Hypertension Brochure Pe

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What are the What are the What causes

different types? symptoms of hypertension?

1. Essential hypertension. Primary hypertension: This type of
This type of hypertension is High blood pressure is a largely high blood pressure, tends to develop
gradually over many years.
diagnosed after a doctor symptomless silent killer. But there
notices that your blood are still a few things that you may
Secondary hypertension: Some people
pressure is high on three or notice if you have hypertension, but
have high blood pressure caused by
more visits and eliminates all these things do not necessarily mean
an underlying condition. Various
other causes of hypertension. you are suffering from hypertension.
2. Secondary hypertension. conditions and medications can lead
The most common cause of to secondary hypertension, including:
1. Blood spots in the eyes:
secondary hypertension is an Blood spots in the eyes
abnormality in the arteries Kidney problems
(subconjunctival hemorrhage)
supplying blood to the are more common in people
kidneys. Adrenal gland tumors
with diabetes or high blood
3. systolic hypertension is
pressure, but neither condition
defined as an elevated Thyroid problems
causes the blood spots
systolic blood pressure (SBP).
If the systolic blood pressure 2. Facial flushing: Certain defects in blood vessels you're
is elevated (>140) with a Facial flushing occurs when born with (congenital)
normal (<90) diastolic blood blood vessels in the face dilate.
pressure (DBP) While facial flushing may occur Certain medications, such as birth
4. Malignant hypertension is while your blood pressure is control pills, cold remedies,
extremely high blood higher than usual, high blood decongestants, over-the-counter pain
relievers and some prescription drugs
pressure that develops pressure is not the cause of
rapidly and causes some facial flushing
Illegal drugs, such as cocaine and
type of organ damage
5. Resistant hypertension is 3. Dizziness:
defined as blood pressure While dizziness can be a side Alcohol abuse or chronic alcohol use
that remains above goal effect of some blood pressure
despite concurrent use of medication, it is not caused by It also rises in response to
three antihypertensive high blood pressure. High blood excitement, anxiety and physical
agents of different classes pressure is a leading risk factor activity.
for a stroke
Other key contributors include lifestyle measurements outside the beans, pulses, and nuts, and
factors, such as: doctor's office omega-3-rich fish twice a week
5. tests may include urine tests, 4. Reducing weight and
A salt-rich diet associated with kidney ultrasound imaging, maintaining it -weight
processed and fatty foods blood tests, an reduction is followed by a fall in
blood pressure
electrocardiogram (ECG)
Alcohol and tobacco use. 5. Regular physical exercise
and/or an echocardiograph
-30 min, 5 to 7 days a week
Physical inactivity 6. Stress reduction

Medical What is
Testing Treatments Hypertension?
1. Diagnosis of hypertension is The lifestyle measures shown to
made by measuring blood reduce blood pressure are: noun: hypertension
pressure over a number of
clinic visits, using a 1. Salt restriction - typical salt 1. abnormally high blood
sphygmomamometer. An intake is between 9 and 12 g a pressure.
day and modest blood pressure
isolated high reading is not
reductions can be achieved o a state of great
taken as proof of even in people with normal
hypertension. psychological stress.
levels by lowering salt to around
2. diagnosis can be made after 5 g a day
elevated readings are taken 2. Moderation of alcohol
on at least three separate consumption - expert
days. guidelines say moving from
3. Measurements may be taken moderate to excessive drinking
at the doctor's office while a is "associated both with raised
patient is seated and after blood pressure and with an
standing; this helps the increased risk of stroke
doctor to look for orthostatic 3. High consumption of
vegetables and fruits and
or postural hypotension
low-fat-advised to minimize
4. reliability of blood pressure intake of saturated fat and total
readings may be improved by fat and to eat whole-grain, high-
having a patient or someone fibre foods, at least 300 g of
else take a series of fruit and vegetables a day,
Period #4
By: Joselin Vazquez

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