Newspapers Unit Plan

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English Language Arts 6

Subject: English Grade 6

Unit/Topic: Functional Writing: Newspapers
Date and Duration: ~ January 9 th to April 13th


The aim of this unit is to provide students with an understanding of the
structure of newspaper articles and the tools to conduct interviews,
establish relevant information, and write strong newspaper articles by
hand. A significant design factor for this unit is the end-of-year Provincial
Achievement Test in which students will be expected to write a newspaper

Unit Launch: Students will discuss with a partner something that happened over
the Christmas break. The student will then individually write an article based on
what they learned from their partner. This will take place WITHOUT first
discussing the qualities of newspapers and will run entirely on prior knowledge of
newspapers. In this way, I will be able to assess student punctuation use,
sentence formation, general knowledge of newspaper articles, and at the end of
the unit can return this article to students so they can see how far they have

This unit will use all of the six language arts in the following ways:
Listening and Speaking: Through conducting interviews and asking questions.
Reading and Writing: Through reading newspaper articles, summarizing, and
explaining, as well as writing newspaper articles.
Viewing and representing: Through gathering information from visual aspects
of a news article.

To enhance student experience in this unit, an Editor from the Medicine Hat
News will be coming in on January 19th to provide an experts perspective on the
process of writing a newspaper article. This opportunity will be provided to all
grade 6 students.

Individual students will write a news article on something that interests them in
the school. The project will be marked with a rubric. Students will choose an
issue they would like to talk about, design interview questions for the pertinent
groups/ persons, and conduct interviews.

Some possible topics for columns in the class newspaper are as follows:
SPORTS- interview someone in the class who is involved with intramurals, sports
outside of school, maybe someone who attended a sports event or met an
CULTURE- Interview a student or teacher involved in the arts/ modern languages
or other areas that could be considered culture in the school and write an article.
GOVERNMENT: Interview someone involved with leadership in the school-
administration, student council, etc.
AROUND TOWN- have students write an article after conducting an interview
about more general things that are happening around the school that are of
Students might also suggest other categories.
After articles are written, students will share briefly what they have written, and
the class will decide by a vote what front page article will be.

Because there is a large class, multiple students will serve as contributing

authors for each section. However, there should be a fairly even disbursement
between all sections.

Though the projects will be marked individually, all of the articles will be put
together into one class newspaper.

Because of the general nature of the ELA program of studies, I have chosen to
focus on GLOs 3 and 4 for this unit. All outcomes will likely be used and hit
during this unit in one form or another, but not all of them will be summatively

Students will all be given a duo tang in which they will place their work
throughout the unit. This will make assessment easier when students work with
different news articles, as well as providing an opportunity to reflect.
1. Unit Overview Critical Inquiry Question

How can we use the six language arts to comprehend and create
detailed newspaper articles?
2. General Learning Outcomes for Unit
1: Use the six language arts to explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and
experiences. Unit Open
2: Use the six language arts to comprehend and respond personally and critically
to oral, print, and other media texts. Throughout
3: Manage ideas and information Core
4: Enhance the clarity and artistry of communication. Core: Summative
5: Support and collaborate with others. Throughout
3. Focusing Questions for Individual Lessons
Lesson One: What do we already know about newspaper writing?
Lesson Two: What are some of the qualities of newspapers?
Lesson Three: How do the 5Ws strengthen a newspaper article?
Lesson Four: How does punctuation enhance newspaper writing?
Lunch and Learn: What do the experts say about news article writing?
Lesson Six: How do headlines establish focus in effective news articles?
Lesson X (Every Monday) : How do grammar and punctuation enhance our functional
Lesson Eight: How do details and supporting details enhance functional writing?
Lesson Nine: How does effective planning and organization enhance functional writing?
Lesson Ten: How does checking and editing work enhance the quality of functional
Lesson Eleven: How do interviews and quotations enhance a news article?
Lesson Twelve: How can our organization of information enhance our functional writing
Lesson Thirteen: How are facts and opinions used to enhance newspaper articles?
Lesson Fourteen: How can improved sentence structure enhance our functional writing?
Lesson Fifteen: How can we put our functional writing skills into practice?
4. Key Terms and Concepts for the Unit
Some definitions taken verbatim from:
5 Ws- who, what, when, where, why of a newspaper article.
Headline- The title of the newspaper article.
Lead- The first paragraph or first several sentences of a newspaper story
-Summary Lead: Provides a synopsis of two or more actions in the article.
Cutline- The description that accompanies a photograph in a news story.
Closed-ended question- questions that can have one of two responses, mainly
yes or no such as do you like cake? etc.
News story- an article that emphasizes the facts, usually written in an inverted
pyramid style.
Off the Record- In interviewing if someone says this- it means the following
information may not be used in the article.
Note: I dont likely see this term being used, but it could provide an
interesting twist when students are conducting their interviews.

