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Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background

A. Background of the Study

Students life is difficult and challenging because of the obligations that they have to

do. In school, there are many tasks that are assigned and challenges that students have to face.

And some of students cant buy school materials because of the price increase and it can affect

their academic performance. Like the inflation of goods it is the common problem of students

who receives small allowance.

Inflation is the long term in the prices of goods and services caused by the devaluation

of currency ( Inflation is not only the problem of students. It is also a

universal problem because inflation have a strong impact for those people who is suffering from


High school students who receive small allowance are the one who really struggle from

inflation ( So we are conducting this research to know what exactly causes

inflation to high school students and how it can affect their academic performance and what

should they do to exceed in inflation.

B. Statement of the Problem

This study aims to know what is the impact of inflation rate of goods to high school

students who receive small allowance. And how does inflation affects their personal lives and to

their academic performance.

1. Why does inflation occur?

2. How do high school students budget their allowance?

3. How does inflation rate of goods affects Students personal lives?

4. How does inflation affect high school Students academic performance?

5. What can be done by Students to address the effects of inflation both in their personal lives

and academic performance?

C. Significance of the Study

This study is significant for the following reasons: First, The overall findings of this

study will serve as a Knowledge to students who dont know what inflation is. Second, We will

find out what really causes inflation to students and how it can affect their academic

performance. Third, People can come up with a simple solution to exceed in inflation of goods.

Fourth, The government can be motivated to offer help for those students who are suffering from

inflation. Lastly, This study will inspire not only students but also, other people who earn money

and doesnt know how to use their money for a good reason.
D. Scope and Delimitation

This study will be conducted to determine what exactly causes inflation rate of goods

to high school students ages 13-16 and to know how it affects their personal and academic

performance. Because they are the one who suffers from inflation rate of goods.

E. Definition of Terms

To have a better understanding of what this research work is all about, some of the

following terminologies are defines:

1. Poverty- state of being extremely poor

2. Devaluation- underestimation of the worth or importance of something

3. Inflation- is the rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising

4. Currency- a system of money in general use in a particular country

5. Universal- affecting, or done by all people or things in the world or in a particular group
The increase of inflation rate of goods

has an impact to high school students

who receive small allowance

In partial fulfillment of the requirements in Grade 10 English for the SY: 2016-2017

Latoja, Cyddence B.

Pantas, Philippe Allain

Grade 10- Our Lady of Grace

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