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Daily Learning Target Template

What Are We Learning?*

By the end of the class, students will be able to __________________________ (what) __________________
Timeframe A Verb/Blooms Taxonomy
Content / Concept / Skill

as evidenced by __________________________________ a ______________________________.

B Activity / Showing Verb C Assessment or Product

*Considerations: What are your opportunities to use academic language and discourse as well as check for understanding?
Closure Question: What question will students be able to answer at the end of the period as evidence of their having achieved the learning target?

ABloomsTaxonomy/CriticalThinkingSkills BPerforming/ShowingVerbs CAssessment/Product

Key Verbs Arranging/Matching
Knowledge Comprehension Application Analysis Synthesis Evaluation Building/Constructing AnticipatoryChart
Collect Convert Apply Analyze Compile Appraise Charting Collaborativeposter
Define Defend Calculate Argue Compose Ascertain Computing Concept/Graphic
Describe Demonstrate Classify Categorize Consolidate Assess Counting Organizer
Examine Describe Complete Compare Create Critique Creating Diagram
Identify Diagram Construct Contrast Design Defend Discussingw/Partner ExitSlip
Label Differentiate Experiment Deduce Develop Determine Drawing Foldable
List/Log Discover Illustrate Devise Explain Estimate Formulating Grouppresentation
Name Distinguish Interpret Discuss Generate Evaluate Graphing KinsellaVocabulary
Quote Explain Manipulate Differentiate Hypothesize Judge
Grouping Template
Recall Give Examples Model Distinguish Justify Measure
Highlighting/Pointing Quickwrite
Recognize Paraphrase Re/Produce Examine Organize Rate
Record Predict Relate Inspect Produce Reflect Modeling RhetoricalPrecis
Show Recognize Sequencing Interpret Report Revise Presenting/Teaching Summaryw/specific
State Restate Show Modify Schematize Score Solving purpose
Tell Specify Solve Organize Synthesize Select Summarizing
Visualize Summarize Use Plan Write Value Translating
SUHSD 8/25/10
Criteria for Developing Learning Targets
student-oriented observable

specific action-oriented

reasonable timely


How will learners accomplish this

performance goal?

Analysis What mix of
What is the
performance goal? strategies,
What are the activities,
identified gaps? resources are
needed to

What delivery method will be used
to ensure rigor and equitability?
What are my parameters in terms of
learners, time, facility, etc?

clarify the instructional problem
ANALYSIS establish the instructional goals and objectives (ie. UBD, ERWC units,
learning targets)
What are the performance goals and
identify the learning environment and learner's existing knowledge and
existing learning gaps?

plan learning objectives, assessment instruments, activities, content,
DESIGN subject matter analysis, lesson planning and media selection ensuring
equitable access and
How will learners accomplish
Systematicity: a logical, orderly method of identifying, developing and
performance goals/learning targets?
evaluating a set of planned strategies targeted for attaining the
project's goals
Specificity: each element of the instructional design plan needs to be
executed with attention to details

create and assemble the unit/lesson and corresponding activities,
DEVELOPMENT resources, materials, etc. blueprinted in the design phase
infuse strategies to ensure access and equitability for all learners
What should be assembled for
debug/troubleshoot procedures
instructional units/lessons to ensure
performance solution? review lesson/unit
revise according to feedback received

instruct/train learners (staff/students)
IMPLEMENTATION cover the curriculum, learning targets, method of delivery, and
assessment procedures
What delivery method will be used?
employ explicit modeling, bridging, meta-cognition, academic
vocabulary and frequent checks for understanding
employ gradual release of responsibility (I do, We do, You do)

EVALUATION summative
How well did performance solution
achieve the performance
objective/learning targets?
Jeanette Gonzalez-Quiceno, GEAR UP/AVID/DWAST

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