Source: A specific place or person where information about an issue can be


Sentence Structure

5. Specific Learning Outcomes for Unit

***NOTE*** Due to the broad nature of the ELA program of studies, many
outcomes will be met daily. However, outcomes highlighted in yellow are
those that will be summatively assessed in this unit. Blue indicates that
they will be used as part of the learning process, but will not be given a

1.1: Discover and Explore

1.1.1- Express ideas and develop understanding.
1.1.2- Experiment with language and forms.
1.2: Clarify and Extend
1.2.1- Consider the ideas of others: Select from the ideas and
observations of others to expand personal understanding.
2.1: Use Strategies and Cues
2.1.1- Use prior knowledge.
2.1.2- Use comprehension strategies.
2.1.3- Use textual cues.
2.1.5- Use references.
2.2: Respond to Texts
2.2.1- Experience various texts.
2.2.2- Construct meaning from texts.
2.2.4- Appreciate the artistry of texts.
2.3: Understand Forms, Elements and Techniques
2.3.1- Understand forms and genres.
2.3.2- Understand techniques and elements.
2.3.3- Experiment with language.
2.4: Create Original Text
2.4.1- Generate Ideas.
2.4.2- Elaborate on the expression of ideas.
2.4.3- Structure Texts.
3.1 Plan and Focus
3.1.1- Focus Attention
3.1.2- Determine Information Needs
3.1.3- Plan to gather information
3.3 Organize, Record, Evaluate
3.3.1- Organize Information
3.3.2- Record Information
4.1 Enhance and Improve
4.1.1- Appraise own and others work
4.1.2- Revise and Edit
4.1.3- Enhance Legibility
4.1.4- Expand Knowledge of Language
4.1.5- Enhance Artistry
4.2 Attend to Conventions
4.2.1- Attend to grammar and usage
4.2.2- Attend to spelling
4.2.3- Attend to Capitalization and punctuation.
4.3 Present and Share
4.3.1- Present Information
5.1 Respect Others and Strengthen Community
Learning Assessments


(Formative/Summa SUMM. FORM. SUMM
tive) . M

Weighting _________ 10% 10% 10% ________ 15% 10%

SLO 2.1.3- Use

textual cues
.2 Identify and use the

structural elements of
texts to access and
comprehend ideas and

SLO 2.2.4- Appreciate

the artistry of texts

.2 experiment with

sentence patterns,
imagery, and
exaggeration to create
mood and mental

SLO 2.3.1-
Understand forms
and genres

.1 identify key

characteristics of a
variety of forms or
genres of oral, print,
and other media texts.

SLO 2.3.2
techniques and

.2 identify first and third

person narration, and

discuss preferences
with reference to
familiar texts
SLO 2.3.3 Experiment
with language

.1 Alter words, forms

and sentence patterns
to create new versions
of texts for a variety of

purposes. Explain who
imagery and figurative
language, such as
personification and
alliteration, clarify and
enhance meaning.

SLO 2.4.1 Generate


.1 choose life themes

for creating oral print,
and other media texts.

