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RR Financial

Consultants Limited
Regd. Office : 412-422, lndroprokosh Buitding
21, Borokhombo Rood, NEw Delhi-l10001
Tel. : +91-ll-23352497
+91-l l-23354802
CIN No. : 17489Dt1986PtC023530
Emoil ld :
Websile :

l4rH February, 2017

Ref: Scrip Code: 511626

Corporate Relations & Service Dept.
Bombay Stock Exchange Limited
Floor 25,PJ Towers, Dalal Street
Mumbai - 400001 .

Sub: Outcome of the Board Meeting of the company held on 14th February, 2017 as per Reg. 33 of
SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015

Dear Sir,

Pursuant to Regulation 33 (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 please
be informed that the Board of Directors of the company at its meeting held on l4th February,2017,
interalias has:

l. Approved the unaudited Financial Results (Standalone and Consolidated) for the third quarter
ended 31" December, 2016.

Please find attached the following:

1. The unaudited Standalone and Consolidated Financial Results of the Company for the third
quarter ended 3l" December, 2016.
2. Limited Review Report on the unaudited financial results - standalone and consolidated

The meeting of the Board of Directors commenced at 4.00 p.m and concluded at 4.30 p.m.

Kindly take the above information on record and acknowledge receipt of the same.

Thanking you.

Yours faithfully.


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/ 1"1
F#ha Naaz ; i
f g-r1s;i+r!
conrpany*[tfj;;"'" i, -T,t 36952
;t^ t
'" *", *1,,T,1o]#il":l**.:"?il,P,Y!,T*)::*iYIl*3,.,,,
CIN: L74899DL 1986PLC023530
Phone:-0l l-23354802. Emaii-Id:-cs@rrfcl-com Website:-n'rvu''rrfcl com

statement of consolidated unaudited Financial Results for The

Third Quarter ended 31st December, 2016
Year To Date Ended Year Ended
Quarter Ended
Particulars 3l-Dec-l6 3l-Dec-15 3l-Dec-l6 3l-Dec-l5 3l-Mar-16
(Inoudited (Inaudited (lnaudited


a. Net Sales / Income from Operations 103.86
Investment Income
132.97 r51.68
Insurance Broking Income
176.47 56r.88
Brokrage & Financial Products Income
723.78 1.0 10 ?8
Investment Banking Income
9.84 11.00
Income of NBFC
49.42 3.96
b. Other OPerating Income l6
7,752.04 1,843.
Total income from oPerations

(Increase) / Decrease in Stock in Trade & Work in Progtess

Cost of materials consumed

Purchases of stock-in-trade
328.61 301.96 426.i3
a. Employees Cost
18.73 16.53 25.15
Expense 5.61
b. Depreciation and Amortisation
684.4r 7 t0.54 1.236 95
c. Other ExPenditure
1,031.75 1,029.03
Total ExPenses
finance costs and 54.33
lProfit / (Loss) from operations before other income' 26.78
120.29 r
f 42.06
xceptional items (1-2)
4 lOther Income

S lProfit / (Loss) from ordinary activities before finance costs and 120.29 26.78 154.33
exceptional items (3+4)
1r4.42 134.49 180.09

costs but before

Z lp.oht / (Loss) from ordinary activities after finance 3.7 r (65.40) 5.87 (107.7r)
exceptional items (5-6)
8 lExceptional Items
(65.40) (107. ?1)
g lprofit / (Loss) from ordinary activities before Tax (7-8) 3.71
25.62 33.3 1
l0 0.29
lTax Expense
(e1.02) (14 r.02)
lProiit / il-oss) from ordinary activities after Tax
(9-10) 3.42 (28.e 1)
12 lExtraordinary Items
(28.9 1) (91.02) (141.02)
rg lProfit / (Loss) for the period (11-12) 3.42
(2 1. 19) (37.63)
5.51 12.20
l4 lMinority Interest
(1 19.83) (56.76)
tS lNet Profit / (Loss) after taxes and minority interest (13-14) (41.1 1)

1,106.94 1,106.94
re leaia up Equity Share Capital (Face value of Share t 10/- Each) 1,106.94
I ? lReserve excluding Revaluation Reserves

18i lEarnings per share ( before extraordinary items)

