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Eternal Call of the Ganga

Reconnecting with People of Indian Origin in Surinam

This paper reviews Indias interface with its diaspora from the early years of the
last century till September 2000 when the government adopted a new policy framework
seeking stronger ties between the Indian diaspora and India. The earlier policy of studied
indifference has been gradually abandoned; instead the government has
encouraged the construction of an Indian diaspora which attempts to reterrorialise
identities by consciously finding India a place in the perception of People of
Indian Origin (PIO) and seeking to rebuild roots.

he Indian ministry of external affairs and the Federation NRIs and PIOs whose goal it was to develop a global Indian
of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) family and who sought to create a concept of unity among the
decided to celebrate New Year in a grand way. Between Indians wherever they are, a commonality and a sense of togeth-
January 9-11, 2003, they organised the first-ever Pravasi Bharatiya erness (Hindustan Times, July 28, 2002). Committee members
Diwas for the Indian diaspora, to most of all provide non- in particular wanted to show our diaspora that India means
Residential Indians (NRIs) and People of Indian Origin (PIOs)1 business in the matter of engaging it in long-term mutually
with a tremendous opportunity to reconnect with Motherland beneficial interaction (press report on the outcome of the HLC).
2 The objectives of the gathering were, "to bring the Indian family People left India during different times and for various reasons.
from all over the world together. Also, to acquaint the Indian Their places of birth varied and they were equipped with different
people with the achievements of the Indian diaspora and to use and unequal types of capital. In this paper we focus on the relation
them as a bridge to strengthen relationships between India and between India and so-called Hindustanis7 in Surinam. On June
the host countries in this age of globalisation". With 2,000 NRIs 5, 1998, the Hindustanis in Surinam commemorated 125 years
and PIOs participating, the event was classed as the largest ever of Indian immigration. On this occasion a book entitled East
gathering of the global Indian family (Hindustan Times, De- Indian Immigrants in Suriname: A Book of Names (1873-1916)
cember 8, 2002). Representatives of over 110 countries met in by Maurits Hassankhan (university of Paramaribo) and Sandew
New Delhi including Surinam.3 Hira (Amrit Consultancy in the Netherlands) was released. This
Though relatively late, the government of India has now joined publication contains the personal database of the East Indians
the list of nation-states trying to woo their diaspora.4 NRIs (Hindustanis) and gives an overview of the places from where
and PIOs are included in the new narrative of a deterritorialised the immigrants came (Thana, Zilla and Gaon). From this
Indian nation, represented as a global Indian family (India and other historical sources [Grierson 1883] it is evident that
Today, May 20, 2002, p 58). They are also paraded as Mother the ancestors of the present generations living in Surinam mi-
Indias Children [Motwani; Gosine and Barrot-Motwani 1993, grated mostly from the Bhojpuri area of British India, now
Kumar 2000]. After a prolonged period of conscious de-linking, covering the western part of Bihar and eastern Uttar Pradesh.8
India once again evoked the call of the Ganga5 and insisting They generally boarded a ship departing from the port of Calcutta
on those who have left that they should be good citizens of the somewhere between 1873 and 1916. On arrival in Surinam they
country of their adoption. Simultaneously, however, they are started working as indentured labourers on a five-year contract.
told they should be good Indians and strive to find support for After renewal of the contract and another five years of very
India (Hindustan Times, July 28, 2002). demanding work on plantations, they could make use of a free
In September 2000 a new policy framework was proposed passage and return to Calcutta.9
aiming at forging stronger ties between the Indian diaspora and Though these people shared some traditions and at times a
India. Accordingly, a high level committee (HLC) on the Indian language,10 they were rather diffuse and had come with different
diaspora was set up with a mandate to make a comprehensive ambitions, personal histories and were variously equipped. Besides,
study of the global Indian diaspora and to recommend measures family migration was rare. Some sort of affiliation was however
for a constructive relationship with them (The Times of India, developed during their stay in the depots,11 which was reinforced
January 14, 2002 and The Hindu, July 6, 2001). This step reflects during the months-long journey on the ship to Surinam.12
a mammoth and extremely interesting sea change in official Nevertheless, these Hindustanis underwent dissimilar migratory
Indian policy towards foreign citizens of Indian descent settled experience and encountered different problems while settling in
in various countries all over the world.6 The members of the the Dutch colony. A few might have considered themselves
committee seemed sensitive to the fast variety among the diaspora transients and not settlers. Yet, subsequent generations seem
and were willing to consider differences in problems and ex- to have realised that they were in a position of no return and
pectations from their mother country. The diaspora, they feel, abandoned the idea of going back to India. Surinam became
is like a rainbow not unlike society within India itself. The their country of permanent abode. During the 1970s how-
government of India also appointed an ambassador-at-large for ever, when many supported an independent Surinam, about

4008 Economic and Political Weekly September 20, 2003

80,000 to 1,00,000 Hindustanis settled in the Netherlands in the port of Calcutta and heading for Surinam were normally
[Baumann 2001:62] thereby becoming twice migrants. There needy. Many had been excluded from free access to land and
now are about 3,00,000 descendants of those initial immigrants some had found no alternatives in agriculture and industry within
of which approximately 1,50,000 are living in the Netherlands India or preferred migration outside. Some among these migrants
[Nandoe 2000:236]. In Surinam, Hindustanis still form a rela- seem to have left from the port of Calcutta with an idea they
tively large group and are surrounded by other powerful ethnic would return. Besides, relatives and friends who stayed put
groups. Having experienced a unique migration history and longed for their return and composed songs to express this
having been subjected to different economic and political yearning [Tiwari 2001]. Though much more research has to be
situations, descendants from Indian indentured labourers in carried out in this field, it is also possible however that those
Surinam have evolved as a distinct entity with its own and varied who left at times did so without the knowledge of their kin and
dynamics. It is likely that different categories among these even with the intention never to return. Moreover, it is known
Hindustanis developed along dissimilar lines and evolved distinct that some left against wishes of relatives who threatened they
identities that might have marked them off, though not necessarily would not take them back. On return, some of them were con-
so, both from Indians in India as well as from each other. sidered unfit for old social conditions or themselves lost any
Consequently, linkages between them and India will be varied feeling of home and felt strangers in India (Emmer 1986:196-98
and needs to be studied. and Mohapatra 1995].
In this paper, we firstly review Indias interface with its diaspora, Apart from informal relationships which might or might not
which started with a Gandhian approach and developed in a have existed between those who stayed put and those who left,
Nehruvian approach and cumulated in something that might there also was the formal stand of the government in British India
be called the Vajpayeean approach of the present government, on this kind of migration. In 1910, Lord Salisbury (report of the
rolling out a red carpet for its expatriate to celebrate the success Committee on Emigration from India to the Crown Colonies and
of the 20 million NRIs and PIOs.13 We then look at the response Protectorates 1910) wrote:
from PIOs in Surinam and their attitudes towards India and From an Indian point of view, it is desirable to afford an outlet
Indians.14 We conclude by highlighting some findings that should from these redundant regions into the tropical and sub-tropical
be considered in efforts to reconnect PIOs in Surinam with their dominions of Her Majesty, where people who hardly earn a decent
motherland. Our paper is divided in two parts. The first part subsistence in their own country may obtain more lucrative
describes attitudes of those who stayed put towards those who employment and better lives.
settled abroad. We in particular describe and explain changes It was added that:
in Indias formal policy towards its diaspora and concentrate on
the latest shift during which the policy of studied indifference From an imperial point of view it seems proper to encourage
[Parekh 1993:38] towards the then so-called overseas Indians emigration from India to the colonies well fitted for Indian
was gradually abandoned. It will be described that progressively, populations. It is better for India that they should return to this
country with her savings and their place in the colony should be
the government of India attempted to construct an Indian diaspora. taken by others who are in need of employment. In many of the
It also tries to reterritorialise identities of those settled abroad colonies to which emigration from India is practised under the
by putting place (India) back in the perception these people, Emigration Act the immigrants are well treated and amass con-
now labelled PIOs, have about themselves. siderable savings. This substantial benefit is reaped by individuals
The paper however not only analyses the way in which India and we are anxious to encourage emigration to such colonies in
tries to root its diaspora but also questions in the second part every legitimate manner. But the numbers emigrating or that are
whether and how Hindustani people in Surinam, who lost their likely to emigrate under any probable conditions are too small to
bodily connection to India, think of themselves as being rooted afford any substantial relief to the congestion of population from
in India and whether they derive their identity from that rootedness which some parts of India suffer, while on the other hand, having
regard solely to the interests of India, it is not advantageous that
[cf Malkki 1992:70]. It is also asked that since India long back
the coolies should settle down in the colonies, spend their savings
had disowned her children15 did the diaspora in Surinam not there, and breed up a race of Indian labourers, who will in time
in turn disown its land of origin? supply the local demand for labour. It is better for India that they
In short therefore, this paper asks critical questions about the should return to this country with their savings and that their place
ways in which PIOs are constituted and the ways in which this in the colony should be taken by others who are in need of
possibly is contested. Our paper therefore is an important first employment.
step in a new approach towards diaspora studies. The inclusion Yet, not all supported the above mentioned arguments ad-
of those who stayed put as an important category in the diaspora vanced by the government of India that it was in Indias best
space [Brah 1996:16],16 will set new light on those who left interests that the emigrants should return with their savings. They
as the latter are often studied in isolation. argued that those who returned were unsettled by the easier life
they lead in the colonies and that they were generally unable
to settle down again to the harder conditions of life prevailing
I in their native villages and to use their capital economically.
Overseas Indians in Pre-independent Indian It was complained that, with the assistance of their relations and
Narratives: Gandhian View friends they dissipate their savings and then seek to return to
Like elsewhere before [cf Emmer 1984], the abolition of the colonies. These officials thought that it was therefore better
slavery in 1863 in Surinam resulted in a demand for labourers that, these immigrants should settle in the colonies where they
able to work on various plantations in the Dutch colony.17 have served their term of probation. They added that even in
Though reasons for emigration certainly differed over time and the event of abolition of the industry there ought not to be any
place [cf Singh 2001], people embarking from one of the ships necessity for the repatriation of the large number of immigrants

