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Managerial Accounting Lai Chee Hun

ACCT 500 Extension no: 240

7 ECTS Office: SB room 322
Fall Semester, 2016
Class hours:
Section A: Wednesday, 19:00 21:15 (SPIA 321)
Section B: Monday, 19:00 21:15 (SPIA 321)
Office hours: Monday 17:30 18:30
Wednesday 17:30 18:30

ADA University
School of Business

ADA University's School of Business mission is to prepare global and socially responsible
graduates through excellence in applied learning and scholarship by bringing the world to
Azerbaijan and Azerbaijan to the world.

ADA University's School of Business aspires to be a globally recognized premier institution
in the Caspian Region in the creation and transmission of knowledge and the development
of new generations of leaders, driving change for the betterment of society.

Through our innovative and entrepreneurial spirit we foster ethical and social responsibility.

1. Course Title & Faculty

School of Business
Managerial Accounting ACCT 500; Fall 2016
Instructor: Lai Chee Hun
Extension no. : 240
Office: SB room 322
Class Hours:
Section A: Wednesday, 19:00 21:15 / Venue: SPIA 321
Section B: Monday, 19:00 21:15 / Venue: SPIA 321
Office Hours: Monday 17:30 18:30
Wednesday 17:30 18:30

2. Introduction / Course Description
This course explores the role of accounting in the management of organizations
and the development and application of managerial accounting concepts and
techniques with emphasis on practical applications, critical appraisal,
contemporary approaches and international perspectives. It also provides
business managers with a practical approach to using managerial accounting
techniques and analysis in their working lives. It aims to give students the
confidence and expertise to use accounting concepts and techniques in business
decision making.

Two major components of Accounting are Financial Accounting and Management

Accounting. The focus of Financial Accounting is the preparation of financial
statements such as the Profit and Loss Account, Balance Sheet and the Cash-
flow Statement which are of interest to both internal and external users. The three
areas of focus of Management Accounting are full costing, decision-making
(differential accounting) and planning / control (responsibility accounting). In
contrast to Financial Accounting, the reports generated by Management
Accounting are of interest to internal users mainly. Management Accounting will
be the focus of this course.

The teaching of this course is designed to accommodate the needs of students

with no previous background in accounting. The emphasis of the course and
teaching will be on addressing the practical needs of managers. Due to
limitations of time, this course will focus on in-depth coverage of a limited number
of specific and current topics rather than attempting to cover the whole range of
traditional costing and management accounting techniques and procedures. The
emphasis of the course will be on interpretation, critical analysis and evaluation
from a managerial perspective.

Course materials and hand-outs will be posted on Power Campus under the
course site. Teaching and learning methods used include formal lectures, tutorials
for practising numerical exercises, discussing and evaluating different accounting
approaches including conceptual issues, homework exercises and the use of
relevant academic journal articles.

3. Objectives / Aims
This course aims to enable students to evaluate and apply a range of accounting
techniques for costing, decision-making, planning and control in the management
of companies and other organizations. It also has the objective of enabling
students to assess the strengths and limitations of managerial accounting
approaches in practice.

4. Learning Outcomes
By the end of this course, the successful students should be able to:
(a) have an understanding of the strengths and limitations of the accounting
information produced.

(b) critically assess the strengths and limitations of managerial accounting
techniques used in the management of organizations (such as traditional
costing system and Activity-Based Costing and show a clear understanding of
their applications in various contexts.
(c) select and apply suitable managerial accounting / differential accounting
techniques (for example Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis, Make and Buy, Limiting
Factors) for short-term decision-making.
(d) have an understanding of the limitations of traditional budgeting approaches
as managerial planning and control tools in comparison to the benefits of new
budgeting techniques (such as Zero-Based Budgeting).
(e) critically analyse, assess and select long-term investment projects using
relevant capital investment appraisal techniques.

5. Prerequisite(s)
There are no pre-requisites for this course. The teaching of this course is designed
for students with no previous background in accounting. The course is designed for
students from diverse academic backgrounds and professional work experience.

