February 26 2017

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Sai Inspires from Prasanthi Nilayam -

February 26, 2017

How is it possible for us to attain control of our senses? Bhagawan lovingly gives us a
valuable tip today.

No sadhana or spiritual exercise is greater than controlling the

senses. All spiritual practices such as japa (chanting the Lords
name) and tapa (penance) will be of no avail if senses are not
controlled. You may be under the impression that it is not possible
for a human being to control the senses. Here control does not
mean total cessation. Discharge your duties as a householder,
student or businessman. But whatever you do, do it with a feeling
that all actions are performed to please God (Sarva Karma
Bhagavad Preetyartham). You feel that arpitam (total surrender) to
God is rather difficult, but according to Me, nothing is easier than
this. Once you develop this feeling, all your senses will naturally be
controlled. Ancients have said that bliss lies in visualising and
experiencing your true form, that is, the Principle of the Atma. Proper
utilisation of the senses will lead to the knowledge of the Atma.

- Divine Discourse, Feb 15, 1999.

Be like a star, which never wavers from the crescent, but is fixed, in steady faith. Baba

26 PrvrI, 2017

sweI ieMspwier(pRyrxw) dw pMjwbI tRWslySn

pRSn : AsIN, AwpxIAW ieMdRIAW au`qy ikvyN kwbU pw skdy hW? Bgvwn, A`j swnUM, ipAwr nwl qrIkw dsdy hn[
au`qr: AwpxIAW ieMdRIAW au`qy kwbU pwaux qoN v`fI hor koeI swDnw jW A`iDAwqimk A`iBAws nhIN hY[jy quhwfw, ieMdRIAW
au`qy kMtrol nhIN hY qW quhwfy v`loN kIqy jp(Bgvwn dw nW aucwrx krnw) Aqy qp dw koeI lwB nhIN hY[qusIN, ieh
socdy hovo gy ik myry leI, ieMdRINAW au`qy kwbU pwauxw sMBv nhIN hY[ie`Qy kMtRol dw ArQ, pUrI smwpqI nhIN hY[qusIN,
Gr dy mwlk, ividAwrQI Aqy vpwrI dy rUp ivc, AwpxI ifaUtI dw pwlx kro[jo ku`J vI kro, auh ies Bwvnw nwl
kro ik mYN Awpxw krm,Bgvwn nUM KuS krn leI kr irhw hW[qusIN, soc rhy hovo gy ik kIqy krmW dw Bgvwn nUM
smrpx krnw AOKw hY pr myry muqwbk, ies qoN sOKw hor ku`J nhIN hY[jd quhwfy ivc ieh Bwvnw Aw jwvy gI ,
quhwfIAW ieMdRIAW, Awpxy-Awp, quhwfy vs ivc Aw jwx gIAW[purwxy irSI-munI kihMdy sn ik mnu`K nUM aus vyly mn nUM
KuSI pRwpq huMdI hY jd aus nUM ieh igAwn ho jWdw hY ik Asl ivc, mYN kyvl Awqmw hI hW[ieMdRIAW dy shI aupXog
nwl hI, Awqmw dw igAwn pRwpq huMdw hY[( 15 PrvrI, 1999 dy idvX pRvcn)[

AwkwS dy aus qwry dI qrHW bxo, ijhVw ik ibnW ihly, pUry ivSvwS nwl Awpxy sQwn qy itikAw hoieAw hY[(bwbw)[

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