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Water Pollution
keep the water crystal clear or your your kids will shed a tear
South Indian state Kerala is one of the most polluted river in the world and the growth
rate amount to 14 per decade consequently the rivers of Kerala have been increasingly
polluted from the industrial and domestic waste and from the pesticides and fertilizers
used in agriculture Industries discharge hard as pollutants lifeforce face sites
ammonium fluoride heavy metal and insecticides into the downstream free plus
Parivar the major rivers name Lee priya and failure examples for the pollution due to
industrial it is estimated that nearly 260 million litres of Industrial effluents with the
Periyar river daily from the Cochin industrial belt belt
To know about the remedies for water pollution
To take precautions are the remedial measures to reduce water pollution

Concept of water pollution

Water pollution can be defined in many ways 1 or more substances and exercise
problems for animals all peoples Ocean lakes rivers and other Indian water can
naturally clean up amount of pollution buy dispersing it harmlessly
Types of water pollution
When we think of huge ocean lakes and rivers water resources like these are called as
surface waters the most obvious type of water pollution affects surface water for
example is still Soma from and voile tanker creates an oil slick that can affect a vast
area of the ocean.
Not all of earth water sites on its surface however a great deal No of water is held in
underground Rock structures known as happy 5 years which we cannot see and seldom
think about water stored underground in expires is known as groundwater. Acquifiers
feed our rivers and supply much of our drinking water day too can become polluted for
example when wheat Killers used in people's Gardens drains into the ground. Ground
water pollution is much obvious than surface water pollution but is not less of a
problem. Causes of water pollution
Most water pollution does not begin in the water itself take the oceans around 80%
visually any human activity can have an effect on the quality of our water environment
when farmers fertilizer feels better because they use are gradually washed by rain in
Brother groundwater on surface water nearby sometimes the cause of water pollution
on quite surprising chemicals released by smoke tax can enter the atmosphere and
then go back to earth are straight engineering fees rivers and lakes causing water
pollution that's called atmosphere Rock deposition.
Effects of pollution
Some people believe pollution is on inescapable result of human activity they agree
that if we want to have factories City Streets of oil and coastal Resorts some degree of
pollution is almost KUK result in other words pollution is a necessary evil that people
must put up with it if they want to make progress taking skills for example they can
happen if the angles are to properly bill to server accidents Tango quality brings an
economic cost when an oil spill coco the oval Canvas app for nearby beaches the
wasted ecosystem and see really affect your rhythm the main problem is that the
people who bear the cost of the spell on or the people who caused the problem in the
first place arguably everyone who puts gas so line in the car or users almost any kind of
Petroleum where it transport contributes to the problem in some way so oral skills are
a problem for everyone not just people who live by the cost and tanker operates.
There is no easy way to solve water pollution if there were It wouldn't be so much of a
problem Jolly speaking there are three different things that can help to tackle the
problem making people aware of the problem is a way to solving the problem in the
early 1997 Surfers in Britain to type of catching in US from water polluted with sewage
they formed a group called as offers agensi ways to propose governments and water
companies to clean a pair at people 4 have gone Rofin had to go to organise
community this training sessions and yes to the longest so many fish have penalty
against factories that pollution in two hours public awareness can make a positive
Life is ultimately about charges and so is pollution we can live with sea waves strong
teachers that reverse and fish that Auto poisonous to eat or we can work together to
keep the environment clean for the plants animals and people who depend on it
remain healthy we can take in which individuals action to help reduce water pollution
for example by using environmental friendly detergent soap pouring oil bound Reigns
reducing pesticides and so we can take community action to buy helping out on which
cleans little pics to keep our rivers and seas that little bit cleaner and we can take
action of countries and continents to pass laws that will make pollution harder and the
world less polluted working together we can make pollution less of a problem and the
world a better place
Biology of freshwater pollution by Christopher Mason Prentic hall, 2001
Pollution, causes, effects and control by Roy Harrison. Royal Society of
Chemistry 2001

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