Shierjess Cep416 Week7ct

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CT Principle How you would define it How would it manifest in your

(in your own words) class

Gathering information to answer Students will grow a bean plant

Data Collection specific questions in the dark and one in the
sunlight. Gather growth data
every few days.
Evaluating data with the goal of Students will compare the
Data Analysis finding out useful information growth of the two different
plants and think about reasons
why it is different.
How to visually show the data Students will show on one
Data Representation you have collected and graph the growth of the two
analyzed different plants to compare and
design graph on Google Slides
to present to the class (Make
graph by hand first).
Breaking down a problem into Students will create a list of
Problem Decomposition more familiar and easier steps. steps they are using to collect
data, analyze data, and make
their graph and presentation. By
using steps instead of trying to
do it all at once, it will simplify
the process and make it less
Generalizing the way one Students will summarize their
Abstraction solves one problem and being findings and use their data to
able to use similar methods to find other plants or scientific
solve other problems that are concepts that have similar
somewhat alike. growth patterns.
A set of steps or instructions to Students will create and use a
Algorithms and Procedures solve a problem set of steps required to gather
and graph their data. It will be a
general set of instructions that
can be used in abstraction to
apply to other problems or
concepts as well.
Using technology to simply Students can enter data into
Automation solving a problem Excel to create their graph and
compare their data instead of
making it by hand.
Dividing data among students or Different groups of students will
Parallelization running multiple experiments at all have two different plants and
the same time collect their data, then compile
all of the data together at the
end for a more accurate data
set and comparison.
Find a different way to find or Students will create an
Simulation display data animation showing the two
plants growth over time.

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