6. Text
Course Text Drury, Colin, Cost and Management Accounting, 9 th edition, 2015,
Cengage Learning.

Additional Text Proctor, Ray, Managerial Accounting: Decision Making and

Performance Improvement, 4th edition, 2012, Pearson.

Lecture and tutorial hand-outs and relevant academic journal articles will be posted
in advance on Power Campus under the course site. Students are expected to have
read the relevant text chapters, handouts and journal articles before coming to class
and be prepared for discussion in class. Journal articles posted on the course site on
Power Campus are examinable.

IMPORTANT: Students are requested to print out a copy of the relevant lecture and
tutorial hand-outs posted on Power Campus before the respective classes and bring
them to class. This will facilitate class discussion and ensure students optimize the
benefits from attending the classes.

7. Assessments
Rationale the closed book mid-term, final examinations and in-class quizzes are
designed to test students knowledge, understanding and application of the theories,
concepts and skills learned during the course. Answers will be graded according to
detailed marking schemes.

Assessment components and their contribution to learning outcomes are

summarized in the table below:

Items Assessment Tentative Dates Covered Learning

1 Quiz 1 Teaching Week 6 (a) and (b)
2 Quiz 2 Teaching Week 13 (c) and (d)

3 Mid-term exam Teaching Week 8 (a), (b) and (c)
4 Final exam Teaching Weeks 15 & 16 (c), (d) and (e)

Tentatively, Quizzes 1 and 2 will be held in Teaching Weeks 6 and 13 respectively.
The quizzes will be 30 minutes long each and will consist of multiple choice and
short open-ended questions requiring computational as well as discursive knowledge
/ skills. Quiz 1 will contain questions related to the topics taught in Teaching Weeks
One to Five while Quiz 2 will cover the topics taught after the mid-term examination
in Teaching Weeks Nine to Twelve.
There will be no make-up quizzes for students who were absent during the
scheduled quizzes for any reason.

Mid-Term and Final Examinations:

Both the mid-term and final examinations will be of 2 hours 15 minutes duration each
and contain longer mini-case-like questions. Questions can be wholly computational,
wholly discursive or both (consisting of computational and discursive parts). In both
the mid-term and final examinations, students will be required to answer one
compulsory question and given a choice of answering two out of three other
questions. The final examination will not be comprehensive and will cover only the
topics taught after the mid-term examination.

Components of Course Assessments and Grade Weightings

Items Assessment Weightin Tentative Date

Component g
1 Class attendance 10 % All semester
2 Quiz 1 5% Teaching Week 6
3 Quiz 2 5% Teaching Week 13
4 Mid-term examination 40 % Teaching Week 8
5 Final examination 40 % Teaching Weeks
15 and 16
Total 100 %

Grading Scale
The following scale will be used for assessing students assessment components, as
specified in ADA University Regulations. A students final course grade is the sum of
the marks s(he) obtained on each of the assessment components multiplied by their
respective weighting.
A+ 98 100% Outstanding C+ 7779% Satisfactory to good
performance performance
A 94 97% Excellent performance C 7376% Satisfactory
A- 90 93% Excellent performance C - 70-72% Adequate evidence
in most respects of learning
B + 87 89% Very good D+ 6769% Evidence of learning
B 83 86% Good performance D 60 - 66% Some evidence of
B- 80 82% Good performance F 0 - 59% Poor performance
overall, but with some
When special circumstances occur, the instructor may postpone assignment of the
student's final grade in a course by use of an I-Incomplete. The I - Incomplete may
be given only if the student has completed at least 80% of the term of instruction, but
is unable to complete the class work and/or take the final examination because of
illness or other compelling reason;

Provided these conditions are met, the instructor electing to give I-Incomplete fills in
a special form at the time course grades are due. This agreement specifies what the
student must do, and when, to remove the I-Incomplete. The deans office gives a
copy to the student, and retains a copy for at least one year. The required work must
be completed, and a grade must be reported to the Office of the Registrar, no later
than eight weeks after the end of the grading period. Failure to complete the required
work by the due date will result in a grade of F or grades earned by that time the I-
Incomplete form is submitted.

