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BRF+ : How to join DB Lookup Expressions

CHRYSANTHI TSOULFA 2 posts since Dec 6, 2015

BRF+ : How to join DB Lookup Expressions Dec 6, 2015 8:00 PM
Just finished the 3days training in DSM100 and I am trying to create the my BRF+

My first DB Expression tries to select idocs for EDIDC (created on certain date, message type, status =>.....i
will change those parameteres later)

and the second selects idocs with error WP120 from WPLST (i will also change conditions later)

Generated by Jive on 2015-12-14+01:00

BRF+ : How to join DB Lookup Expressions

WHAT I NEED TO DO is to join these two expressions and to find

which idocs from the first expression included in the second

With simple words the question is

create a table with

idoc number status created on basic type message
xxxxxxxxx 51 24/11/2015 WGSREQ Site data for article & / site & unknown

message will be taken from T100

language EN
and & parameters1,2 from WPLST

how could i handle with conditions in above DBexpressions?

Generated by Jive on 2015-12-14+01:00

BRF+ : How to join DB Lookup Expressions

I will appreciate it, if an expert could help me or give me the direction i should follow
Tags: brf+

Christian Lechner 317 posts since Jun 22, 2009

Re: BRF+ : How to join DB Lookup Expressions Dec 6, 2015 9:13 PM

I would recommend to do the join in the backend and not in the BRFplus using either a DDIC view or if possible
using a CDS View. The view can then be queried using the DB lookup. This is easier and probably more
performant than trying to model the join in BRFplus as the expression itslef does not allow to do so,


CHRYSANTHI TSOULFA 2 posts since Dec 6, 2015

Re: BRF+ : How to join DB Lookup Expressions Dec 6, 2015 9:48 PM
I see. I hadnt understand that we cannot join tables in BRF+
Thank you for your reply, I was trying all day to manage it....

Clifford Stinson 555 posts since Nov 20, 2011

Re: BRF+ : How to join DB Lookup Expressions Dec 12, 2015 11:45 AM
An alternative would be to use the first DB expression as the source for a loop expression which calls a rule
which in turn calls the second DB expression. This would be less efficient than a view but if the tables are
small this would not be an issue.


Generated by Jive on 2015-12-14+01:00


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