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(ibid:106). The general view of the Indian government was that Overseas Indians in the Narrative of Independent
overseas migration should be encouraged. India Nehruvian View
The first half on the 20th century witnessed the rise of a national
movement in British India cumulating in the creation of two After 1947 when British India was partitioned and an inde-
independent nation states in 1947: India and East and West pendent India established, some of the ideas of nationalists like
Pakistan. During the struggle for independence, the overseas Gandhi were abolished and there was a shift in the attitudes
Indians as they were generally labelled, played a crucial role. towards overseas Indians. The new policy can best be characterised
First as part of a struggle against the indenture system and later as one of studied indifference [Parekh 1993:38] and Pandit
as part of campaigns against the mistreatment and discrimination Jawaharlal Nehru was its main ideologist. Unlike Gandhi, Nehru
of Indians in overseas colonies. did not include overseas Indians in the Indian nation and he also
Increasingly, indenture started to figure as a significant anti- stopped the practice of nationalists who had fought for equal
colonial issue. In 1893, M G Ranade a leading nationalist at the citizenship of Indians settled abroad. Nehru thought that expa-
time still felt that Indian foreign emigration afforded some triate Indians had forfeited their Indian citizenship and identity
relief to the growing population of India, and that the expansion by moving abroad and did not need the support of their mother
of the British Empire could be seen as a direct gain to the masses country. In short, Nehru closed Indias borders and only those
of the country. Yet in 1896 M K Gandhi another important within Indias boundaries were truly Indian. Overseas Indians
nationalist had a meeting with nationalist leader Gopal Krishna were advised to identify with the place in which they resided
Gokhale and tried to interest him in the cause of overseas and not with India. Subsequently, overseas Indians did not become
Indians. Gandhi, who himself had left India and was living in part of Indias foreign policy formulation [Lall 2001:41]. The
South Africa at the time, tried to convince other nationalists of official policy carved out by Nehru (quoted in Lall 2001:169)
the necessity to abolish indenture. The plight of the coolies was:
was greatly dramatised during Mahatma Gandhis Satyagraha in It is the consistent policy of the government that persons of Indian
South Africa. Gandhi as well as other nationalists of his time origin who have taken foreign nationality should identify them-
condemned the laissez-faire attitude of the colonial government selves with and integrate in the mainstream of social and political
[Emmer 1986:200] and demanded abolition. This finally hap- life of the country of their domicile. The government naturally
pened in 1916. Subsequently, ships did not export labour any remains alive to their interests and general welfare and encourages
longer.18 cultural contacts with them. As far as Indian citizens residing
During the three decades that followed till India became an abroad are concerned, they are the responsibility of the government
independent nation state, overseas migrants were seen as part of India.
of the (future) Indian nation. Though nationalists did not request Clearly, in the Nehruvian view double nationality was an
those who had left to return, they nevertheless implored them impossibility:
to identify with Indias cause, its ideology of anti-colonialism,
which would ultimately also benefit them. They were asked to Either they get franchise as nationals of the other country, or treat
make little Indias abroad and it was thought that only a free them as Indians minus franchise and ask them the most favourable
India can hope to protect and safeguard the interests of Indians treatment given to an alien (Nehru in Lok Sabha March 8, 1948
abroad [Gangulee 1947:14]. Though, nationalists kept on quoted in Gupta 1994:18).
fighting against the ill-treatment of Indians when they leave According to Nehru, people should identify with one place
their homeland to visit or settle in other parts of the British only: i e, the country of their domicile and Overseas Indians
Empire [Gangulee 1946:8, See also Lohia 1938:3-6]. They did were no longer part of the Indian nation. Nehru did firmly believe
not call them back however. They rather fought for their accep- however that even if you take a person out of India, you can
tance in their adopted countries on equal terms and asked them not take India out of him/her: Wherever in this world there goes
to identify with the exploited and not with the oppressors an Indian, there is also a bit of India with him (quoted in Gupta
[Gangulee 1946:10]. These nationalists tried to remove the 1994:1). Nevertheless, Nehru asked them on numerous occasions
political, social, and economic liabilities against so-called over- to forget their separate identities [Ibid:15].
seas Indians, which should result, they expected, in the develop- Yet, though this policy remained dominant till at least 1990,
ment of a feeling of unity with the land of their adoption among opposition had made itself audible at times. Bahadur Singh in
them [Ibid:11]. 1979 (217) for instance believed that the Indian diaspora was
For these nationalists therefore, the nation was more than just part of India and should not be ignored by the government of
territory. One could argue that India was presented not as a India. He held the view that,
territorial but as a deterritorialised state [cf Lall 2001:40]. It would only be natural for us to turn to the one resource
Nationalists in India had embraced a comprehensive Gandhian on which we have a national claim. This resource is the large
ideology in which overseas Indians had been made part of funds, which are at the command of people of Indian origin
(future) nation. Place did therefore not matter much as there yet overseas. Sentimentally they also would like to give first preference
was no free India. Gandhi actually never pleaded for a pure to India.
homeland for Indians. What he wanted was a mutually shared The advent of the Janata government in 1977 brought some
and sharable socio-cultural space in the racist colonies like the change in policy towards the overseas Indians. This coalition
one in which he had lived himself, i e, South Africa. He reminded government introduced new entry laws to allow overseas
overseas Indians of their own imaginary homelands (des/ Indians to return to India even if foreign passport holders
pardes) only to enable and empower them to fight their [Dutt 1980:327]. The minister for foreign affairs at the time,
battles of freedom and self-respect in their new lands (pardes) Atal Bihari Vajpayee, also declared that India would never
[Kumar 2001:70, 76]. disown overseas Indians, or fail to appreciate their loyalty to the

