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the richmond

Indian guru to speak in Richmond


Animal lovers save baby seal $70,000

while out for a walk on Iona Jetty to fight
by Martin van den Hemel
Staff Reporter
Leeann Fisher and Stephanie
Adam, both 19, were destined to City mulls ways to
be heroes.
Just a day after visiting the spend $2.2-million
Vancouver Aquarium for Fisher’s
birthday, and learning about the surplus
steps to take and number to call
should they encounter a mammal
in distress, fate stepped in and by Matthew Hoekstra
put the Jordan, Ont. natives into Staff Reporter
City council is deciding how
While walking along the Iona
to divvy up $2.2 million of tax-
pipeline on Sea Island, in the mid-
payers’ money left over from
afternoon on July 1, they glimpsed
last year’s budget.
a bald eagle circling overhead.
On Monday council faced a
Not long after, down on the
laundry list of ideas from city
rocks, they spotted what they
staff on how to use the 2009
later learned was a newborn seal,
sprawled out on the rocks with its
Recommendations include
umbilical cord still attached.
adding $400,000 to the budget
“It looked like it was lost,” Adam
for legal fees—at a time when
said Monday.
the city is facing a lawsuit from
There were indications the seal
the Musqueam over the Garden
was in trouble too. It sounded
City lands.
hoarse, appeared to be in distress
Staff are also requesting
and was foaming at the mouth.
$253,600 to extend the lease
Both self-confessed animal lov-
John McCrossan photo on city office space on Holly-
ers, they couldn’t just leave.
Leeann Fisher (left) and Stephanie bridge Way, near the Richmond
So they called the Vancouver
Adam, both 19, kept an eye on this Olympic Oval.
Aquarium Marine Mammal Rescue newborn seal for a few hours on Other requests: $676,000
Centre (604-258-7325) and were Thursday afternoon until a team ar- for new staff and consul-
instructed to keep an eye on the rived from the Vancouver Aquarium tants; $500,000 for a build-
seal but to keep a safe distance. Marine Mammal Rescue Centre. ing permits stabilization fund,
They were asked to send photos
$228,200 for maintenance (in-
of the animal so staff could deter-
cluding $70,000 to fight weeds
mine if it was healthy or ill.
now that a pesticide bylaw is in
A couple of hours later, the rescue
place) and $115,000 for a filter
centre dispatched a crew to pick up ceiving treatment but he otherwise replacement project at Water-
the seal, which is now getting some had no injuries, Pearson said. mania.
TLC in Vancouver. Pearson said Blackstrap is cur- The unspent cash came
“He’s doing pretty well,” centre rently on a liquid diet, but will be largely from the RCMP, whose
spokesperson Alex Pearson said. weaned in the coming weeks and expenses were lower due to
Dubbed Blackstrap by the cen- start an all seafood diet. delayed replacements and low-
tre’s staff, the pup was about five The seal season is beginning now er overtime costs. Richmond
days old when it was found. To- and the centre already has had 23 Fire-Rescue costs, vacancies,
day’s he’s feeding well, is sporting animals come in. It’s not uncom- to see them on the beach, but if it’s John McCrossan, who happened to lower fuel prices and unspent
quite the attitude and has a prom- mon for the July/August season to visibly wounded or in distress, call be walking his dog along the pipe- maintenance dollars were also
ising prognosis. He’s lost about a see 70 animal receiving treatment the rescue centre for advice. line when he encountered the two factors.
kilogram since he’s come in, but in the centre. The non-profit rescue centre relies teens, applauded their efforts to The surplus represents ap-
that may be due to the stress that Pearson said never touch a seal, on donations and volunteer help to help this seal in distress, and spend proximately one per cent of the
came from the rescue. as it can bite and its protective operate. For inquiries on how to vol- hours at its side until rescue crews city’s total operating budget.
Blackstrap’s umbilical cord is re- mother may be nearby. It’s normal unteer, call 604-659-3478. arrived.

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