SLO 2.4.2 Elaborate

on the Expression of

.1 Use literary devices
such as imagery and
figurative language to
create particular effects

SLO 2.4.3 Structure


.1 determine purpose

and audience needs

.2 express the same

ideas in different forms
and genres

3.1.1 Focus Attention

.1 distinguish among
facts, supported
inferences and opinions.

.2 use note-taking or
representing to assist
with understanding
ideas and information

SLO 3.1.2 Determine

Information Needs

.1 decide on and select

the information needed
to support a point of

SLO 3.1.3 Plan to

Gather Information

3.3.1- Organize

3.3.2 Record


4.2.1 Attend to

Grammar and Usage

4.2.2 Attend to


4.2.3 Attend to
Capitalization and


Monday NA This lesson will NA
January 9th consist of personal
Personal Introductions

introductions and

I will also hand out

a duo-tang to each
student for
language unit.

If time, have
students create
goals for writing.
30 minute class NA
Monday NA Students will be NA students will be
January 9th introduced to summatively
SPELLING L.13 lesson 13 of assessed on Friday.
30 minute class SLO 4.2.2
Introduction to Newspaper Writing
Tuesday What do we In this lesson students Prior Learning- I will
January 10 already know will be introduced to be looking for
the overarching
about structural,
questions for the unit.
newspaper grammatical and
writing? They will then chat tone issues and
with a partner about knowledge in the
something that took writing.
place over the
Christmas break.

Without discussing the

qualities of
newspapers, have
students write a news
report about what they
learned from their
partner. Remind
students to think about
what they already
know about

This will serve as an

assessment of prior
learning and
30 minute class SLO 2.1.1


At the end of the unit,

these papers will be
returned to students
who will then be able
to see how much they
Newspaper Analysis
Wednesday, What are Students will work Formative
January 11th some of the in pairs and small assessment:
qualities of groups to study Student
newspapers? newspaper articles
and answer the
following questions
on giant post-it
notes around the

What is the
structure of the
writing like? (Think
SLOs 1.1, 2.2.1,2.3.1

about how it is laid

out, how it starts,

How does the

article begin?

How is the writing

in the newspaper
different than what
you might see in a
story? (How would
you know this was
30 minute lesson

a newspaper
article and not a
Thursday How do the Begin the lesson Formative

SLOs 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.3.2 The 5Ws

January 12 5Ws by reading a fake Assessment:
strengthen a newspaper article Duo-tang 5Ws
newspaper that includes no Class discussion
article? 5Ws. Have
students discuss
with one another if
the article
sounded right.
What might be
missing from the
news article?

*Ask students to
think about what
they discussed in

Next, students will

be given a
1 hour class

newspaper article
where they will
identify the 5Ws.

Last, they will give

the 5Ws to a
partner, who will
Friday, NA Students will Summative
January 13 complete a Assessment:
SPELLING L.13 spelling test based Spelling Test on the
on the words in spelling words found
Lesson 13 of in Spelling
Spelling Workout Workout.
30 minute class SLO 4.2.2
Punctuation and Grammar: Colons
Monday How does This lesson will Formative:
January 16 punctuation either consist of a Student work with
enhance lesson on colon semi-colons.
newspaper usage, OR a
writing? review of another
punctuation type
as determined
from the initial
newspaper article
that students

Students will then

discuss potential
uses of colons in
writing newspaper
articles and
practice with some
30 minute lesson SLO 4.2.3
SPELLING Lesson 14
Monday NA Students will be Students will be
January 16 introduced to the summatively
words from Lesson assessed with a
14 of Spelling spelling test on
Workout and Thursday (OR
participate in MONDAY- based on
practice activities. PD)
30 minute class SLO 4.2.2
SLOs 2.2.1, 2.2.2, 2.3.2 The 5Ws Quiz
Tuesday, What have Students will be Summative- this quiz
January 17 we learned given different will evaluate what
about the newspaper articles students have
content of where they are learned about the
news asked to provide content of news
articles? the 5Ws and articles.
provide a brief
30 Minute Class
Prep for MHN Visit
Thursday, What do the This class will be NA
January 19 experts say designed as a
about news preparation for the
article Lunch and Learn
writing? from Medicine Hat

Students will work

in pairs or small
groups to think
about questions
they might like to
SLOs 1.1.1, 3.1.3. 5.1

ask the visitor.