4010 Economic and Political Weekly September 20, 2003

motherland (ibid). Besides, government started sponsoring India was confronted with a balance of payments problem and
seminars on overseas Indians and declared that the Indian rising foreign debt. In this climate, India could hardly afford to
Council for Cultural Relations would get involved with overseas neglect its export performance and minimal participation in
Indians more fully. The separate cell within the ministry of international trade [Lakha 1994:213]. In 1991, India faced a huge
external affairs was also reviewed to better deal with overseas balance of payments crisis and the NRIs were looked upon as
Indians. Government also sponsored a meeting by the Friends a means to bail India out of its economic crisis and they had
of India Society International, which demanded a separate the duty to rescue their mother country [Lall 2001:169].
government department for overseas Indian affairs. Furthermore, Yet, the nation-state faced other than economic problems.
unofficially it sponsored organisations and newspapers among Under processes of globalisation a dialectic between the promo-
overseas Indian communities to build-up networks of support tion of identities and relations that span national borders was
and informal liaison. visible and renewed efforts on the part of the state to fortify a
Increasingly, (right wing) groups started opposing Nehruvian nationalist ideology were witnessed [cf Schiller 1997:159]. India
policies and called for sanctions against governments that was confronted with an increasing proliferation of subnational
squeeze Indians. Nehrus policy was felt to be confused, and transnational identities that could not be easily contained
erratic and apathetic (ibid:326). For long however the opposition in the nation state system as envisaged by Nehru and the Congress
could not change the official narrative of the nation in which Party. The Indian nation state had to come to terms with the new
India was a territory and only those who lived within its borders paradox that the growth and intensification of global intercon-
were truly Indian. For Nehru, the nation was a group settled in nection of economic processes, people, and ideas is accompanied
a place and the opposition regretted that, unfortunately, India by a resurgence in the politics of differentiation [cf Pries 1999:77].
had not been able to cash in on the sentiment among overseas Within India, subnationalism of all kind increased and the state
Indians. They complained that India had failed to create a faced difficulties to govern its populations and was confronted
climate in which overseas Indians can bring in their funds and by a increasing inability to form and discipline its subjects
repatriate them at will (ibid). Besides, the opposition lamented (Ibid:78). Consequently, the state started welcoming transnational
that among the overseas Indians there was a disdain for identities in order to combat subnational identities and finally,
India and there was no hope for economic relations with after more than 50-years, Indias forgotten children once again
permanent migrants. At best, they thought, there could be only became part of Indias foreign policy.19
cultural links with overseas Indians and India [Bahadur Singh Not surprisingly, like other nation states in danger, in the
1979:68]. Indeed, Congress maintained cultural ties through case of India too we can witness the simultaneous growth of
semi-government organisations like the Indian Council for globalising processes on the one hand and the pre-eminence of
Cultural Relations. At times religious-cultural missions or exclusive, bounded, essentialised nationalism on the other hand
language (read Hindi) teachers as well as cultural attaches were [cf Appadurai 1993 and Anderson 1992]. Within the new nar-
also sent to support Indians who had left. Yet, India clearly rative of the nation, some people were excluded and others
rejected its duty of looking after the politico-economic interests included as well as that identity was territorialised and tied to
of Indians who had acquired foreign citizenship [Mahajani 1976 the original place, i e, India. With the take over by the BJP
(1966):237]. coalition after two United Front coalitions, the narrative of the
Nevertheless, though the opposition could not create a cli- nation definitely changed as well as the perceived role of the
mate, during the early 1990s globalisation had changed the Indian diaspora in nation-building. Clearly, the Bharatiya Janata
climate in India in such a way that finally the Nehruvian view Party (BJP) had other plans with Mother Indias Children Abroad
on Overseas Indians made place for a new view on People than the previous governments. In an outline of its Foreign Policy
of Indian Origin. The change of coinage in itself signified a shift and Agenda for the Future (1995:6-7) it was stated:
back to the Gandhian view that had included the Indian diaspora A more meaningful support to Indians living abroad whenever
in the concept of the nation while simultaneously tying identity their basic human rights are violated is experienced from the BJP
with place. After 1990, the new narrative of the nation also by the people in India and outside, so that Uganda and Fiji
recounted however that groups settled in a place are not nec- experiences are not repeated. The BJP is fully alive to its respon-
essarily of it. In this way certain groups, such as religious sibility. The people of Indian origin living abroad are an asset,
minorities, could be defined as being outside the nation, whereas which the BJP would try to utilise to the fullest extent to foster
others, though actually living outside the nations borders could relations of friendship and cooperation between the countries of
be taken in [cf Brah 1996:4-5]. their residence and India. The BJP will seriously examine the
question of dual citizenship to NRIs.
PIOs in Narratives of Nation Even before BJP came to power, Indias present prime minister
Atal Bihari Vajpayee, was leader in the opposition in parliament
Economic liberalisation in India since the early 1980s had and also minister for external affairs in the Janata government
increasingly exposed the country to international economic forces, from 1977 to 1979. During his tenure he had continuously
paving the way for a closer articulation of the Indian economy emphasised BJPs different stance regarding the position of
with global capitalism. It involved progressive integration of the Indians living abroad (Ibid: preface) and his willingness to
economy into international networks of trade, investment and include some of them into the nation. During a seminar in 1977
finance. The important features of globalisation included the already, Vajpayee rejected Nehrus policy as, it will not be
acceleration and intensification of global capital movements and enough if India only exhorts its kin overseas to identify them-
the emergence of transnational corporations (TNCs) as major selves with the country of adoption. Vajpayee wanted to replay
players in the global economy. Indias status in international trade Gandhijis policy and thought that, every Indian community
had drastically declined during the post-independence period and overseas, whether rich or poor, needs to maintain contacts with

Economic and Political Weekly September 20, 2003 4011

India. Vajpayee had observed that there was, everywhere a or given different status, importance and privileges.21 Neverthe-
search for roots, for identity, a search for cultural sustenance less, the in 2002 newly appointed and somewhat controversial
and he offered that, India could well fulfil this immense desire. ambassador-at-large Bhisham K Agnihotri, hopes that there will
India also has the technical and educational facilities to extend be some unity and agreement on some issues and some com-
assistance to countries having Indian populations. Moreover, on monality among all the PIOs and NRIs wherever they are
their part, Indians in the developed and some parts of the under- (Hindustan Times, July 28, 2002). This veteran of the right wing
developed world have capital and know-how, which could help conservative Hindu organisation the Rashtriya Swayamsevak
Indias economic development. Vajpayee also supported an Sangh (RSS), might hope for some consensus on issues regarding
expansion of Indian missions overseas to help them realise their Hindu nationalism (Hindustan Times, August 24, 2001 and
distinctive Indian personality [Bahadur Singh 1979:13; 21; 23; Pakistan Newswire, August 24, 2001).22
24 and 33]. Linking up with transnational organisations such as the Global
Ever after, in the new environment, the nation state increasingly Organisation for People of Indian Origin, Agnihotri tries to
has started claiming its dispersed populations and has constructed construct a joint family consisting of those who stayed put, those
itself as a deterritorialised nation state. Though not openly who left and those transient.23 Besides, through the opening of
supporting any concept of a Greater India as this might disturb government offices, departments, funding to non-government
the loyalty of individuals to the countries in which they are settled organisations in and outside India24 , the establishment of re-
[Ibid:17], the state nevertheless likes to imagine the Indian nation search centres and academic institutions, the government wants
exist wherever emigrants are incorporated [cf Schiller, etc, in to highlight and promote the Indian diaspora. Moreover, a new
Pries 1999:78-79]. Of late, PIOs are referred to as the natural industrial policy is formulated in which FDI and augmentation
reserve for India and government is devising special policies of foreign exchange reserves have become part. New trade
to tap their potential (One India. One People 2002, vol 5, no policies are also designed and so-called PIO cards can be pur-
12, July, editorial). Besides, in some cases it is argued, India chased by some PIOs and will give holders certain privileges.
should also open its doors to those PIOs who are squeezed out In this way it is hoped that a durable framework is formed by
of other countries and have no other option than to return to which the strength of India will be the strength of Indian
Mother India. They would thence complete the full circle. diaspora, and the strength of the Indian diaspora will be the
For them, it would be safest in India and PIOs might realise strength of India (ARSP Bulletin 2002, July, vol 15, no 7).
that they are only truly capable of surviving in India [cf Gosine India therefore, trying hard at nation-building in order to avoid
1993:27]. Certainly, ever after BJP took over the Sangh parivar its demise25 and caught in the dialectics of deterritorialisation
has been calling the NRIs and PIOs. The Chennai declaration and reterritorialisation, has constructed itself as a deterritorialised
of the BJP includes a section on strengthening our mooring in nation state by including its selection of the Indian diaspora
our basic beliefs and the following paragraph reflects the sea in the new narrative of the nation (and by excluding others).26
change: Paradoxically however, in order to woo its diaspora efforts at
We believe that the vast community of NRIs and PIOs also deterritorialisation of the nation state are accompanied by the
constitute a part of the Great Indian Family. We should endeavour reinscription of identity onto the territory of the homeland [cf
to continually strengthen their social, cultural, economic and Gupta 1992]. PIOs are requested to return to India as transmigrants
emotional ties with their mother country. They are a rich reservoir and part of the global Indian family in order to support India.
of intellectual, managerial and entrepreneurial resources. The In return they are promised the benefits and protection an Indian
government should devise innovative schemes to facilitate the joint family can provide them.
investment of these resources for Indias all-round development
(quoted in Lall 2001:98).
The GoI looks for PIOs to act as Trojan Horses for Indias II
economic and political interests [Dutt 1980:314]. At the same Responses from Surinam27
time it is also realises that this policy can antagonise local As pointed out before, while Nehru held the opinion that
populations and raise suspicions of Indias policy towards coun- migrants should identify with their new homelands, he also
tries in which large numbers of overseas Indians are living. If believed that you can take a person out of India but you cannot
such is the case, PIOs will be liabilities rather than assets. India take India out of him. This leads to the question as of how to
therefore wants PIOs to think as members of two societies. determine if India is in a person. Is India in her if a woman wears
Whereas Nehru wanted overseas Indians to be immigrants, now a sari at a wedding party? Is India in them if people burn incense
they have to become transmigrants20 who will sustain simul- during a prayer meeting? If they are Hindu? If they watch
taneous multi-stranded relations that link together their societies Bollywood films? If they go searching for relatives in India? If
of origin and settlement [cf Schiller, etc, in Pries 1999: 73]. they now and then think of India? There are, evidently, no
The GoI on its part promises that instead of that nation state unequivocal answers to these questions. After all, is America
building would delimit and constrain the allegiances and loyalties in a Dutch if he eats hamburgers? Is Israel in him because his
of these transmigrants, it will do everything to forge a global Christian religion originates from there? Here we will use the
alliance (ibid). expression India connection instead and try to establish the
Yet, not all, from everywhere and for everything. Certain significance of India in terms of collective, ethnic and national
groups among the Indian diaspora seem to be more in demand identity formation for Hindustanis in Surinam.
than other groups. Clearly, the male Hindu Diaspora [cf If India connection is understood as the relation with India
Rukhmani 2001] in particular those in the richer western coun- or things of India, contemporary Surinamese Hindustanis
tries are more part of Mother India than other categories [cf definitely have an India connection. India figures, in one way
Dayal 2001:50-52]. Besides, certain countries are transgressed or the other, in the lives of most Surinamese Hindustanis.