Withdrawal Policy
If a student drops a course after the end of the drop/add period and before the
beginning of the eighth week, s(he) will receive a grade of W (withdrawal). The
grade of W will not affect the calculation of a students GPA. Effective September
2015, all undergraduate students are limited to three (3) course withdrawals during
their enrollment at ADA University. Masters students are limited to only one (1)
course withdrawal during their studies. Students cannot withdraw from more than
one class per semester. In addition, students cannot withdraw after the eighth week
of classes. No tuition refund is available for withdrawals from classes that occur after
the drop/add period. All probation and expulsion rules apply regardless of a
withdrawal. All withdrawals are noted on a student's transcript. Students should be
careful when withdrawing from a class in order to avoid being expelled from the
university for failure to fulfill the requirements of their academic school. Students
cannot apply for ADA University scholarships or tuition waivers in a semester that
follows one where they have withdrawn from a class. In order to initiate a withdrawal,
students must first talk to their Deans and fill out a Course Withdrawal Form, which
may be obtained from the Office of the Registrar.

Please note that last day to withdraw from classes is 14 November 2016.

Grade Appeal
The responsibility to assign grades lies with the course instructor. A student who
contends that his/her grade is not an accurate reflection of his/her accomplishment in
a class should first discuss the grade assessment with the respective instructor. If
after the discussion the instructor is persuaded to change the grade, s(he) must
immediately inform the Registrar and the Dean as soon as possible. In the case of
data input or communication error, notification to the Registrar will be sufficient. If
after discussing the grade with the instructor the student remains dissatisfied, it is
possible to initiate a grade appeal. This appeal is admissible in a case where the
student feels the instructor's grade is in error. A grade appeal must be filed within five
working days after the receipt of the final grade. The appeal must be sent to the

Dean of the college in which the course is offered and must include a detailed
description of why the student feels the grading assessment was in error. The
student may withdraw the appeal at any point during the process. It is the Dean who
will make the decision of whether or not the student's appeal has merit. If the Dean
decides the appeal is unfounded, the appeal is denied; however, if the dean finds the
appeal has merit, s(he) will convene a committee consisting of the Dean and two
neutral faculty members to discuss the appeal. The committee shall have the right to
consult with both the instructor and the student during the appeal process. The Dean
will make a decision on the case within one week after the receipt of the appeal. The
decision will be made in writing and will be communicated to both the student and
the instructor. The committee's decision is final. It is important that the student be
alerted to the fact that the committee's decision may result in the original grade being
lowered. If a grade change is decided, that decision must be sent to the Registrar's
Office at once.

Definition of Attendance: Attendance is defined as physical attendance in an
academically related activity including online discussion.

In compliance with Azerbaijani legislation, instructors are required to monitor

attendance and inform the Registrar and the Deans of the students respective
Schools when students miss significant amounts of class time. Azerbaijani legislation
mandates that students who fail to attend at least 75% of classes will fail the course.

This course will follow ADA Universitys Academic Regulations on attendance policy.
This policy excuses two (2) student class absences. More than two (2) absences will
lower the students attendance grade. For each additional absence, students will
lose one-fourth of the attendance grade, which comprises 10 percent of the total
course grade. This means students will exhaust all of the 10 percent slated for
attendance after four (4) absences (in addition to the two excused ones). Rare
exceptions will apply only in extreme circumstances and must be discussed with the
instructor before the occurrence. If a student misses 40 percent of classes for any
reason, the instructor reserves the right to fail the student no matter how successful
s(he) is in the other graded components. Students are responsible for arriving on
time for classes. Late arrival results in disruption to class members and is unfair to
classmates and the instructor. Therefore, if a student is late for more than 5 minutes,
s(he) may still attend the class, but will be marked as absent.

