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Reflection on Learning 1

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Reflection on Learning about Using Technology with Assessment

Stephanie Moses
University of West Georgia
Reflection on Learning 2

Assessing students in the twenty-first century classroom has changed tremendously in the

past years. The use of technology has increased student achievement and increased productivity

in teachers as well. This semester I learned of several tools to use to assess students quickly,

such as Kahoot and Plickers. They are effective and add a degree of fun for students and

teachers. I am entering my second year as the computer literacy teacher at my school and there

are technology assessment tools that I can use with my students and most importantly, I can

share the ideas with my coworker (teachers) as well.

Review of Learning

For my assessment project this semester, I used 3rd graders to complete a science Prezi on

pollution. Students used technology such as Prezi, YouTube, Quizlet and Microsoft Word. These

forms of technology have been introduced to the students through computer literacy class. The

class was studying pollution and for an ending assessment, students had to create a Prezi with a

partner while following a rubric. In order to effectively form the assessment, I had to ensure that

students would be able to follow the rubric and understand what is expected of them. When

students know what is expected of them, then the results of the assessment will be more accurate

because they have a clearer understanding of expectations. I believe one of the most important

aspects of assessment in using technology is making sure the teacher uses the results to drive

instruction. The assessment should allow students to utilize higher level thinking skills and

critical thinking skills as well as their creativity. Using technology to assess students can be a

great time saver for teachers that already have a number of demands in their classroom. The
Reflection on Learning 3

initial setup of the technology can take some time and effort but eventually will allow timely

feedback from the students in the classroom.

With the implementation of my assessment plan, I liked the idea of students completing

Prezi to demonstrate their learning. However, after implementing the plan, it was obvious that

more time needed to be spent on how to use more efficiently. Unfortunately,

sometimes the computer literacy class has limited time in the schedule to teach how to

effectively use Prezi and other forms of technology that can be useful for incorporating

assessment and technology in the classroom.


Going forward, I would make sure that students receive ample instruction on the

technology tool they will sue for the assessment. On the other hand, making sure teachers are

comfortable with technology is imperative so that they can conduct assessments properly.

Opportunities have to be given to teachers and time to collaborate with other teachers as well are

needed to ensure comfortability with using technology when assessing students. Using

technology to assess students can be a motivating experience filled with success for the student.

Students can receive prompt feedback on their performance and the assessments can be given on

a continuous basis easier (Salend, 2009).

Using technology enhanced assessments can more accurately diagnose a students ability

level and positively impacts student learning (Pellegrino and Quellmalz, 2010). Using the

assessments to plan lessons and differentiate instruction are key in ensuring student success.

When students are successful in their learning environment, teachers feel successful and both

teachers and students have a sense of pride.

Reflection on Learning 4


The twenty-first century classroom has changed in the way students are assessed by

incorporating technology. Technology makes it easier more efficient to evaluate student

learning. The most important sign of a successful student is if true learning is taking place which

can be measured through assessments. Using the information to plan lessons that assessments

show is needed is key in ensuring student success and will prevent redundant lessons in the

classroom as well. Students can move along at their own pace and receive remediation if

needed. Making sure teachers are trained on various ways to assess using technology is an

important aspect for teacher success as well (Carter and Crichton, 2014). Principals and

administrators need to promote the technology in their schools and make sure the teachers are

using the assessments given to drive the instruction in the classroom. Using technology to assess

allows students and teachers the quick feedback that they need and makes the classroom more

inviting place to be.

Reflection on Learning 5


Salend, S. J. (2009). Classroom Testing and Assessment for All Students: Beyond

Standardization. Retrieved from




Pellegrino, J.W., Quellmalz, E.S. (2010). Perspectives on the Integration of Technology and

Assessment, Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 43 (2), 119-134.

Carter, D., Crichton, S. (2014). Empowering 21st Century Assessment Practices: Designing

Technologies as Agents of Change, Educational Media International, 51 (4), 295-309.

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