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Prof. James Dennis C. Gumpal, M.D.


1. Etymology and definition of medical jurisprudence

2. Laws

2.1. Sections 6 and 21 of R.A. 2382 as amended by R.A. 4224 (1965) & R.A. 5946 (1969)

2.2. Section 5 of Rule 138

3. History of Medical Jurisprudence

3.1. China

3.2. Europe

3.3. United States

3.4. Philippines

4. Course topics to be taken as modules

4.1. Introduction to Medical Jurisprudence

4.2. Anatomy

4.3. Biometrics

4.4. DNA

4.5. Reproduction

4.6. Pregnancy & abortion

4.7. Paternity & Filiation

4.8. Child abuse

4.9. Virginity and rape

4.10. Insanity and psychological incapacity

4.11. Sexuality

4.12. Drugs, poisons & toxic substances

4.13. Physical injuries

4.14. Medical malpractice

4.15. Medical ethics

4.16. Death and dying

5. Bases of grades

5.1. Quizzes, recitation (30% of raw score) - 8 multiple choice questions per module:

5.2. Mid-terms (30% of raw score) 110/100

5.3. Final exam (40% of raw score) 120/100

5.4. Projects (+8 to final raw score) - optional and to be submitted or presented on the last
class meeting. Proposals for projects must be related to any or some of the modules

6. Prepare a bluebook with only your student number and section written on the cover page. For
irregular students without a definite day section, indicate Section -IRR. For each page of
the blue book (do not skip the back page) write numbers 1 to 8 and the module title on the
upper right hand corner.

7. To facilitate coordination and changes in schedule or contents of outline, for each section
through your class leader/monitor, email me at your email addresses.
Class monitors for each section as well as irregular students, send me your cp#s (identify your
name and class section) to CP#09998894838 for immediate communication on matters
relating to the class.

8. Attendance (University policy-absences allowed not to exceed 20% of total class hours)

Total hours = 16 hours

Allowable absences not to exceed = 3 hours (whether excused or not excused)

9. Students are expected to read the laws, cases, readings and view the recommended videos.
These shall form part of the expected information you need to have in order to pass the
course whether these are actually discussed during class meetings.

Recommended reference for this module:

The History of Legal Medicine by Cyril H. Wecht, MD, JD <


References for the course is on the individual modules.

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