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Saturday, February 25, 2017

0430 Hours

No Love Lost
Prompt: Love at second sight

Sushmitha rolled over, pulling the sheets closer. She hated waking up early on Sundays. Her mothers
prompts only made it that much worse. She covered her eyes with the sheets, and tried to drift back into
sleep. But her mother was all over her in an instance.

Fine! Fine! Im up Sushmitha said.

Get ready soon, Sushmi. Her mother said. Todays the big day!

She groaned as she got off the bed. Shes an IT professional, working fifteen hours a day. Sundays were
the one day when she could rest. But this was no ordinary Sunday it was the day she finally go to meet
her fianc Rahul, in person. She has been looking forward to this day since the moment she saw his
profile in the matrimonial website. For some reason, he looked familiar. It was love at first sight.

She quickly freshened up, and got dressed in the beautiful saree she had reserved for this occasion. It
would definitely win her points with his family. They were supposed to arrive at ten in the morning. It
was five minutes to ten, and the doorbell rang. He was here, and she was ready.

As the introductions and formalities came to an end, the moment she was waiting for arrived; her chance
to speak with him in private. They resigned to the terrace, while their families waited down.

Despite preparing for weeks, she was nervous. She couldnt find her words. Rahul was a reserved guy,
hence he held up his end of the silence. Finally she mustered enough courage to speak up.

The moment I saw you, it was love at first sight.

Oh... Apparently, he was taken aback.

I just loved everything about you your picture, your family, even your name

Rahul is a pretty common name

Yeah, but it doesnt suit a lot of people. For instance, I knew a Rahul in college. He was a singer, or
something. He was a creepy loser

As a matter of fact, I wanted to be a singer, once

Oh. Then what made you join your fathers business?

I fell in love


She didnt

Saturday, February 25, 2017
0430 Hours

Why not?

Apparently, she thought I was a creepy loser

Sushmitha froze, as she finally realized why his face looked familiar.

It has been twelve year since that day in the terrace. Mrs. Sushmitha Rahul has been happily married. She
was still madly in love with her husband. She loved the way he talked. She loved the way he smiled at her
every morning. She loved the way he cared for their children. But above all, she loved the fact that every
time she recounted the tale of how they fell in love at first sight, he played along.

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