4012 Economic and Political Weekly September 20, 2003

Bollywood films and movie songs are tremendously popular;28 where migration was common, returnees would meet few dif-
now and then students go to India for studies (languages, history, ficulties in terms of community acceptance. However, if they
dance, music);29 Indian pandits are invited to Surinam for religious were from areas where migration was unusual, they often faced
meetings and lectures; a wide range of Indian goods are imported; problems. Some needed to undergo cleansing rituals, others
people take courses in Hindi, yoga, Indian classical dance and were barred from the community all together. A number of such
music at the Indian Cultural Centre; affluent Hindustanis visit outcastes could, for example, be found in Calcutta, where they
India for holidays, pilgrimage or roots tourism, etc. The question were trying for another contract [De Klerk 1953:156].
arises as of what this India connection says about the emotional Banishment from the community was, however, not the only
bonds between Hindustanis and India. What does India, its people reason for second and third emigrations. Another, more important
and products mean to these Hindustanis? How do they relate to motivation was the inability of return migrants to get used to
the people of India, and to India as a national state? Do they the Indian life again. De Klerk illustrates this with a story of
consider themselves colours of the same Indian rainbow, or a migrant, who after return to his home village sat down on a
children of Mother India, as is suggested by Indian leadership? charpoy (local style bed) in front of his house one day, as he
Hereafter we will examine different aspects of the Surinam used to do in Surinam. A brahman, who saw him sitting there,
India connection in relation to identification, identity formation, beat the man on the head with his wooden sandal. Members of
and the politics of space from the viewpoint of members of the the mans caste were supposed to sit on the floor. The incident
Surinamese Hindustani community. First we will discuss the early made him realise that he no longer wanted to live in such
history of British Indian migration and settlement in Surinam. oppressing environment. As soon as he was able, he returned
Next we will demonstrate that, no matter how intricately linked to Surinam for good [ibid:157].
with India, metaphors such as children of Mother India, or the In the course of time, fewer and fewer contract labourers
Indian rainbow are inappropriate to describe contemporary returned to British India. More British Indians were born in
Surinamese Hindustani reflections on the Indian diaspora and Surinam and had never seen the country of their forefathers.
their own cultural and national identity. Since contacts with relatives in British India were so difficult
to maintain, family connections became non-existent as time
Dutch Surinam and British India went by. To our knowledge there are no Hindustani families today
who have maintained family relations since their migration. This
Of the first 537 immigrants who had the right to return in 1880, does not mean, however, that there are no relations between
only three decided to settle in Surinam [De Klerk 1953:162]. Hindustanis and their Indian relatives overseas. Although we do
For almost all of them, Surinam had been a temporary phase in not know any numbers, it seems that quite a lot of people have
their lives. They also must have found it very difficult, to stay searched for their relatives in India, in some cases successfully
in touch with their relatives during their contract period.30 Yet so. Since the high costs involved in such an expedition, the
the enormous distance between the two countries was no im- search for relatives has only been possible for well-off people.32
pediment to return to Bharat Mata, Mother India. Of the ap- We come back to this later. First we will discuss a matter
proximately 35,000 British Indians31 who migrated to Surinam closely related to the relationship with India and Surinam: the
between 1873 and 1916, one third (of the indentured labourers) issue of naming.
made use of their right of free passage to British India after
termination of their contract. Between 1878 and the end of 1926, From Coolies to Hindustanis
over 11,000 British Indians returned to India [ibid:159].
The wish to return to British India was particularly strong Present-day PIOs in Surinam and The Netherlands refer to
among the first batches of migrants. According to a Dutch themselves as Hindustanis (in Dutch: Hindoestanen or
protestant missionary report about Surinam, life was hard for the Hindostanen).33 It seems that this has not always been the case.
British Indians. They could not understand the languages, some Initially the British Indian contract labourers were simply known
food items vegetables and fruits were not available and they as coolies. Apparently people got so used to the word as a
hardly had any kind of family life. It also was tough to practise designation for British Indians that when the first migrants from
their religion as there were no holy places for worship, few the Dutch Indies arrived (in 1894) coolie typically referred to
spiritual leaders and priests and no holy streams to bathe [Steinberg the British Indians. During the first decades, everyone used
1933:275]. coolie, including the British Indians themselves, who had, ac-
According to De Klerk (1953) the most important reason for cording to De Klerk, no problems with the name. Free cultivators,
return was their homesickness. After all, at arrival in India the however, developed a preference for the name British Indian.
returnees usually expressed their satisfaction about the way they First, because Creoles used coolie in a derogatory way, and
had been treated in Surinam and explained that it was only a secondly, because it was intimately linked with unfree contract
strong yearning for their relatives in British India had induced labour. In the course of the first few decades of the 20th century
them to leave [De Klerk 1953:154]. Apparently the longing and the term Hindustani became more popular. With Indias
homesickness was so strong that British Indians were called the independence in 1947, when British Indian made no sense any
people of the great longing [de menschen van het groote longer, Hindustani became the common designation [De Klerk
heimwee]. The one who speaks to them in their own language, 1953:43-44].34
sings their songs, tells them of their fatherland, will find the way These changes coincided with a change in the legal status of
to their hearts [Steinberg 1933:275]. the contract labourers. Until 1927, all British Indians (including
The reconnection between the people who had stayed put in those who were born in Surinam) were officially identified as
British India and the ones who had left and now returned was aliens [vreemdelingen]. In 1927 the Dutch decided by law
by no means unambiguous. If migrants originated from regions that all people born from parents residing in Surinam (and other

Economic and Political Weekly September 20, 2003 4013

Dutch colonies) became Dutch subjects and received the same that they, although they are separated by thousands of miles, still
rights as Dutch citizens [ibid:185]. cherish a love for their native country. All without exception are
It seems likely that such legal change also had to do with the happy and satisfied and many are well-off in the country which
Dutch wanting the contract labourers to settle in Surinam. they have accepted as their new fatherland [quoted by De Klerk
In order to encourage them to stay, they offered them land 1953:174-75].
for free. Nevertheless, the number of labourers who stayed in A second example that indicates a general shift of focus are
Surinam was not quite as high as the Dutch desired. They tried some Hindustani reactions to the abolishment of indenture in
to increase the number by securing the right of free passage 1916. A number of Hindustanis did not quite agree with that
for settlers (earlier they would lose that right with acceptance British decision, either because they did not oppose to the system,
of the land) and by improving living conditions in Surinam or because they feared that the end of indenture would lead to
[ibid:162]. Slowly the number of free settlers did increase, a loosening of the India connection. In 1920, a group of Hindustanis
from 548 in 1895 to 5093 in 1913. De Klerk attributes the went all the way to India where they tried to influence public
change to these policy measures. Slowly, the emphasis of the opinion in order to allow a continuation of free migration to
Dutch had come to lie on settlement issues rather than immi- Surinam. They even met several British Indian opponents of
gration. This became particularly important when the British contract labour, including Mahatma Gandhi himself. This,
government abolished indenture in 1916, which meant the end however, to no avail [ibid:178-79].
of British Indian. Thirty years later, the newly founded Hindustani Javanese
At the time of Indias independence, British Indians had become central assembly (formed in 1945 as a committee of represen-
legal citizens of Surinam and Hindustanis by name. What does tatives from various Hindustani and Javanese socio-cultural and
this tell us about their cultural and national identification? How religious organisations) wrote in its first motion that in
did they relate to India? Do these changes indicate a slow process correspondence with their constitutional position of rights
of detachment from Bharat Mata? There seems to be no and duties, the Hindustanis wish to be fully considered as
unambiguous answer to these questions, as we will see hereafter. Surinamese citizens, who want to contribute to the best of
Even today, different Hindustanis feel connected with (or dis- their ability to the welfare of the entire Surinamese society. (..)
connected from) India in different ways and for different reasons. They strongly reject the personal viewpoint of some that they
While an increasing number of (former) British Indians had no would be strange intruders, for who one has to be on the alert
ambitions to return to India, for some their yearning remained. [ibid:204].
One informant told us that even after Surinams independence Each example shows clearly that, at the time of Indias inde-
in 1975, a number of Hindustanis still did not identify with the pendence, the Hindustanis had officially accepted Surinam as
Surinamese nation. their new motherland. This does not mean that ordinary
In 1947, this same informant (a 59 years-old teacher, living Hindustanis cultivators shared those sentiments, or that, for
in Paramaribo) remembers how Hindustanis celebrated Indias that matter, all influential community members shared that
independence and how they mourned Mahatma Gandhis death: point of view.
everyone cried loudly. He also recalls how people used to refer While some people clearly identified with Surinam, others still
to Bharat Mata, while speaking of (British) India. Yet, while many felt primarily Indian. Such differences in perspective clearly show
migrants from the Dutch Indies (commonly known as Javanese) from the following event. On April 18, 1948, the South African
returned home after Indonesias independence in 1949, Hindustanis Durai Swami Patthiappan held a lecture in Paramaribo. When
stayed put in Surinam after Indias independence. The man he stated that he was first and foremost Indian, and secondly
remembers that, when he was around the age of twelve, someone South African, some other PIOs agreed. Others however replied
returned from India with a hand written message from Jawaharlal that the situation was different in Surinam, where Hindustanis
Nehru stating that you have to create Bharat Mata there. Nehrus feel first and foremost Surinamese [ibid:205n80].
ideology concerning the overseas Indians was communicated all No matter how strongly one identified with India, at the time
the way to Surinam. of Indias independence, Surinam had become the country of
Official Hindustani viewpoints on their relationship with British permanent abode for the Hindustani community. Encouraged by
India and with Surinam show that already in the first half of the the Dutch government, the Nehruvian view on the Indian diaspora
20th century, Hindustanis increasingly looked upon Surinam as and the socio-cultural and political elite of the Hindustani
their country of permanent abode. Hereafter three examples to community itself, Surinam became the new motherland of the
illustrate these viewpoints: former British Indian contract labourers.
In 1913, a two-headed delegation was visiting a number of The question remains what this says about their socio-cultural,
British colonies to inspect the circumstances of indentured political and economic affinities with India, and how the process
labourers. The first Hindustani organisation, the Surinaamsche of rooting in Surinam affected ethnic and national identification
Britisch-Indirs-Bond (established on April 3, 1910) collected and sense of belonging. Hereafter we will discuss what India
thousands of signatures to encourage inclusion of Surinam in has come to mean for present day Hindustanis.
their inspection tour. They succeeded and the British Indian
delegation was invited to come to Surinam. It was, however, Better Off in Surinam
another, more progressive Hindustani organisation, the Surinaamse
Immigranten-Vereeniging (established one year later) who used The two-person delegation from British India that came to
the opportunity to make themselves known to a larger world. Surinam in 1913 to investigate the labour circumstances wrote
They asked the inspection team to send to the whole British in its final report that they were convinced that the majority of
Indian population our best wishes and carriers of the news that migrants were better off in Surinam than in India [De Klerk
their country men in Dutch Guyana are taken good care off and 1953:175-76]. This idea that the contract labourers, despite all

