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1.1 Background
Soekarno-Hatta International Airport is currently deemed as one of the
fastest developing airports in the world, in terms of passengers it serves annually.
According to the latest data published by Airport Council International (ACI),
passengers movement in Soekarno Hatta International Airport has rapidly been
increasing from 32 million passengers in 2008 to 59.7 million passengers in 2013,
ranks it as the 10th busiest airport in the world (by passenger traffic), beating
Hongkong International Airport and Changi Airport in Singapore. This very huge
number of passenger traffic far exceeds Soekarno-Hatta International Airports
existing capacity, which could only accommodate approximately 22 million
passengers per annum. Consequently, one of the main problems arises from this
condition is high density problem in passenger terminals of Soekarno-Hatta
International Airport.
Presently being the biggest international airport in Indonesia, Soekarno-
Hatta International Airport acts as the main access gate for foreigners to various
political, social-cultural, economic, and tourism aspects in Indonesia. It is an
absolute necessity to provide the best service possible for the passengers to
guarantee their comfort. In technical viewpoint, this optimum service could be
accomplished by ensuring sufficient capacity and quality of terminal building
along with its supporting facilities inside. Therefore, analysis and evaluation of
terminal building capacity are essential to be conducted for each terminal in order
to identify the existing condition and to measure how extensive the development
and revitalization required for every terminal are.
Considering overcapacity problem in Soekarno-Hatta International Airport
nowadays, PT. Angkasa Pura II as the operator of this airport proposes a master
plan called the Grand Design to increase the airport capacity up to 62 million
passengers per year. Besides the development of Terminal 3, this Grand Design
also involves the revitalization plan for all terminals, including Terminal 2.


Terminal 2, which presently serves both domestic and international flight,

is planned to be expanded so that its capacity will increase from 9 million
passengers to 19 million passengers annually. It is imperative to undertake
appropriate revitalization strategy for Terminal 2 so that the Grand Design targets
could be achieved. Therefore, evaluation and detailed analysis on
projected/forecasted capability of Terminal 2 to handle passenger movement is
also necessary to be conducted in order to ensure that the revitalization action
could accommodate passenger traffic until the envisioned time in the future.

1.2 Problem Identification

In accordance with aforementioned background, there are several
problems that would be discussed in this bachelor thesis. Those problems are
expressed in following questions;
1. How big is the passenger traffic in Terminal 2 Soekarno-Hatta International
Airport at the peak hour?
2. Is existing Terminal 2 area still able to accommodate passenger movement at
the peak hour?
3. How large is the area required in Terminal 2 to accommodate current
passenger movement and predicted passenger traffic in subsequent 10 years?
4. Are existing facilities in Terminal 2 still capable to give proper services for
the passengers?
5. What is the required size and quantity of each facility in Terminal 2 area for
both existing condition and forecasted traffic?
6. How should the revitalization plan of Terminal 2 be executed?

1.3 Research Objectives

This research was conducted to achieve following objectives;
1. To identify the number of passengers at peak-hour in both domestic and
international area of Terminal 2 Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.
2. To analyze the required overall Terminal 2 area based on several available
methods so that assessment of current existing area could be performed.

3. To calculate the requirement of spaces and quantity of Terminal 2 facilities

and to conduct evaluation on existing facilities.
4. To evaluate existing Terminal 2 overall space and facilities based on the
results of required overall terminal area and required terminal facilities.
5. To predict passengers traffic that will be served by Terminal 2 in the future.
6. To calculate the required overall Terminal 2 area and required Terminal 2
facilities in the future.

1.4 Research Benefits

Below are some benefits that could be obtained from the results of this
research/evaluation of existing Terminal 2;
1. To improve the knowledge of airport terminal area planning and evaluation.
2. To comprehend the details of airport terminal area and facilities spaces
3. To compare the results of various methods in calculating required terminal
area and required terminal facilities.
4. To obtain the big picture of future Terminal 2 condition in handling
passenger traffic.
5. As a reference for the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport manager to
perform appropriate development strategy for Terminal 2.

