of the concomit-
These subjects are moderate to heavier regular alcohol consum- tant food intake during the experiments [4]. The isocaloric substi-
ers, who usually add the alcohol to their food intake. However, tution of large amounts of alcohol lead to weight loss, which is not
if the "members of the Beer Street" increase their alcohol surprising. Further the addition of alcohol did not always result in
intake further they will find themselves sooner or later in the weight gain [5, 6]. Many theories and hypotheses have been
Gin Lane. The typical phenotype is an underweight emaciated formulated to explain this controversy. Nevertheless the alcohol
person showing the signs of primary malnutrition. Excessive consumption frequency and quantity as well as individual factors,
amounts of alcohol are mainly metabolized in the microsomal such as baseline fatness, food composition, etc. may be important
ethanol oxidizing system characterized by an increased alcohol modulators of the effect of alcohol.
related thermogenesis and "energy wastage" as well as second- Daily clinical experience strongly supports the enhancement
ary malnutrition. Present evidence suggests that these engrav- of body weight changes as a function of changes in alcohol
ings may - besides the social and moral aspects - represent the intake. Further, clinical experience suggests that food compo-
extremes of the effects of alcohol on body weight. sition (especially the amount of fat) may be a modulator of the

Journal of the American College of Nutrition, Vol. 16, No.2, 105-106 (1997)
Published by the American College of Nutrition


alcohol effects. Periods of increased alcohol consumption lead that these subjects were resistant to the metabolic effects of alco-
to weight gain, alcohol abstinence leads to weight loss in hol; however, their behavior and their life style and other not
regular consumers; however, baseline fatness seems to be an measured/not measurable factors seemed to be ideal regarding
important modifier of the clinical response. One of the major their body weight dynamics, since they maintained a stable
determinants of baseline fatness is the absolute body weight weight For Cordain's study population, the alcohol calories did
and food composition. It seems that alcohol enhances weight apparently not count during the intervention period. However, a
gain especially in subjects with a higher baseline fatness or stable body weight alone may not be enough. Alcohol has been
obese subjects and less in lean subjects [6, 7]. The constellation identified to enhance the abdominal deposition of fat, which would
described in the study by Cordain et al could be explained by be associated with a higher overall cardiovascular risk [10].
this, since their subjects were quite lean and the fat intake was In view of the present evidence the question "whether
much lower than the average fat intake in the US population! In alcohol calories do count" is a very important question but
a recent study we showed that acute dosing with alcohol probably the incorrect question. The more appropriate question
suppresses lipid oxidation thus leading to the development of a would be "How much do alcohol calories count?". There may
positive fat balance, the prerequisite for body weight gain [8]. be considerable variation of the effects of alcohol on body
We suggested that this effect can be counterbalanced by the weight from one person to another. What is moderate for one
reduction of fat intake in the ratio of at least 1:1 to the amount consumer may be too much for another consumer is apparently
Downloaded by [Wayne State University] at 23:45 25 November 2014

of alcohol consumed. also applicable to the body weight effects of alcohol. In daily
In contrast to other energy sources, alcohol can not be stored life the careful balance between potentially negative and ben-
in the body and is therefore metabolized continuously. There- eficial effects of alcohol should be evaluated on an individual
fore alcohol has an absolute preference in the intermediary me- basis only. The study by Cordain et al is an important step
tabolism, this also to minimize potential toxic effects. This priority towards well controlled interventional studies for the elucida-
position in metabolism takes place at the expense of changes in tion of the question "How much do alcohol calories count?".
other metabolic pathways including the suppression of lipid oxi-
dation. To a variable degree the energy in alcohol can be used for
ATP production [4]. The amounts of ATP derived from alcohol
calories depend on the pathway of ethanol metabolism (ADH
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is in most subjects a slowly but steadily progressing process. 9. Leibel RL, Dufour M, Hubbard VS, Lands WEM: Alcohol and
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energy would theoretically result in a weight gain of around 1
kg. However, body weight may vary considerably from day to Paolo M. Suter, MD, MS, FACN
day. Therefore the question has to be raised whether the length Medical Policlinic
of 6 weeks in the study by Cordain et al was sufficiently long University Hospital
to induce a measurable weight change at all. Zurich, Switzerland
Apparently the addition of two glasses of wine does not
affect energy metabolism in the population studied by Cordain et
al. The weight stability in this population does, however, not mean Received January 1997.

106 VOL. 16, NO.2

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