4014 Economic and Political Weekly September 20, 2003

their suffering, had exchanged a life of dire poverty for a life ancestry turned out to be the central ingredient of the India
of relative wealth, has continued to be an important theme in connection in all our interviews. Hindustanis feel there is a link
Hindustani perceptions of India. When Hindustanis talk about because their forefathers came from there. This does not mean
past experiences in India, future trips to India, or about reasons however, that Hindustanis are also Indians.
for not going there, poverty, overpopulation, and unhygienic
circumstances generally figure in their stories. Some informants Land of Ram and Sita
explicitly expressed their gratefulness to their forefathers, whose
migration saved them from poverty. In his poem, Narain uses a religious metaphor to describe the
The well-known Hindustani poet Jit Narain also unambigu- circumstances of the Indians. Religion is another important element
ously expresses gratefulness. In the following poem he thanks that connects many Hindustanis with India, often in a much more
his adji, grandmother, for staying in Surinam: positive manner. For example, according to a lecturer at the
Adji university of Paramaribo, the only link with India is Hinduism:
thanks for staying India is the land of Ram and Sita. The lecturer believes that for
at least untied that reason because their religion comes from there the
am I majority of Hindu Hindustanis would like to visit India.
from the curse of the gods Otherwise India is of no concern to Hindustanis, she thinks.
still resting on the Indian According to a successful businessman, Hindustanis think of
your initiative India as the land of Ram and Krishna. It therefore has to be a
tore folded hands open
and clenched fists in the struggle holy land. For the man himself it is also particularly religion that
for justice brings about the India connection. After all, spiritual food comes
I kneel down from there. Apart from religion, he feels connected through
at your feet, adji culture. This is, for example, why he tries both to promote
gratefully Hinduism and to create a positive image of India with his Hindu
not compelled broadcasting network. His channel is entirely devoted to Hin-
[translation by Ellen Bal]35 duism and Indian culture. He makes it a point to promote a
Here, Narain is very critical of India. By staying put in Surinam, positive picture of the country. No wild music shows, violent
his grandmother has saved him from the curse of the gods, still films or dramatic documentaries on his television network.
resting on the Indian. While this informant is eager to experience the real India is
One day we were invited for a small get-together of Hindustanis he also anxious to go. He knows the stories of the crowds, the
and one Indian, who is working for the Indian cultural centre dirt and the poverty. He told us how he plans to spend the nights
in Paramaribo. That morning we witnessed an interesting con- in five star hotels and travel around in a hired car with chauffeur
frontation about the issue of the Hindustani identity. One and guide. And he is not going to climb the thousand steps to
Hindustani made it very clear that while India is the native land see a temple. For that there will be a camera man.
of their ancestors, it certainly is not the land of the Hindustanis. The religious and spiritual significance of India also showed
Our question about the identity of Hindustanis led to a heated from frequent visits of Indian pandits and other spiritual leaders
debate between him and the Indian woman. When the Hindustani to Surinam. People explained how it is often felt that where
argued that India may think that Hindustanis are Indians, let them religious or spiritual leadership is concerned, Indians are gen-
first prove that, the Indian replied emotionally that: erally considered superior and more knowledgeable; the cradle
You must prove that you are not Indians! We cannot prove what of Hinduism and true knowledge of Hindu faith is in India. In
happened during thousands of years but we can prove what other words, when it comes to matters of Hindu religious faith
happened within the last 150 years. And thus are you Indians. and erudition authenticity is important.
Here it interesting to note that this perception of religious
The Indian woman reasoned that since Hindustanis are origi- authenticity is particularly important for members of the Sanatan
nally from India, they are Indians. The Hindustani saw this very Dharm denomination. It seems different for the Arya Samaj.
differently. He answered: One member of the Arya Samaj explained us that the central
Culturally I am Hindustani, nationally I am Surinamese. The principles of the Arya Samaj are universal. India, as a territory,
problem is that they claim that we are one of them. We were not has no special place in their faith. Their religion is not territorially
told that we were Indians. We were taught in school, much later. rooted. They have no birthplace of Ram and Sita or holy battle
Also that we were British Indians. grounds of the Mahabharath and Ramayan. This is not to say
The idea, that their cultural identity is Hindustani and their that Arya Samajis are not interested in visiting India, but land,
national identity Surinamese, was shared by all of our informants. or soil, does not figure in their religious belief as it does for
While India has different meanings for different people, everyone members of the Sanatan Dharm.36
agreed that Surinam is their motherland. If there is an India
connection, it is by no means based on a shared national identity Culture and Authenticity
with the Indians. Also striking is the statement that the problem
is that they claim we are one of them. While the Indian believes Do notions of superiority and authenticity of Indian soil
that Hindustanis are also Indians, the Hindustani clearly dis- also feature in Hindustani appreciation of religious or cultural
agrees. To his mind, Indian ancestry does not make a person products of India? In other words, are idols and other religious
Indian. Thus while the government of India includes Hindustanis products also considered more valuable? Do they need to be
in the Indian nation (as pointed out in the first part of our paper), authentically Indian? According to a high Indian official, cur-
Hindustanis include themselves in the nation of Surinam. Indian rently posted in Surinam, Indian religious products cannot be

Economic and Political Weekly September 20, 2003 4015

duplicated by other countries. They have to come from Uneasy Connections
India. Various Hindustani responses seem to indicate a different
opinion. During an informal visit to the Indian embassy in Paramaribo,
Indian products are obviously popular in Surinam. Stalls in the second man of the embassy explained why he could not grant
the central market and shops around the city sell various Indian us a formal interview. All such information would first need
goods, ranging from incense to idols to saris. These products formal approval of Delhi, which evidently was much too time
are part of Hindustani culture. During both cultural and religious consuming. During the same brief encounter, he did explain
celebrations, many women wear Indian garments and for reli- Indias importance for the Hindustanis. He said that while Surinam
gious festivities one Indian product to perform pujas. The question is closely linked with the Netherlands economically, as a con-
is whether such products are so important because they are of sequence of the eternal soul, the cultural ties with India would
India, because they represent Indian culture, or because they have always remain. Apparently these cultural ties are not left to soul
become elements of local Hindustani culture and derive their matters only, for the embassy also runs a small Indian cultural
meanings from localised practices. In other words, are Hindustanis centre, where they organise language courses (Hindi), classical
in need of authentic Indian products? music and dance, and yoga.
The owner of a Amrish store, Kries Ramkhelawan who is These activities seem quite popular. Hindustanis visit the ICC
also a well known singer, does not seem to think so. While he to attend various courses, all based on traditional Indian culture.
sells a variety of Indian cultural and religious products, which However, these attempts do not always meet approval of the local
he partly obtains from India, he tries, in fact, to encourage local Hindustanis. Several people complained that the ICC wants to
production. For example, he recently bought a cheap stack of stick to an Indian-oriented traditional culture, not adapted to the
Chinese bangles, had small ohm symbols affixed and turned them Surinamese environment. Others complain that they provide jobs
into Hindustani jewellery. They sold like hot cakes. Together we for Indians only and do not train Hindustanis to become inde-
visited a lady who owns a local pottery and produces the dias pendent teachers.
and other earthenware that he sells. And according to Jit Narain, Indias attempts to link up with
Ramkhelawan is also famous as a chutney, baithak gana and Surinam have been rather pointless. Narain stated that India may
qawali singer.37 He scored his first hit in 1975. Ramkhelawan have good intentions, but for us India is not interesting. India
has performed in various countries in the world, occasionally is not truly interested in languages. Here, they pass their time
together with Indian mega stars, but is particularly popular in and are being arrogant in ways that we do not like. India is our
the Caribbean. Ramkhelawan was trained in Surinam and al- world the other way around. Here, India is important for its pop
though he visited India once, for business purposes, he never culture and movie culture. It has been unable to affect the
went there for music purposes. Ramkhelawan is well known Surinamese with classical culture.
for his chutney music, a creolised music style based on Indian Much of the Hindustani critique of Indians had to do with
and Caribbean influences.38 He makes it a point to create his Indian arrogance. This generally applied to Indians who they
own compositions, in which he combines both Indian and had met outside of India (in other countries or Surinam itself).
Caribbean styles. One informant, a successful business man, told us about Indians
During a visit to the central market of Paramaribo, a Hindustani that when they are outside India, they are arrogant. To this he
salesman of Indian products explained how he places his orders added that I feel a better Indian than them. We have no caste
by fax, and how loads of Indian products are shipped to the system, and so on. I am more Hindustani than those gawks
Netherlands, and from there to Surinam. There is no need for (lummels). Surinam is not India.
him to go to India for business purposes. Moreover, such trips While the owner of the Hindu network told us about Indias
are far too expensive. The man would not mind visiting India, religious and spiritual importance, as we pointed out before, he
for a vacation, but never permanently. After all, those people added that Indias religious magnitude does not mean that Indians
do live differently. While his father used to go to India for also know more than Hindustanis. Many other Hindustani in-
business, these days the ties with India are through faxes, formants, too, made equalising remarks about the status of
nothing more. Hindustanis and Indians. They explicitly referred to the worth
About the Hindu idols he is also selling in his stall, he said of Hindustani culture or even tried to prove Hindustani supe-
that many of those are produced in Surinam itself. One of us riority. It soon became clear that the relations between Indians
went to visit the maker of a number of the statues, Roy Manoredh. and Hindustanis are by no means uncomplicated. On the one hand
Manoredh is an important sculptor of such idols in Surinam. He Hindustani Surinamese set themselves apart from other Surinamese
produces the religious figures in the absence of marble of ethnic communities by identity markers which are based on their
cement and plaster. Most often for Hindus but sometimes for Indian descent or on contemporary cultural attributes such as
Christians as well. He learned the art of sculpting by himself, Bollywood movies, Hindi pop, Indian dressing styles, etc. On
in Surinam. The statues form in his hands, as if by themselves. the other hand they distance themselves from Indians by stressing
His work is a way to make contact with god. In this sense his their distinct cultural development and national Surinamese
work is a religious activity in itself. Manoredh beliefs that, in identification. Despite their India connection, ideas of the
the end, there is really only one god. One that is not particularly Hindustanis about Indians were never entirely positive.
tied to India. It was interesting to note that at the time of the Another informant explained why the Hindustani Surinamese
visit, the sculptor was wearing Dutch wooden clogs. He explained has never accepted the Indian embassy. But what do they expect?
that these reminded him both of Holland and of India, where They focus on Hindus (while there are so many Muslims) and
people used to walk on wooden sandals too. The clogs symboli- even their peons feel superior.
cally connected him with the three central countries in his life: Narain was very outspoken about the Indians in Surinam:
Surinam, Netherlands and India. Here, Indians are only having holidays. They are being taken