(not annualised):
a. Basic ({) (0.51)
b. Diluted (()
lsiilEarnings per share ( after extraordinary items)
(not annualised):
a. Basic (t)
b. Diluted ({)

anit taken on recoril bv the Boatt of Dtector at their meeting held on 14th FebNary'2017
The above unaudiied result werc reviewil by rhe Audii committee
secrion 2(41) oJ rhe com!.ntes.q.cL zott *q,."s ;i^-.p"";* i" i'"" ir'"; rnancid;ear endins on 31st March. The companv has adolted the chanse dudns the
peiod ffom 16t Julv,2015 to 3lst March 2016' Sin@ the
DrevioN financial year and accord,"erv, the prev; r,""""i"r v"u" *tu *.pany was for nine nonth
March, the "r
comlamtile anounte uesentd in v;ar b ilate ffn&ncial results are foi the leriod halfvear ended
rrevious finsncialrear was 1stJuty,2015 to 3rst 2016
;^ Rr^r Le..hber. 2015 snd hFnce are nor como'rtbl'
r , c*Jrlo"ir"a r'""*i"r sra'"."v'r Fsu"d bv rh; Insri,u,e o{chdrtP'ed
Accounranrs of rndra)
F"1.""'iualiiiii'ili r,*;;id"
Prcvilior for Incohe iax has bee! made on ad-hocbasis' of the comlanv relate6 to onlv one rel oftallc
p*viou. veaf fisures have been *r-"p"u -""".".irt"u wherever considercd lecessarv- The entirc operation
eeg.".r. it'e"etoie reporlint bv AS l7 n not required
Bv Order of thc Board
f,rr fiIi rilre:
**rqn"f-A+ '
Place: New Delhi
I)ate : l4th Februar5',2017
. 'r'l
I 1,
( ts-' / 'ilfr:"""ff.1"1
112-122..lth Floor. Inclraplaka-"h Building. 2l Barakambha Road
\es' Delhr-111-r'-r-tl
ee Reg. off -
CIN: L74899DL1986PLC023530
-$'$'$' rrfcl com
Phone: -01 1-23354802, Email-Id: -cs@rlfcl. com, website:

31st December, 2016

Standalone Unaudited Financial Results for The Third Quarter ended ({inlacs)
Year To Date Ended Year Ended
Quarter Ended
Particulars 31-Dec-16 3l-Dec-l5 31-Dec-16 3l-Dec-15 31-Mar-16
Un.ou.di.ted Unou.di.ted Unau.d.i.t.ed,dited
(Refer l{ote.3)

r ltxconte FRoNI oI'ERATIoNS

a.. Net Sales / Income f'rom Operations
26.52 46.7 4 r03.86
Investment Income
b. Other OPerating Inconte
26.52 46.7 4 103.86
Total income fronl oPerations
(Increase) / Declease in Stock in Trade & Work in Progress

Cost of materials consumed

Purchases of stock-in-trade
2.40 4.80 16.20
Employees Cost
1.63 3.26 5.09
Depreciation and Amoltisation Expense
t7.94 29.r4 60.7 4
Other Expendit'ule
21.97 37.20 82.03
Total Expenses
lProfit / (Loss) from opelations before other income' finance
.l 4.55 9.54 21.83
and exceptional items (1-2)

Other Income

Profit / ([,oss) from ordinar5' activities before finance costs and 4.55 9.54 21.83
exceptional items (3+4)

Finance Costs

Profit/(Loss)fromortlinarvactivitiesafterf'inancecostsbut 4.55 9.54 21.83

before exceptional items (5-6)

8 lExceptional Items
9.54 21.83
s lProfit / (Loss) from ordinary activities before Tax (7-8) 4.55

080 7.80
10 lTax Expense
Tax (9-10) 14.03
f1 lProfit / (Loss) from ordinary activities after 3.75

12 lExtraordinary Items
l3 lProfit / (Loss) fol the peliod (l l-12) 3.75

rl lpaia up Equity Share Capital (Face value ofshare

{ 10/- Each) i,106.94 1,106.94

l5 I Rpselvc exclutling Revaltral iun Reserves

16i lEarnings per share ( before extraordi'nary items)

(not annualised);
0.03 013
a Basic (t) 0.13
b Diluted (t)
t6iilEarnings pcr share ( after extraoldinary items)
(not annualised): 0.13
a. Basic (t) 0.13
b Diluted (()
and taken on record by the Board of Director at their meeting held
on 14th February,2017.
The above lJ'audited rcsult rvere reviervd by the Audit comrnittee
; ;:ilJ$ir"i)*"i'1""il;:i;:ffi;'#;":;;";conpaniestohave-theirEnancialvearendinso,'-:1"'-iil:i::",::i:i'l""li:::X1"#.iiX1%'f':::
prese'ted in year to date nnanciar resutts are fof the period hatf vear
:ff ilff:: il#ffi fi;:;: i:;:;;";'d,ffi;1,";il;;;i;;;'; ;;;-";rative amounts
enaea o" 3l"t lece.ter, 2015 and hsnce arc not comparable' rhe entire operation or th companv relates to onlv one reportable
4 previou. yesr fisurs trave teen i'" .i"'"!"iJ *r,*** considered necLssarv.
rcdortine bvAS l7 is not requircd'
""e-ent, ""g'nent
For and on behalfofthe Board of
f*f nfi r;t;.r.,,
,, }\ .'
r' r.&L*
f \(it ? Rajat Prasad
; ," ? - MonagirtgDirector
Place : New Delhi \f* DIN:00062612
Date : 14th FebruatY ,2017

