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Exm card n.

1. study designs in medical research:experimental and observational

studies.true and quasi experiments.clinical trials.cross over design.

1.) explain the term study design applying it for medical research.
Study characteristics tht are determined by the clinical information sought
a. the specific type of study design that will be employed.
b. The manner in which the study wil be conducted,including the
criteria used for subjects selection and treatment and the way in
which data are collected and analyzed.

strength and limitation of clinical study are design by the methodology which
intern affects the validity and generalisability of the results and possible

a.its study design as well defined and well recognized strength or


b.The method employed within any study design for the selection and
treatment of subjects,data collection and analysis can vary greatly
,thereby strengthening or weakening the study design.

Major methodologic consideration

- subjects collection
- data collection : prospective data collection,retrospective data collection,methods
of data collection.
- Statistical analysis

2.) Experimental and observational studies.explain the differences.

Experimental studies test the effect of some intervention on a certain aspect of

health or illness .in these studies,the investigators controls both the population and
the factors to which the population is exposed.
Observational studies use existing phenomena in an attempt to understand
aspects of health or these studies,the investigators control neither the
population nor the factors to which the population is exposed.

3.) True and quasi experiments.

4.) Clinical trial as a study design for research of clinical problems.randomized
controlled clinical trials.
- clinical trial is a an experimental study design used to assess differences between
2 or more groups receiving different interventions or treatments.
- Clinical trial usually is used to compare outcomes between differents
treatment(eg.antibiotic treatment for a specific disease or chemotherapy for a
specific cancer)
- It can also used in clinical decision analysis to compare outcomes.
- A population with a clinical characteristics requiring intervention must be

5.) Cross over design.

2.factors affecting health.

1.) explain health as a multidismentional term.

- health is a state of complete physical ,mental,and social wellbeing and not merely
the absence of disease of intimity.

2.) groups of factors affecting health by social theory of diseases.

- host factors.
- environmental factors : physical,biological,social
- proper genetic environment.
- proper nutrition.
- conductive physical,biological,psychosocial environment.
- good socio-economic status.
- proper education.

3.) modified and non-modified risk factors.

- Modified : smoking,high blood cholesterol,obesity,hypertension.can reduced

by intervention.
- Modifiable risk factors : if there is intervention the probability of the
occurrence of a diseasenis reduced.
- Nonmodified : age,sex,race,family history,genetic factors,occupational
hazards.cannot be changed.
4.) characterize healthy life style and its components.
5.) ways to form healthy life style in population.problems in public health
interventions related to life style modification.

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