4016 Economic and Political Weekly September 20, 2003

care of by rich Hindustanis. They cannot even clean their own its religious significance. The travel agent told us that he always
kitchens. The money that comes from India only goes to Indians. notices changes in the group when they are there. With this visit
It never reaches the Surinamese. to Rishikesh, the people fulfil their religious duty. Interestingly,
Other informants also criticised the Indian attempts to spread his India tours sell less goods than they sell 50 per cent less
Indian culture. Some told us that the Indian embassy is only than those which include countries such as Indonesia or Thailand.
interested in propagating traditional classical Indian culture and The travel agent feels strongly connected with India. Apart from
not interested in Hindustani art forms or other cultural expres- the fact that he goes there on a very regular basis, has searched
sions. Others complained that India does not invest sufficiently for his relatives and has an Indian guru, he is also member of
in the training of local art teachers, but instead sponsors their GOPIO, Surinam. He sympathises with the aims of GOPIO to
own people, leaving Hindustanis dependent on Indians. map the Indian diaspora and to connect the different commu-
nities. His interests are entirely cultural, not political. His national
Indian Experiences identification is evident. To the question whether he is an Indian
he answers: No, never in my life. I do not want to be one! He
In spite of their uneasy relation with Indians and India, many was born and raised in Surinam. His ties with India and his Indian
Hindustanis feel drawn to India and have the wish to visit the relatives are based on his sense of responsibility towards the
country. People come and go for various reasons: business country of his ancestors. Not because India is his own country.
purposes, roots tourism, pilgrimage, education, holidays. Since The second case is of a 59-year old Hindi and Sarnami teacher.
India and Surinam are separated by thousands of miles and Because of his interests in Hindi and his desire to write Surinamese
the fastest connection is via the Netherlands a visit to India textbooks (instead of the Indian ones, on which Hindi teachers
is too expensive for many Hindustanis. Nevertheless, despite the long depended), he decided to apply for an Indian scholarship.
distance and costs involved, Hindustani Surinamese do find their In 1985 this man went to India for one year. He had heard awful
ways to India. Hereafter we will shortly discuss the cases of two things about the country, that it was so poor, that there was no
Hindustanis who went to India, for two different reasons. The food. But when he got there he liked it so much that he did not
first person is the owner of a travel agency that also organises really want to return. The people were so beautiful and friendly
trips to India. He also went searching for his relatives and has and he got the opportunity to see so many places. And everywhere
a guru in India, who he visits on a yearly basis. The second person, people received him well.
a Hindi and Sarnami teacher, went to India for studies. While In Delhi, the teacher shared a flat with some Dutch Hindustanis.
both men feel closely connected to India and have had many They used to communicate with each other in Sarnami. One day,
positive experiences, their stories also reveal that their India an old man overheard their conversation and asked them why
connection does not lead to a national identification with the they had come from his homeland. They replied that they were
Indian nation. from Surinam, but he refused to believe them and called them
The travel agent went to India for the first time in 1967. He liars. He was so sure they were from his village. When they
then traced some relatives down in Nagpur region, Uttar Pradesh. explained they came from South America the old man started
His comments about one of his first acquaintances with an India crying. You have preserved our language so well. He wanted
reveal some general thoughts of Indians. He told us that strangely to take them to his village. Because of their exams, they never
enough, I met an honest Indian straight away. Apparently, went.
honesty is not a common Indian characteristic. Nevertheless, this Unfortunately, he could not fulfil his wish to visit his
person was very supportive with the search for his ancestors. grandfathers village. People from the university had advised him
In the local shoe shop of his grandfathers village, the man not to go. They had warned him that so many villagers would
met a family of namesakes. The villagers were acquainted with claim to be a relative. He then decided not to go but still cherishes
the stories of a couple of young men setting off for South America. the wish to visit his grandfathers village one day. While after
At the time of their migration, poverty was enormous and people 15 years, the teacher still misses India very much, he would not
knew about the five-year contracts, and about the possibility to like to settle there for good. Surinam is his country. We are
return back home afterwards. The travel agent spent four nights Surinamese. Our ancestors come from there, but that does not
in the village. It was an amazing experience. He was particularly mean that we are Indian.
surprised by the dominant position of the elderly women in the For both men, their experiences in India have been very positive.
extended family, since in Surinam, elderly men are generally most They feel connected with the country and they feel a desire to
influential. He also noticed the important role of the community: go back. The travel agent explicitly said that he feels a respon-
everyone has to accept one another and live together. Ever since sibility for the people of India. The teacher told us that he wants
that visit, he has been returning to India. Nowadays he goes there to teach Surinamese people about the good things he witnessed
four times a year. Once a year he visits his guru. in India. Nevertheless, their India connection does not make them
The organised tours to India of his travel agency last 13 days. Indian. Both men are very clear about their identity: Hindustani
These journeys include visits to Delhi, Rishikesh, Calcutta, Surinamese.
Varanasi, Chennai, Trivandrum, Goa and Bombay. Once they
also included Bihars capital Patna in a tour. This, however, was Conclusion
no success at all. Everyone wanted to leave the very same day.
Despite the fact that many contract labourers came from Bihar, January 9 was selected as the opening date of the forthcoming
Patna meant nothing to these tourists. They did not like it at all. Pravasi Bharatiya Diwas because Indias most famous NRI,
Chennai, on the other hand, is very popular, for its movie Mahatma Gandhi, had returned to India on this day after 21 years
industries. Rishikesh is another popular tourist destination. First, of stay in South Africa. Yet, whereas Gandhiji returned within
because it features in most Bollywood movies, and secondly, for the same life span, many of the PIOs who will be participating