Registered office address

' 90/318' First Floor'
MalviYa Nagar, New Delhi' 110O17
Phone: + 91- 11-4O4O5@
Email: sandeep'gupta@srggtobal-ca'com

Limited Review Report

Board ofDirectors
R R Financial Consultants Limited
unaudited financial results of R R
we have reviewed the accompanying statement of consolidaled
its subsidiaries ['the Holding company
Financialconsulrants r,i-itfii"iiiJn"Iding company').and
and its subsidiaries together rlie;;";; th; flithe ttrird quarter ended 31"t ggggm$gr' 2016
(.the statemenf). rni, ,rt" t"rp"*iiiiity or tn" company's Management and has
on these financial statements
approved by the goara or"t"t"."lriiJ
oireJors. our responsibility is to issue a report
based on our rwiew.

Engagements to Review rinanciliiLt"-"ro
i"*ed by the Institute ofchartered Accountants of India'
review to obtain moderate assurance as to
This standard requires arrrt *"'pr""-"rJ ngrro.n. lite primarily to
whether the financial f.* of material misstatement' A review is limjted provide
p"ooni"i-Juialyticat proceaures applied to financial data and thus
inquiries of company we do not express an
[Tr:J;;;;iil-',uriurair.'w" r,*e noi perro.mea an audit and accordinglv'
audit opinion.

The statement include the results ofthe

following entities:

a) R R Financial Consuharts Limited Brokers Private

b) RR Equity Broke*
p;;-iilil; and its five subsidiaries ie. RR Commodity
Limite4 R' n .mformation and Inves'tment Releqch h/t Lt4 RR lnvestors Retail Services
private Limite4 nn iT"i"r'"ti",, priout" l,i-i RR lnvestors Distribution company Private
c) RR lnsurance Brokers Private Limited
d'l Arix Consultants Private Limited
ej nn rincaP rrtvate Limited Ie. RR Investor
fl RR Investors cupit i-s.J.." Hvate Limited and its one subsidiary
Securities Trading Prival'e Limited
subsidiaries ie. RR Land Estates
g) RR Infra rrt"t"""t"-ii-it"a and its three
' Private Limited, t*ii**i"" inftaestates Private Limited' Priya Darshan Real
. Estates Private Limlted

Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come

to our attention that causes us to believe
that the accompanying statement of unaudited finincial results prepared
in accordance with applicable
accounting standards and other recogn ized accounting practices
and policies has not disclosed the
information required to be disclosed ln terms of Regu'i"iion 33
of the sEBI flisting obligations and
Disclosure RequirementsJ Regulations, 2015 including the manner
in which it is to be disclosed, or that
it contains any material misstatement.

For Sandeep Ramesh Gupta & Co.

Chartered Accountants
FRN: 011984N /.:-\

n diq z

ICha red Accountant)
Membe ship no: 090039
Place: New Delhi

SnxnEEP Ravrnsn GI-IPTA & Co.


Registered office address

9O/3L8, First Floor,
Malviya Nagar. New Delhi, 11-001-7
Phone: + 9L-1.L-4040500
Email: sa

Limited Review Report

Board of Directors
R R Financial Consultants Limited

We have reviewed the accompanying statement of Standalone unaudited financial resul8 of R R

Financial Consuftants Limited {"the Compan/) for the third quarter erded 31$ December, 2016
{'the Statement"}. This statement is the responsibility of the Company's Management and has been
approved by the Board of Directors. Our responsibility is to issue a report on these financial statements
based on our review.

We conducted our review in accordance with tlre Standard on Review Engagement (SRD 2400,
Engagements to Review Financial Statements issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
This standard requires tlat we plan and perform the review to obtain moderate assurance as to
I whetherthe financial statements are free of material misstatemenL A review is limited primarily to
inquiries of company personnel and analytical procedures applied to financial data and thus provide
less assurance than an audil We have not performed an audit and accordingly, we do not express an
audit opinion.

Based on our review conducted as above, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe
that the accompanying statement ofunaudited financial results prepared in accordance with applicable
accounting standards and other recogrrized accounting practices and policies has not disclosed the
information required to be disclosed in terms of Regulation 33 of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulationq 2015 including the manner in which it is to be disclosed, or tlat
it contains any material misstatemenL

For Sandeep Ramesh Gupta & Co.

Chartered Accountants

rship no: O9OO39
Place: New Delhi
Date: 1+,0?'2A1.7

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