Case 14

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Case 14-A: Social Networking Gone Wrong

14-14. What is appropriate for hospital administration to discipline the doctors and nurses for

behavior that occurred outside the hospital environment? Why or why not?

=>> I think the hospital was right in taking appropriate action against the doctors and nurses for

their behavior that occurred outside of the hospital environment. Speaking negative about clients

and letting them known about the place they work for can affect the reputation of the

organization. So i think it was in the best interest for the company to take action in order for the

doctors and nurses to understand what they did was wrong.

14-15. If you were the supervisor who received the information regarding the social networking

site posting, what wold your reaction have been?

=>>If I was the supervisor who received the information regarding the social networking site

postings, I would have taken the same actions that the hospital did. It is not professional for

employees of any organization to talk negative about their clients in an open environment.

14-16. Was this case an example of the effective discipline? What why not ?

=>>Without knowing the outcome of the sensitivity training programs and working in the local

health center, it is hard to say whether or not this was an example of effective discipline. The

case does not speak about any negative publicity the hospital received, the hospital

administration did the right thing by trying to improve the relationship with the community. In
order to ensure that this was effective discipline, the hospital would have to wait 6 months for the

doctors and nurses to return in order to determine if they truly learned from the incident and

whether or not they refrain from making the same mistake

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