Common themes
will then be drawn,
and we will try to
create a smaller
list as a class- on
the basis of time in
the presentation.

I will discuss with

the class the
expectations of the
1 hour class

Thursday, What do the Kerri Sandford NA
January 19 experts say from the Medicine
about news Hat News has
article agreed to come
writing? into the school and
do a presentation
to all grade six
students about
writing newspaper
1 hour event noon to 1 GLO 5.1
SPELLING Lesson 14
Thursday, NA Students will be Summative-
January 19 given a spelling Students will be
test base on assigned a grade
Lesson 14 of based on their
Spelling spelling.
30 minute class SLO 4.2.2
Punctuation and Grammar
Monday, How can we This lesson will Formative: TBD
January 23 use consist of learning
punctuation activities where
and grammar students will
to enhance practice with a
our functional TBD piece of
writing? punctuation of
grammar based on
what I have
learned in
30 minute lesson SLO 4.2.3
Monday, NA Students will work Students will be
January 23 with the spelling assessed
30 minute class SLO 4.2.2 Spelling L. 15 words in Lesson summatively on
15 of Spelling Friday.
Newspaper Headlines
Tuesday, How do This lesson will Formative
January 24 headlines begin with a series Assessment:
establish of news articles on Class discussion
focus in the smartboard. and student work.
effective Students will not
news have time to read
articles? the news article. I
will conduct a poll
to determine who
wants to read
what, and then ask
the students how
they know.
SLO 1.1.2, 2.1.3, 3.1.1

Students will likely

explain that the
title gave them a
clue- we will then
have a discussion
about what this
tells us about the
importance of

Students will then

headlines to the
30 Minute Class

titles of stories.
Newspaper Headlines
Wednesday, How do Students will Formative: TBD
January headlines continue their work
25th establish with headlines:
focus in
effective Idea 1: Students
news will read a series
articles? of news articles, or
sections from
news articles and
determine which
headline matches.

SLO 1.1.2, 2.1.3, 3.1.1

Idea 2: Students
will create
headlines for news
stories and
compare their
creation to the
actual creation.
30 Minute Class
Detail and Supporting Detail
Thursday, How do This lesson will Formative
January 26 details and introduce students Assessment:
supporting to details and Student work and
details supporting details. class discussion-
enhance anecdotal notes.
functional Idea: Students will
writing? identify details and
supporting details
in news stories
and discuss and
share how they
strengthen the

Use a
SLO 2.3.1, 2.3.3, 2.4.3

NOTE: The last

three lessons,
including the
lessons on
headlines are
designed to set
students up for the
inverted pyramid
plan they will be
introduced to next
Friday, NA Students will Summative:
January 27 complete a Students will be
30 minute class SLO 4.2.2 Spelling L. 15 spelling test on evaluated on their
** No Lesson 15 from spelling.
School Spelling workout
Inverted Pyramid Planning
Tuesday, How does Students will be Formative: Student
January 31st effective introduced to the inverted pyramid
planning and inverted pyramid practice.
organization planning triangle
enhance that is commonly
functional used in newspaper
writing? design.

We will complete
an example
together as a class

Working in pairs,
they will discuss
something that
they did over the
2.4.3, 3.1.1, 3.3.1

weekend, and
complete an
inverted pyramid
design for practice.
30 Minute Class
Inverted Pyramid Planning
Wednesday, How does Students will Formative
February 1st planning and reverse engineer assessment:
organization a newspaper Student work.
enhance article by using the
functional inverted pyramid
writing? organizer.
2.4.3, 3.1.1, 3.3.1
30 Minute Class
Fairy Tale News Pt. 1: Planning
Thursday, How can Students will work Summative: Student
February 2 planning and individually to read planning will be
organization sections of fairy awarded a grade in
enhance tales- such as the the understanding
functional ball in Cinderella, that effective
writing? the kiss in sleeping planning will help
beauty etc. them on the
achievement test.
Explain to them
that next week
they will be writing
this fairy tale as a
news story.

