Land Ethics

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Cassandra Hernandez

Biology 1120

Society Principles and the Lack of Ethical

The concept of land or property is identified throughout history, in

terms of who is entitled to their own land, its richness, soil, and

resources. However many disregard the conservation of land without

establishing its own identity. According to Aldo Leopolds Land Ethic in

A Sand Country Almanac, Leopold argues that society only considers

self-preservation of land when its beneficial and/or has financial gain.

Leopold illustrates that society has a role to preserve the biotic

community according to three energy circuits that once altered are

difficult to return from the previous state. According to the author

property is not define by commercial value but the integrity of it.

Leopold describes that 1) land is not merely soil, 2) native plants and

animals keep the energy circuit open, others may or may not, and 3)

that man made changes are of a different order than evolutionary

changes, and have effects more comprehensive than is intended or

foreseen (Leopold, 1949).

Apart from other bigger and stronger predators we as humans

have caused damaged to the environment, globally. We are selfish,

uncaring, and mindless to the resources and animals that live on Earth.

Civilization lacks the knowledge of sharing the land/property with other

living beings that inhabit the earth. Which leads us to wonder what

defines the value of land? According to Leopold the outcome of global

disturbances in the environment is endangering Earths natural

resources and habitats. The altering conditions and damages reflect on

our absence of action and respect stated by Leopold as ecological


Humanitarian values is a concept that is often extended to other

communities or countries during national disasters. On rare occasions,

aid is extended to endangered species, deforestation, or preservation

efforts. We forget that land is home to other communities and isnt just

another source for materials. Leopold implied that ecological conscience

is showing compassion to every living beings including: plants, animals,

and essentially soil. Leopold doesnt extend this idea to just land and

creatures but argues that conservation ethics is more than supplying

financial aid and appreciation for its scenery. He argues that National

Parks and resorts are displayed for profit leading to spoliation. Leopold

argues that recreation are seen as an amusement or rather travel spot

than a sanctuary for wilderness or animals. I thought this idea was

interesting as I havent thought about National Parks as services, but

conservation for the land and animals living in the area.

I belief that our relationship with animals or the environment is

either nonexistent or unresolved. There isnt much process on

developing regulations to reduce Earths resources, the concept of

creating an ecofriendly community is still lacking effort. Leopold

perspective is that we are conquers of land which describes how people

are becoming uninterested in environmental ethics. Leopold explains

that society deems the value and worth of a habitat if the biotic
community doesnt provide benefits to us. According to this concept

economic ideas tend override the purity of the land and the profit that

could be gain from it for personal gain. Our community needs to

understand that taking care of the environment isnt a common chore

its a responsibility. Whether its the absence of knowledge, values, or

interest its essential to reteach the roles that people have in this planet.

I belief that having a conservation philosophy is a reflection of a

lifestyle. By this I mean changing harmful life choices that could damage

the environment. I think that as global citizens we gravitated into

modern technology and materialistic objects that we forget to unplug or

become educated about our ecosystem. Civilization thrives on artificial

appreciation for technology, not for life experiences. Instead we want

more fuel, more resources a never ending novelty. Globally we are

constantly working of a time frame that we tend to disregard everything

that doesnt relate to our daily lives. Leopold states that conservation is

a state of harmony between men and land a relationship often supplied

by self-interest (Leopold, 1949).

Reflecting on Leopolds perspective I agree that once members of a

community has changed a property, the purity that was once held is

gone or changed. Often the outcomes are irreversible, damaging the

scenery and life abundance that had first flourished. As a child, I

remember going each summer camping near Lake Marina the location

was beautiful and fresh. Part of it was the lack population and how it
remain untouched due to strict law enforcement. As the location

received more attention by visitors soon the condition of the area

changed, including the water. Leopolds Land Ethic describes the

innocence that the land possesses and how its taken away by industrial

work. This made me reflect on the continuing impact that reoccurs every

single day.

I agree with Leopold that a relationship [with land] cannot exist

without respect and appreciation of its worth. I also agree that when

dealing with terms of environmental conservation, relief plans are

complex and takes extensive research. My motivation to improve on my

ecological conscience or relationship with land is based primarily from

the value of nature and the peace it offers. I truly belief that without the

need for more economic status that society would improve on significant

issues faced today.

Reading Leopolds land ethic makes me contemplate about the

works of Thoreau and the lifestyles of different regions that dont require

industrial movements. I thought about remote places that remain intact

from human interface and how devastating it is once discovered and

torn from their natural roots. I think that as global citizens we have

forgotten how minuscule we are that we disregard the condition of our

environment. Its self-evident that when industrial movements are

encouraged for economic opportunities, we favor those constructions.

Leopold states that such accommodations for the crowd are not
developing anything in description to recreational activities intended to

protect nature. I agree that regulations are incline to favor societies

needs rather than the actual purpose of environmental restoration.

The section that I would recommend and enjoyed is titled The

Outlook, I thought it represented the path that modern technology and

moral value for ecology is placed now. The Outlook reflects how society

revolves on social media and devices which separates individuals from

establishing a relationship with land. My favorite part about this

particular exercise is that Leopold, defines two future outcomes: 1) land

can survive without humans inhabiting it and 2) if economic value

overrules the integrity of land, extinction and limited resources will



Leopold, Aldo. A Sand County Almanac, With Essays on

Conservation from Round River. Toronto: The Random House Publishing
Group.1949. Print.

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