1.5 Problem Limitations

There were several problem limitations in conducting this research. Those
limitations included;
1. Primary data were obtained from direct observation in Terminal 2 Soekarno-
Hatta International Airport.
2. Secondary data were acquired from PT. Angkasa Pura II and other reliable
3. Terminal space/area requirement analysis and evaluation were conducted for
Terminal 2 Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.
4. Methods used in overall terminal area requirement calculations were FAA-
Ashford, FAA-Horonjeff and JICA methods.

5. Methods used in the calculation of required terminal facilities (spaces) were

FAA and IATA methods.
6. Forecast calculations were done for 10 years afterwards (2014-2023) by using
trend line projection that was produced from 2009-2013 passenger movement

1.6 Research Originality

Some studies regarding airport terminal had previously been done before.
Several closely related researches that writer could find were; a). The Capacity
and Circulation of Passenger Terminal Building in Regional Airport (Case Study:
Minangkabau and Adisutjipto International Airports of Indonesia) by Defiani,
A.,2011; b). Evaluasi Kapasitas Terminal 3 Penumpang Bandar Udara
Internasional Soekarno Hatta by Lutfi, M.I., 2013; and c). Analysis of
Passenger Terminal Capacity in Adi Soemarmo International Aiport, Boyolali,
Central Java Province by Sofiati, N.F., 2013. Those 3 researches shared the same
theme of airport terminal capacity. However, there are also various differences
that make them distinctive from one another. Following are the summaries of
each of those researches.
Defiani (2011) conducted a research about capacity and flow inside
terminal buildings in two regional airports in Indonesia: Minangkabau and
Adisutjipto International Airports. The analyses were carried out using the
formulae from Japan International Cooperation Agency Directorate General
Civil Aviation of Indonesia (JICA-DGCA) studies in 1996 for significant areas in
the terminal building. Besides, Ashford and Wright formulae were also used for
calculating aircraft movement per hour. The calculation of 10-year passenger
growth was also done and the forecast showed that saturation in domestic
departure would happen in the near 2020 for both airports, especially on
passengers handling areas such as boarding lounge (departure) and baggage
claim area (for arrival). Defiani (2011) further proposed some ideas to overcome
the problem related to increasing capacity by adding areas (if possible) and
changing layouts.

Sofiati (2013) carried out capacity analysis of Adisoemarmo International

Airport by using JICA formulae for calculating airport terminal capacity and
IATA formulae to evaluate the existing passenger terminal facilities. The results
showed that domestic terminal of Adi Soemarmo Airport had already faced the
saturated condition in 2013 while the international terminal would not face the
saturated condition until following 20 years. Based on IATA method analysis
conducted, 8 facilities out of 19 facilities in domestic terminal and 14 facilities out
of 19 facilities in international terminal had fulfilled IATA requirements.
Lutfi (2013) evaluated the capacity and calculated the required Terminal 3
area of Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. The evaluation and calculation were
done by using JICA and IATA methods. In order to forecast passenger
movement, Lutfi (2013) utilized metode persen kenaikan rerata (average growth
percentage method). The evaluation result by using JICA method showed that
existing terminal area of Terminal 3 SHIA was still able to serve passenger
movement in 2013. According to IATA method, several facilities were not able
to serve passenger movement in busy hour. Those facilities included; departure
and arrival curb, departure lobby, check-in counter, departure passport check,
baggage claim area and baggage claim devices. Based on forecasted passenger
movement by constant growth of 10.56 %, Terminal 3 was predicted to
experience overcapacity in 2019.
The main differences between those previous studies and this bachelor
thesis are; the object of research/evaluation, the methods used in calculating
required overall terminal area and the methods used in calculating required
terminal facilities. In this bachelor thesis, the object of evaluation is Terminal 2
Soekarno-Hatta International Airport. The methods used in the calculation of
required terminal area are Ashford, Horonjeff and JICA method while in
aforementioned previous studies, the method used was only JICA method. In
calculating the requirement of terminal facilities, this bachelor thesis also
incorporates FAA (1988) method, the method that was not employed in
aforementioned studies.

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