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Term End Examination - May 2013

Course : EIE203 - Sensors and Signal Conditioning Slot: F2

Class NBR : 2075

Time : Three Hours Max.Marks:100

NOTE : I) Draw the circuit / schematic diagram for all the questions supporting the explanation.
II) Assume the data if anything found missing and clearly mention the assumption.

Answer ALL Questions

1. (a) Given the following set of voltage measurements taken from a voltmeter : [10]
153 V, 162 V, 157 V, 161 V, 155 V find the

i) Variance.

ii) Probable error of the mean.

iii) Point out any reading that can be rejected by applying Chauvenets criterion. The
ratio of maximum deviation to standard deviation should not exceed 1.65.


1. (b) The measurement of resistance of a resistor gives the following results: [10]
101.2, 101.7, 101.3, 101.0, 101.5, 101.3, 101.2, 101.4, 101.3, 101.1 ohms .

i) Standard deviation.

ii) Probable error of one reading.

iii) Point out any reading that can be rejected by applying Chauvenets criterion. The
ratio of maximum deviation to standard deviation should not exceed 1.96.

2. The resistance of a thermistor is 750 at 50 C and 4000 at the ice point. Determine [5]
the characteristics constants and for the thermistor and the change in the resistance
between 20 C and 100 C. (Note: R1=R0e/T)

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3. A platinum resistance thermometer has a resistance of 125 at 20 C. Determine its [5]
resistance at 80 C. The temperature coefficient of resistance of Platinum at 20 C is
0.004 //C. If the resistance of the thermometer is found to be 210 , Determine the

4. The output of an LVDT is connected to a 5V Voltmeter through an Amplifier whose [5]

amplification factor is 250. An output of 2 mV appears across the terminals of LVDT
when the core moves through a distance of 0.5 mm. Calculate the sensitivity of the
LVDT and that of the whole setup. The milli voltmeter scale has 100 divisions. The
scale can be read to 1/5 of a division. Calculate the resolution of the instrument in mm.

5. Identify and explain the component that could be used for turning the lights ON [5]
automatically for darkness.

6. Ultrasonic based sensors could be used for the measurement of level. Justify this [5]
statement with clear diagram.

7. A Hall effect transducer produces an output voltage of 10.5 mV. The element is made [5]
of silicon and is 2.5 mm thick and carries a current of 4 A. The Hall effect coefficient is
4.1 x 10-6 Vm/A-wb/m2. Determine the magnetic field strength of the transducer.

8. (a) Write short notes on the following topics: [10]

i) Electromagnetic sensors

ii) Photo diodes,

iii) Photo transistors,

iv) Photovoltaic cells.


8. (b) Summarize all the five laws of thermocouple with its schematic diagram. [10]

9. A copper constantan thermocouple has = 37.5 V/C and = 0.0045 V/C. [5]
Determine the emf developed by the thermocouple when its hot junction is at
1000 C and cold junction is kept in ice.

10. What is Cold Junction Compensation? Why is it required? [5]

11. List out the difference between Pyro-Electric and Piezo-electric Sensor giving out the [5]
details of sensing mechanism and materials.

12. Compare the types of Position Encoders with clear description separately. [10]

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13. Give the schematic of SAW Sensor Filter and Oscillator with explanation about the [5]
mechanism of sensing.

14. Explain the mechanism of converting Resistance (100 to 150 ) to Voltage (1 to 5 V) [5]
Conversion through any circuit with design.

15. A sensor outputs a range of 20 to 250 mV as a variable varies over a range. Develop [5]
signal conditioning so that this becomes 0 to 5 V. The circuit must have very high input

16. Draw the circuit of three amplifier configuration of Instrumentation Amplifier and [5]
derive the equation for Gain.

17. The divider of figure has R1= 10 K and V=5 V. Suppose R2 is a Thermistor whose [5]
resistance varies from 4 to 12 K as some dynamic variable varies over range. Then

a) Minimum and Maximum of Vout.

b) Range of output impedance.

c) Range of Power Dissipated by R2.

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