This lesson will be

given to them to
plan; they will be
graded ONLY on
their planning for
this project. The
2.4.3, 3.1.1, 3.3.1

writing part will be


Using the inverted

pyramid format,
students will plan
their news article.
**Find out about this. Spelling L. 16 3rd.
Punctuation and Grammar
Monday, How can Students will TBD
February 6th punctuation practice with a
and grammar TBD element of
use punctuation or
strengthen grammar.
SLO 4.2.1, 4.2.3
30 minute class
Monday, NA Students will be
February 6th introduced to and
30 minute class SLO 4.2.2 Spelling L. 17 practice with the
spelling words in
lesson 17.
Fairy Tale News Pt. 2: Writing
Tuesday, How can we Students will write Formative: The
February 7th use our a news story about planning portion is
knowledge of the fairy tale they summative, but the
newspaper read last week. If writing portion will be
articles so far necessary, entirely formative.
to write an students may be
effective given further time
news story? to plan.
SLOs 1.1.2, 3.3.2, 2.3.3
Fairy Tale News Pt. 2: Writing
Wednesday, How can we Students will Formative: The
February 8th use our continue writing writing portion will
knowledge of their news story. serve as formative
newspaper Once they are assessment,
articles so far finished, they will clarifying for me any
to write an find two other areas of further
effective students who are development.
news story? finished. They will
read and review
each others work,
justifying any
criticism, and then
they will begin
writing a good
SLOs 1.1.2, 3.3.2, 2.3.3 +GLO 4.1
Fairy Tale News Pt. 2: Writing
Thursday, How does By now, students Formative: The
February 9th checking and will have had an writing is formative; I
editing work opportunity to will be looking for
**May be enhance the discuss with at general trends in the
affected by quality of least one other class as to areas of
7 habits functional student some weakness in content
assembly. writing? changes that we have covered so
needed to be far.
made in their work.

This lesson will be

for students to
create a good
copy of their news
SLOs 1.1.2, 3.3.2, 2.3.3 +GLO 4.1
Friday, NA Students will Summative
February complete a
30 minute class SLO 4.2.2 Spelling L. 17 10th spelling test on
lesson 17 of
Spelling Workout
Punctuation and Grammar
Monday, How can we Students will work Formative: Student
February use with a TBD work.
13th punctuation element of
and grammar grammar or
to enhance punctuation based
our writing? on what I have
gathered through
SLO 4.2.1, 4.2.3
30 minute class
Monday, NA Students will work Formative
February with spelling words
30 minute class SLO 4.2.2 Spelling L. 18 13th from Lesson 18 of
Spelling Workout
Tuesday, NA TBD NA
Valentines Activities 14th
Wednesday, NA Students will have Formative

Writing Practice
February the full 30 minutes Assessment:
15th to write a news Student writing.
article on a TBD
topic. This will
serve as formative
30 minute class SLOs 2.4, 4.2
Monday, What did we This lesson will Formative: Student
February learn before consist of review discussion and work.
27th the break? exercises from
before the break.
Post-break Review

30 minute lesson
Monday, NA Students will work Formative
February and practice with
30 minute class SLO 4.2.2 Spelling L. 19 27th the words from
Lesson 19 of
Spelling Workout
Interviews and Quotations
Tuesday, How do Students will be Formative
February interviews introduced to Assessment:
28th and interviews and Student discussions
quotations quotations. and work.
enhance a
news article? Begin the lesson
by playing a video
of a news
conference. Why
are the reporters
recording what is
being said?
Do you think
reporters are
making up the
questions in the
moment or do they
SLO 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 4.2.3

plan ahead of

Students will then

work with an
exercise to
determine whether
quotations are or
are not necessary.