Economic and Political Weekly September 20, 2003 4017

in the largest ever gathering of the global Indian family in January Netherlands in 1975 and lies on the north-central coast of South America
2003, will be returning after several generations. The Indian and is the smallest nation on the continent. It is bordered by Guyana
to the west, French Guyana to the east, and Brazil to the south. The
governments decision to woo these PIOs has been explained population is estimated at 420,000 in 1998 and PIOs, in Surinam known
as a response to globalisation that stimulated an Indian ideology as Hindustanis, constitute 34.2 per cent of the total population (Information
of transnational ethnic commonality among PIOs the world over and statistics available at the embassy of the Republic of Suriname in
[cf Tsuda 2001:56]. Our experiences in Surinam show, however, New Delhi).
that mutual criticism has already infested the India-Hindustani 4 Albeit in different ways, India followed in the footsteps of other countries
such as Greece, Italy, Haiti, Portugal, Hungary and China, which losing
relations. Our Hindustani informants were rather explicit about ground, turned towards the dynamic elements of the diaspora to save
both their admiration for and disapproval of Indians, and of the the nation [cf Huang; Guotu and Kyoko 1998; Prevelakis 1998 and Pries
contemporary Indian attempts to bring back the PIOs to their 1999].
motherland. The Indian perceptions of PIOs as children of mother 5 The title of this paper The Eternal Call of the Ganga is taken from
India, members of a global Indian family, or part of the same a book published by the All India Congress Committee in 1951 and refers
to a passage in which the following story was reiterated that, Only two
rainbow, do not always comply with notions of the self and years back, 300 aged Indians from British Guyana returned to India on
with the national identification of many members of the Hindustani the expiry of their employment contracts there, because as they themselves
elite of Surinam. More extensive research among other ordinary put it, they wanted to lay their bones on Indias sacred soil. The writer
Hindustanis, Muslims and women is needed, however, to be able, concluded that this was the eternal call of the Ganga! This elusive tie
to draw definite conclusions for the contemporary Hindustani will remain so long as Indians are what they are [Rajkumar 1951:37].
6 In Indian newspapers and magazines it is often argued that Indians are
community of Surinam. So far, it seems that there indeed is an found in almost all nations of the world. Interestingly, the total sum of
Indian connection, based on historical roots, religious connec- PIOs (including NRIs) quoted, varies widely, somewhere between eight
tions (in particular for Hindus), and cultural and linguistic simi- million and 22 million. Besides, these aggregates seem much bigger now
larities, but these PIOs are also successfully rooted, culturally, than two decades ago. Authors profess to quote official (Indian) figures.
economically, politically and nationally, in the nation of Surinam. We find the number of 20 million in May 2002 (India Today, 2002:58)
and 22 million in July 2002 (Hindustan Times, 28 July, 2002). In 2001,
We have tried to demonstrate therefore that actual ethnic there was an Indian diaspora of 20 million in 180 countries (Hindustan
encounters that occurred in Surinam did not trigger off ethnic Times, 5 November, 2001). The Hindustan Times of June 11, 2000
transnationalism among the Hindustanis in Surinam. Instead, the mentioned, people of Indian origin are spread over nearly 100 countries
latter group reacted negatively to perceived socio-cultural, his- and totalling 1.38 crore in 1993 (according to this government statistics,
torical and economic differences between the two groups and a core of them are foreign citizens). Scholars quote very different and
lower figures such as 11 million for the South Asian diaspora in 70
this strengthened their separate national identity as Surinamese countries [Paranjape 2001:1-2]. R K Jain (1993:2) writes that, In 1987,
(cf ibid). Very soon, however, the two will meet on Indian soil, south Asian people living outside Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Nepal
and hopes for mutual ethnic transnationalism are high. Yet, we and Sri Lanka totalled 8.6 million. R R Ramchandani of the Mumbai
should keep Parekh (1993:39) in mind who remarked: University in an unpublished paper presented in a National Workshop
in Hyderabad on India and the Indian diaspora: Linkages and Expectations
Unless they clarify and put their relations on a healthy and mutually (September 8-9, 2001) writes: There are around 15 million people of
beneficial basis, there is a grave danger that the long awaited reunion Indian origin (PIO) and non-resident Indians (NRIs) in some 130 countries
of the globally extended Indian family could break up in much outside India. Obviously, numbers depend on definitions of the Indian/
recrimination. As Indians should know, the joint family can turn Asian diaspora, NRIs, overseas Indians, or PIOs and on which countries
are included (and excluded). Certainly, the variety is also caused by the
into a veritable hell if the patterns of interaction between its
politics of numbers.
members are not clearly defined and charitably interpreted. EPW 7 Immigrants who were born in British India and settled in Surinam, as
well as their offspring, identified and are labelled as Hindustanis and
Address for correspondence: not as Indians or East Indians like those who settled in other colonies. 8 Indentured labour was also recruited from other regions such as
Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. Yet, most of the migrants
who landed up in Surinam were from the north-western provinces, Avadh
Notes and Bihar [McNeill 1915].
[This paper is a slightly revised version of a paper presented during the 17th 9 The issue of return migration after expiry of contract or indeed after
European Conference on Modern South Asian Studies in Heidelberg the abolition of the system of indenture is an important one and highlighted
(September 9-14, 2002). It is the first outcome of an ongoing research project in the bigger study of which this paper is a part. Here we can sustain,
(2001-2005) sponsored by the Netherlands Foundation for Research in however, with what Ron Ramdin (2000:152) wrote: There was little
Tropical Countries (WOTRO) entitled A Diaspora Coming Home? Overseas doubt that apart from the introduction in 1895 of the payment of a
Indians Reestablishing Links with India. This project is carried out by premium linked to commutation of the claim of a free passage, immigrants
Kathinka Sinha-Kerkhoff and her research assistant Alok Deo Singh (ADRI, who were either born in the colony or who had arrived in childhood,
Ranchi) and concentrates on PIOs in Mauritius, the Netherlands and Surinam. seldom wished to return. Yet, some among the first generation of
They are guided by Willem van Schendel (IISH, Amsterdam). Ellen Bal (Free indentured labourers thought their tenure was a temporary sojourn and
University Amsterdam) carries out research among PIOs in Netherlands and that after completion they would go back to their mother country.
in Surinam and works in close collaboration with Sinha-Kerkhoff. She Accordingly, they tried to save money as much as possible and remitted
received a travel grant from WOTRO to carry out fieldwork in Surinam. savings regularly. At times there was regular communication between
The researchers extend their thanks to WOTRO and to the International India and Surinam [Gautam 1995]. (See also the study by Mohapatra
Institute of Social History (IISH) in Amsterdam. The latter enabled Sinha- (1995) on those who returned to Calcutta.) By 1915, an estimated one
Kerkhoff to attend the conference in Heidelberg.] in three had decided to return [Ramdin 2000:152]. [See also Samaroo
1 While government documents speak of People of Indian Origin, others 10 Among Hindustanis different regional languages were used such as
at times name them Persons of Indian Origin. Bhojpuri, Hindi or Hindustani (Urdu), Avadhi, Braj, Pahari, Magahi,
2 Maithili, etc. Once in Surinam they also learned Dutch and some English
read_msg&folder=Inbox&file (27 December 2002). and slowly developed a new language, which during the 1970s became
3 In Dutch, Surinam is spelled and pronounced as Suriname. We here known as Sarnami [Gautam 2001).
prefer the spelling Surinam. Surinam achieved independence from the 11 Known as depot brotherhood (dipua bhai) [Gautam 1995:3].

