Coaching Theories

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Coaching is a human development process

that involves structured, focused interaction
and the use of appropriate strategies, tools
and techniques to promote desirable and
sustainable change for the benefit of the
coachee and potentially for other
Theoretical traditions of Coaching
The psychodynamic approach to coaching

Person-centered approach

The Gestalt approach to coaching

Ontological coaching
Theoretical traditions of Coaching
The transpersonal approach to coaching

The NLP approach

Gestalt Approach To Coaching

Gestalt coaching derives its theory and practice from Gestalt psychology.

Gestalt psychology was developed in Germany in the early 20th century.

Gestalt challenged the belief that there is an objective reality.

Gestalt believes in how we make sense of our experience, moment by moment

against the background of the field which includes our current mental models and
historical experience.
Gestalt Approach To Coaching
Gestalt coaching is applicable to couples, families, teams and organization.

Gestalt emphasize the concept of creative adjustment to a changing


For a Coaching Process, Gestalt approach emphasizes the need for clients
moment-to-moment awareness in relation to their experience, external world
and blocks to awareness

Gestalt perspective highlight awareness is the most powerful instrument of

Gestalt approach is important in the context that
every coaching and mentoring begins with raising
awareness as the starting point for learning and

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