OR Students will
Interviews and Quotations
Wednesday, How do This lesson will Formative TBD
March 1st interviews consist of further
and TBD practice with
quotations interviews and
enhance a quotations.
news article?
SLO 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 4.2.3
Interviews and Quotations
Thursday, How do Students will Formative
March 2nd interviews continue their work Assessment:
and with interviews and Student Work.
quotations quotations.
enhance a
news article? Begin the lesson
by assigning
students with a
partner they will
work well with in
the class. Have
them think about
something they
would like to know
more about that
SLO 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 4.2.3

Spend 10 minutes
creating questions,

20 minutes
interviewing, and
the remaining 30
minutes writing a
short paragraph,
using quotations
where necessary.
Friday, NA Students will Summative:
March 3rd complete a Students will write a
30 minute class SLO 4.2.2 Spelling L. 19 spelling test. spelling test based
on Lesson 19 of
Spelling Workout
Punctuation and Grammar
Monday How can we This lesson with TBD
March 6th use consist of activities
punctuation relating to a TBD
and grammar piece of grammar
to enhance or punctuation and
our functional student practice,
writing? based on what I
have gathered
from formative
SLO 4.2.1, 4.2.3
30 minute class
Monday NA Students will work NA
March 6th with vocabulary
30 minute class SLO 4.2.2 Spelling L. 20 words from lesson
20 of Spelling
Primary vs. Supporting Information
Tuesday How can our This lesson will Formative TBD
March 7th organization work with the PAT
of information structure where
** Lesson enhance our facts are provided.
might be functional Students will
moved due writing determine which
to Family abilities? information is
Life essential and
which can be used
to support the

Specific learning
activity TBD
SLO 2.3, 3.3
Primary vs. Supporting Information
Wednesday, How can our Students will work Formative
March 8th organization with newspapers TBD
of information to identify primary
enhance our and supporting
functional information.
SLO 2.3, 3.3
Thursday, NA This lesson will Formative

PAT Functional Writing Practice

March 9th consist of students
writing a practice
newspaper article
based on the
structure of the

It will be entirely
formative but I will
mark it using the
PAT Rubric. This
will assess my
teaching and
student learning.
Doing this so early,
prior to finishing
the unit, provides
me with time to
ensure I teach
1 hour class NA

what needs to be
taught in the
remaining time.
Friday, NA Students will write Summative.
March 10th a spelling test for
30 minute class SLO 4.2.2 Spelling L. 20 lesson 20 of
Spelling Workout
Punctuation and Grammar
Monday How can we This lesson will TBD
March 13th use consist of activities
punctuation and practice
and grammar surrounding
to enhance punctuation and
our writing? grammar.
SLO 4.2.1, 4.2.3
30 minute class
Monday NA Students will NA
March 13th practice with the
30 minute class SLO 4.2.2 Spelling L. 21 spelling words
from Lesson 21 of
Spelling Workout
Tuesday How are facts Students will be Formative: Student
March 14th and opinions introduced to fact Work
Fact Vs. Opinion used to and opinion.
newspaper They will be able
articles? to identify facts
and opinions in the
news, and explain
why it might not be
appropriate for a
news reporter to
use their opinion in
30 Minute Class SLO 3.1.2