4018 Economic and Political Weekly September 20, 2003

12 Known as ship brotherhood (jahazia bhai) [Gautam 1995:3]. speak a variant of the Bhojpuri Hindi dialect known as Sarnami
13 is frequently highlighted [Malik 1993:204].
read_msg&folder=Inbox&file (December 27, 2002). 22 Related to support to Hindu nationalism in Surinam, the Indian Council
14 During 2002 we have made two field trips to Surinam. The present paper for International Cooperation published an interesting article in their
only includes data collected during the first field trip. Among many others Mother India. Children Abroad Series on Surinam (vol V, January,
we, in particular like to thank Kries Ramkhelawan for the tremendous 1991:90-92). In the article by Beekransing Ramlallah entitled Overseas
help he extended. Indians What They Should Do it is stated that, the uplift of Hindus
15 Till 1927, Hindustanis were considered as aliens whether born or not should be given priority because they are most backward, divided,
in Surinam. Yet, in 1927 an immigration law was passed mandating oppressed, weak and less enlightened. They should be prompted to
that East Indians born in Surinam would be considered Dutch subjects innovate, work hard, save persevere, and dedicate their lives to the cause
[Orna 1999:123]. of national uplift. It is concluded that now there is a government in
16 Diaspora space (as distinct from the concept of diaspora) is inhabited India which is expected to show more concern about Hindus and overseas
not only by diasporic subjects, but equally by those who are constructed Indians values, should give more thought to them [ibid:94].
and represented as indigenous. As such, the concept of diaspora space 23 A pan-global organisation that seeks to bring together more than 18
foregrounds the entanglements of genealogies of dispersion with those of million people of Indian origin worldwide. GOPIO aims, among other
staying put, in both the sending country as well receiving things, to address the concerns of the PIOs in their countries of settlement
country (ies), it can be added [cf Brah 1996:16]. See also: Jayaram and to utilise the expertise of Indian expatriates for the benefit of people
(1998:46-63). in India and the countries where the PIOs are settled (Frontline, 1999,
17 In the first phase beginning in 1834, the majority of emigrants were vol 16, no 23, November 6-19). The GOPIO also has a Suriname
recruited in the hill coolie districts of Chota Nagpur division and some chapter, which was established on March 7, 2000 as a non partisan,
other districts of the Bengal Presidency. Yet, soon recruiting areas were non sectarian organisation. In framing its constitution, duly account
pushed westward into the Hindi-speaking zones of Bihar and eastern was taken that Suriname is a multi-ethnic, multi-cultural and multi-
Uttar Pradesh also part of the Bengal Presidency. From the early 1870s language society, where all groups live together peacefully, interact and
till the end of the indenture emigration, eastern UP remained the leading work together in a constructive way. It will, endeavour to promote the
recruiting area in northern India [Tinker 1974 in Jain 1989:161]. interests and well-being of the Surinamese people as a whole and the
18 It is interesting to mention that in 1921 the British Indian community people of Indian origin (PIO) in particular (Nandoe, 2001. In: GOPIO
in Surinam had sent a delegation to India to see whether emigration could Souvenir, 6th International Convention, January 6-7, ARSP, New
be started again in one way or another. Some scholars therefore wondered Delhi: 40).
therefore whether nationalists had asked for abolition of the indenture 24 One such important NGO in India is the Antar Rashtriya Sahayog
system only to satisfy the nationalist feelings of the Indian bourgeoisie Parishad (ARSP) (Indian Council for International Cooperation) which
in India without understanding the needs of those who left. [Emmer closely works together with the GOPIO in organising academic seminars,
1986:203 and 204]. business meetings and conventions. Sinha-Kerkhoff and Alok Singh
19 See also: Anirudha Gupta, 1972, Indias Overseas Children in Third herewith express their sincere thanks to its secretary general Baleshwar
World (London), November, vol 1, no 3. Agrawal who never lingers in providing extensive help in our research.
20 Transmigrants are immigrants whose daily lives depend on multiple and 25 See also: S Sassen 1996, Losing Control? Sovereignty in an Age of
constant interconnections across international borders and whose public Globalisation, New York Columbia University Press.
identities are configured in relationship to more than one nation state 26 Within India there are some fears. Sadanand A Shetty for instance
(Schiller in Pries 1999:73). comments on some of the recommendations made by the high level
21 Definitions of PIOs are dissimilar in different contexts. As far as matters committee on the Indian Diaspora (HLCID) concerning special single
regarding the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA) of 1999 are window clearances for NRIs and to dual citizenship. He agrees that
concerned for instance PIOs are defined as citizens of any country other there is no doubt that Indians settled abroad need to be drawn into a
than Bangladesh or Pakistan, if (a) he at any time held Indian passport; constructive link with their country of origin yet is questioned, how
or (b) he or either of his parents or any of his grand-parents was citizen can this be done in a way that is beneficial to both Indians and NRIs
of India by virtue of the Constitution of India or Citizenship Act, 1955 without having to compromise Indias basic interests? Moreover, he
(57 of 1955); or (c) the person is a spouse of an Indian citizen or a person felt that dual citizenship to only Indians abroad would go against the
to in sub-clause (a) or (b) (Puri and Malhotra 2001:11) The FEM basic premise of the Indian Constitution that all citizens enjoy equal
(Investment in Firm or Proprietary Concern in India) Regulations 2000, rights. Further he felt that, the provision in the report that only those
also excludes citizens of Sri Lanka from the definition of PIO and the from US, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand are to be favoured
FEM (Acquisition and Transfer of Immovable Property in India) seems to be discriminatory. He warned that, the government need to
Regulations 2000, excludes citizens of Afghanistan, China, Iran, Nepal seriously work on those provisions that reek of elitism or which are not
or Bhutan besides Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, from the definition in consonance with the basic tenets of Indian democracy (in One India.
of PIO (ibid). Similarly, the GoI has recently announced it will provide One People, vol 5, no 12, July 2002, editorial). See also in the same
PIOs with Indian nationality while keeping another. Yet, dual nationality issue the article by P M Kamath, who warned that one should look beyond
will not be accorded to all as the HLC recommend that, dual citizenship economic benefits and felt that contacts with the PIOs should be spread
should be permitted for members of the Indian diaspora who satisfy the out rather than limit them to a few rich countries. They should be related
conditions and criteria laid down in the legislation to be enacted to amend to cultural and political contacts as well. Yet, he warned that these
the relevant sections of Citizenship Act, 1955 (All details concerning contacts could play negative roles as well (Ibid:40).
new policies and government schemes are discussed in the recently 27 This part of the paper deals with past and present reactions from Surinam.
published 600 page report of the HLC. It also includes a special chapter The historical information is mostly based on one of the two books on
on Surinam and the Netherlands: report of the high level committee on Hindus in Surinam published in the early 1950s by the father redemptorist
the Indian Diaspora, Indian Council of World Affairs, 2001, New Delhi). C J M de Klerk (1953). During our stay in Paramaribo (Surinam) we
Though Hindustanis are at times left out of the Indian nation, in matters carried out several interviews and had informal conversations with
of culture for instance they are considered to be real PIOs. In this Hindustanis from various backgrounds. We also visited the districts of
regard, the HLC recommends for instance that, Special measures should Saramacca and Nickerie, where many Hindustanis are living, and attended
be designed to recognise and highlight the achievements of Indias French some cultural events. Most interviews were with leading figures in the
and Dutch speaking diaspora (Report of the HLC on Indian Diaspora:412). Surinamese-Hindustani community mostly well-off, higher educated,
India has other plans with Surinam too such as the establishment of Indo- Hindu men. Our material is therefore too limited to draw conclusions
Surinamese joint ventures, a mechanism to trace the Indian roots of the about Surinamese Hindustani perceptions of India. It does, however, give
PIOs, to start an Indo-Suriname Brothership Society and the establishment an interesting insight in how members of the political, economic, religious
of a Hindi chair at the University of Surinam (see Report of the HLC:226). and cultural elite relate to and reflect on India and on what is from
Besides, though Surinam does often not even figure in PIO maps (see India (goods, people, ideas, etc).
for instance in: India Today, May 20, 2002, 58-59), the fact that in 28 De Klerk already commented in the early 1950s that the most important
Surinam East Indians constitute 38 per cent of the population and still cultural activity for Hindustanis was watching movies. Indian films are

Economic and Political Weekly September 20, 2003 4019

most popular. Most films are distributed by Bombay Pictures, based in voor recht/Ik buig neer/Voor jouw voeten, adji/als dank/niet als plicht.
Bombay (215). http://www.
29 We heard of several people who had spent time in India while studying 36 This might also be true for Muslim and Christian Hindustanis. We are
its languages or philosophy. In the De Klerks days, however, Indian still to examine these themes.
universities were not popular at all. De Klerk found only one case of 37 Like the condiment, chutney music and dancing are hot and spicy
a Hindustani visiting India for study purposes (in 1948). This person, hence the name. For many years chutney and chutney-soca have been
Kanhai, returned to Surinam with a BA in Hindi [De Klerk:202]. Many making waves in Trinidad, Guyana and Surinam, among the Indo-
have since followed Kanhai. Several Hindustanis, either in The Netherlands Caribbean communities in New York, Toronto, as well as London and
or in India itself studied Hindi or Indology (old-fashioned indication Holland. Chutney is the latest genre of popular Caribean music that is
for classical Indian culture, languages and philosophy). set to make an impact on the international music scene. (...) However,
30 It is interesting to note that since 1896, the immigration department took chutney music is not something new. East Indian folk-songs crossed the
care of the correspondence of contract labourers [De Klerk:133]. seas more than 150 years ago when indentured labourers from the United
31 This number includes some 2,500 free settlers from British Guyana who Provinces, Bihar and the Gangetic Plains were induced (by the British)
settled on a permanent basis in Surinam. See: http://www. to work in the Caribbean sugar industry after the abolition of slavery. (...) Solely women originally performed chutney songs and dance. They
32 This search for roots seems more common among Dutch Hindustanis. sang a variety of folk songs to celebrate a wedding on the previous Friday
They are generally more well to do and the distance between The night (Maticoor is similar to a hen night), or the birth of a child,
Netherlands and India is much less than between India and Surinam. celebrated 12 days afterwards (Barahee), and other festive occasions.
For an interesting account of root tourism see: Hira (2000). Some of the words sung to the bride-to-be were of a risqu nature and
33 Since the 1970s Hindustanis have debated about the way their name bore some resemblance to the double-entendres of calypso. The lyrics
should be written in Dutch. Some prefer to leave out the o in the spelling, were traditionally sung in Bhojpuri, Hindi and Urdu. Chutney music
for they feel that the name Hindoestanen suggest it only includes Hindus instrumentation consisted of a harmonium for melody, a dholak (hand
(Dutch: Hindoes). Others are of the opinion that Hindoestanen comes drum), a dhantal (a long metal rod, a Trinidadian invention) for rhythm
from the part of India called Hindustan (Dutch: Hindoestan). De Klerk and the lotah (brass cups). Tassa drums were added later. Over the
uses the word Hindostan. He comments that that a Hindu (Dutch: Hindoe) years the music has been transformed with the addition of Indian film
is a Hindustani (Dutch: Hindostaan), who follows Hinduism (Dutch: music. Men became involved and started to sing chutney songs as well.
Hindoesme). [De Klerk:43-44] In the late 1960s, chutney artistes began adding/mixing calypso rhythms
34 Officially they received Nederlands onderdaanschap, which differs to their compositions. (...) Afro-Trinidadian artists have started singing
from het Nederlanderschap, Dutch citizenship [De Klerk:185]. chutney-soca too, which has helped bring the communities and cultures
35 The original poem is in Dutch: Adji/Bedankt dat je bleef/Op zn together more successfully than have the politicians.
minst bevrijd/ben ik/van de vloek der goden/die nog op de indier rust/ ccx/leisure/entertainment/story1
Jouw aanzet/reet gevouwen handen open/en balde vuisten in de strijd/ 38


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4020 Economic and Political Weekly September 20, 2003

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Economic and Political Weekly September 20, 2003 4021

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