Students can refer to ADA Academic policy at:


8. Communications
The course web-site on Power Campus will be used by the instructor to
communicate with students on matters related to this course and vice versa. For all
e-mail correspondence, students are requested to include the course code / identifier
(ACCT 500) in the subject line.

9. Lecture Schedule*

Teaching Week Dates Lecture Topic Readings** Remarks

1 12.09 16.09 Introduction to Drury, Classes begin
course & chapter 1. 15.09.
2 19.09 23.09 Costing: cost Drury, chapters 23.09 Last
behavior; 2 and 3; day to
direct and Proctor, add/drop
indirect costs. chapter 1 classes.
3 26.09 30.09 Costing: Drury, chapters
Seminar. 2 and 3;
chapter 1
4 03.10 07.10 Activity-Based Drury, chapter
Costing (ABC). 11; Proctor,
chapter 10
5 10.10 14.10 Activity-Based Drury, chapter
Costing: 11; Proctor,
Seminar. chapter 10
6 17.10 21.10 Cost-Volume- Drury, chapter Quiz 1 will be
Profit (CVP) 8; Proctor, held at start
Analysis. chapter 5 of class.
7 24.10 28.10 Cost-Volume- Drury, chapter
Profit Analysis: 8; Proctor,
Seminar. chapter 5
8 31.10 04.11 Mid-Term
9 07.11 11.11 Differential Drury, chapter 09.11 State
Accounting: 9; Proctor, Flag Day (no
Short-term chapters 6 and classes).
Decision- 7
10 14.11 18.11 Differential Drury, chapter 14.11 Last
Accounting: 9; Proctor, day to
Short-term chapters 6 and withdraw.
Decision- 7
11 21.11 25.11 Budgeting . Drury, chapter
15; Proctor,
chapter 16
12 28.11 02.12 Budgeting Drury, chapter

Seminar. 15; Proctor,
chapter 16
13 05.12 09.12 Capital Drury, chapters Quiz 2 will be
Budgeting. 13 and 14; held at start
Proctor, of class.
chapter 8
14 12.12.- 16.12 Capital Drury, chapters 16.12 Last
Budgeting 13 and 14; day of classes.
Seminar and Proctor,
Revision. chapter 8
15 19.12 23.12 Reading 20.12 Final
Period and examinations
Final begin.
16 26.12 30.12 Final 26.12 - 27.12:
Examinations. Final
17 02.01 06.01 Marking and
18 09.01 13.01 Winter Break
19 16.01 20.01 Winter Break

*Above is a tentative schedule subject to change during the course of the semester.
**Chapter numbers may be different, depending on the edition of the book

10. Academic Integrity (Refer ADA University Students Handbook)

Academic Dishonesty
ADA University has no tolerance for acts of academic dishonesty. Honor Code of
ADA University defines the responsibilities of both students and faculty with regard to
academic dishonesty. By teaching this course, the instructor has agreed to observe
the entire faculty responsibilities described in that document.

By enrolling in this class, students have agreed to observe all student responsibilities
described in that document. Academic dishonesty in this course includes copying or
collaborating during an exam, discussing or divulging the contents of an exam with
another student who will take the test, and use of coursework / homework solutions
from other students.

Student Code of Ethics

ADA Honor Code
All students are required to uphold and embody the requirements and principles
stated in the ADA Honor Code. The Honor Code Ceremony will be held on 15
September 2016, and attendance is required for all ADA students, faculty, and

Students are responsible for reading the Honor Code in detail, as it is an institutional
document which applies to all classes and activities at ADA.

Do refer to Students Handbook and ADA Honor Code at:

11. Instructors Profile

MBA in Finance from North Texas State University985); MA in Political Science
(1975) and BA in Economics (1974) from the University of Canterbury, New
Has 30 years of lecturing experience, teaching accounting and finance in
institutions of higher learning in Malaysia, Beijing, China and Tashkent,

17 years of work experience in finance and accounting management in the public

and private sectors in Malaysia.

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