a newspaper
Fact Vs. Opinion Quiz
Wednesday How are facts Students will Formative TBD
March 15th and opinions continue to
used to practice with facts
enhance and opinions.
articles? Learning activity
30 Minute Class SLO 3.1.2
Grammar and Punctuation
Monday, How can we Students will work TBD
March 20th use grammar with a TBD
and element of
punctuation grammar or
to enhance punctuation.
our functional
SLO 4.2.1, 4.2.3
30 minute lesson
Monday, NA Students will NA
March 20th practice with
30 minute class SLO 4.2.2 Spelling L. 22 words from Lesson
22 of Spelling
Sentence Structure, Control, Mechanics
Tuesday, How can This lesson will TBD
March 21st improved consist of activities
sentence to strengthen
structure student sentence
enhance our use and structure.
SLO 4.2
Sentence Structure, Control, Mechanics
Wednesday How can This lesson will TBD
March 22nd improved consist of activities
sentence to strengthen
No LA structure student sentence
Class enhance our use and structure.
Thursday- functional
PD Friday writing?
SLO 4.2
Grammar and Punctuation
Monday, How can This lesson will TBD
March 27th punctuation consist of practice
and grammar with a TBD piece
enhance the of punctuation or
quality of grammar.
SLO 4.2.1, 4.2.3
30 minute lesson
Monday, NA This lesson will NA
March 27th consist of student
30 minute class SLO 4.2.2 Spelling L. 23 work and practice
with the lesson 23
of Spelling
Tuesday, TBD This lesson has TBD
March 28th been designated a
flexible day. I will
use it to provide
additional practice
with specific ideas
from the unit OR
they will be used
as the timeline
shifts throughout
the unit.
30 Minute Class TBD
Wednesday TBD This lesson has TBD
March 29th been designated a
flexible day. I will
use it to provide
additional practice
with specific ideas
from the unit OR
they will be used
as the timeline
shifts throughout
the unit.
30 Minute Class TBD
Thursday, TBD This lesson has TBD
March 30th been designated a
flexible day. I will
use it to provide
additional practice

with specific ideas

from the unit OR
they will be used
as the timeline
shifts throughout
the unit.
1 Hour Class TBD
Friday, NA Students will write Summative
March 31st a spelling test on
30 minute class SLO 4.2.2 Spelling L. 23 Lesson 23 of
Spelling Workout
Final Project Introduction
Monday How can we Students will be NA
April 3rd put our introduced to their
functional final project. This
writing skills lesson will be a
into practice? brainstorming
- Potential
topics or
themes of
- Potential
people who
they can
- Potential
for their
SLOs 2.2.4, 2.3.1, 2.4.3, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2,

- Name of the
- Sections of
Monday, NA Students will NA
April 3rd practice with
30 minute class SLO 4.2.2 Spelling L. 24 Lesson 24 of
Spelling Workout
Final Project Interview Ideas
Tuesday, How can we By now students NA
April 4th put our will have decided
functional which section of
writing skills the newspaper
into practice? they are interested
in. This lesson will
consist of creating
potential interview
questions for the
relevant sources.
SLOs 2.2.4, 2.3.1, 2.4.3, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2,
Final Project Interview Prep
Wednesday, How can we This lesson will NA
April 5th put our consist of students
functional reviewing each
writing skills others interview
into practice? questions and
revising them.
SLOs 2.2.4, 2.3.1, 2.4.3, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2,
Final Project Interview Day
Thursday, How can we Students will NA
April 6th put our interview the
functional person they have
writing skills selected.
into practice?
**If they wish to
interview any staff
members, this
might be
challenging, but I
will know a few
days in advance
and will try to set
that up.
SLOs 2.2.4, 2.3.1, 2.4.3, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2,
Friday, April NA Students will write NA
7th a spelling test on
30 minute class SLO 4.2.2 Spelling L. 24 Lesson 24 of
Spelling Workout
Final Project Planning Day
Monday How can we Students will use NA
April 10th put our the inverted
functional pyramid formula to
writing skills plan their news
into practice? article.
SLOs 2.2.4, 2.3.1, 2.4.3, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2,
Monday, NA Students will NA
April 10th practice with
30 minute class SLO 4.2.2 Spelling L. 25 Lesson 25 of
Spelling Workout
Final Project Writing Day
Tuesday, How can we Students will write NA
April 11th put our their news article.
writing skills
into practice?
SLOs 2.2.4, 2.3.1, 2.4.3, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2,
Final Project Writing Day
Wednesday, How can we Students will write NA
April 12th put our their news article.
writing skills
into practice?
SLOs 2.2.4, 2.3.1, 2.4.3, 3.1.1, 3.1.2, 3.1.3, 3.3.1, 3.3.2, 4.2.1, 4.2.2,

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